I, the dragon man!

Chapter 367 The Difference Between Father and Son

Chapter 367 The Difference Between Father and Son

Time such as water, always silent.

Sitting in front of Gawain, listening to Gawain talk about Doflamingo about his parents' past, he lay down on his sofa with a sullen face.

He looked up at the sky, and through the sunglasses, he looked at the sun on the horizon, which became more dazzling as the clouds dispersed.

While watching, Brother Ming felt tightness in his chest.

It seems... the right arm that I just attached is still aching.

In a daze, Brother Ming faintly felt that the pain in his right arm was not the only part.

Left hand, chest, lower back, neck....

Especially... the head! ! !
Once upon a time, I was also a person surrounded by pain...





"Looking at his foolishness, even if he wasn't kicked out by Marie Gioia, he must be a damn bastard!"

"Damn it, get out of here!"

"Go away!"

"Hey, what about you, rubbish, get out of here!"

"Don't bring your bad luck to my shop!"

"Take your younger brother and roll as far as you can!"

"Why don't you just die!!!"

Accompanied by countless scolding and cursing voices, Brother Ming and his younger brother fled out of the nearby commercial street in embarrassment.

Holding his younger brother's hand, Brother Ming lowered his head, while hiding the corners of his mouth tightly clenched, he squinted at the garbage that looked at them like evil spirits in the distance!

Seemingly noticing the look in his brother's eyes, Luoxindi worriedly grabbed Brother Ming's hand, squeezed it lightly, and Luoxindi lamented.

"Brother, don't look at it, they don't like our identities, and it's not like we don't know.

Let's... let's change some places and try to continue to buy medicine! "

"Change place?!"

Hearing his brother's words, Brother Ming gritted his teeth, and shook off Luo Xi'nandi's hand.

He took out his left hand in his trouser pocket, and after taking out half of the cigarette butt he picked up, he bit the cigarette butt in his mouth hard.

Angrily lighting the cigarette butt, Brother Ming reluctantly took it out of his right pocket with his right hand.

It wasn't until after taking out all the change that Brother Ming said through gritted teeth.

"Didn't I bring money with me for those rubbish, why is it that I have money, but still won't sell me the bloody medicine!
We've been to three pharmacies and the guys refused to accept us as soon as they saw our faces!

The three companies are all like this, so what is the difference between the rest? Where do you say we are going to buy medicine, and where to go! ! ! "

After finishing the words, Brother Ming quickly took off his dirty sunglasses and wiped his eyes hard.

After putting on the sunglasses again, Brother Ming put on that fierce look again, and grabbed his younger brother's hand tightly.

"Don't think about it so much, even if the group of garbage still refuse to sell us things, we have to try one by one, mom is still lying on the bed, she is very sick, she is waiting for us to come back!!!

The money in my pocket is already the last hope! ! ! "

After finishing speaking, Mingo pulled up the sad and powerless Rossindi, and continued to rush towards the remaining medical halls.

One family, another family....

I don't know how many pharmacies I have searched for, and I don't know how many people have cursed viciously.

Brother Ming and Luo Xindi were finally received by a good man.

That person's clinic was still closed, but after Brother Ming and his brother forcibly pried open the door, he looked at Brother Ming with a puzzled expression.

Facing the last hope, even with Brother Ming's fierce personality, it is inevitable that he will show a slightly better attitude towards the doctor.

"Hey, you're a doctor, aren't you!

I need pain meds, my mom is very ill, but we only have enough money for pain meds!
No matter what, sell us the medicine quickly, or believe it or not, I will kill you!
Just need to relieve the pain, even if it can make mother relax for one night!
She hasn't been able to sleep for a long time, bastard! ! ! "

After yelling up to this point, Brother Ming stubbornly lowered his head, never wanting to look into the doctor's eyes again.

But at this moment, his hand was holding the handful of change and raised it high in front of him.

After a brief silence, the doctor on the opposite side seemed to know the identities of Brother Ming and the two. He thought for a moment, then leaned on his chin and said.

"So that's the case, well then, for the sake of having kids your age, I'll forcefully sell you a little bit!
But we agreed in advance that your money is too little to buy anything.

In short, I'll give you the medicine right now, I don't care if it's good or not, and I haven't seen any patients.

By the way, you can't say that I gave you medicine outside, or you will be scolded bloody by your colleagues, brat! "

After speaking, the doctor turned around and took painkillers.

On the other side, upon hearing the doctor's words, Brother Ming raised his head in disbelief.

