I, the dragon man!

Chapter 338 Who will be the captain?


Hearing Gao Wen's explanation, Lei Li's eyes were filled with a little helplessness.

"Thirteen teams, this model is indeed very suitable for today's sea.

However, in the final analysis, this model is still more suitable for pirates. For example, Newgate's pirate group currently has fourteen teams, and this number may continue to increase in the future.

All in all, this model can indeed make certain divisions for cadres on the basis of maintaining the basic equality of cadres.

However, such an ambiguous classification still fails to solve the problem of seniority among cadres.

For the pirate group, it is not necessarily necessary to distinguish between high and low. The pirate group has always advertised free will, and they can do whatever they want.

But for us, we need more detailed and perfect rules, don't we? "

After the words fell, Raleigh shook his head lightly.

"So, Gao Wen, we'd better think of another way."

"not necessarily!"

On the side, Gao Wen also shook his head in the face of Mr. Rayleigh's worry.

While shaking his head, he added to explain to Rayleigh.

"As you said before, the reason why we have to divide the cadres is because we need to establish the basic command authority for the appropriate cadres when the cadres leave me to carry out combined operations, so as to avoid the cadres from temporary cooperation. contradiction.

All in all, we need to allow the cadres to immediately determine who will be the leader when they cooperate suddenly on any occasion!
The core of this problem, on the one hand, is indeed the priority of the cadres.

On the other hand, this problem can also be solved by starting from the different environments in which cadres live and using reverse thinking.

That is to say, I don't have to assign high and low points for the cadres, I just need to let them know what they should do, and what action needs to be done most!
In short, use fan teams to divide different functions, and use different functions to deal with different environments!

For example, I plan to set the fourth division as a medical division. In this way, when faced with medical cooperation tasks, the leader of the medical division has the right to take over the command work of all divisions!

Or, I plan to set the [-]th squad as a pure combat squad.

In this way, in the cooperative mission with combat as the core, the captain of the squad can naturally take over the command work of all cadres in the current environment! "

After the words were finished, Gao Wen raised his right hand and gently rubbed his temples with his fingers.

While dawdling, he said with a smile.

"Such an arrangement can guarantee the equality of the cadres and at the same time ensure that the cadres will not face the situation where there are many people fighting each other during the teamwork.

First of all, set a certain threshold for the strength of the captains and vice-captains of each team, and then use functions to take over the rights, so that the cooperation issues of each team can be reasonably arranged.

In short, before our stalls spread all over the world, such a system can basically guarantee the vitality and regulation of our team.

Rayleigh, what do you think? "

Speaking of this, Gawain looked expectantly at Lei Li, and Lei Li frowned for a moment, then said softly.

"Is the division of functions used to determine the highest command authority in the face of different objectives?

Such a model is indeed rarely seen on the sea.

After all, in our sea, no matter the navy or the pirates, the stronger one means more.

However, I always feel that your method... looks familiar? "

Lei Li tilted his head slightly, trying to recall where his sense of familiarity came from. While he was recalling, Gawain said to Lei Li with a smile after understanding a little.

"Before you said you were familiar with it, I really didn't think of it.

This method of using authority to divide the right to speak to ensure equality within the team seems to be the core method for the five old stars to maintain unity.

No wonder you feel familiar, because although my five seniors are famous, they rarely appear in your world. "

After finishing speaking, Gao Wen picked up a glass of wine and drank it in thought.

Now, in his opinion, this classification model within Wulaoxing is really a simple and easy-to-use system.

While Gawain was thinking further, Raleigh pushed his glasses and continued to ask.


Is it closer to Wulaoxing?
No wonder you can come up with this method, those people are your predecessors, and you also have instincts that you can see and hear.

So, tell me about the respective functions of the thirteen teams you set up, how about it? "

After speaking, Raleigh looked expectantly at Gao Wen.

Faced with Lei Li's gaze, Gawain wanted to wave his hands, telling Lei Li that he had never been influenced by the Five Old Stars.

I just borrowed the experience of a certain old man who is number one in the world.

But he didn't say much after all, but continued to explain to Raleigh after nodding in agreement.

"of course can."

Seeing Gawain stretch out his hand behind him, Kalifa immediately went to the side to pick up the drawing board that Gawain often used, and handed it to Gawain.

Holding a pen and paper, Gao Wen wrote down what he said while speaking.

I saw him speaking gently and calmly.

