I, the dragon man!

Chapter 49 The Princess' Secret

Chapter 49 The Princess' Secret

"Yes, Neptune, Gawain is right, where is your youngest daughter?"

On the side, Musgarud was also interested, and he said with great nostalgia.

"I remember back then, Princess Othime personally blocked the bullet for me and saved my life.

I haven't had a makeover yet in the first place!
At that time, I pointed a gun at Otohime, clamoring to kill her.

As a result... Haha, that big little girl was so frightened that I cried.

Wow, it's incredible to think about it, that child is very powerful, as soon as she cries, many super giant sea kings rush over immediately! "

Speaking of this, Musgarud was both ashamed and nostalgic. He rubbed his starfish-like hairstyle and said in a low voice.

"Although I am very courageous, I can't hold back those sea kings who are bigger. I am ashamed and ashamed. I was frightened by those giant sea kings and fainted.

Fortunately, I passed out, otherwise I might do something that I regret for the rest of my life! "

Having said that, Musgarud naturally looked at Neptune and continued to ask.

"It's been five years now, that big little girl should have grown up too, how old was she then, was she six years old?

I don't know if she will look like... Huh?

You... what's wrong with you? "

Before Musgarud finished speaking, he saw the three Shark brothers and the left and right ministers in front of them all staring in astonishment!

While Musgarud was puzzled, the right minister who was a seahorse mermaid also rushed to Neptune with a steel fork.

"Your Majesty, it's not good!!!"

The right minister was very anxious.

"Princess Baixing's secret has been known by others!!!"

"Cough cough!"

Looking at the flustered minister on the right, Neptune stretched out his right hand speechlessly, and patted his forehead.

Behind him, his three sons also slapped their heads in unison.

The old Minister Zuo raised his hand. He also wanted to slap his forehead, but his health was too poor, so he took a step slower.

He simply stopped taking pictures, but said to the right minister with a wry smile.

"If your voice is louder, you can even hear the Upside Down Mountain!"

After the words were finished, Gao Wen who was beside him couldn't hold back, he burst out laughing for a while.

This is because he is professional enough, otherwise he should have laughed all of Puchi.

Where is Upside Down Mountain? It is the starting point of the great route. As for its geographical location, the relationship between Upside Down Mountain and Murloc Island is just like the relationship between the South Pole and the North Pole!
When I watched the anime, I just thought these simple guys were a little funny, but after the real pirate world.

These guys are not a little funny, they are really too funny!

Diyuan, who was sitting next to Gao Wen, was still recalling Musgarud's words for a second, trying to figure out why the murlocs were so shocked.

The next second, Di Yuan gasped, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows at Gao Wen.

Seeing Gao Wen looking at him along Feiyan'er, Di Yuan leaned forward and approached Gao Wen, and asked in a very small voice.

"That princess can actually summon sea kings, so, according to the long-standing legend, she is Bo..."

Speaking of this, Gao Wen lightly patted Di Yuan's thigh, and patted back what Di Yuan was going to say next.

After stopping Di Yuan, Gao Wen looked at Neptune with a natural expression.

"Guys, why are you so surprised, is there any secret about Princess Otohime's daughter?"


Faced with Gawain's question, Neptune was a little hesitant, but he thought about it carefully, and Musgarud had already told about his daughter summoning the Neptune when he was six years old!
Musgarud is a person who experienced it firsthand. What concealment can be concealed from eyewitnesses?
If you don't confess something, but blindly conceal it, causing the two Tianlong people to keep guessing.

That would be even more dangerous!
So Neptune shook his head helplessly.

"Hey, I won't hide it from you, my daughter, like her mother, has a special talent since she was a child.

Just like Otohime's knowledgeable color can perceive the emotions of others and share her emotions with others.

My daughter Shirahoshi has a good relationship with Neptunes and fishes.

It's not a big deal, but... "

Having said that, Neptune looked around, and there were only a few people present.

In addition to his son and the right and left ministers, it is the Tianlongren who already know that Shirahoshi can summon the sea kings and their subordinate Diyuan.

If his son and the left and right ministers would betray him, the secret would no longer be a secret.

As for the Tianlong people...they already know it!
So Neptune exhaled, and said na na.

"However, our Fishman Island has always had a prophecy, and there is also a legend in the human world.

That is to say, there will be a murloc princess who can communicate with sea kings on Murloc Island, and that person is related to Poseidon among the three ancient weapons.

