I, the dragon man!

Chapter 374 Windmill Village on the Black Bird!

Chapter 374 Windmill Village on the Black Bird!

When Gao Wen brought Ke Ya to the vicinity of the primeval forest on the boat, he happened to see the scene of the nobleman rushing to the street.

At the same time, he also saw the scene of Dadan raising his arms.

Seeing this, Gao Wen paused for a moment, and then showed a knowing smile. He raised his right hand high and shouted enthusiastically.

"Sister Dadan is right, haha, you are all worrying about your ass!"

The moment Gao Wen's voice fell, all the villagers in the vicinity stopped, because at the same time as Gao Wen shouted, a thick thundercloud suddenly appeared on the zenith.

And at the same time that Gawain spoke, accompanied by thunder in the sky, Gawain's voice seemed to be shouted from the air by an unknown god himself!
Facing such an eminent Gao Wen, the villagers didn't want to make noise anymore, they just wanted to find a place to hide for a while.

But thinking about Gao Wen's words, the villagers were relieved a lot.

Who told Gao Wen to call Dadan Big Sister Dadan?
I still remember that Karp called it that way, haha! ! !
For a moment, the villagers quietly made way for Gawain to get to Makino, Dadan and the others.

Gawain clapped his hands lightly as he approached them.

"Haha, guys, what are you all worrying about?

You are my invited guests. No matter in any world, the host who violates the etiquette of hospitality will get retribution! "

After the words were finished, Gao Wen raised his hand and waved to Makino and Dadan. While waving his hand, he shouted to them in a sunny manner.

"Makino, Dadan, did you worry?
The battle just now was caused by that Dover from Qibuhai who came to join me.

That guy was very arrogant. He wanted to get on the boat early tomorrow, but he had to make gestures with Mr. Zefa.

How are you scared? "

"of course not!!!"

Dadan immediately responded to Gao Wen's words, and at the same time she hammered her pectoralis major with a determined face.

But after saying this, Dadan picked up Makino casually.

Holding the collar of Makino with a surprised face, Dadan laughed and said to Gawain.

"Although my mother is fine, this little girl Makino is really worried. I haven't seen this guy worry about Shanks and people other than Ace for a long time!

Right, Makino? "


For a moment, Makino clenched her teeth in frustration, and while she was struggling desperately, she hummed dissatisfiedly at Dadan.

Seeing Makino like this, Dadan shook Makino's body amusedly, while shaking, Dadan laughed.

"Listen to my old lady, don't wait for that idiot Shanks, the best result for a guy like him is to live like Roger!
How Roger treats his lover, Garp has talked with us many times, Ace’s mother and Roger have been together for less than two years, and Roger died, leaving only the woman to find a way to give birth to a child, In the end, he died on the sea for Ace!

My old lady understands very well, those prodigal sons on the sea are indeed attractive, men are not bad, but women don't love them!

But it's fine if I can't see it, since I see it, then as my old lady who came here, I will never allow a good girl like you to waste your youth on the prodigal son!
In short, Makino, find a good man to marry, and give birth to a beautiful girl with green hair who is very similar to you, haha! ! ! "

After the words fell, Dadan laughed and sent Makino aside, and the moment Makino landed, he blushed and fled towards the distance.

While trotting, Makino shouted shyly.

"You can tell me this kind of thing, why do you have to say it in front of so many people.

And...and Gao Wensheng is also here, such words will dirty the ears of Tianlongren, Dadan! ! ! "

After finishing speaking, Makino disappeared in a blink of an eye. She originally wanted to thank Gao Wen again, but now she doesn't have that face at all.

Shanks... Shanks!

Although that red-haired guy was quite a rascal, but once he met that kind of person, it was really hard to let go of other people.

Who would express emotion about the small pond formed by the river after seeing the sea?


In the crowd, looking at Makino's shy running back, Gawain was slightly taken aback, and then couldn't help but pursed his lips and laughed.

While laughing, he waved his hand to Dadan.

"Sister Dadan, I see you are ashamed of Makino, even if you are a person who has experienced it, you should restrain yourself a little bit towards young people."

"Haha, restrain yourself, say it's non-toxic!"

Dadan laughed and shook her head, then she suddenly put on the appearance of seven aunts and eight aunts and said to Gao Wen.

"Hey, after getting to know you last night, I'm sure you are a rare man, and you are the most suitable for Makino's passive type.

How about it, have you thought about it, do you want to use your supreme power as a Celestial Dragon to snatch Makino from the arms of Shanks, that bastard who just left?
You don't want to think about it, it's so cool to think about that kind of thing... "

"Cough cough!!!"

Gao Wen hurriedly flashed a wave of thunder, rushed directly in front of Dadan and blocked Dadan's mouth.

"Don't talk about this, don't talk about this!"

While repeatedly reminding, Gao Wen looked to the left and right, trying to find the next topic.

As for Dadan, seeing Gao Wen's appearance, she nodded knowingly, then grinned.

"Sure enough, when it comes to the relationship between Shanks and Makino, you become different.

Haha, it's hard to find such a different kind of nobleman for thousands of years, I knew I was right, you are the most suitable for Makino! "

"Hey, sister, don't say such things.

