I, the dragon man!

Chapter 604 I Just Want to Feed a Cat

Being carried by Gao Wen, He Xiu Changji didn't make any resistance movements, he just let the wooden clogs make a sound while being dragged, and coughed lightly twice.

After two sounds, he raised his head and said to Gao Wen slowly.

"Even if it is a dangerous creature, its own power has a limit.

After all, even the gods in the legends, no matter Nordic or Gao Tianyuan, will have doomed doom.

Gao Wen, I really want to know where you come from.

But it's good not to know, maybe I can leave a little guess even if I know that I'm dead.

The feeling of guesswork and unknown, that’s really nice. "

After finishing speaking, He Xiu Changji narrowed his eyes, as if the city in the Middle East appeared in his eyes.

Once upon a time, in order to get rid of the Middle East trapped by the flames of war, they dragged their families and left the place where the family had operated for the past 2000 years.

In the past, they were also the crusaders who defeated Jerusalem, and after their family came to Japan.

They can only look at their old relatives in the past, tearing the flesh and blood of their master with one war at a time.

As for their old relatives from the past.

Ha ha.

In the city where the Crusaders tore apart Jerusalem, wouldn't a great magician appear a thousand years later who could tear apart the Twin Towers?

And my own family....

Although he left his chaotic hometown under the decision of his ancestors.

But after all, it was only here in the small days, and he got a life of being a dog for the white pig.

It would be nice to end like this, really nice.

At least until his death, his family... is still the hope in the eyes of millions of people.

I don't know if such a hope can create a few stupid gods in hell for family members?

If that's the case, maybe even hell and the Xiu family can covet one or two! ! !
Thinking of this, He Xiu Changji took one last look at Gao Wen, and then killed himself neatly.

He quickly raised his hands, one hand inserted into his chest, and the other hand shredded his throat.

Being spattered with He Xiu Changji's blood, Gao Wen unhappily let go of his hand, allowing He Xiu Changji to fall to the ground.

In the distance, Gao Wen has already settled with Xiu Changji.

Arima gritted his teeth, and looked at Aite silently.

Gotta speed up!

He said to Aite with his eyes.

Aite nodded in understanding!

It is true that the group of naturally powerful people they faced were indeed stronger than them half-ghouls and half-humans.

But in terms of combat experience, hehe, the experience of Arima and Aite can beat them by dozens of blocks!

In this case, as long as Youma and Aite show some energy to exchange injuries for injuries, it is still possible to solve them quickly.

It's just that before Youma and Aite exert their strength.

After Hexiu Changji died, the remaining members of Hexiu's family actually took half a step back, and after looking at each other, they all chose to end their lives!

Arima looked at Hexiu Kiyoura who put his hand into his heart in confusion, and his whole body froze.

As for Aite, looking at the opponent who committed suicide on the opposite side, she curled her lips, spitting blood and scolding.

"Obviously a family from the Middle East, but they have learned the Japanese samurai.

Hehe, what a bunch of bastards who don't know how precious life is.

But that's okay, it's also quite interesting, at least you don't have to work harder! "

After the words fell, Aite switched back from the Hezhe state, and then quickly rushed to Gao Wen's side.

In the distance, Arima quickly turned around, then pushed his glasses helplessly.

Once the girl Aite uses the Hezhe state, there will be no clothes left on her body.

Otherwise, she would not have only worn a large cloak, and only wrapped bandages all over her body in the cloak to hide her shame.

As for now, Aite in front of Gao Wen didn't want to be so ugly with bandages all over his body.

So after this complete transformation and fight, her already damaged skirt couldn't stand it anymore.

Now she was huddling in Gao Wen's hand with her little butt naked, watching Gao Wen put on her coat with a smile on her face.

After buttoning up the coat buttons one by one, Aite turned his head to look at He Xiu Changji's head, and curled his lips again.

"It's just like dying, it's as simple as going to a convenience store to buy milk.

Such a guy has made us sad for so many years.

Oh, it's such a sad life without adults~~~. "

While speaking, Aite leaned towards Gawain's hand like a puppy, and moved his fluffy hair towards Gawain's palm.

