I, the dragon man!

Chapter 480 Disagreement

The moonlight was dim, and it seemed that the curtain was covered by the smoke and dust raised by the war in Wano country.

As a result, Gion, who was drinking alone with Yue, felt uncomfortable.

While drinking, she closed her eyes and stopped looking at the moon, but thought about what she didn't know.

Inexplicably, Gion's cheeks became more and more red, and the redness was greasy.

At this moment, Shirahoshi swayed out of the restaurant drunkenly, she looked around, and came to Gion's side slightly drunk.

"Miss Gion."

The little girl said hello first, and then couldn't help but yawned.

Accompanied by the heavy ups and downs of her white chest, she let out a breath and asked in a daze.

"It's too late today, Iska and Uta are all to blame, they are too enthusiastic today.

But why didn't you go back to sleep? "

Having said that, Shirahoshi raised his wrist to look at the watch Franky gave her, and then made a bitter face.

"Oh, it's already 02:30 in the morning, no wonder I'm sleepy and tired.

Miss Gion, you haven't been waiting for me, have you? I'm late, are you angry?

I know I was wrong, don't blame others, let's go, let's go back to bed~. "

While talking, Shirahoshi leaned over and grabbed Gion, wanting to go back to the room with Gion.

However, the moment she held Gion, Gion shuddered violently, and goose bumps appeared on her extremely sensitive skin.


With a scream, Gion suddenly realized that Bai Xing had come to him.

It's all the fault of Hancock, that stinky woman. She has been playing for so long, and she is so flirtatious, which makes everyone follow her indecently...

While suppressing the lingering feeling in his heart while blushing, Gion grabbed Shirahoshi with his backhand.

Although a little reconciled, she said it anyway.

"Bai Xing, let's sleep in another place tonight, my sister hugs you."


Bai Xing was extremely puzzled, not only awkward, but also reluctant.

"Why is it my sister who hugs me tonight, obviously everyone is together!

Wait, I see, is it Lord Gawain's body....

He has grown so big today, it frightens people. From this point of view, the adults are indeed still growing.

Well, then let's sleep together, let the adults rest and sort out the changes in his body.

but……? "

Having said that, Shirahoshi's increasingly drunken eyes rolled around.

"But is it just the two of us, Miss Hancock?

Gion-san, are you going to quietly isolate Hancock-san~?

I heard from Iska that she was going to lead her friends to isolate Brother Ace, as if it was because Brother Ace was too stupid or something.

In this way, as long as she is in front of Gao Wen, Sister Hancock does not look very smart, so do we really want to isolate her~~~?

Hee hee ~. "

"Ha, what isolation, how could it be.

It's just that Hancock has other work to do.

In other words, that guy is still busy now, which is really greedy.

Anyway, let's go, it's time to sleep. "

Gion said it funny, then pulled Shirahoshi to find a room that no one had used.

After the Xuanniao was expanded, there were too many unused rooms, so it was easy to accommodate the two of them.

But after lying on the bed, Gion couldn't sleep no matter what.

Tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, did he still pinch his legs.

Hmph, it's all Hancock's fault~.




The next day, seven o'clock in the morning.

Gawain walked out of the room fully dressed, followed by Hancock in a red suit.

However, Gawain looked energetic, but Hancock looked a little tired.


A little sleepy, so Hancock exhaled delicately, and gently tugged on Gawain's sleeve.

"Originally, I really wanted to take a turn in front of the rabbit, and give that guy a good blow.

But I was really too tired, it turns out...it turned out that it was such a tiring thing...

I didn't sleep until 06:30, and I just went out after taking a shower, and my head seemed to be buzzing.

But anyway, my lord.

I am so happy~. "

While speaking, Hancock blushed and leaned behind Gawain, and gently embraced Gawain's waist.

Feeling that this was not enough, Hancock pouted on tiptoes and kissed Gao Wensuo.

Looking at the happy girl who had turned into a bride, Gao Wen smiled softly, and lowered his head to hold her lips.

For a moment, lips parted.

Gawain stroked Hancock's shoulder and laughed.

"I told you a long time ago that you should take a rest, you, you still have the idea of ​​going to Gion for a walk, and you said you just want to show off.

Who knows that you are like this, you are going to show Gion a joke.

Go back to sleep, get up any time you want, or be woken up again by me in our way.

Go for it. "

After finishing speaking, Gawain sent Hancock back to the room to continue to rest, and he returned to the deck after 10 minutes.

It was almost eight o'clock, and there were many people on the deck, especially near the training ground.