Hey, this is the so-called secret of my daughter. "

After the words fell, Neptune looked carefully at Musgarud and Gawain, and when he found that the two had no special reaction, he immediately relieved his heart.

And the two people he looked at...

Musgarud tilted his head: "What is Poseidon?"

In the five years after Princess Otohime's death, Musgarud, who had turned back as a prodigal son, did learn a lot of knowledge, but to be honest, all he learned was knowledge related to mermaids.

He just changed from an ignorant person to a pure mermaid master!
Otherwise, as the first person to see Shirahoshi summoning the Neptune, Musgarud had no associations in the past five years.

As for Gao Wen, he waved his hand lightly.

"Is it another rumor about ancient weapons?"

After finishing speaking, Gao Wen gently shook his head.

"Some people say that Tom, the dead shipbuilder in the capital of seven waters, has the blueprints of Pluto, the king of the underworld.

Others say that the Kingdom of Alabasta is the only family that is a descendant of the twenty kings who moved out of Marie Joa and gave up their identity as Tianlong people.

Many people think they also hold clues to Pluto.

It is also said that there is news of Uranus, the king of heaven, hidden on the empty island.

So in our seabed, do some people say that the Murloc Island hides news related to Poseidon, the king of the sea? "

Having said that, Gao Wen laughed narrowly.

"Nepton, Murloc Tom is also your murloc, if you say that, doesn't your Murloc Island own two of the three ancient weapons?
If you really have two ancient weapons, then how could Murloc Island not even deal with passing pirates, haha!

Don't talk about those, there are too many gossips in this world, just watch it as fun! "

After Gao Wen finished speaking, everyone in the hall except Musgarud let out a long breath.

Neptune and the others were completely relieved. Gao Wensheng's attitude was very clear. He did not believe in rumors or spread rumors.

Haixia Jinbe also relaxed, and he looked at Gao Wen with admiration.

But why is it admiration?

As for Gao Wen's back, in Di Yuan's eyes, Gao Wen's figure became taller and taller.

It turns out that the purpose of the adults rushing to the Fishman Island is not only Jinbei who is the Qibukai!
On the main seat, Gao Wen clapped his hands lightly to attract everyone's attention when he saw everyone's different appearances.

"Well, put aside all those irrelevant things, you haven't answered my question, Neptune friend.

Our little princess Baixing is already 11 years old, why didn't she act with your sons?

Haha, don't hide the cute little princess, call her out to prepare for the banquet? "

Facing Gawain's question, Neptune pondered for a moment, and his eyes wandered over Diyuan and Jinbei.

Di Yuan had regained his composure at this time, and Jin Ping kept nodding his head.

Seeing Jinbei's statement, Neptune heaved a sigh of relief, and then simply agreed.

"Okay, Gao Wensheng, I'll ask my son to bring their sister over here.

Hohohohoho, today is really a good day, the lost children returned to their hometown, I also made friends like you two, and my daughter can walk out of that tower!

Shark Star, Emperor Star, Crash Star, go to the Hard Shell Tower and pick up your sister to the main hall. "

"Follow your orders, Father."

Shark star immediately nodded in agreement, and the car-turning star beside him wanted to say something, but before the car-turning star could speak, Shark star slapped him back with his tail.

Immediately afterwards, the three princes of the murloc kingdom swam out of the hall, wagging their tails.

After leaving the main hall, Crashing Xing finally couldn't bear it anymore, he said to Sha Xing unhappy.

"Brother, what's wrong with father, why does he talk about everything, and even plans to bring out his younger sister, red sunfish!
Without the protection of the hard shell tower, what will happen to the safety of my sister, red sunfish! ! ! "

"Okay, third brother, we just follow father's order.

As for the secret about the younger sister, didn't the father and that Gao Wensheng have teamed up to reveal it!
As for Bai Xing's safety, there are still alternate generals Di Yuan and Haixia Jinping in the hall.

With them here, Bai Xing's safety will not be a problem! "

After finishing speaking, Shark Star took his shut-up brothers to the hard-shell tower. Together with the guards, they opened the gate of the hard-shell tower, and then turned on the lights in the hard-shell tower.

As soon as the light came on, the huge bed in the hard shell tower suddenly swelled into a big bag.

"Yes... who is it?"

Accompanied by a tender question, a corner of the bulging quilt on the bed was lifted.

Bai Xing's pink face poked out of the quilt, she blinked her big eyes that were so frightened that tears flowed, and looked at her brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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