I, the dragon man!

Chapter 615 The Prospects of Five Old Stars

It's night, Marie Joa, Pangu City, in the sky.

Wu Laoxing stood neatly at the window, looking out thoughtfully.

Facing the twinkling starry sky, someone suddenly spoke.

"Why don't you go for a walk outside?"

"Let's go."

I don't know who answered, and then they left Tianjian one by one, passed through Pangu City, and walked towards the edge of the Red Earth Continent.

Until he stood at the edge of the Red Earth Continent, wearing glasses and always holding a knife, Qishu Lang Sheng sighed leisurely.

Just as he sighed, the bald Peter Saint looked under the red earth continent.

In his eyes, the faint light on the sea was the Black Bird.


Saint Peter sighed.

"Who would have thought that the so-called prophesied person who awakened the ability to listen to the voice of all things in this generation is actually one of us... Tianlong people.

Originally, Shanks had already worried us a lot. He was determined to inherit Roger's will, and he might actually stand opposite us at some point.

It just so happens that she has her own plan, and with the support of her father, there's really nothing we can do against her.

I thought that there would be a Gawain among the younger generations of this generation, and then after Gawain and Shanks would check and balance each other, they would be able to inherit the next generation of our Celestial Dragons.

The result was unexpected. Gawain, a humble brat, actually understood everything in the world better than Shanks.

To listen to the sounds of all things, you must understand all things.

But if you truly understand all things, how can you tolerate privilege over all things? "

Having said this, Saint Peter closed his eyes sadly. The junior he was optimistic about was finally on the opposite side of everyone.

On the side, Keshou Lang silently took off his glasses and wiped them.

While wiping, he couldn't help but say.

"Don't be so absolute, Peter, Gawain... Even if he awakens the ability to listen to the sounds of all things, he may not be a person like Roger who brings trouble to the world.

In the past year, although Gawain relied on his own abilities and unbridled creativity, he single-handedly suppressed all the islands where the sea train passed.

But apart from strongly controlling criminal activities, he has not tried to establish any so-called democracy and freedom in the areas under his jurisdiction.

What's more, everyone in the Black Bird Alliance calls Gawain the Emperor. Forget it if it's a boring title like the Pirate King. Calling him the Emperor doesn't seem to be about equality.

If there is an emperor, there will be ministers, if there are ministers, there will be nobles, and if there are nobles, there will be common people.

In this way, although Gawain understood everything, after he understood everything, he did not follow Roger's boring path, but tried to open up a new path by himself. "

Having said this, Kazuro put his clean glasses back on.

At the same time, the yellow-haired Saint Sheppo nodded slightly and continued what he said.

"Indeed, even if Gawain is the so-called savior in the prophecy, that prophecy may not be really accurate.

After all, what Gawain ate was the Thunder Fruit!
The child of prophecy, haha, that should be the Nika fruit.

The owner of the Konica Fruit is Gawain's new generation, the grandson of the hero Garp, Monkey D. Luffy.

In this case, as long as the drum of liberation is not beaten, ancient criminals such as the elephant master will not get the chance to be liberated.

As long as those criminals are still unable to stand up, then even if Gawain turns around and becomes hostile to us, even if Gawain simply defeats us and Lord Im, the world will still be a world where the Celestial Dragons serve as emperors! "

There was an interesting smile in Shepherd's eyes, and he looked at the other people beside him while smiling.

Facing the thoughtful eyes of the others, Shepherd continued.

“Perhaps Lord Im has also considered this, so even if Gawain awakens the ability to listen to all things and truly bears the fate of all things.

In fact, Gawain actually went toe-to-toe with Lord Im!
Even so, Lord Im still did not list Gawain as a beacon that needed to be extinguished.

We've been worried about it for a whole year, but even now we haven't been ordered to extinguish Gawain, have we? "

"Not necessarily, Shepard!"

As soon as Sheppard finished speaking, Saint Satan wearing a hat said to him with deep meaning.

