Chapter 343 Shiro
Behind Gawain, beside Smoker, Da Siqi was still looking at the swordsman apprentices curiously and appreciatively.

While watching, she whispered.

"The atmosphere in this village is very good, there are many swordsmen, and almost everyone has a sword on their waist.

And, eh? ! ! "

Speaking of this, Dashiqi's eyes were fixed on Sauron's waist!
Of course she wasn't looking at Suo Da's sexy male waist, she saw her eyes widen in disbelief, and exclaimed.

"I'm not mistaken, is that...that is...?!

Could it be that one is the legendary big sharp knife with 21 crafts, pure white as snow and the words of He Dao! ! !
How... How could such a famous knife appear in such an ordinary village!
this……? ! ! "

Speaking of this, Da Siqi pouted and looked at her waist depressedly.

My own knife can't even be ranked as a good and fast knife, and it turned out that an ordinary ... brother Luzaotou, who looked like a swordsman apprentice, was holding a big fast knife with 21 skills!
This sense of gap falls in the hearts of famous sword lovers like Da Siqi, and it is tantamount to hitting a super critical strike...

It's as if I was nothing 20 years after I was born, and someone drove a Rolls-Royce when he was a teenager... .

But when Da Siqi said the above words, she didn't know that she also dealt a terrible crit in Koshiro's heart...

Because they were too far away, although Sauron could see Dashiqi's strangeness, he couldn't hear Dashiqi's words.

As for Koshiro, this well-hidden swordsman, he immediately heard the love that Dashiqi had for He Daoyi's words!
The word He Dao is the saber of my beloved daughter in the past!

Now suddenly there is...a girl who looks like the beloved daughter in the mirror, and suddenly expressed a considerable degree of love and shock for He Daoyi's words...

This feeling made Koshiro lower his head immediately, he didn't want his sad eyes to be seen by others!

Similarly, he can no longer hide his sadness!

The current Koshiro gave up his original plan to find a chance to chat with Daxiong after seeing the real situation of Tianlongren.

All he wanted to do now was to keep a low profile and be quiet, and after the so-called welcoming ceremony was over, he would find a suitable corner to be alone for a while.

In other words, the current him...

I really miss my daughter who passed away early...

But things in the world are often not easy to follow. Just when Koshiro was enduring his sentimentality and longing, Gao Wen passed through the crowd and gradually walked towards him.

Facing Gao Wen who was approaching slowly, the village head and his party in front of Koshiro hurriedly dispersed, and then retreated nervously.

Just like that, Gao Wen smiled and came to Koshiro who bowed his head.

Of course, he came before Sauron who was full of vigilance and nervousness.

Sensing the movement of the crowd, Koshiro forgot his sadness and became refreshed for a while. He raised his head and looked into Gao Wen's eyes thinkingly.

In the end, Gao Wen just nodded slightly to him.

After nodding, Gawain turned to look at the vigilant Sauron and laughed.

"Hey, brat, when I just got off the boat, you were laughing so hard, brat.

What, did you see something funny?

Are you laughing at the little reindeer on my head? "

After the words fell, Gao Wen stretched out his hand and took Chopper off his head.

Chopper, on the other hand, was lying on Gawain's arm cooperatively, and at the same time made a smug expression towards Sauron.

As for Sauron, when he heard Gao Wen's voice, he thought he was going to be targeted by the Tianlong people.

In the end, when he continued to hear that Chopper was a reindeer....

Yi Suo's big reflex arc, he forgot what he was aiming at in a blink of an eye, and saw him pointing at Chopper in disbelief, staring at him and shouting.

"Wait, you said this civet cat with bubbles and a hat is actually a reindeer?!!"

"Civet cat?!"

At this moment, before Gao Wen could speak, Chopper in his arms rushed to express his unhappiness.

Chopper escaped from Gawain's hand and jumped onto Sauron's head in a blink of an eye.

While tapping Zoro's head lightly with his little hoof, Chopper kept emphasizing.

"He's a reindeer, a reindeer!!!
Haven't you ever seen a blue-nosed reindeer? ! ! "


Sauron stretched out his hand unhappily, and took Chopper off the top of his head. He took the fur on Chopper's back and brought it to Gawain.

"Master Tianlongren, can you take care of your pet, he just ran on other people's head, he is a bit too naughty!"

After finishing speaking, Sauron couldn't help but glanced at Chopper again. Seriously, this little guy's fur is super soft.

Anyway... ahem.

This stuff is pretty cute~.

After a while, as soon as Sauron finished speaking, the face of Mr. Village Chief turned completely green!
What is that, what is the Heavenly Dragon Lord? ! !

It's over! ! !

Frost Moon Village is dying!
The Demon Slaying Order is coming! ! !
At this moment, I don't know what thoughts passed through the village chief's mind.