After rubbing it lightly twice, she narrowed her eyes and licked Gao Wen's palm, licking off the drip and Xiu Changji's blood.

This action was noticed by Gao Wen, who patted Aite on the head unhappily.

"Eat everything, spit it out!"

"Slightly slightly slightly~~~."

Although he was reprimanded, Aite stuck out his tongue happily, and then pretended to beep a few times.

As for that bit of blood, it was the blood of Hexiu's family.

There's no harm in being late.

Among all the ghouls in Tokyo, Hexiu is the strongest, definitely the strongest~~~.

Gawain didn't care whether Aite vomited blood or not, after a reprimand, he dragged Aite towards Arima.

Sensing Gao Wen approaching, Arima quickly turned around, then bowed his head to show respect to Gao Wen.

As for Gawain, he took a deep breath, and then patted Arima on the shoulder.

"He Xiu Changji, or the He Xiu family including He Xiu Jishi.

The reason why they died so hastily was that they were determined to die as human beings.

Indeed, only by doing so can the hearts of human beings be condensed to the greatest extent before our appearance.

The small day's cabinet doesn't want everyone in the whole day to know that they have been played by ghouls for hundreds of years in the past.

As for the death of Hexiu's family, how will they deal with my big trouble? "

Having said this, Gawain looked towards the horizon from a distance. Arima looked in Gawain's direction, but only saw the buildings of Congyun and the ruined Tokyo.

As for what Gao Wen saw?
After a moment, he continued.

"It seems that the Hexiu family's hiding in Tokyo is indeed very good, at least the weapons prepared by the Hexiu family to deal with ghouls are already at the highest level throughout the day.

In order to maintain the balance between ghouls and humans behind the scenes, Hexiu's family cannot allow Tokyo to have a super weapon against ghouls like Dongguo.

Therefore, after the death of Hexiu's family, I'm afraid Xiaotian has no other means to deal with me, so much so that they actually directly applied to their master for support! "

Speaking of this, Gawain gently pushed Arima's shoulder, and then let go of Aite.

"The guys from the Self-Defense Force have already set off for the city of Tokyo, you two go back and lead everyone to maintain the atmosphere with the Self-Defense Force.

Whether it is you, or the Self-Defense Forces, none of you are the protagonists of this war.

The protagonist of this battle is only me, and I have already seen my challenger, who is lying on the sea like a crouching dragon, waiting for me to tear him into a plucked eagle.

Ha ha. "

As the voice fell, Gao Wen's figure suddenly disappeared, and the two top fighters, Arima and Aite, couldn't even track his figure!
Feeling the body heat left by Gawain after he left, Aite narrowed his eyes worriedly.

"There are horses!"

she asked solemnly.

"My lord, the opponent he just mentioned, the thing lying in the sea, wouldn't it be the thing I thought of?"

"Uh, if what you think is the same as I am, it is also an aircraft carrier arranged by the United States in nearby waters.

Then I think...you and I should have guessed right!

That thing is not just talking, not to mention the aircraft and weapons on the aircraft carrier, there may be more than one or two super ghouls serving on that aircraft carrier alone.

Europe and the United States are the paradise of ghouls, and ghouls have completely ruled the politics and business there. The super ghouls they talk about are far from being as simple as sss in our eyes. "

Having said that, Arima raised his hand to adjust his glasses.

"You and I are still too weak, just like what you and I pursue are always to overthrow and repair.

The weak like us are not qualified to challenge things far beyond our abilities.

As for adults, I'm actually quite at ease.

You can tell from your lord's attitude that he clearly regards the aircraft carrier and everything on it as a humble challenger.

And my lord, is he generally very wise and deep.

Surely he would not overestimate himself.

Now that he is so confident, what else can we do, hurry up and lead someone with me to stop the Self-Defense Forces.

I really like humans, how cute they are, if I can really find a way of peace...

In other words, if we can really use Mr. Gao Wen's absolute strength to create an absolute authority based on peace.

Then I really don't want to fight to the death with humans.

