I, the dragon man!

Chapter 476 Terracotta Warriors... Terracotta Warriors! ! !

Chapter 476 Terracotta Warriors... Terracotta Warriors! ! !

While cursing, Kaido was still slapping his big hands in displeasure.

The wind of his palm blew past the phantoms of others, making those phantoms more indistinct, and also made Gawain's hair sway in the wind.

So in the next moment, Kaido, who was exceptionally well-informed, hurriedly looked in Gawain's direction.

As for Gao Wen, he rolled his eyes with a wry smile.

Kaido, who is by himself, is surprisingly stupid and cute...

One second, two seconds.

The two stared at each other for a while, and finally, Kaido couldn't help but opened his mouth to ask.

"Very good, high...high...high...?!!
Hey, that's weird, I can't pronounce your name?
In short, this is really what you made, fuck, is this some kind of devil fruit related to souls?

Did you actually eat two devil fruits? ! ! "

Having said that, Kaido picked up the mace and strode towards Gawain.

Now he only feels that his physical strength is boundless, and his energy seems to have returned to the peak period decades ago, and his spirit is not good.

As for what he wants to do?
Although I don't know why, but since I have such good physical strength, of course I must give Gao Wen a good beating!
fuck it!

"Thundering gossip!!!"

With a loud roar, Kaido's mace rushed towards Gawain with a hurricane.

Unexpectedly, Gao Wenming remained motionless, but Kaido's thunder and gossip flew away inexplicably, overturning the dome of Xianyang Palace all the way, and flew to an unknown place.

The next moment, the shattered Xianyang Palace gradually recovered, and in less than two blinks, there were no traces of damage to be seen here.

As for Kaido, he frowned and stood there, silently looking at the mace in his hand.

Above, Gawain glanced at the pensive Kaido, then smiled slightly.

Just when Kaido couldn't call his name before, he had already guessed.

And now, he has also understood certain rules that exist in Xianyang Palace.

Obviously, an existence like Kaido would never want to hurt him in this palace.

As for Kaido not being able to pronounce his own name....

Gao Wen sighed leisurely, shook his head and said.

"It's so sad Kaido, I thought our reunion would be happier.

It's just, hey...

You don't even bother to call me Your Majesty. "

After the words fell, Gao Wen let out a long sigh, and then sat down on his throne.

Kaido on the opposite side was about to say something, but Gawain waved his hand before him and gave an order.

"sit down."

thump! ! !
Kaido sat back on the couch abruptly, looking at his cross-legged legs in surprise.

He always felt that these legs were more willing to listen to Gao Wen's words than himself.

At the same time, first, Gao Wen casually opened the imperial edict placed in front of the throne, which had always existed here.

It is not so much an imperial decree as it is a bamboo slip, which determines the fate of the entire Xianyang Palace.

As in the past, most of the information on the bamboo slips remained unchanged.

As far as the layout is concerned, there are a few small spots of light on the bamboo slips, such as Wano Country, which has now been painted in Gao Wen's color.

However, the Wano country on the map has red and green colors, which may symbolize that there is still a certain degree of resistance hidden in that country.

Regarding this, Gao Wen knew it well, after all, a series of moon-character families such as the Shimotsuki Yasu family were daimyos from all over the Wano country.

Those people are not dead yet, and those people are also the targets that Gao Wen will deal with next.

In short, after coming to Xianyang Palace again, Gao Wen was sure that the existence of the territory marked both his sphere of influence and the scope of the world.

It also indicates how loyal the region is to Gauben himself.

After confirming this, Gao Wen skipped over the territory and looked at the portal column.

He wanted to take a glance and skip the door, after all, the last scroll had already explained it.

When this thing is not unified, it cannot be opened!
Therefore, Gao Wen didn't care about it at first.

But who knows, when he briefly glanced at the door, he froze there suddenly!

In his eyes, above the words that cannot be opened in the column of the portal, there are actually a few more large characters!
"Unable to open"

"can explore"

At this moment, Gao Wen was stunned for a long time.

There is a word in his heart, why?
There is only one answer, because there is only one change, Kaido!

But why, when Kaido came to Xianyang Palace, although the so-called portal could not be opened, there was an exploration option?

Is it to explore by myself, and Kaido will sit in Xianyang Palace instead of him?

Or send Kaido to explore?

Or explore with Kaido by yourself?
Where to explore?
What are the rules and requirements?

What can be done?
What can I get?
Most importantly, is there anything to lose? ? ?
For a moment, Gao Wen had so many thoughts in his mind that he could hardly count them, but in the end, he suppressed his expectations as quickly as possible, and turned his attention to the matter in front of him.