By the way, who is this, why is he the only one who fainted? "

Facing Sister Dadan's words, Gao Wen seemed to meet the seven aunts and eight aunts during the Chinese New Year. The first thing he said when he met was, are you married?

So, he quickly reached out and turned the fainted nobleman over.

Just like that, Gao Wen, who has excellent eyesight, saw the sauerkraut on the face of the noble at a glance...


Quietly, Gao Wen leisurely raised the foot and turned the nobleman back, and then he stepped on the back of the nobleman's head and rubbed it on the ground.

Seeing Gao Wen's action, the nearby villagers burst into cheers immediately after being stunned for a moment!
As for Dadan, she grinned and simply gave a thumbs up.

"Ah, Gao Wen, without you, this old lady would never have the chance to see this bunch of rubbish become what they are today!

You guy, ever since my mother knew that you beat Karp with one punch, my mother knew that you were not an ordinary Tianlong person.

Now look at you again, huh!
You are even more extraordinary than what my mother could have imagined! "

"Haha, you're welcome, big sister."

Gao Wen raised his foot with a smile, then waved his hand to stop Dadan from speaking.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Wen waved his right hand to the nobles and said at the same time.

"Before I came to Goa Kingdom, to be honest, I just wanted to see this famous windmill village!

You who live here may not think there is anything special about your hometown, but I have chatted with Shanks, fought with Garp, and arrested Garp’s son Dorag once!
After meeting them, haha, I really became interested in our village.

What kind of village can create strong people like Garp and Drago, and can attract Shanks to stay for several years?

It's a pity, hey... I didn't expect my momentary curiosity to become the reason for these kingdom nobles to hurt you!

Without knowing anything, I acted as the tiger they thought was a slave, and gave them a chance to pretend to be a tiger!
That being the case, hum! "

Gao Wen snorted heavily, and the boundless thunder suddenly descended from the zenith at this moment!
Those thunders released harsh sounds, hovering around almost every nobleman, and even the comatose noblemen woke up with disgusting faces!
Beside Gao Wen, Ke Ya, who had just followed up, was taken aback for a moment, and then she quickly grabbed Gao Wen's wrist.

"My lord, don't activate the ability easily, the villagers are scared!"

After speaking, Keya put on a pitiful little expression, and gently shook Gao Wen's wrist.

As for Gao Wen, feeling Ke Ya's movements, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

He suddenly found that just after he chose to accept Dover and strengthened his determination because of the problems in the slave market...

My own thunder fruit seems to have become more active!

He really didn't take the initiative to use his ability just now, but for some reason, the celestial phenomena are following his Gao Wen's emotions!

Even, Gao Wen faintly felt that a fragile membrane appeared in front of him!
Once that membrane is pierced, not only Thunder will fluctuate due to his own emotions, maybe... even the surrounding trees and rocks can turn into thunderstorms to become his own strength!
Whether it's the flowing wind, or the rain accumulated in the clouds!
As long as you need it, everything is thunder! ! !
This feeling made Gao Wen frowned. On every road, the feeling of arrogance must be discarded.

At the same time, the power that cannot be perfectly controlled is not worthy of being called his own power in Gao Wen's opinion!

For a while, Gawain recorded the changes in the Thunderbolt fruit, and he planned to take some time as soon as possible to have a good chat with Yixiao, Daxiong, Crocodile, Brother Ming and others!
Because he must master every detail of the thunderous fruit! ! !
While Gao Wen was thinking this way, he lightly snapped his fingers with his right hand, and the thunder all over the sky disappeared immediately.

Beside him, Dadan looked up at the sky in disbelief, and after seeing the thunder that covered the zenith dissipate, she said to Gawain in amazement.

"As expected of someone who crushed that old ghost Garp with just one punch!
If you don't politely call me Big Sister Dadan, then I will even regard you as a god who fell into the mortal world!
Your every move is really close to Tianwei, Gao Wen! "

"Ha... how is it possible, when anyone wants to replace Tiandi, he is not far from a dead end, big sister."

Gao Wen shook his head with a smile and continued.

"As for me, maybe the battle between me and Karp had an effect, or maybe my mentality just changed a bit.

In short, my Thunderclap Fruit ability seems to have been strengthened to some extent. "

After finishing speaking, Gawain straightened his hat with a smile, but while straightening his hat, Gawain suddenly remembered something.

So he hastened to emphasize it.

"Wait, Big Sister Dadan, who said that I could crush Karp with one punch?
These are all rumours, and mine is all because Mr. Garp let me in! "

"Hahaha, that's not true, don't cover up for that old ghost Garp, Gawain!"

Dadan immediately interrupted Gao Wen's words, and she said with disdain on her face.

"Although Garp is very strong, you are obviously stronger, okay, that guy only knows how to punch a little bit, he doesn't have the ability to change the sky with a snort like you!

Besides, the newspapers said that you won. I know you have a good heart and want to save Garp some face, but we are both from the same village, and we know each other too well.

So in front of us, there is no need to save face for him, Karp lost hahahaha! ! ! "

Amidst the loud laughter, Dadan warmly embraced Gao Wen's shoulder, and continued to speak to Gao Wen with a smile.