In short, the village chief fainted and fell into the arms of those behind him.

Even Koshiro rolled his eyes helplessly, and then looked at the wooden sword pinned to his waist.

I don't know how many times this unsharp wooden sword can block the attacks of Tianlongren's men...

At this moment, Koshiro really wanted to become the Patriarch of Bodhi, and emphasized to the green-haired monkey in front of him.

After you go out, don't say you were taught by me! ! !
Just when everyone was getting nervous, Gawain looked at Zoro and Chopper with great interest.

On the one hand, Gawain was still thinking, why Sauron hasn't gone to sea yet?

It stands to reason that Sauron at this time should go to sea to earn a reputation as a pirate hunter, right?

And on the other hand….

Seeing Gawain take Chopper from Sauron, while stroking Chopper's hair, Gawain laughed.

"Little devil, Chopper is not a pet, he is my ship's doctor, and he is also the youngest of the three chief doctors.

Moreover, Chopper is usually very shy, and I didn't expect him to be so familiar with you! "

Speaking of this, Gawain looked at Sauron with a smile, this may be a natural compatibility.

After Sanji boarded the boat, the relationship between Chopper and Sanji was nothing more than that, nothing special, just getting familiar with each other.

But Sauron....

It can only be said that Zoro is worthy of being Chopper's half godfather, the two of them are naturally compatible!

On the side, Sauron's eyebrows twitched uncontrollably when he heard Gao Wen's teasing.

"One bite at a time, you don't look too old, do you?"

He asked Gao Wen, and at the same time looked at Gao Wen with his usual displeased expression.

Hearing Sauron's greeting, Gawain curled his lips.

"What's your name, how old is this year, kid?"

Having said that, Gawain poked Sauron's chest with his hand.

"You don't look like a child anymore, and you still have a big sharp knife 21 Gong on your waist. Such a swordsman should have gone to sea long ago, right?"


Sauron snorted unhappily.

"Does this have something to do with my problem, and you're still a brat!

I am Roronoa Zoro who is destined to become the number one swordsman in the world!
As for my age, I will be seventeen in one and a half months, and I will be able to go to sea soon! ! ! "

After finishing speaking, Zoro rubbed his turban depressedly. At this time, he still didn't wear a turban like five years later.

On the side, Gawain laughed when he heard Sauron's words.

"So it's only sixteen, because it's not yet seventeen, so it's not time to go to sea, right?

So I'm 11 years older than you, well, I'm not 12 years older, so it's really hard to call you a kid. "

After the words fell, before Sauron could continue to say something, Gawain reached out and stopped him.

While stopping Sauron, Gawain laughed.

"I'll talk about your business later, look at you so stupid, come and have dinner with me tonight, boy.

As for now, I have to arrange the villagers in your village first, and I can't let them wait here forever. "

After speaking, Gawain waved to Kalifa.


"I'm here, my lord!"

Khalifa came out in front of Gawain in an instant, and while saluting, he gave Sauron a hard look.

Of course Sauron would not be used to Kalifa, he quickly returned a glance, while Gawain explained softly from the side.

"Kalifa, follow the old rules to appease the villagers, we bought a lot of supplies in Xiluobu Village, and give some of them to the local people.

In addition, we sent someone to prepare for the concert for Uta, and we held a small banquet in the evening, and invited the villagers to listen to the superb singing voice of the world's number one singer.

That's it, go get busy. "

After finishing speaking, Gawain waved his hand lightly, and Kalifa nodded gracefully.

As soon as Kalifa left, Gawain grabbed Sauron's shoulder with his back.

Holding the green-haired stinky brat, Gao Wen said to the surrounding villagers.

"Everyone has seen me, so the etiquette and so on can be avoided in the future.

As for now, please disperse quickly, so as not to affect your work and life.

There will be a banquet in the evening, I hope everyone can attend on time, I invite everyone to have a good drink.

By the way, when I was in this village, I stayed at Shimotsuki Dojo, Mr. Koshiro, is there no problem? "

"Of course not, please let the Lord Tianlong live."

Koshiro nodded politely to Gao Wen.

Hearing Koshiro's words, Gawain nodded, picked up Zoro and left.

"Hey, kid, you heard me, take me to your dojo, you don't respect my account, we have to have a good chat!
Let me teach you how to use a sword. "

"Ha, I use you to teach me, you are not a pure swordsman yourself, you who have the ability of thunder and lightning, what qualifications do you have to teach me... ah!

Pain, pain, take it easy! ! !

Don't carry me like a doll, please! ! ! "

Accompanied by Sauron's depressed cry, Gawain and Sauron walked further and further away, and soon disappeared from the eyes of the cadres and villagers.

After Gao Wen left, Kalifa immediately arranged for the logistics department to persuade and evacuate the villagers.

