I, the dragon man!

Chapter 624 The beginning of history

"You let me down."

Immediately after seeing Gawain for the first time, Im lowered his head and said.

As she spoke, she shook her hand and gently shook off the butterfly and firefly powder stained on her hand.

Then, she walked slowly to the window and looked up at the city outside.

In his eyes, the huge giant was desperately ravaging Mariejoia, the most prosperous city.

The water vapor produced by the friction between lava and ice flooded half of the city. The most egregious thing was a guy who could become invisible. He fought and ran all the way, leading a knight of God throughout half of Mariejoia.

Wherever there are Tianlong people, he will wander towards them, and his ambition is obvious.

Obviously, he went for the name of Tianlongren.

Violent flames soared into the sky, and white lines and waves turned into sand and dust surged endlessly.

Overlord color domineering has become a popular product here. Most people use the technique of Overlord color entanglement, causing countless people to fall into coma and leave this world without any awareness.

Farther away is a more pure, fist-to-fist, sword-to-sword confrontation!
But that fist is a fist that can conquer the continent, and the sword is a sword that can cut off mountains and the sky!
Gorgeous houses keep crashing like dominoes.

The neat streets were turbulent and destroyed like a lake disturbed by gravel.

The slaves underground who suddenly saw the sky had a difficult escape from death. When they saw the light again, they discovered that the person who brought them disaster was actually destroying Mary Joa.

They should have been afraid, but they made no move to escape.

Watching one attack after another that may endanger their lives, watching one strong person after another continue to fight.

They stood there like madmen and prayed silently.

I don’t know what I am praying for.

Maybe praying that they would escape this disaster?
Or, it may be more...

They are praying, praying that even if they die, they want to completely burn the city!
What appeared in Im's eyes was such a city. Such a scene should have made any ruler look furious.

But in fact, Im didn't have any anger at all about what happened to Mary Joa.

If she really cared, why would she wait among the flowers all day?

Whether it is Mary Joa or a descendant of the Tianlong people.

Those boring things, including those boring weaknesses and expressions.

She doesn't care at all!
She sighed softly, then turned around and said to Gawain with a smile.

"This year, I have allowed you to fully display your talents.

To me, your appearance was a surprise. Using the special characteristics of the Thunder Fruit, you expanded your influence to the entire sea.

This is what I have been pursuing in the past, because the shadow I brought to the world was based on the bloodline extraction based on Ouranos, and the absolute hierarchy I established for the world using the Celestial Dragons.

But you, what you bring to the world is purely your own shadow!

If I had known that the Thunder Fruit could be used in this way, I would have paid more attention to that fruit.

Now it seems that your development direction is wild and unconstrained, and I, maybe my thinking really can't keep up with the times in Shanghai. "

Im turned around and walked towards Gawain. When she came to Gawain, she suddenly raised her hand and touched Gawain's cheek.

This action made Gawain pause for a moment. After thinking for a moment, he finally took a step back slightly.

He could indeed face Im's actions with a more casual attitude, but he didn't want any unplanned accidents to occur in his actions.

Seeing Gawain's slightly distant figure, Im paused slightly, then lowered his head and laughed.

"Haha, kid, what are you afraid of?
I didn't expect that among those incompetent guys back then, there would still be an... indescribable junior like you.

Now that you have embarked on the path of challenging me, you might as well be more ambitious.

I watched your ancestors grow up, and I watched your family pass down from generation to generation. Although I have never appeared in front of you, my influence on you flows in your flesh and blood.

You were meant to be my strength.

But now, it seems that you have become the power of Eve and this world... "

Im felt a little regretful. At this moment, she finally felt regretful.

Although he had never thought about building this world, although the Tianlong people did not even have any so-called... ideals and ambitions to unify the world.

Although Im doesn't really need any help, she just needs to wait silently for her plan to come to fruition.

Although she doesn't want to bring domination to the world, but more purely just wants to destroy the world.

Although there are so many things, if she only exerts a little influence, she can prevent Gawain from taking this path of resisting her and cause him less trouble.

Naim felt that in the past, she would not have minded wasting time on Gawain.

But at this moment...


At this moment, this young man who was born under his feet and who was not going to go two different ways with him, has become a little trouble after all...

While thinking, Im raised her hand again. She just wanted to touch Gawain's cheek.

This time, Gawain paused and finally let Im pinch the flesh on his face.

After pinching it twice, Im narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

"You are good-looking, much better than that guy.

By the way, the guy in my mouth usually refers to Joey Boy. Although you have never seen him, you should know what he looks like.

Didn't you have a child who ate a rubber fruit?
The rubber fruit has always been in Marigioa's collection. What the child ate was not a rubber fruit, but a nika fruit. You should know this.

The more powerful the phantom beast fruit is, the more the power of the phantom beast itself resides.

To give just a few examples, Satan's child is the most stubborn. Who calls him the Minotaur?

That guy of God Okou is the most stupid. As a dog, even if he becomes a god, he is still a dog. Therefore, every host of God Okou always likes to find one master after another for himself.

The big mouth god of this generation, she actually found a dead man to be her master, but you played with him, which is quite interesting.

And Kaido’s troublesome kid, Qinglong, is the totem of the original ruler of this continent.

Proud, uninhibited, fearless, and wild.

Before that kid awakened the fish fruit, he had never done any interesting games such as being caught by the navy and then challenging the execution ground.

For everyone who is not strong enough in Overlord Color and Dominance, when they eat the Phantom Beast Seed Fruit, they will eventually no longer be who they are.Among all the phantom beast fruits, Nika and Nighold are obviously two extremes.

One of them is a symbol of pain from the beginning of the world, and the other is a messenger of happiness that was originally extremely humble.

