I, the dragon man!

Chapter 589 Shocked Special Investigator!

"Can the sonic Kazuko make people feel stressed and lose consciousness?!"

On the side, Kiyoko Anpu, the only female investigator among the seven special investigators, couldn't help frowning.

"If that's the case, then we have found the reason why Shinohara and you suddenly lost consciousness.

Hezi of the sonic type needs corresponding protective helmets to block them, but we did not arrange corresponding logistical support in this operation.

This should be the responsibility of my countermeasures department, and I would like to apologize to you and Mr. Shinohara.

But I noticed, Madoka, you seem to have persisted longer in the face of the attack of the unknown ghouls in the Anding area, and even you were subdued by the enemy's hand knife instead of being unconscious by the enemy's sonic attack.

Then I want to know, when the unknown ghoul subdues you, have you judged the physical strength of the unknown ghoul, and at the same time, have you noticed the type of Hezi that the unknown ghoul has? "

After finishing the words, Kiyoko Anpu looked at Mado Wu Xu with a serious look.

Facing Kiyoko Anura's gaze, Mado let out several breaths of displeasure, and finally shook his head feebly.

"I didn't see him release Kazuko, and I have no way of knowing what kind of Kazuko he is. I don't even know whether the attack he stuns others and puts pressure on me is from him or some special weapon." not very clear.

As for his physical strength....

I can only say that I have never seen a ghoul as fast as him!

Even the one-eyed owl, I have seen the one-eyed owl with my own eyes, and participated in the crusade against the one-eyed owl, twice!
But I don't think Cyclops has his speed!

At least in terms of speed, I dare to use my last name to guarantee that he has surpassed all ghouls in the past and present, at least all the ghouls I have seen with my own eyes in my life! ! ! "

Speaking of this, Mado put his head in his hands in annoyance, he was going crazy!
Why are there so many ugly, evil, damned ghouls in the world who live by eating people!
Can't finish killing! ! !

Obviously, he hasn't even avenged the one-eyed owl yet!

As a result, there is now a special ghoul that has never had a code name! ! !

Ahhh! ! !
For a moment, the blood in Mado Wuxu's eyeballs soared rapidly, and his mind was almost shrouded in darkness.

It's just that when everyone started to worry about him, he seemed to suddenly remember something!
I saw him slapping his chair fiercely, and then roared.

"Although I haven't met his Kazuko type, and haven't even been able to really have a fight with him.

But, I saw his face!

It wasn't what Shinohara and others saw, the invisible appearance in the shadows in the distance!
But the real, unmasked face that appeared before me! "

After the words fell, Mado suddenly raised his eyelids, fixedly staring at Arima Kisho who was sitting upright and thinking not far away.

As the leader of the Seven Great Investigators and the strongest human being, Arima has always been relatively lazy. Apart from being ordered to kill ghouls, Arima doesn't even take part in ordinary CCG operations.

He usually takes his own team to haunt places that other people don't know, acting under the orders of the CCG chief speaker and Xiu Changji.

As for this time, although he listened to Mado's words, his eyes still seemed to be wandering away.

It wasn't until Mado Wuxu looked over that Arima looked at Mado Wuxu expressionlessly and asked softly.

"Master Mado, why are you looking at me?"

"Because that person's temperament is very similar to yours!"

Mado responded sharply, and then he himself was a little stunned.

Rubbing his face depressingly, Mado felt that he was going crazy, that a ghoul resembled the strongest human being.

Arima has always been the front line of the crusade against the one-eyed owl.

The first one-eyed owl crusade 12 years ago, but when he himself was just an ordinary third-class investigator, Arima was already a high-ranking investigator, and he is still standing under the leadership of another special investigator, Marutesai. Against the one-eyed owl!
Whoever I suspect, I shouldn't doubt Kisho Arima!

Even if I always feel that there is something wrong with Matt and others, I have no right to doubt the strongest hope of mankind who has devoted himself to the mission of fighting against the one-eyed owl earlier than myself!
Thinking of this, Mado suddenly laughed hysterically.

I'm afraid I'm going crazy.

Everything is the one-eyed owl's fault!

As long as the one-eyed owl is killed, everything will return to normal!
Without hatred, my lover can also walk into Gao Tianyuan.