“Lord Im didn’t list Gawain as a lighthouse, but it’s not necessarily just that Lord Im thought Gawain was fine.

Have you ever thought about it, what if Lord Im... is actually not sure of defeating Gawain?

In that war, Gawain showed many abilities that he had never seen on the sea.

His men also learned those abilities one after another. At first, it was only Hawkeye Mihawk who showed his swordsmanship skills far beyond those in the past. Then even Yixiao and Barrett started shouting incomprehensible words like Eight Gates Dunjia.

What's more, even Kizaru of the Navy seems to have developed some inexplicable Flying Thunder God mode based on the Shining Fruit?
That kind of power seems to be called Chakra, and everyone has Chakra in their body, but we have never found that kind of thing.

That kind of thinking is like that of an alien. If I didn't know the origin of Gawain, I would even think that Gawain, like our ancestors, broke into this world from outside the planet, an alien more distant than us. Woolen cloth. "

After the words fell, Saint Satan turned his head cautiously and glanced at the distant Pangu City.

I wonder if Lord Im heard the conversation between the five of us at this moment.

But while Saint Satan was cautious, Qie Shoulang spoke nonchalantly.

"Hey, Satan, don't think about such dangerous things.

If Lord Im really can't deal with Gawain, or even...she simply isn't Gawain's opponent.

If this speculation becomes reality, what should we do?
Gawain is called the descendant of the Emperor, and even the seat he uses to control the world is called the Golden Throne by his supporters.

With such a name, do you think he could kneel down quietly in front of Lord Im like us?

In other words, he who carries such a name and the recognition and obedience of a small half of the world is destined to become our enemy in the future.

Let him succeed our five old stars?

There is no way he would agree!

His eyes have never been on us!
In his eyes, he only has the supreme position, and his opponent is only Lord Im!
But this is all a problem between him and Lord Im. It seems that we are no longer qualified to get involved in their problems.

What I am worried about now is... what should we five old guys do....

Do we really want to go to the end with Lord Yimu? Is the mission that Lord Yimu brings us really more correct and sacred than Gawain's goal?
Even if Gawain wins, even if Lord Im loses, the world will still be ruled by us Tianlong people. Is such a world really unable to tolerate us five old guys?

Although we have been slandered by the guys at sea for a long time.

But when it comes to experience in managing the world, the five of us are probably far superior to any of Gawain’s subordinates!

Most importantly, old friends!
In front of Lord Im, we are juniors, we should obey and have no right to resist.

But in front of Gawain, we are the elders, if, I mean if!

If Gawain really has the strength to defeat Lord Im, and also has the ability to succeed Lord Im as the lighthouse of the world.So those of us who work for Gawain will at least be under much less control than in the past, right?
Even if we don't show off in front of Gawain, as his elders, our status will be much higher than it is now!
We have never been emperors, we have always been managers of the highest-ranking subordinates.

But if changing to the highest position can make us more relaxed and comfortable, it may even bring us more freedom and rights.

So should we do that?

Our becoming the Five Old Stars is not just Lord Im’s choice, it is more a result of our own strength.

In this process, we don’t owe Lord Im anything. As long as we don’t do anything that betrays the overall interests of the Tianlong people, then why do we care who is sitting in the highest position?

Even the above are just superficial expressions. Let's talk about something deeper.

Lord Im knows us too well. They know our abilities and weaknesses. Everything makes us absolutely unable to stand up.

And Lord Im appeared too early for us, she is really too mysterious, and we have no ability to counteract her.

But if Gawain comes to sit in the highest position, then although he is stronger, he must have weaknesses because of his youth.

In this case, if we help Gawain get to the highest position.

After that, will we be further qualified to sit on the highest level?

What do you think! "

Having said this, Qie Shoulang stared into the eyes of everyone present, paying attention to the changes in everyone's eyes.

Facing Qie Shoulang's gaze, Saint Peter was the first to shake his head.

“Don’t look at us like that, Kajuro.