Each of them draws strength from pain, nutrition from loneliness, feels pain from hope, constantly endures the torture from happiness, and gradually becomes stronger through it.

As for the other one, he draws strength from happiness, nutrition from friendship, feels pain from sadness, and constantly fights against pain, and finally becomes the light in everyone's heart.

The humble can also become the noblest.

The powerful can also become the most despised and despised.

That was a bad fate, kid. Fortunately, Nika has died long ago. Although the subsequent Nika will eventually become him, they are not him.

As for Nighold.

You've seen it.

Nikka comes from generation to generation, and even people have long forgotten the name of Nikka, and Joyboy, the best Nikka in the past, has almost become the symbol of Nikka.

But I...I endure, and I remain who I am. "

Having said this, Im let go of Gawain's cheek and turned around, walking back to the window.

Gawain did not speak, but quietly came to Yi Mu, stood next to her and followed her gaze.

Feeling Gawain's actions, Im pursed her lips in relief. Even if life and death had to be decided next, if the younger generation was willing to listen to the elders, the elders would be a little happier.

In such happiness, Im patted Gawain's shoulder.

“The reason I’m telling you this is because even I know that what I’m facing this time is indeed quite dangerous.

This is the third time that I can't guarantee my final victory, so I don't mind sharing what I have undertaken with you, so that even if I fail, my past can bring you some thoughts, and maybe that kind of thinking will help you. Will allow you to make the same decision as me.

And the core of everything I want to say to you is actually just one sentence.

That is, the world has a will, and the will of the world constantly rejects us humans.

As for the reason, when you grow up to this level, you can actually understand it.

Because the world never needs additional humans, but humans must rely on the entire world. "

Im gently knocked on the window sill. She hadn't seriously recalled it in a long time.

While immersed in the memory, Im continued.

"In the ancient times, this sea was not just a sea, but a...huge world with countless continents.

People generally have only heard of huge kingdoms, which are only a small part of the huge world that existed in the past.

If we want to trace back that era, I'm afraid we have to go back to 5 years ago. What a long time. The distance in time even scares me.

And in that era of being a huge world.

Where are the humans? "

Im looked back at Gawain, raised her finger and pointed at the moon in the sky, and then she smiled.

"Yes, compared to the world below our feet, the moon is our hometown.

At that time, to the giant world, we were just a country of small flies next to a giant kingdom, and we were not even worthy of the extra attention of the giant world.

At that time, we were at peace with the huge world. We looked at each other from a distance but did not touch each other.

Although the scale of the huge world is huge, the giants in the huge world do not use wisdom as a weapon for development, but guard their own plump kingdom and do nothing.

This situation lasted for about 2 years, but eventually the situation changed.

That kind of change starts when we, as moon people, truly grasp the context of the new era and the advancement of technology!
That day, we took a spaceship and arrived at the giant world for the first time.

As the agent of the will of the moon, I, together with many other phantom beast species, set foot on the land of the huge kingdom for the first time.

At that time, we wore the same clothes that Tianlong people wear today, and looked at the old and huge world with a speculative and novel perspective, as well as the countless races and lands in this world that were diverse and colorful at the same time.

But there is no doubt that our presence has caused great trouble to the earthly kingdom.

Less than 80 years after my landing, the war between the moon and the people on the earth... has completely begun!
That was the first war involving two planets. It was also at that time that we established the sky island system. Although the giants on the ground were technologically backward, they were extremely powerful. The so-called overlords and strong men today were extremely powerful in that era. Common.

Because the sea at that time did not have so many rules and regulations, and there were not too many rules on each giant's head to suppress them.

For them, perhaps watching a huge tsunami or witnessing a volcanic eruption is enough to be the key to unlocking their domineering power.

You should have some experience of Haki's restraint on the fruit's ability, so in the initial stage, the fight was extremely difficult for me and all of your ancestors.

With three exploration ships and 21 advance troops, your ancestors and I fought extremely hard.

At the end of the fight, of the 21 people we first logged in to, there were only four people left.

One is me, one is Nika, one is D, and one is Z!

Yes, there is no doubt that Nika and I, just by standing next to each other, we will promote each other, and our strength will naturally be at the top.

Until the end, Z performed the immortality surgery on me. While I had a tenacious life, I finally became the last advance guard.

We established a stronghold on the sky island and kept trying to attack the mainland, attacking again and again. It was not until Ouranos was developed on the moon itself that our attack progressed.

Ouranos is a perfect weapon. Whether it is the purification of bloodline factors or the control of celestial phenomena, it can become an important weapon for us to conquer the giants.

We spread poison to the giants and giant animals, we controlled the weather and gradually destroyed the continental shelves, and gradually turned the world dominated by continents into a world of seas.

At the same time as the preview, we conducted experiments that lasted for 1 years, and countless demi-humans were continuously created in those experiments.

Fish people, merfolk, fur people, long-hand people.

We have made a lot of efforts to completely control this world so that we can move from the small moon to the huge continent.

With the help of Ouranos and the Devil Fruit Tree, we finally move from the sky to the ground until we can compete with the giants!

That's right, there were originally no Devil Fruits on the ground. They were native products of our moon.

In short, we finally got the initiative and even continued to oppress the living space of the giants.

Until our creation, the fish-men, rise completely!

In the face of a war that lasts for thousands of years, the will of the world has chosen our creation, the fish-human race, as the representative and destiny of the future, forming a rivalry with the moon people and giants like us.

It was during that period that the giants piled up what is now the Red Earth Continent and divided the world into two halves. This move eased the war between us and divided the fish-men tribe, allowing us to deal with them more calmly!

And this, this is just the beginning of history! "(End of chapter)

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