Sure can!
Just let the one-eyed owl die! ! !

For a moment, boundless resentment and hatred floated out of Mahu's body almost visible to the naked eye.

Looking at Mado who was getting closer to madness, the director and Xiu Jishi shook their heads lightly.

"Since Mado-senpai has seen the face of the enemy, please ask Mado-san to find professional personnel from the Countermeasures Section to draw the enemy's appearance."

"I see!"

Hearing the order, Mado rushed out of the room immediately.

The feeling of sitting in the house is not good, but it is like poison, making Mado extremely sick!
Except for sleeping time, Mado only wanted to do things like looking for and killing ghouls during the rest of the time!
There is no need to discuss anything, the main thing is strong enough, as long as it can kill ghouls and one-eyed owls is enough! ! !

Well, he's probably acquired psychological ADHD...

In short, when Madoka Wu Xu left, everyone in the conference room let out a sigh of relief.

Everyone is the backbone of CCG, so of course they don't dislike Mado Wu Xu.

It's just that the sense of despair and mission entangled in Mado Wuxu is too strong!

At the same time, after thinking for a moment, Arima gently pushed down his glasses and said.

"It seems that the enemy's temperament is the same as mine. If this is the case, it shows that the enemy's confidence is probably the same as mine!
Therefore, this time the enemy is probably a very worrying opponent! "

"That's right!"

Beside Arima, Haizaki Fukame and others nodded heavily.

"Since Matt and others forced the one-eyed owl back for the first time 12 years ago, Matt and others have been the role models of investigators and the strongest human beings.

Such momentum lasted for a full 12 years before Matt and others had the temperament they have today.

It turned out that the enemy actually had a similar temperament and confidence, so could it be... is the enemy actually a one-eyed owl?

After all, although we have launched many crusades against the one-eyed owl, we have never seen the real appearance of the one-eyed owl! "

Speaking of this, Haizaki took a deep look at everyone, and the information brewing in his eyes was self-evident, and everyone knew that he suspected that the one-eyed owl had mastered more powerful power and ability.

On the side, Hei Panyan, who was thinking, shook his head heavily.

"I'm afraid it's not the one-eyed owl, after all, if it's that guy, there's no way for Shinohara and Mato to come back safely!

According to the investigators who found Shinohara and the others, when they found them, they even discovered that a few ghouls were guarding and protecting them.

It seems that not only did they not kill Shinohara and the others, but they really didn't want Shinohara and the others to be killed by other ghouls!
This kind of style is definitely not a one-eyed owl, but more like the one we met later... the owl who does not kill!

I think the identity of the owl who does not kill may be confirmed!

I'm afraid that what Xiaoyuan encountered this time was just not to be killed.... "

"Absolutely impossible!"

On the side, Mr. Shinohara interrupted Mr. Hei Panyan's words very simply.

He shook his head quickly and continued.

"Although the owl who does not kill has never killed the investigator, his aura is definitely different from the person we met that day!
I am a person who has experienced it first-hand, and I think my opinion is for reference. Although temperament cannot be used as evidence, people like us who walk on the tip of a knife tend to trust our intuition more! "

"That's right, on this point, I agree with Shinohara, it's not appropriate to directly define the identity of an enemy.

Only the first-line witnesses are qualified to define the enemy, right? "

Not far away, Momomoto Tanakamaru tapped on the table lightly. This investigator, who had fought and defeated the magic monkey in the future, looked very serious and serious at this moment.

On his right side, Marute Saito and others propped their chin with both hands, and sighed leisurely.

"In short, there is one more ghoul that can cause us trouble, but to be honest, I'm not too worried about tonight's ghoul.

After all, he didn't even wear a mask. Maybe it was just some good luck that awakened Hezi's new ability, and it might be an ordinary ghoul who felt inflated because of it.

Look, he even sent someone to protect the comatose Chief Shinohara, which shows that his attitude towards us is still friendly.

Even, hehe, the ghouls who are afraid of us may not be qualified to be our enemies in the future! "

Having said that, Marutesai clapped his hands, and after attracting everyone's attention, he continued.

"Compared with everything that happened to Shinohara, I am more worried about the sudden thunder and lightning!

