I, the dragon man!

Chapter 410 Meeting

Chapter 410 Meeting
Time passed day by day, and the world conference was gradually drawing to a close in the constant passage of time.

Until this day, after the host of this meeting, the representative of the Kingdom of Flowers announced the end of the meeting...

This World Conference is coming to an end.

The kings present got up and made preparations to leave.

But just when everyone got up, the door of the conference room they were in was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

Immediately afterwards, a group of soldiers in black uniforms who looked imposing walked into the meeting room with extremely neat steps.

After these soldiers came in, they immediately spread out in all directions, and they stood in a complete circle around the large circular meeting room.

The distance between the soldiers was no more than two meters. After they stood still, they put their guns on the ground beside their legs.

Even though it was the action of nearly 70 people leaning on their guns, there was only one sound. Such a uniform sound shocked the hearts of the kings who had just got up!
At this moment, none of the kings spoke, because some of them may be crazy, or some may be cruel and domineering.

But they always have one thing in common, that is not stupid!

They knew very well that this was Mary Joya, and no one was qualified to cause trouble here!
Because anyone who makes trouble here is often allowed by this city!

I saw the kings look at me and I look at you, and many kings' sights have become clear.

The Celestial Dragons are here!
Even if they are not Tianlong people, at least they are senior cadres in the world government!

So, about two-thirds of the kings knelt down directly in the direction of the door.

Among the remaining kings who did not kneel down, Cobra, Neptune, Dalton, and Gage.

They couldn't help but look at each other.

After a glance, they all knew what was in their minds, and then they followed the remaining one-third of the king who was slow to react, and knelt down to the door.

Facing the welcome of the kings, Gawain's footsteps gradually approached, but as the steady footsteps continued to approach, a slightly cute voice interrupted the heavy and tense atmosphere among the kings.

The sound came through the corridor into the house, and all the kings heard it....

"Wow, the last time I was around here to see Mr Dalton, I hadn't been able to go around the room.

Uncle, this house is so spacious! "

Hearing these words, all the kings couldn't help but looked in Dalton's direction.

Facing the sight of a large group of kings, Dalton's Adam's Apple shifted violently.

At the same time, another voice sounded very young, but the tone was relatively low, so that it was extremely powerful.


After the voice sounded, not only did the lovely voice not come out again, even the kings in the room turned their heads quickly, so that only their own knees and the floor were in front of them.

While the kings were waiting oppressively and extremely quietly, Gawain passed through the soldiers lined up on both sides of the corridor, and stepped into the meeting room.

Looking at the kneeling kings in front of him, Gawain was silent for a moment, his silence made the atmosphere in the room thicker and heavier.

For some reason, the pressure in the hearts of all the kings suddenly doubled, and even a king who was in a bad mood rolled his eyes and passed out on the spot.

The moment the king fainted, Gawain frowned.

The combination of the style of the German soldiers and the supreme power of the Tianlong people is indeed easy to bring too much pressure on the people they come into contact with.

However, if they passed out, it would be difficult to talk about what happened next.

I saw Gao Wen's right hand reaching out, and Thunder rushed along the floor towards the fainted man in a blink of an eye.

After a while, the poor man who passed out suddenly got up on his knees again!

Seeing this, Gao Wen nodded in satisfaction.

"Everyone, look up."

he said, and the kings hastened to obey the order, and looked up at the man before them.

In the eyes of the kings, Chopper on Gawain's shoulder immediately became the object of their staring.

Although many kings have already known Gawain's identity, but anyway, the bubble hood covered with the hat on Chopper's head is the sign that he really belongs to the Tianlong people!

Seeing that everyone saw Chopper, Gawain smiled in satisfaction.

"I think you all know my identity, very good.

Then, please stand up and return to your respective seats. "

Gawain gave an order with a smile, and the kings immediately moved in silence. After a while, the kings quickly returned to their seats.

After the kings were seated, Gawain patted the bubble on Chopper's head lightly.

"Okay, Chopper, I've done what you asked me to do.

It's really convenient to have you here. I don't like to wear bubbles, so I no longer need to rely on explanations to introduce my identity. "

After the words were finished, Gao Wen moved his shoulders, and Qiaoba immediately jumped off his shoulders.

"Oh, it turns out that uncle came to me just for this matter, I thought there was another patient who needed my treatment today.

