I, the dragon man!

Chapter 554 Im: Disrespectful Child

Chapter 554 Im: Disrespectful Child


After hearing what Im said, Gao Wen tilted his head with great interest.

"What did you just say, lights?

So you extinguished many lights, didn't you? "


Im doesn't seem to like to hide, but at her level, she really doesn't need to hide anything anymore.

Facing Gao Wen's interested expression, Im pursed his lips and continued speaking softly.

"If your flame keeps burning in my eyes, then you will indeed be the next lamp that I go out, even because you live in Mary Gioia.

It's much easier for me to extinguish you.

However, since you are not a lamp, then you are worthy of my expectation, child.

Without the pursuit of so-called freedom like a light, you may be worthy of my ideal and destiny.

It is true that even I need assistance from the power of the world.

And you, at least among the current generation of Draconians, no one is more suitable than you.

Maybe you were not as good as Shanks before, but now, whether you feel it or not, your importance has surpassed him.

Take it easy, kid, at least when I stand in front of you and confirm your flame for the last time.

You will be in no danger from me. "

Having said that, Im stopped his steps, and then came to Gao Wen.

Facing Gao Wen's gaze, he gently stretched out his hand.

Seeing that Gao Wen was motionless, Im's hand was also frozen in mid-air.

One second, two seconds....

After more than three minutes passed, Im finally sighed helplessly.

"Bend down, boy, and let me touch your shoulder."


Hearing this, Gao Wen's expression turned embarrassing.

The movement of Im raising her hand was not high, it only reached her own chest.

It seemed that she was used to the appearance of others kneeling in front of him.

And after she reaches out to others.

Maybe everyone else would kneel down in front of him obediently.

As for Gao Wen.

He thought Im was going to take something from the void.

It's not like the sea doesn't have this ability, right?

In short, facing Im, whose expression has not changed, but whose breathing has become chaotic after all.

Gao Wen bent his waist.

But he was too tall, even if he bent down, it would be difficult for Im to reach her shoulder without raising his hand.

In desperation, Im took a deep breath, and then raised his right hand again.

The child in front of me is too uncute, she doesn't respect her ancestor at all, it's very tiring to raise her hand!

Just when Im's right hand was about to rest on Gao Wen's shoulder.

For some reason, Im suddenly pursed her lips.

After a while, Im stood on tiptoe and tried to raise his right hand a little higher.

The next moment, Im's right hand finally reached the top of Gao Wen's head.

Looking at the jet-black hair, Im exerted a little force on his wrist.

A crisp sound.


Gao Wen took a sharp breath, contributing a lot to the cause of global warming.

"Old ancestor, what kind of ceremony is this, does it hurt so much!!!"

Gao Wen asked a wordless question, but Im turned around in an instant, and continued to walk towards the corridor among the flowers.

Seeing himself as a tsundere patriarch who picked it up for nothing, what else could Gao Wen say.

As expected of a woman, even if she is the strongest woman in the world, her character still has a slightly vicious side of a woman.

But that's good too. It can be seen that although Im has lived for a long time, his mood is still normal.

Although she also has the idea of ​​calling herself a widow or even a god, she has not really become a monster who has completely lost her feelings.

Looking at Im's back, Gao Wen immediately wanted to follow Im.

But just as he was taking a step, Im suddenly turned his back to him and said.

"Stop following me, boy, I don't need you for anything else.

The reason why I came here with you is to verify with my own eyes the color of the flame in your heart.

As long as you don't want to bring the idea of ​​so-called freedom to the Confederacy, you also want to bring the so-called equality to all inferior people by destroying Mary Joya.

Then no matter what method you want to use to change the world in your heart, I don't care at all.

Not every idiot can be successful, but any idiot can have ideals.

I know your ideals, great unity, use your rule to replace my or Mary Joya's rule and so on.

You never hide it from others, and Qia Shoulang and others also know about your ambitions, but no one cares.

As long as people like you can toss around more, those who follow you at sea will definitely give their strength to you and follow you to the death in battle.

Everything you do is weakening this sea, even if there are more strong ones, the weaker ones will die more.