That piece of lightning descended instantly and killed more than [-] ghouls in Tokyo after the entire power outage in Japan!
Although what he killed was a ghoul, this kind of power is more worthy of our concern, because no one can guarantee where the thunder and lightning will come next when we don't know who owns this kind of weapon! "

"Cough cough!"

Suddenly, the bureau chief and Xiu Jishi, who were sitting upright, coughed heavily.

"We don't need to discuss this matter, our country and the cabinet are the ones who really discuss this issue.

A weapon capable of killing [-] ghouls in different positions and actions at the same time, the chief speaker told me that the cabinet is worried that this is the latest invention of the lion in the east.

As for why they chose Tokyo as the venue for the experiment.

Probably because they dare not choose Europe.

After all, compared with us who are united in deciding to kill ghouls, and Tokyo which does not accept ghouls as a whole and is unwilling to be controlled by ghouls.

If they experimented with this weapon in the area in Europe that was completely ruled by ghouls, World War III would start soon! "

Speaking of this, He Xiuji pressed down with his right hand, signaling for everyone to talk as little as possible.

As for the lion in the east, he doesn't know if Europe and the United States are afraid of it, at least he and the Xiu family are extremely afraid of it!

During World War I, countless large ghoul families in Europe relied on wars to make ghouls a necessity and controller in Europe, America and other countries.

At those times, the Hexiu family boldly set their sights on Japan.

Even after the First World War, the Hexiu family used Japan as a springboard, and gave birth to a family that wanted to annex China in one fell swoop, so that the Hexiu family, a medium-sized ghoul family that was not well-known in Europe, became a family like Rothschild. Yes, the ambition of a super-large ghoul family that can control the entire United States.

Of course, the Hexiu family failed and paid a heavy price, so that after World War II they could not even completely control the whole of Japan.

Therefore, they can only move behind the scenes and transform themselves from the status of rulers to the rulers of ccg, so as to coordinate and control the number of ghouls in Tokyo and even Japan as a whole, so as to gradually influence and penetrate all of Japan path of.

As for now, although Hexiu's family is indeed covering the sky with one hand in Tokyo, Japan does not have an official capital!
Therefore, the Hexiu family who has mastered Tokyo is at best one of Japan's economic core cities, and has not completely mastered the political lifeline of the entire Japan!

Therefore, regarding the cabinet, I didn't want to talk too much about the ccg members with Xiu Jishi.

The Prime Minister and a series of cabinet members are suspicious of Eastern weapons, so let them doubt and negotiate with the East internationally.

CCG members only need to do a good job of controlling the number of ghouls, so as to help He Xiujia to further control Japan and greater power!
Now that the director had said so, Marutesai had no choice but to nod his head and keep silent.

On the side, Kuro Panyan looked at Marutesai and shook his head depressedly.

The Japanese cabinet has not increased the budget of the ccg, and many ccg members are dissatisfied with the cabinet.

So when the cabinet is mentioned, they are reluctant to speak....

This is also Hexiu's method, to prevent the ccg members from being separated from the cabinet. Once ccg becomes the power of the cabinet, it will be bad for Hexiu's family.

Is not it?
In this awkward silence.

When I was with Xiu Ji, I suddenly received a phone call.

So, the bureau chief calmly communicated with the person on the other side of the phone.

After a while, the phone hung up.

Suddenly, although some investigators here were worried, they found out that the expression of their boss completely changed!
The next moment, he said fiercely with Xiuji.

"I just borrowed the investigation and video recordings from the search department, everyone... everyone, please take a look!"

While trembling, he and Xiuji turned on the computer, and then opened the video sent by the search department from the email!

The next moment, 80.00% of the investigators present stood up in astonishment!
Even Arima Kisho couldn't help standing up, his face that had always been calm showed a look of astonishment!

Because he saw...a dragon! ! !
The shooting angle of this video seems to be near the top of Mt. Fuji, and the video screen shakes very badly. While the protagonist of the video is trembling with fear, people watching the video can see the tents and other survival supplies they prepared.

But those are secondary, the main thing is when the camera lens is shifted to the direction of the mountainside in the dark night!

Even though it was night, they could clearly see a giant dragon covered in moonlight and at least several thousand meters long slowly rising from the forest!
It was a... what a huge dragon! ! ! (end of this chapter)

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