Beside him, Rossindi's eyes filled with tears instantly.

They really didn't expect that after being rejected by more than 20 pharmacies in a row, they could actually buy medicines!

This sense of unreality lingered in their hearts until the two of them grabbed a small packet of medicine and went to the street!

In short, at this moment, Rossindi deeply remembered the pharmacy and the doctors in it.

And Brother Ming...

He didn't know anything else, he only knew that he had finally brought back medicine for his mother that could at least make her last one more night!

That's all he knows!



Don Quixote Huo Nagoya.

Brother Ming's mother was lying on the bed, and with the strength of taking the medicine just now, she reluctantly looked at her two sons.

Noticing the look in his mother's eyes, Brother Ming flicked the butt of his cigarette disdainfully, and grinned coldly.

"Hey, where is father, when you are lying at home, what about others?
Is it because I haven't found a part-time job, or still can't make money to support my family?
If he is always so incompetent, then Mom, you have no reason to stop me from stealing! ! ! "

After finishing speaking, Brother Ming ruthlessly threw the cigarette butt from his mouth aside.

Then, he rubbed his clothes angrily.

After trying to straighten the wrinkled dirty clothes a little bit, Brother Ming continued to talk to his mother.

"Obviously everyone here doesn't regard us as one of them!

Obviously that cowardly daddy has tried his best to beg them, but they didn't accept our family either!

That being the case, hum, don't say they are a bunch of untouchables, just talk about their attitude towards our family, they are already our enemies!
Facing the enemy, can't I even steal a little money from them to make our lives better!
That's enemy money, they're all enemies of our family! ! ! "


At this moment, the mother tried to sit up from the bed, she raised her hand, and pressed her right hand, which was supposed to be as beautiful as a bright moon, but now only as thin as a dry bone, on Dover's head.

While gently rubbing Dover's blond hair, the mother tried to show a bright smile, and then she said to Dover seriously.

"Don't hurt anyone, Dover, even if they don't accept us, they just don't want to be our friends.

That doesn't mean they are our enemies...cough cough...enemies...cough cough cough cough! ! ! "

Before the words were finished, the mother couldn't stop coughing. While covering her chest sadly, she took the other hand and quietly covered her mouth.

Lowering her head, she carefully glanced at her palms. After seeing the blood red, her mother quietly hid her hands between the quilts.

Afterwards, the mother smiled softly and continued to talk to Dover.

"I'm sorry, my body...is not feeling well, and it has become a burden to you~."

"No, mother!!!"

Dover quickly stopped his mother's words. He threw himself on his mother's lap worriedly, biting his lip and asked her.

"Why do you still have such a bad cough, haven't you already taken medicine?

Is it because the medicine doesn't work well, or because the doctor lied to me! ! !

Damn, damn him, he... "


At this moment, the mother rarely showed a little angry expression, and she said to Dover with a serious face.

"Mom... Mom's illness... can no longer be cured by simple medicine.

The medicine you brought back...is very effective, but mother's body...is still not up to par.

In short, we should not complain to our benefactors. No matter what kind of kindness we have, we should cherish it and give it back.

If you want to make mommy happy, then...then stop talking about the enemy, okay?
Even if mother dies, she won't have any enemies. Don't you always say that mother is so kind?

But a mother who has enemies is not kind. Could it be that you have been lying to your mother all this time? "

Speaking of this, the mother stretched out her hands and hugged Dover gently, but at this moment, Dover clearly saw the blood hidden in the palm of her mother's right hand!

For a moment, Dover's eyes hidden under the sunglasses were completely red!

He just knew why some damn doctor would show sympathy for them in a city where no one would accept them at all!
That damn doctor didn't sell him medicine at all, he just cheated himself out of money, it must be!
Otherwise, why even if I bought the medicine myself, my mother didn't show any signs of comfort!

why! ! !
For a time, hatred filled Dover's heart, but Dover didn't know it.

When a person has hatred, even the space left for sadness in his heart will become narrow.



When Dover was immersed in hatred for the doctor, the door of their house was suddenly pushed open!
Dover turned his head in a trance and hatred, and he saw his father at a glance!

Seeing his two sons surrounded by his lover's bed, Huo Minggu, who was full of pressure, forced a helpless smile.

While smiling wryly, he took out a paper bag that was slightly wrinkled, but generally in good condition, from his tattered overcoat.

Putting the bag on the bed, Huo Minggu sighed instinctively, and then insisted on smiling at his family.