At the same time, Lei Li led the cadres to the front of Koshiro.

Looking at Koshiro's glasses-wearing... completely un-dangerous look, Rayleigh nodded appreciatively.

"You are Xiao Koshiro, right? I used to talk to Oden, but I heard him mention your father a lot.

Yu Tian loves the two swords of Tian Yu Yu Zhan and Yan Mo very much. "

"Indeed, those two knives are also the brainchild of my father who often mentions them.

If my lord father knows, his name can still be mentioned on your lips until now.

The spirit of my father who lives in heaven will also feel comforted. "

Koshiro responded with a smile, and then saluted Rayleigh. As Oden's deputy captain, Koshiro had to show due respect to Rayleigh.

After all, Oden is the general recognized by Wano Kuni and Kozaburo, and Lei Li is the vice-captain recognized by the general. Of course, he should be treated with courtesy.

On the side, after Koshiro saluted, Lei Li smiled lightly and patted Koshiro on the shoulder.

"Okay, I don't want to waste time on etiquette, the etiquette of Wano Country is too troublesome, tedious and boring.

Let's go, go directly to your house for a drink or two, Big Bear also has a lot to talk to you about.

Having said that, Shiro, it sounds like you didn't inherit the forging skills of your father, Master Saburo, but instead became a very good swordsman!

Even though I only wear a wooden sword on my waist, I can still smell the smell of cutting gold and jade on this wooden sword! "

After finishing speaking, Lei Li nodded appreciatively, and a large group of swordsmen behind him all showed expressions of interest.

Looking at Gion, Shiliu and the others' staring eyes, Koshiro's forehead dripped a few drops of sweat immediately.

This pressure is really different....

Fortunately, Daxiong saved Koshiro from the siege, he came to Lei Li's side and said softly.

"Everyone, please allow me some time to chat with Koshiro.

As for the communication between the swordsmen, it won't be too late to wait until everything is over and the banquet is over. "

Having said that, Okuma nodded slightly to Koshiro, and then continued.

"Long time no see, Shiro!"

"Long time no see, Mr. Barsomiro Xiong."

Koshiro greeted with a chuckle, and then he led a group of cadres towards his dojo.

When they arrived at the gate of the dojo, Koshiro paused and told the disciples of the dojo to rest for a day.

After all the disciples left obediently, he led the cadres into the dojo.

Looking at the classic Wano country-style courtyards around him, Rayleigh's eyes were full of nostalgia.

"The scenery here is really similar to Mita's cabin back then, with tatami mats, weapon racks, occasional one or two pieces of armor, bamboo knives and cherry blossoms."

After the words fell, Lei Li's eyes flashed, he pursed his lips, and sneered softly.

"Seeing this, the old man suddenly has a feeling of seeing things and thinking about others, and the old man wants to go to Wano Country for a while!

That bastard Oden must have died very unsafely, right?

Back then, the old man had no choice but to know too late, and it was impossible for him, as the deputy captain, to make the decision to assemble the crew and lead them to fight Kaido for Oden without asking for help.

But now, since the captain is determined to rectify the world, the old man has the opportunity to talk to Kaido about what happened back then! "

After speaking, Lei Li let out a sharp breath, and he left the courtyard directly with a knife in his hand.

"This kind of place that reminds people of sadness, the old man can't live, the forest is more suitable for me.

Rest your rest, the old man will go for a stroll in the forest and hunt by the way.

Old ghost Zhepu, what kind of wild game are you good at cooking? "

"Everything is good, go ahead and catch it!" Zapp responded to Raleigh with a big smile.

Hearing this, Rayleigh nodded, then turned and left.

Jinbe chased after Rayleigh, shouting while trotting.

"You have to bring me one for hunting, haha!!!"


In the yard, watching Leili leave, Koshiro shook his head regretfully.

"Mr. Raleigh, it doesn't look purely sentimental. I think he seems to be dissatisfied with Mida-san..."

After the words fell, Koshiro looked at Daxiong with a puzzled look.

Big Bear shook his head and responded.

"It's not dissatisfaction, after all, Oden was also the one who arrived at Ralph Drew with them.

It's just that Mita would rather die than seek help from his old friends. This may be Mr. Kozuki Mita's own responsibility, but it's also a bit...feeling that he doesn't regard Rayleigh and others as friends.

Even when Rayleigh and others saw the news of Mita's death in the newspaper, Mita had already died alone for a long time...

Rayleigh once said that after Roger's death, that is, after their pirate group disbanded.

Mita was the first crew member to die....

His death turned the Roger Pirates into a complete mess. No one would use the difficulties they faced to trouble their friends in the past without Oden not asking for help.

In that case, wouldn't it appear that they are not as good as Oden?

In short, Oden seems to have made a bad start among the members of the Roger Pirates. "

(End of this chapter)

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