"By the way, Gao Wen, why did you come to see us specially?
If it's an invitation, or anything else, there's absolutely no need for you to come by yourself.

If you have anything to say, tell us quickly, we are all listening, you raised Ace and Sabo so fat, we can't thank you in time, as long as it is what you want to do, then we absolutely support it! "


Hearing this, Gao Wen nodded happily, and then he patted Dadan's arm enthusiastically.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Wen said to everyone around him.

"Is this true? Do everyone think the same as Dadan?"

As soon as Gao Wen finished speaking, the surrounding villagers immediately raised their hands after being stunned for a moment!
"Of course!"

"Looking at the retribution of these nobles, I have already followed the example of Mr. Gao Wen!"

"As long as I don't let my children die, I can even serve as a soldier on the adult ship!"

"Even mining is fine. People like adults will definitely not cheat us!"

"Lord Gao Wen is so handsome, he is a good guy at first glance!!!"

Uh... the last sentence was yelled by Ke Ya who was caught in the crowd....

In short, listening to the roars of the people around, Gao Wen suddenly raised his right hand after a brief silence!

"Everyone, I have heard what you said, if this is the case, you must not go back on your word!

Because, I originally planned to invite everyone to come and live on my boat after today's banquet is over! ! ! "






For a moment, everyone present, including the village chief and Dadan, were all frightened by Gao Wen's words at this time!
As for Gao Wen, facing the stunned crowd, he continued to speak very bluntly!

"Everyone, think about your current life, you have lost everything in the past, and your original life has been ruined by my appearance!

I couldn't sleep last night because I knew I couldn't stay here long.

There are still many things waiting for me to do on the great route and the new world, and there are still too many nobles in the world, just like the nobles of the Goa Kingdom who are kneeling here at this moment, only I can let them get the retribution they deserve! ! !
I may have to leave here in less than two weeks, but two weeks is far from enough to help you rebuild the entire Windmill Village!

In the past two weeks, I still need to stabilize the political situation in Goa Kingdom, my time is really tight!

In short, after thinking about it, I can never avoid the harm I caused to you, nor can I avoid the assistance I should have provided to you.

Finally, after tossing and turning, I finally came up with an idea! ! ! "

Having said that, Gao Wen laughed excitedly.

"Look at my boat, my friends, such a big boat is supposed to be a city enough for 10,000+ people to live together, and my boat is constantly expanding!
In the future, this ship is destined to become the largest ship in the history of the sea, and this place will also become my mobile capital in the world!
But as a capital city, my city lacks a group of good enough and good enough citizens, yes, I lack your existence!
I thought, since my arrival accidentally caused you to lose the home you lived in, then I will give you back the eternal Windmill Village that cannot be harmed by anyone as long as I am alive! ! ! "

After the words fell, Gao Wen opened his arms wide, and he listened boldly to the voices of everyone present.

However, at this moment, the entire forest was completely quiet!

After being silent for an unknown amount of time, Village Chief Slap sighed, and while sighing, Village Chief Slap nervously said to Gawain.

"My lord, Windmill Village and Goa Kingdom are our homeland after all, we really are..."

"Wait, village chief!"

Gao Wen suddenly interrupted the village chief, and he said with worried eyes.

"I know that you all want to stay in the land where you have been living, but everyone must know that this time I killed 30.00% of the upper class nobles in the Kingdom of Goa.

At the same time, my subordinates are still capturing more low-class nobles and wealthy businessmen who have done evil things in the kingdom!

Although this kind of thing sounds like a good thing for the common people, no matter what, my actions will bring violent turmoil to the Kingdom of Goa!
I really like your simplicity and kindness, and I can't bear to see you fall into any turmoil that may cause danger!

If I don't have the ability, then I may leave directly after the time is tight.

But since I have all the abilities of Jianjier and so on, why don't I do that! ! ! "

After finishing speaking, Gao Wen looked at Slap with piercing eyes. Faced with Gawain's eyes and the turmoil he just mentioned, Village Chief Slap was actually a little shaken.

But the vacillation is vacillation, and Village Chief Shilap is still worried, after all, he doesn't know the Xuanniao.

So after being silent for a while, he whispered to Gao Wen.

"We all understood Gao Wensheng's kindness, but this decision was not so easy to make.

So, Mr. Gao Wen, we...can we study further?

Maybe after the party you invited, maybe before you leave?

Anyway, my humble old man, can we give you an answer later? "

"Of course, old man, of course you have time to decide.

How about this, you will live on the ship for the first few days, we have a lot of spare rooms on the ship, I just set aside a community for you.

You have a good experience of the life on the boat, and then make a decision. If you don't like it, you can also stay in the original Windmill Village.

I will not force you~. "

Gao Wen smiled and agreed to Village Chief Slap's request, so whether it was Slap or other villagers, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Hearing the soothing voices of the villagers, Gao Wen's smile became brighter.

Shanks, Shanks, I did not take your little Nika away from Windmill Village.

After all, even if I stay on my boat, that village will definitely be called Windmill Village!
Ha ha ha ha! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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