"I'm really sorry, but I still haven't been able to find a job. I didn't learn any skills when I was in Marie Gioia. It's really useless when I think about it..."

After finishing the words, Huo Minggu opened the paper bag, and sent the two pieces of bread that were still warm inside to his lover and child.

Mother and Rosindi took the bread seriously, but Dover...he threw the bread on mother's bed!
"It's just such a little thing, not as much as I "borrowed" from a nearby store, and my mother's throat is sore, she can't eat such a hard thing, Dad!

Why don't you understand, obviously if you are tougher, you can cure your mother's illness and make us live better!
Obviously a little bit tougher!

you you……! "

"Stop it, Dover!!!"

Hearing the elder son's resentful words, Huo Minggu finally couldn't hold it anymore!

It has been two full years since I left Marie Gioia. During these two years, the free and ordinary life I dreamed of has not come to me!
In the past, when I passed by those civilians, those civilians would always bow down to me!

I enthusiastically exempted them from kneeling, I gave them dignity, I gave them personality, and I obviously gave them so much.

And two years ago, they all surrounded me, thanking me for my kindness, and praising my love!
In order to be worthy of their praise, I even gave up my past life and chose to live like the citizens!
But just after he took the initiative to withdraw his identity as a Tianlongren.

Those people who once surrounded me and said good things to me...

They don't want to get close to themselves anymore! ! !
In order to get away from Marie Gioia, he donated all his property to the family!

As a result, after leaving Marie Gioia, those people who used to talk about the great Huo Mingsheng didn't even give themselves a decent job!
I... I persisted for two full years, and in exchange for a thin son, I also had a lover who was lying on the sick bed...

I... I can't seem to hold on anymore!
Thinking of this, Old Sage Huo Ming raised his head with difficulty, and looked at the elder son's fierce eyes hidden under the sunglasses.

Facing Dover's gaze, Huo Minggu gritted his teeth and said word for word!

"Don't always talk about hate, toughness and so on!

That's not something you, a kid, should be chasing!

Everyone is not wrong, it is only me who is wrong!
After all, no matter how hard I try, I have hurt many people as a Celestial Dragon!
Around us, everyone has been hurt by us. Is there no reason for them to hate us!
All their money is dedicated to the country and used to hand over the heavenly gold!

Their son was recruited at every turn and forced to become a navy and CP!

If they are not careful, they will be robbed of their lover and daughter by the Tianlong people!

They lived that life, that's why they hate and loathe us for having that past, and they're not wrong!
Wrong, it was always just me! ! ! "

After the words fell, Huo Minggu stood up, and then he buttoned his buttons very seriously.

After tidying up the hem of his coat, Huo Minggu took a deep breath and said to his family members heavily.

"It's all my fault, and I naively thought that my renunciation was enough to repay my debt to the common people.

But it turns out that my naivety... got us into the predicament we are in today!

Anyway, I already know I was wrong, for you, for... Madam's illness....

I will bow my head to those compatriots in Mary Joa! ! !

I've decided, I'm going back to Marie Gioia, I'm going to take back my old identity!

Only in that way can Madam's illness be better treated! ! !

So, let's do it now, before it's too late!

Now I'll take you back to Marie Gioia! ! ! "

After finishing speaking, Huo Minggu looked at his wife seriously, while Brother Ming's mother asked Huo Minggu worriedly after a brief surprise.

"Master, can we... really return to Marie Gioia?

Or...they really still accept us.... "

"and many more!"

Suddenly Dover interrupted his mother.

Facing the father who will return to Mary Joan as the last hope, Dover shouted in shock and unwillingness!

"Mother's body, can it really persist in walking such a long way!
Now there are no carts or slaves to carry us. If we want to go to Marie Gioia, we must at least walk through Chambord, but can mother's body really go that far?

And there is... Father! ! !
Now that you have made a choice, why are you so cowardly!

Why don't you, who pin your hopes on Marie Gioia, work harder in today's world! ! !

Why should we admit our mistakes to Mary Gioia, why should we admit defeat to them!
I have said long ago that we can steal and rob, as long as we are more vicious than now, we have ten thousand ways to support ourselves! ! !
They will never be afraid of us, cowardly, why don't you understand!

If we become fierce, then even if we are no longer Tianlong people, we can still find someone to treat my mother's illness!

As long as we are vicious enough, as long as we are worthy of their fear!

Even if we are not Tianlong people, they will still kneel in front of us! ! !

Why do you never understand! ! ! "

(End of this chapter)

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