"First of all, I must emphasize once again that among the captains of the thirteen squads, there is no distinction between high and low in terms of authority.

In my eyes, the first team is not special, and the thirteenth team is not humble. All differences are just differences in responsibilities.

However, I can't change the attitude of the world. Maybe the first team is not superior to others, but people will inevitably look at the first team differently.

Therefore, in my plan, the role of the first team is to replace me! "

Having said that, Gao Wen tapped his leg with his fingers, such a slight movement helped him to think.

On the other side, Lei Li frowned even more when he heard this, because he didn't think, nor hoped that anyone or a team could replace Gao Wen's role!
Looking at the expression of old man Raleigh, Gawain naturally knew what he was thinking, so Gawain shook his head and continued to explain.

"Don't look at me like that, old man, I don't really have any idea of ​​a team replacing me.

It's just that I feel that my future may not be able to appear in every collective action we carry out as it is now, and my orders cannot be carried out every moment of every battlefield.

And not every one of our actions has a series of clear enough action goals such as medical treatment, rescue, espionage, and assassination.

In short, the existence of a team is a kind of insurance that I have established for our team. The existence of this team is to convey my orders on occasions where I cannot reach, or to replace me in temporary and indispensable emergencies. Order.

I want to let the first team become a chain linking the other twelve teams, and let this chain link and strengthen the connection between the major teams for me.

Therefore, the captain of the first team must, on the basis of ensuring strength, have enough qualifications to convince most of the captains! "

After finishing speaking, Gawain patted Lei Li's shoulder lightly.

"Old man, you must have heard that, in some respects, the first team is actually the position of vice captain that you have been performing all along.

It’s just that we now have more and more personnel, and we really need a clearer organizational structure. The simple division of duties on board, such as chief mate and bosun, is no longer enough for our team to operate benignly. "

After speaking, Gawain brought up a glass of wine and made a toast to Lei Li.

Rayleigh nodded while drinking.

"Sure enough, I still can't escape the busy work, hey, the old man is really tired of his reputation!

Listen to what you mean, the old man still needs to select some of the current Black Ice Terrace soldiers on board and appoint them to form the basic structure of a team.

Hey, if you just do some work as the deputy captain, it will be the same as now, but if it needs to be formal enough, the old man will find it troublesome when he thinks about it! "

After the words were finished, Lei Li put down the cup depressedly, and then he squinted and looked at the distance while sitting cross-legged and practicing with a smile.

"On our ship, there is indeed no one whose qualifications can compare with the old man. Although the old man is no longer an opponent of Yixiao or Gion, the experience with the old captain Roger has made me a lot more legendary.

Can't escape, can't escape.

But in my opinion, I don't need to sit for too long, nor should I sit for too long.

As long as Yixiao stays on the boat long enough, then with his strength, he will naturally have qualifications similar to the old man.

No matter how you plan to arrange Brother Yixiao, he can completely replace me in the future, and let me, an old guy, have less trouble. "

Raleigh shrugged helplessly, then he looked at Gawain again.

"I've already learned about the team, so go ahead, Captain."

"it is good."

Gawain nodded and continued,
"The second team, I hope it will become a secret organization that focuses on external assassination and internal picketing. Compared with the universality of the Black Ice Platform, I think the newcomers and low-level soldiers in the Black Ice Platform need a sufficient motivation." They are the source of power to keep going up.

They need a dream! "

Gao Wen frowned and rubbed his forehead, feeling regretful while rubbing.

"I have to admit that those soldiers who have been manipulated by the five old stars with their blood and beliefs do have considerable motivation to support them into the endless hell.

But what I want to change and overthrow is precisely that kind of system, so I don't want to use mere bragging and brainwashing to control members of secret agencies such as killers.

Therefore, I will give the best soldiers in the black ice platform a clearer path to rise.

In this way, the existence of the covert operation team...that is, the second team can put enough expectations and persistence into the hearts of hard-working assassins for me.

Of course, there will be a follow-up team that focuses on espionage and information, and those hard-working spies and undercover agents can also find ways to advance.

In this way, such a system can gradually spread the rule in my mind that the mediocre goes down and the capable goes up. "

"I see, let the secret agency become the second team, and at the same time boost the morale of the secret agency.

Because even if you emphasize that there is no high or low between the divisions, it will not change the instinctive practice of the peripheral members and civilians all over the world to arrange the thirteen divisions numerically.