Sauron, wrapped in bandages, was exercising there, while Ace, Luffy and others were practicing in the distance.

Zefa in the distance led the soldiers to continue training. After experiencing the flames of war, the enthusiasm of the soldiers for training immediately rose.

One is because they realize that training more in peacetime will result in less bloodshed in wartime.

As for the second, training is always easier than fighting, and people who have just emerged from the flames of war also need some relatively iron-blooded and difficult things as their sustenance.

When Gawain came nearby, Sabo, who hadn't been thinking about the battle, saw Gawain at a glance.

Before he had time to explain anything to Ace, he immediately walked towards Gawain, leaving Ace alone with the feeling of being abandoned, and exchanged heart and soul with Prometheus.

Seeing Sabo approaching, Gawain couldn't help but yawned, then asked with a smile.

"You seem to have something on your mind, come on, sit down and talk."

After finishing speaking, Gao Wen sat on his sofa and took the tea from the maid.

While tasting the tea, he waited for Sabo's response.

Sabo didn't sit down, but stood there and asked anxiously.

"Uncle, yesterday Uncle Shiliu...he arrested a lot of people in Wano Country and killed a lot of people!

He even killed a lot of women and children, he... "

"Is it?"

Gao Wen softly interrupted Sabo, who stroked his chin and said in thought.

"So, during yesterday's effort, Shiliu cleaned up all the remaining nobles in Wano...the so-called daimyo?"


Sabo was taken aback, he lowered his head, and continued in embarrassment.

"Uncle Shiliu's cleaning is too clean, although the civilians of Wano Country don't know it, they just think that those big names died in the flames of war.

but I…….

I know he was sent by you, and I also know...your orders are meaningful.

But those kids...

It doesn't necessarily need to go to the point of cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots, right? "

After finishing speaking, Sabo looked at Gawain worriedly. After getting in touch with him for a long time, even he was afraid of Gawain's anger.

After all, what he was doing now was questioning Gao Wen's order.

On the opposite side, looking at the anxious Sabo, Gao Wen was not angry, but a little relieved.

I am gratified that I have established a qualified impression and majesty of the monarch in the hearts of my subordinates, and I am also gratified that the next generation of the Xuanniao not only have independent consciousness, but they are more willing to share with themselves even the consciousness that may make them angry.

I don't know when it started, some strange faces appeared in certain circles, but it was all mysterious internal language.

It seems that if you don't speak the official language in these circles, you are not qualified to work together in the circle.

As everyone knows, it is this kind of almost useless mystery that makes many things worse than the original. After all, the work needs to be continued completely by comprehending the spirit. Who can guarantee that he will not have problems?

In short, communication is very necessary, and as a monarch, if you can't communicate better with your subordinates, you will be in big trouble.

But now, it seems that young people like Sabo are willing to communicate with Gao Wen.

This is a good thing.

While thinking, Gao Wen nodded slightly.

"Indeed, Sabo, what you said makes sense.

Perhaps we really don’t need to eradicate the grass and roots. No matter from the perspective of morality or law, it seems to indicate that when those nobles die, their children do not necessarily need to disappear.

Just like what we did in the Kingdom of Goa, we just forcibly removed the status of those nobles and demoted them to the productive class.

Not only were they not all dead, but their families and children were extremely safe.

but……. "

Just like every lengthy discussion, there will be a but, Gawain's but made Sabo's heart freeze.

"However, Sabo, this is not the Kingdom of Goa, and this is not a relatively peaceful world.

This is the new world, Wano country! ! !
If I were in other countries, how could I put the butcher knife on the children.

Even if they are the children of nobles, even if they are all as sinister and cruel as your brother, I can't let them go.

Because I believe that the children created by most cultures may not be able to keep their hatred in mind, because most people know how to be content, and instead of hating the past, they want to be happy in the future.

But look at the Wano country, the only people who have not forgotten what happened 800 years ago are the people of Wano country.

Even when the whole world was at armistice with my ancestors, they resolutely fought against the whole world, keeping the historical texts and scattered them.

800 years have not been able to erase their memory, how can I believe that people here can forget their hatred.

Remember, even a child can be a nuisance, and our cause lacks money, lacks manpower, lacks resources, lacks space and time.

But we have no shortage of trouble!
The pirate trend in the new world is destined to unite forces to guard against our pirate kings, the messy thoughts of the world government alliance countries, and even my family can be said to be our big trouble.

Therefore, at this time, we must do everything we can to minimize our troubles.

Including possible and likely future troubles! "

Having said that, Gao Wen sighed leisurely, and then patted Sabo on the shoulder.