That's enough, hehe, that's enough.

Because the souls of too many people will make the tree linger longer.

And I don't like that! ! ! "

After finishing speaking, Im turned his back to Gao Wen and waved his hand lightly, as if it was a waste of energy to do so twice.

Looking at Im's back, Gao Wen finally tried to ask.


"That's not something you should know, I don't want you to know, and I don't want you to want to know.

Hurry up.

Disobedient child! "

Im indifferently stopped Gawain's search and drove him out.

Seeing this, Gao Wen had no choice but to turn around and leave Huajian.

As soon as he went out, Gao Wen was stopped by the five elders.

Qi Shoulang was the first to come to Gao Wen, and he smiled and said, putting his arms around Gao Wen's shoulders.

"Haha, good, good, it seems that you are not a light that needs to be extinguished.

I knew that Master Yimu was always very accurate.

Since she sees that you are not a lamp in ordinary days, even if you are in front of her, there shouldn't be any changes. "

After finishing speaking, Kejuro raised his chin and gave his partners a narrow look.

At the same time, the other four breathed a sigh of relief.

But after they relaxed, Gao Wen's ears were filled with all kinds of noisy voices.

It's all about what my position is more suitable for you.

After all, as long as Gawain walks out of Lord Yim's room alive, it proves that at least Lord Yim will not hinder Gao Wen's way to the top five elder stars.

In that case, as long as Gao Wen can pass the test, he will jump a challenge among them and win.

Then one of them can get rid of the eternal 007 and embrace the wonderful retirement life instead! ! !

It's really difficult for them five old stars!
They have given up their material comforts, even something as addictive as smoking.

At the same time, they even gave up the relationship between men and women, and never touched any woman again.

Even if you don't talk about desire, just talk about entertainment.

They don't have any means of entertainment except raising squid occasionally, looking at flowers, and other entertainment activities such as weeding!

It was even difficult for them to leave Chambord, because Pangu City, a special city, needed the guarding of the five of them anytime and anywhere to avoid some bad results.

Don't you see that the old man with the scar, Satan, had his leg broken even when he went out the last time, but when he heard the opportunity to go out, he immediately took his luggage and went to sea by boat.

As for Ke Shoulang, the oldest guy among the five old stars, because he is a great swordsman, he loves one sword, so he can barely hold on for so long.

As for the others, even the youngest yellow-haired Peter Saint has long since felt a little unbearable! ! !
In this way, Gao Wen was harassed all the way to the rest area by Wu Laoxing with a bitter face, and finally got rid of Wu Laoxing's verbal bombardment.

This time, they didn't mess around with the red line anymore, but their spirit of rushing to get a beating made Gao Wen even more dumbfounded.

Even the white beard who was sitting in the rest area and had a large group of maids to take care of him heard the voice of Wu Laoxing from a long distance away.

Seeing Gao Wen walk into the lounge, Whitebeard immediately raised his hand to say hello and smiled.

"Gula la la, Gawain boy, I thought before that when you were about to become the fifth old star, there would be a bloody storm on the sea.

As a result, now it seems that it's really fucking...!
You kid was obviously escorted to the seat of the Five Elders!

But this is not surprising, if the old man's son has the domineering look like you, then the old man will directly ask him to become the old man's heir.

It is probably the sincere dream of every elder to entrust his name to such a domineering younger generation, right?

From this point of view, the five old stars are actually more sensible than the old man originally thought.

The old man thought they were all big Tianlong people before!

Tsk tsk, thinking that Wu Laoxing is such an excellent person, the old man has raised a lot of fighting spirit.

It's a pity, old man!

If he is 30 years younger, then this old man will definitely regard challenging those five old guys as his dream for the rest of his life, haha! ! ! "

Having said that, Whitebeard laughed and took the wine glass from the maid.

All the maids of Tianlong people are excellent, not to mention the maids of Wulaoxing.

To serve wine to others, the maid only needs to twist her body and approach.

But when the wine was served to Whitebeard, the maid who served the wine moved forward steadily holding the wine that weighed nearly two and a half tons!