If you can properly arrange the process of being promoted from the Black Ice Platform to the secret organization of the Second Division from the perspective of ability theory.

In this way, the views of equality and hard work and the supremacy of strength will be conveyed naturally.

At the same time, the differences in blood, life experience and wealth can also be naturally put aside by us, right? "

When asked here, Raleigh did not wait for Gao Wen's answer, instead, he continued talking to himself.

"So, Captain, at this age, you not only have the ambition and the arrogance to match it, but you also have mastered the tendency of human nature and rules.

Other than that, there's a part of philosophy involved here, lol.

You, you, really make me doubt your age, or the education you have received in the past.

I really can't understand, without basic thinking about the world view, how did you have a high-level vision that spans qualifications without going to sea for personal experience? "

Lei Li took a deep breath appreciatively, took another sip from his wine glass, and when he put down the wine glass, Lei Li laughed himself.

"That's why I often say that some people are really suitable for certain things.

Politics, at least for you, seems more of an instinct than something serious to learn and master.

In short, who do you think will be the captain of the second squad?
Lucci or Shileu?

If it is Lu Qi, his strength is not enough, at least he has to reach the average level of Qi Wuhai, what do you think? "


Gawain nodded.

"Shiliu has other uses, and Lu Qi's strength is indeed insufficient.

But fortunately, everything is just our plan, Lu Qi and our plan still have time to continue to improve.

In short, while Lu Qi is serving as the captain of the Black Ice Terrace, he also serves as the captain of the second team across levels, that is, the captain of the secret maneuver. I think he is very suitable for this position. "


Rayleigh nodded first, then shook his head lightly, and said.

"But as for the Black Ice Terrace, I think what you mean is that you want all the fan teams, including the first and second squads, to choose the best and most suitable subordinates from the Black Ice Terrace.

So, should the positioning of Heibingtai change from the current chowder department to a comprehensive talent training center with a certain degree of education? "

"It's not impossible."

As soon as Rayleigh finished speaking, Gawain answered his question.

"The black ice platform can not only carry out universal subordinate talent training, it can also be used as a communication tool for the spirit of Xuanniao and our dreams and will.

Newcomers in the future should learn and participate in simple tasks on the Black Ice Platform to gradually integrate into the Xuanniao Banner and inherit our goals and spirit.

Layer by layer, building a platform for everyone to rise is also conducive to mobilizing everyone, right? "

After finishing speaking, Gawain had a glass of wine with Lei Li, and then he changed the topic.

"Leaving aside the matter of the Black Ice Platform, we still need to take time to divide those things up in detail, so I will explain the problem of the Fan Team first.

For the third team, I hope they will become a professional support team. The internal members of the team can absorb personnel who are not particularly outstanding in their respective fields, but have relatively complete comprehensive abilities, so that they can support the work of any team at any time. It's good to support.

This team may not have the best fighters, nor the best doctors, nor the best scholars.

But I hope that when the other teams really need manpower support, the third team can make quick and effective support actions.

That kind of action may not be a final decision, but at least it must be like a helping hand. In this way, the existence of the third team can greatly increase the fault tolerance rate of various actions. "

After finishing speaking, Gawain gave Lei Li a lot of time to think, and when Lei Li showed a clear expression, Gawain continued to speak.

"As for the captain of the third team, I am more optimistic about Crocodile, he may not be omnipotent, but he is really not a specialist.

He has experience in covert operations and a considerable degree of acting skills. He has been the core and leader of the team, and he has a considerable understanding of the various tasks required by a team.

He may not be perfect, neither his strength nor ability is particularly outstanding.

But the more so, the easier it is to become the one needed by others.

More importantly, he is smart enough and knows how to work with others. This kind of him has the ability to lead the third team, which I define as panacea and slippery agent. "


Raleigh agreed with Gao Wen's judgment, but he wanted to hear Gao Wen's arrangements for other people.

He always felt that it would be more beneficial for him to take a comprehensive look at the system reform planned by Gao Wen after summarizing the responsibilities of everyone.

So, Lei Li looked at Gao Wen expectantly, and urged with a smile.

"Tell me about the other teams, Captain, I'm really curious about how you define us.

It's been a long time since I've been looking forward to something so much, so don't hold back your appetite, Captain!
Is the medical captain of the [-]th squad, Kureha or Kulocas?
Although the two of them are harmonious, they are not convinced by each other! "

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