Now that I'm fine, I'll go back now, I still have more than 30 surgeries to do today~~~. "

Chopper said goodbye to Gao Wen with a smile, and then walked away in small steps with a puffing sound.

After Chopper's figure disappeared, Gawain came to the round table where all the kings were staring nervously.

There were two unlucky kings sitting right next to Gawain, and it was between them that Gawain approached the table.

This move really frightened the two kings, they hurriedly got up to make room for Gawain.

But as soon as they got up, Gao Wen gently pressed their shoulders.

While pressing the two kings to sit down, Gawain nodded to the other kings.

"The kings have gone through the world conference that lasted for fourteen days, and you are tired of the table in front of you.

Even if it is the most wanton verbal sword, it is impossible for you to keep the excitement forever.

so……. "

Gawain looked around, and whenever his eyes came close to someone, the king would lower his head exaggeratedly, not daring to meet Gawain's gaze.

Seeing that the attitudes of the kings were so unified, Gawain shook his head lonely.

He had never seen this kind of diplomatic scene in his previous life, let alone enjoyed it himself.

This kind of scene made him feel that the diplomatic work in Pirates was really too easy to carry out.

Of course, this does not prove his ability, after all, everything is given to him by his background.

No matter how stupid Oda portrays the five old stars and the world government.

We also have to admit that the rule of the five old stars over the world is indeed deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

And the authority and nobility of the Tianlong people have indeed reached the peak that the real regime can hardly achieve!

This world is really firmly controlled by the idiots described by Oda.

Maybe, the ruled people are really more stupid than the Tianlong people...

Putting aside his thoughts, Gao Wen gently clapped his hands and continued what he had just said.

"So, I will say less polite words and try not to waste everyone's time.

I'm Gao Wen, nice to meet you, and you don't need to spare time to greet me.

Next, all the monarchs whose kingdoms do not exist in the great route, please stand up! "

The moment the voice fell, nearly 40 people stood up immediately!
Gawain looked at them one by one, until Gawain saw Vinsmoke Gage, he nodded slightly.

"Very well, you are indeed worthy of my admiration.

Then next, those who have a series of large-scale export trades of metal ore and other raw materials in their own countries, please sit back in your chairs! "

After saying this sentence, four of the king who stood up looked around nervously.

Then they sat down nervously.

Gao Wen looked at the people who sat down, there were exactly 17 people, this number was enough.

Therefore, Gao Wen finally waved his hand to Jia Zhi.

"Gage, sit down, as for all other monarchs who are still standing, please leave the current conference room!

Don't worry, there won't be any danger on your way out, and I have prepared small gifts for you.

Whether it is the limited-edition slave of the Propulsion City produced by Mary Joya, or the limited-edition model of My Black Bird before modification.

Anyway, you guys will love those! "

After the words were finished, Gao Wen swayed his hand behind him, and the kings who stood up immediately walked out nervously.

Regardless of whether there were so-called great powers among them, they did not dare to make a sound in front of Gao Wen.

And with the departure of these people, the remaining kings in the meeting room became more nervous.

Gawain didn't care about the tension of the kings. After the other kings had all left, he found a chair and sat on it.

After sitting down, Gawain waved to the remaining kings.

"Sit down across from me, so that I can see you clearly."

"As ordered!"

Neptune and the others immediately nodded yes, and then these kings who were familiar with Gawain spontaneously led the other kings to form a slightly tight formation and sat opposite Gawain.

After everyone was seated, Gao Wen tapped his index finger on the table. He didn't speak, but let the depression and tension continue to spread in the room.

It is true that even if he did not do so, Gao Wen could still rely on his identity as a Celestial Dragon to force the next kings to agree to his conditions.

But since he had the opportunity to do it more neatly and thoroughly, it was impossible for Gao Wen to give up the advantage at hand.

At this point, Gao Wen's rhythmic tapping sound lasted for more than 6 minutes.

During this period, the way he looked at everyone gradually changed.

In the eyes of Neptune and others, that kind of change is just a little more joking than before.

But the playful look appeared in other people's eyes, which made them feel that they were transformed into a rich plate of delicious food, which was placed in front of Gao Wen, allowing him to chop and select with a knife and fork!
As the kings trembled more and more violently, Gawain had naturally found the common critical point of the kings.