"I am very grateful for your opinion on me, which goes deep into my heart and makes me deeply guilty.

I've carried so much on my back, you have to understand that I have to let some things go.

Exactly, I need someone like you to help me remember who I have lost, and to remind me from time to time.

I'm sorry, Sabo, although I am in great pain, the daimyo families all over the Wano country must not have even a single plant or tree left.

I hope you can feel my pain and join me in finding a way to let go of this pain in the future! "

After speaking, Gawain raised his hand and rubbed Sabo's head.

He finally said with lowered brows and eyes.

"The future is yours, so you have to bring yourself into us, and even into my perspective to think about everything.

It is impossible for us to be stationed in Wano Country, and Wano Country must leave some of our brothers and sisters to ensure that Wano Country continues along the path we need.

Just like I don't want Shiliu to kill too much.

I don't even want the lives of those we stay to be threatened by the rebel forces of Wano Country again and again.

I don't want to lose anyone, but if I have to lose...  

Then I choose to keep you! "

At this point, Gawain gave Sabo a hug with tears in his eyes, and then sent Sabo back to the training ground.

Until noon, Sabo, who was eating and drinking with Ace and the others, still patted his cheek.

"Uncle is already in great pain, but I still doubt him, and even want to accuse him!

I'm so nothing! "


Not to mention Sabo's psychological activities, not long after Sabo left, Doflamingo came up to him.

After sitting carelessly beside Gao Wen, he put his hands on his chest and raised his legs, and said to Gao Wen with a sneer.

"You are much better at deceiving children than I am, you should be my boss.

Now, my ambition for your position is getting smaller and smaller!
Replace you with me, then you will definitely be able to do better than me.

If it's the other way around, then I'm afraid I can't even attract Gion, so I can't even take your first step... "

After finishing speaking, Doflamingo sneered and picked up the jug and poured himself a glass of wine.

At the same time, Gao Wen laughed from the sidelines.

"You, wouldn't it be enough to attract Violet?

By the way, you haven't had a child in these years or something?
If Violet doesn't want to give birth to you, then I can talk to her and help you.

If it's because of her family and all the shit you've done in the past.

Then... I can only say that I am asking for more blessings. In this generation, King Liku's hatred for you is really too difficult to eliminate. "


Hearing this, Doflamingo bared his teeth in displeasure.

"That old thing, if you hadn't turned all those toy soldiers back, how could I be in the trouble I am now.

Violet, she... Although she hasn't left my family, she hasn't been with me for a long time.

You should know that I am the one who is wronged!
Dressrosa is the territory of my ancestors, isn't it!
I'm just taking back in my hands what belonged to my ancestors, and they... "

"Stop saying a few words, Dover!"

Hearing Dover's words, Gawain snorted angrily.

"It would be great if you only took back the family's things, you are taking back your country, and at the same time turning those who guarded those things for you all these years into toys and slaves.

What's more, you, a vicious bastard, let people continue to experience tragedies like father and daughter meeting and not being able to recognize each other, and even the story of the daughter almost killing the father who is a toy soldier.

If you pour lime into the field, don't blame the field for not growing crops for you, can you? "

After finishing speaking, Gawain curled his lips in disdain, while Dover took a funny breath.

"You fucking mouth, you are right in everything!
Forget it, I won't tell you anymore, I was going to suggest that you do it more thoroughly, and simply clear Wano Country.

Now it seems that it is impossible for you to agree with my suggestion, whoever teaches you is the boss.

But I have to explain clearly to you that Wano Country, a country with a large amount of marine stone resources, will have countless countries wanting to cooperate as long as they make a small concession.

Even, the world government is scrambling to send people, money and effort to help you develop resources.

We don't worry about the number and source of workers at all. On the contrary, it is more likely to cause trouble if we keep the local workers in Wano Country.

Killing them all will not only not affect our income, but this behavior will even please the five old stars and broaden your progress towards Chambord!

Anyway, think about it!
A king should have the heart to choose, but he should also be arbitrary.

And you are the king! "

After finishing speaking, Dover looked seriously at Gao Wen's face.

As for Gao Wen, facing Dover's gaze, he smiled slightly.

"King, tsk tsk, you always like to put this sentence on your lips.

Then do you know how the king will respond to your suggestion? "

"How to respond?"

Dover looked over curiously, while Gao Wen spread his hands and shrugged.


He laughed mockingly.

"The king will tell you that we can't let the world have fewer women.

Without the women of Wano Country, our children might scold us, haha! "

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