After all, as long as they appear on one side of the war, no matter how confident they are, they are actually just pawns of those big men.

A group of old people sat on the stage and decided to talk loudly, but how many young people's flesh and blood and lives were exchanged for it.

This kind of business, regardless of humans or ghouls, is a bit too bad, haha. "

After finishing speaking, Arima speeded up quietly, and was about to rush out of the courtyard with Quink in his arms in a blink of an eye.

It's just that Aite rolled his eyes and stopped him when he just rushed out.

"Ah hey, Arima, I probably know that you are in a hurry.

But... there are so many luxury cars in the yard!
Although I don’t know if adults would prefer Rolls-Royce, Bentley, or simply a big toy like 918.

However, at least the two of us don't have to run back all the way after we've been mixed until victory, right?
At least take some spoils with you, right? ! ! "

While complaining, Aite chose a 918 painted in red and black, happily found the keys and got into the driver's seat.

Even if she is a great writer, she usually can't afford a big toy like 918.

As for Arima, after being read twice by Aite, he stopped stiffly at the door.

After a moment, he turned around.

"Hey, I have been working as a dog for others for a long time, but I don't even think that I can be the person who sits in the car window and talks to the outside.

Well, I'll take a Rolls Royce.

Because in my impression....

The number of times they sat in this car and gave me orders... the most! ! ! "


Meanwhile, near the coast.

On many small days, sailors are nervously looking at the distant sea.

Everyone knows that aircraft carriers exist in the nearby waters.

Just like everyone knows that there are still photos of great men hanging in the captain's cabin of the aircraft carrier~.

In short, although they know it, most people will never see that thing in their lives.

but now.

The huge body of that thing is so naked across the sea, like Cthulhu crawling out of the abyss, showing its unique beauty while roaring to this country.

As for what beauty is that?

One is strangely beautiful.

The other is... the beauty of machinery!
Accompanied by a silent roar, the planes on the aircraft carrier took off continuously, and soon, the traces of fighter planes were all over the surrounding sky.

At the same time, just inside the cabinet of Xiaotian.

Countless so-called big figures are constantly arguing there, arguing about the so-called future of the country.

Even they themselves know that with the appearance of Gao Wen and the approach of the aircraft carrier, the future of the country in Xiaotian is no longer what they say.

But regardless of whether it counts or not, they will never stop discussing and arguing.

After all, if they don't even have such a link, wouldn't it seem that they are too useless?
On the other hand, on an aircraft carrier in the United States, a bald head covered in tattoos, a seductive woman with long wine-red hair, and a black-robed priest holding a Bible are sitting together, looking at him with an interesting expression. Distant pier.

While flipping through the hairy Bible in his hand, the pastor said slowly.

"Even now, cia has not been able to give a suitable answer. I am afraid that until we do it, we will not want to know the real background of that Gao Wen!"


Listening to the pastor's words, the red-haired woman folded her legs in disdain.

"That kind of useless thing, what's the point if you don't know it.

As long as that guy is not a god-level experimental body created by our masters, it will be fine.

Except for those who have developed the blood of ghouls to the level of gods, I will not lose to anyone who is still in the mortal stage.

Having said that, the little man named Gao Wen is very handsome. Even just looking at the photos, I can feel his ethereal yet real aura. "

Having said that, the red-haired woman licked her lips and let out a tearing sound of anticipation.

"I'm really looking forward to it, his blood and other things, I'm really looking forward to it.

I just don't know whether I should taste his blood first, or try to taste his blood first before the fight... Hee hee.

A guy as handsome as him, maybe even those things will taste as delicious as virgin blood~~~. "

After finishing speaking, the red-haired woman licked her lips fiercely.

On the side, watching the red-haired woman's slutty appearance, the tattooed bald man lowered his head shyly.

"I...I don't understand what you're saying.

You...you can do whatever you want.

If you don't need me, then I will be so happy. My cat... I have been here under martial law for more than two hours, and the cat must have peed in the basin again.

Can I take a leave of absence, or leave it to you, anyway, I trust you.

I just want to go back and feed the cat, and then shovel shit~. "(end of this chapter)

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