At the door, listening to what Whitebeard said, Gao Wen nodded amusedly.

Afterwards, Gao Wen couldn't help but look at the legs of the nearby maids.

Looking at the stockings on the legs of the maids, Gao Wen couldn't help curling his lips.

"Ah, Mr. Newgate, you are a bit too at home, aren't you?

Even the maids temporarily arranged by Chambord, have you made them wear leopard-print stockings? "


Don't talk nonsense!

Gao Wen, what do you think about this old man!
The old man didn't ask them to change any clothes, and they all wore leopard prints when they came to the old man.

The old man can only say that you Marie Gioia is really a strong enough place.

Even the inferior pirates in the eyes of Tianlong people like the old man have been mastered by them as a hobby that they will never forget! "

While talking, White Beard took a deep sip of his wine.

At the same time, Gao Wen tilted his head slightly and asked in doubt.

"Marie Gioia knows your hobbies?
how is this possible.

Of course they know, after all you are a white beard, and many people know about your hobbies.

But you don't deserve them to change the maid's clothes just for you.

so……? "

Gawain turned his head to look at the maid closest to Whitebeard, and that maid immediately bowed to Gawain.

"Gao Wensheng, we didn't receive an order to change our costumes, but when this guest passed by the animal exhibition area, he looked at the leopard very intently, so we temporarily changed into leopard-print costumes....

What's more, I was lucky enough to hear from a maid in your family that you don't like to bow down.

So... that's why this servant dared not bow down to you. "

Speaking of this, the maid was already trembling, she bent down to face the ground, not daring to change her figure for a long time.

Looking at the extremely respectful maid, Gao Wen took a deep breath.

"Yeah, I really don't like you bowing down, just like I don't like bowing down to others.

I am very grateful that you have understood my likes and dislikes in private, but other than kneeling and worshiping, don't do what you like to me, it will be very tiring. "

After speaking, Gawain patted the maid's hair and motioned the maid to stand up straight.

At the same time, the white beard on the side shook his head emotionally.

"Hey, are these the people who live in Marie Joy?

This kind of personality is much more cautious than the group of girls on the old man's boat who threatened to pull out the old man's needle at every turn.

Mary Gioia... hey.

If it doesn't treat the whole world as inferior here.

If the people here don't think they are superior.

Then this place should become the place that the old man and others yearn for.

In that case, there is no need for the old man and others to pursue things like peace, right? "

After the words fell, White Beard stood up and brought up his Cong Yunqie again.

"Okay, Gao Wen, since you're back, let's go back.

If you and I disappeared on the battlefield alone, the situation might still be stalemate.

At this moment, you and I are all gone, hmph, I'm afraid this kind of thing will touch the nerves of many people!

The old man's sons are fine, at best they will only become a little more ferocious.

After all, they have inherited the old man's ideal long ago, and they are ready for the old man's death at any time.

When the old man really died, they also looked away, and the last obsession was just to collect the old man's body.

When the old man is buried, they will be divided into two waves.

The first wave will probably be with Sarge, follow Joz and Tikki and they will continue to set up the banner of Whitebeard...or Blackbeard.

In another wave, he will probably leave the pirate group with the child of Marco and go back to take care of the old father's secret treasure.

But you...

Your subordinates are completely different from the old man's sons. Their positions are firmer, their goals are clearer, and their thinking is more extreme!

If we go back late, maybe even the old man's son will be killed by your crazy subordinates a lot! ! ! "

While speaking, White Beard strode towards the door.

But at this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Greenwood walked in.

Seeing that White Beard was about to leave, Greenwood frowned suddenly.

too fast!
Everything is so fast!
Lord Yimu actually only summoned Gao Wen for a few minutes before letting him leave Huajian!


Anyway, I have to delay them for a while.

Even if it's just half an hour more.

Then Shanks can also have many more opportunities to spin!
Thinking of this, Green raised his knife fiercely, and pressed the scabbard against White Beard's thigh.

Then, he raised his head and said coldly.

"Do I agree with you leaving?

especially you!

Whitebeard, Edward Newgate! "

(End of this chapter)

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