Who knows each other better than the five of us who have been in the same room together for hundreds of years?
Rather than coveting the so-called highest position, we would rather put down the burden on our shoulders and enjoy life quietly like other old guys at sea.

Shepherd likes fishing, but he can only fish in mere ponds for those idiots who have been trained by CP to fall into ditches.

Wu Qiuli likes to raise fish, but our fish tank is not big enough and cannot even raise a fish that is over 40 meters tall. The largest and favorite octopus is only over [-] meters in diameter, which is boring.

Qie Juro, you like swordsmanship, but how long has it been since you had a good fight with a swordsman?

I'm afraid it's 200 years old!

Don’t you want to take a stroll on the current sea, especially to have a serious fight with Mihawk, the strongest swordsman of the current era?

As for me, I really want to open a field, cultivate the land, and watch the wheat mature with my own eyes. It’s unimaginable how good it tastes, but now I don’t have the qualifications to waste time and enjoy life like that.

How many years have we been working?

It's been a long time.

It seems like I'm really... tired of that kind of work!
So, I actually look forward to Gawain doing more.

Just like that guy Sora is always shouting that he wants to resign, that guy from Sengoku always wants to resign.

We are all old, no matter how many lives we have, we are all old.

When you get old, you should do things that old people do.

I really don’t know how long it will take me to successfully resign.

I'm really looking forward to it! "

"Yeah, I'm really looking forward to it!"

"That's right, I originally wanted to let Gawain succeed me as much as possible."

"But he can only succeed one."

"Or maybe more. I won't care about it anyway. Anyway, Master Im is still protected by the Knights of God."

"I'm really looking forward to it!"




While Wu Laoxing and others were chatting freely, Marie Joa was in the soldier room.

Commander Kong was also with Marshal Warring States, chatting about something while holding the wine in his hand.

Sengoku took a sip of wine, then took a bite of donuts and said.

“Just received the latest news, Gawain stepped down from the Golden Throne.

He summoned all his men, and even all the admirals and veteran heroes of the navy.

Now, I don't even have Gawain to speak. As soon as the boy called, Porusalino hurried over.

Even Sakaski and Kuzan, who had been arguing, rushed over immediately.

In addition, it has been half a year since the old guy Cap went to the Upside Down Mountain to meet Reilly for a drink and educate his two grandsons. This time, he should also accompany his grandsons to the Black Bird.

Even Ah He and I received his call.

The most I can do is drink with you for a short while. Gawain's summons may delay it a little, but I won't miss that kind of banquet.

Teacher Kong! "

After finishing his words, Warring States put down the wine bottle and looked at Cyborg Kong with a smile.

Seeing the freedom and order written in Seng Guo's eyes, Cyborg Kong nodded slightly and smiled.

"Go, go ahead, even Mary Joy has different voices against Gawain.

In the past year, the Celestial Dragons from the Don Quixote family, the Rozwald family, the Zambaron family, the Markas family and the Topman family have all been cheering for the Gawain family.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is the shadow of the Five Old Stars behind it.

Even the Five Old Stars vaguely support Gawain's sudden rise, so why should we be the ones to block it? "

As he spoke, Cyborg Kong rubbed his goatee.

"Not to mention you, even I am looking forward to that boy Gawain's party.

The last time I saw him was three years ago. At that time, he was knocked over with one punch by a piece of Tianlong trash. It was me who sent him to Wulaoxing.

As a result, it only took three years, and even the shadow hidden behind Wulaoxing was blocked by that kid!

It's horrifying, that kid seems to be loved by fate, and I always feel that he will definitely bring about a new era.

The most important thing is, whether it is you or others, everyone living on this sea has been looking forward to reform and a new era for too long!
Even if they don’t know whether the new era is good or bad, people are more willing to bring an innovation to the world.

After all, the current and past eras, when they were dominated by the Celestial Dragons and the nobles of various countries, were really too bad.

How bad! "(End of chapter)

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