He finally spoke.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I seem to have fallen into thinking just now.

You should understand my habits. After all, you are all people with many things on your shoulders, and you should be good at thinking.

Then it's time for you to play to your strengths, and I want to talk to you. "

"Just give orders, Your Highness Gao Wen!"

On the side, Jia Zhi immediately responded to Gao Wen's question, and his words seemed to wake up all the kings.

The group of kings seemed to have found their way of thinking for a moment, and then they desperately expressed their loyalty to Gao Wen, talking nonsense such as we will obey all your instructions.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting lively, Gao Wen smiled knowingly, and nodded to Jia Zhi again.

Then, he patted the table lightly.

At this moment, the kings, who were still noisy just now, stopped abruptly, and they sat down again in a uniform manner, just like children who went to kindergarten on the first day.

Facing the obedient eyes of the kings, Gawain continued on his own.

"Most of you are monarchs who have been on the great route, so you want to know more about my story in the past year.

In the past year, I have wandered around the great route, and this trip just brought me many interesting ideas. "

Having said that, Gao Wen reached into his chest pocket and took out a simple map of the great route.

This map is not a nautical chart, but a chart with the names of many countries marked.

Gawain threw the chart near the kings on the opposite side, and then he said with a smile.

"The route I took before was the same route that King Cobra was on.

Although I haven't set foot in each of your kingdoms, I think I can probably guess a thing or two about the current situation of your respective countries even if I have a glimpse of the leopard.

So, let me talk to you about what I think is the status quo of the great route! "

Gawain pointed to Cobra, and Cobra quickly stood up and bowed to Gawain.

While Cobra was bowing, Gawain continued.

"King Cobra's country cannot be called a real big country in the whole world.

Regardless of whether it is a strong person in its country, or whether it is in size or population, it is far from being able to compare with those real big countries in the four seas.

But in any case, Alabasta is one of the top five super countries in the world, even if most of it is because Cobra has the blood of the creator, but no matter what, Cobra's country is at least commendable.

But even such a big country has faced severe drought in recent years, so that millions of people in Cobra's country starved to death! "

After finishing speaking, Gawain slapped the table fiercely, his actions startled the kings!

Before the kings could react, Gawain continued.

"Everyone, imagine that even Cobra's country, at least in the top five countries in name, is powerless to resist natural disasters at sea in this era!

In particular, due to the surge in the number of pirates in recent years, not only the major commercial routes in the world, but even the transportation routes and commercial routes within the great route have been seriously affected!
You must all know something about Cobra. He has been called a wise king, but due to the instability of the major routes of the great sea route and the increasingly difficult trade channels between countries.

Alabasta, which lost its stable supply and relief routes, lost millions of lives in ten years!

It is conceivable that even Alabasta cannot rely on the current sea lanes of the great sea route to obtain stable supplies. The countries where other monarchs are located will gradually prosper in recent years and allow you to earn more trade channel?

Because the pirates are becoming more and more rampant, and the shipping routes are becoming more and more dangerous, please give me an answer.

Over the years, have you made more money than before! "

After finishing speaking, Gawain put his hands on the table and looked at the kings seriously.

Facing Gao Wen's gaze, many kings were taken aback for a moment, and then immediately found the backbone.

King Gaowen has already appealed.

"His Royal Highness Tianlongren, what you said is so true, I have earned less and less in the past few years, not to mention the fact that stupid commoners don't receive any taxes, and even the number of merchant ships traveling within the country has decreased a lot!

In order to make money and pay the heavenly gold, I have recently relied on forming a team of bounty hunters to treat the pirates passing by our country as trade goods to maintain revenue!
So, Your Highness, can our Heavenly Gold be lowered a bit this year? "

"Yes, Your Highness, let's lower the gold in the sky, it's really hard!"

"Your Highness is such a good god. He actually cares about the miserable lives of us low-level kings. Please, Your Highness, give us some relief in paying the heavenly gold!"

For a while, the kings, one by one, all cried and fired at the gold in the sky.

Seeing this, Gao Wen smiled with satisfaction.

Of course he didn't just come to extend everyone's gold in the sky.

What he was satisfied with was that although the kings in front of him were cautious, almost none of them were fools.

Gao Wen is not good at convincing a fool, and since everyone is not a fool.

Then Gao Wen can convince them!
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(End of this chapter)

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