He coughed lightly, causing Kaido, who was sitting there blankly, to raise his head.

Facing Kaido's eyes full of countless emotions, Gawain said softly.

"As you can see, Kaido, you are dead, but you are still alive.

This sentence is a mouthful, but you should be able to understand the meaning.

Let's take all of this as my devil fruit ability. I really don't have the possibility of the thunder fruit.

And you, at this time, you might as well put aside irrelevant reveries and devote time to more interesting unknowns.

So, what's your answer? "

After finishing speaking, Gawain raised his eyes to look at Kaido, his light smile was full of majesty and absolute eyes at the same time, Kaido took a deep breath.

"Is there any wine?"

Swallowing it in one breath, Kaido only felt an emptiness in his heart and brain.

My life should have ended, although I failed, it was also over.

But it turns out that the ability of the devil fruit is beyond my imagination. I really don't know what kind of fruit it is, but it can pull the dead self into such an indestructible house!

Before Gawain arrived, Kaido had already spent a long time in this house. He tried countless ways, but he couldn't leave this place after all.

Since you can't resist, even if you can't enjoy it, try to relax your mind.

Kaido is a mature person, so he asked for a drink, put his hands on his knees, and grinned.

"The palace here is extraordinarily exquisite, so it's not possible that you can't even get out of wine.

Or is it that your control over this place is not that strong?

In other words, your control over this place is so strong that I can't even call you by your full name, let alone disobey your orders.

But there's really nothing here, except this one house that traps me! ! ! "

After the words fell, Kaido looked at Gawain amusedly, his eyes were full of temptation and thought.

Facing Kaido's temptation, Gawain shook his head and responded with a smile.

"Instead of guessing, it's better to feel, how can you drink at a time like this?

Get a good feel for your body! "

"Ha, the old man has already felt it, except that he can't beat you, this place is simply heaven.

The old man's body has simply returned to the peak period. If you don't believe me, you can see that the scars on the old man's chest that were cut by Oda and Mihawk are gone!
As for age, haha, the old man is only about 36 years old now.

At this age, that is the peak age of the old man. How many times the old man has dreamed back to the past, and it is probably this period!

The most important thing is that the old man who was at the peak of his body back then was still very poor in terms of domineering and fighting skills.

But now, with my life's experience and my young body, even if I fight with the two pre-death me, I won't be defeated by the two pre-death me within two or three days!
In short, if it is not impossible to get out of this room, then this place is really a paradise for the old man!
Or, this place is like the myth of a small place on the sea, there is a place called the Hall of Valor, which can carry the soul of every warrior? "

After the words fell, Kaido patted his chest, no matter when and where, the youthful feeling from this action made him unable to help but get excited.

Gawain nodded in satisfaction, seeing Kaido acting like this.

Xianyang Palace is more perfect than I imagined, and all those who come here can recover to the peak moment of their lives!
Just imagine, if the red hair hadn't lost its arm, if the white beard was still at its peak, if Karp hadn't aged, if the golden lion...

Heh, the golden lion is already dead, and Gao Wen at that time hadn't found the hidden function of Xianyang Palace because of coveting.

Undoubtedly, this palace not only absorbed various talents from his subordinates for Gao Wen, but also collected the souls of his subjects for Gao Wen!
And Kaido....

This guy should belong to a bug of Gao Wenka.

If Gao Wen hadn't beheaded him, how long it would have taken Gao Wen to understand the function of Xianyang Palace regarding the dead!
It's not enough to think about the function, Gawain nodded to Kaido's curious eyes, and smiled mysteriously.

"Since you are satisfied with your current body, it's all the better.

This is my gift to you, I hope you will be a little more grateful while being happy.

However, the function here is far more than that. Since it can do the miracle of bringing you back to life and rejuvenating you, how can there be only one palace here?

follow me! "

While speaking, Gawain's gaze also crossed from the column of the portal on the scroll to the column of the monarch behind.

In the column of the monarch, except for Gao Wen's own introduction and the corresponding status of his subordinates.

There is also such a special existence as Kaido.

When Gao Wen looked at the introduction about his subject Kaido, in addition to the introduction of Kaido's identity, there was a special title behind his status.

Thinking about it this way, Gao Wen felt that it was much more reasonable.

Because the palace of Xianyang Palace can indeed be associated with countless terracotta warriors and horses!

At the same time, except for the identity of the figurine Kaido.

There are also a series of functions starting from the figurines and spreading out like a spider web.

Among these functions, the first to bear the brunt is the architectural facilities that match the figurines.

"School Field"!
Just when Gao Wen called Kaido to get up, he had already made a decision to build a school ground on the bamboo slips.

And at the same time that Gao Wen and Kaido got up, the gate of Xianyang Palace suddenly opened!

Outside the door, more than hundreds of figures walked in slowly. They either carried weapons, or carried food and drink, and quickly came between Gawain and Kaido, and placed various things between Gawain and Kaido. in front of people.

As for the figures with weapons, they were lined up in various parts of the palace, like guards, and they never moved again.

Looking at those figures, Gao Wen's heart tightened a little.

He knew many people there, all of them were his subordinates on the Xuanniao!
All these people have one thing in common, that is...they are all dead!
It's just different from Kaido, Kaido's body in Xianyang Palace is clear and healthy.

Apart from being able to move, the figures of those servants and guards looked like the phantoms of Lei Li and others, as if they would be blown away by the breeze at any time.

Seeing those phantoms, Gao Wen looked down at the bamboo slips again.

For these movable phantoms, the introduction given by the bamboo slips is "souls".

Presumably, this is what they often mean when the soul returns.

Sighing leisurely, Gao Wen picked up the bamboo slip, and the bamboo slip turned into a Ruyi in an instant, and hung it in Gao Wen's palm for him to play with.

Holding Ruyi in his arms, Gao Wen looked at the gate of Xianyang Palace that was finally opened.

Outside the gate, countless souls lined up outside the palace gate, and their figures lined up all the way to an open space in the distance!
The moment Kaido saw the clearing, he patted himself on the head violently.

"Damn it, what kind of ability do you have? Is it the legendary fruit of the underworld, or the fruit of the underworld exists at a lower level, and yours is a higher-level fruit, such as hell?

Don't try to lie to me, I see it too damn clearly, many people standing outside died in Wano Country, no one knows their aura better than me.

It seems that they are not the same as me, the old man is obviously more complete than them!
Most importantly, they just stand there while the old man…. "

Having said that, Kaido turned his head and took a deep look at Gawain

"And just now, the old man suddenly had a lot of information in his mind.

Those messages tell the old man that the place where the soldiers stand guard outside your door is called the school field!
Then it is a place for generals like this old man to play games, ahahahahaha! ! ! "

In the laughter, Kaido couldn't wait. Although he didn't understand the cause and effect, only a fool would consider cause and effect.

He jumped up and walked towards the school field with his mace in hand.

With no difficulty, his tall figure left Xianyang Palace and followed the path of guards to the outside of the school grounds.

Seeing Kaido walking happily, Gawain felt relieved and walked out of Xianyang Palace.

The sunlight outside was very real. Gao Wen raised his head to look at the sky which was still bright even though there was no sun. Then he turned into lightning and came to the school grounds in a blink of an eye.

Just as Gawain landed, Kaido's voice came faintly.

"Hmph, there is a lot of information in the old man's mind, and the old man already knows what the school yard is for.

This is not only a place where you can practice the old man's martial arts skills, but also a place where the so-called emperor master teaches His Majesty!
As a monarch, you should not only study knowledge, but also polish your military skills.

The school grounds are your Majesty, soldiers like me are here to follow... What does the terracotta warriors mean?
In short, people like this old man who died but lived again, and who are still alive are called terracotta warriors!
This old man can teach you everything that this old man is good at in the schoolyard!
Other than that, uh, very weird.

What does this so-called asylum mean?
The old man feels that the old man seems to be able to use the weak consequences of the old man's current state to protect you, His Majesty, to go to a certain place.

And, lol, it's kind of funny.

After protecting you and arriving at your destination, your Majesty seems unable to use your own power, because your own body must be preserved in Xianyang Palace to ensure the safety of the king.

Therefore, this so-called shelter is equivalent to that you and the old man are a figurine.

Stuff the old man's strength and soul into your figurines, the old man's strength can help you walk behind the portal to fight against the enemy, and the old man's soul will bear the cost of crossing the portal for you when you pass through the portal.

In this way, haha!

No matter where the door leads, isn't your Majesty going to fight like an old man, haha?

wait! ! ! "

Suddenly, Kaido suddenly seemed to see something again, and he continued to speak in surprise.

"More than that, you guy can... you can also possess the talents of all the figurines like me.

Whether it is me who has become a figurine, or someone else who is about to become a figurine.

This is precisely because you have to adapt to the abilities of our figurines, so as to facilitate your exploration outside the gate.

Only when the portal is completely opened, can we figurines have the opportunity to continue fighting with our bodies and consciousness!

But I just want to know, haha!

Why the fuck is it for you!

High...Your Majesty!
Damn, that's the only way I can call you!
You... Anyway... you really are....

You are really insidious!
Your Majesty! ! ! "

(End of this chapter)

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