I, the dragon man!

Chapter 626 Breeder

“Repair Ouranos, punish the Elephant Master, and send the remaining giants to rescue islands around the world.

Through our joint efforts with Joyboy, the world will not be destroyed. Although the barely repaired Uranus is not as useful as it used to be, it will not control the weather around the world indiscriminately.

Of course, there are still some drawbacks to this Ouranos.

That is, although he will not cause celestial phenomena in the world to be chaotic.

But the biggest project Ouranos ever maintained, the Aeolian Zone...

In any sea area wrapped by a windless zone, the weather there will become more and more...unpredictable as it gets closer to Ouranos.

This is also the core reason why there are always wonderful celestial phenomena in the Grand Line and the New World. "

Im turned her head to look at Gawain. She pursed her lips with a rare smile and asked.

"Having said so much, you probably won't think I'm too long-winded.

After all, they are all anecdotes that will never appear on the sea. Even if they are going to fight each other next, if you miss this time, you will never hear these things again. "


Gawain nodded. What Im said now is indeed something that has never been recorded in the history of the sea.

Neither the reason for the change of the world nor the origin of humankind has ever been spread over the sea in the past.

After receiving Gawain's response, Im nodded, and then continued with a brighter mood.

"Since there is no Yangshu Adam in this world, the overall destiny of this world is probably somewhat unbalanced.

After the disaster caused by Ouranos gradually disappeared, the world's products were much less than before.

Many dinosaurs that once lived in the sea gradually disappeared in that era. Most of the many more huge creatures with equally huge food appetites also disappeared in that era.

Yes, I'm talking mainly about giants.

As giant living beings lose their main source of food to large animals, there is no Adam's fruit that can stave off hunger.

Soon, the giants who survived the celestial disaster of Uranus suffered another massive wave of death.

Intelligent creatures are also living things. When the environment is harsh enough, even humans will reduce their desire to reproduce and weaken the group.

In this way, the fertility of the giants is getting worse and worse, and their average life span is getting shorter and shorter. Many family members of small groups living outside have died at sea before they even reached the giants' hometown.

In less than 100 years, there were only about [-]% of the giants left, and their number was once again reduced by nearly [-]%.

In the end, the glory of the Giant Kingdom completely disappeared, and the giants could only gather in the New World, where the celestial phenomena were chaotic, but the food was still relatively abundant because of the celestial phenomena.

Although there are always wars between humans and giants, I always regard Nika as a friend. Even if the person who eats Nika is a different race, even if I have personally killed Nika's host, I cannot rule out that Nika's spirit was once History of the 21 Golden Spirits of the Moon.

Therefore, I did not confirm the decline of the giant family, but within 200 years, I studied and created what I thought was a giant plant that could replace the Sun Tree Adam.

I thought I could use new plants to make up for the damage caused to the world above by the absence of Adam, the sun tree.

It's just that I overestimated myself a little bit.

No matter how advanced the technology is, all the miracles it can accomplish are far inferior to what nature can truly do at your fingertips.

After making more than a dozen samples in a row, even if I planted the giant tree closest to Adam on an island called O'Hara, that tree would still be far from Adam's level.

As for Adam's responsibility to reconcile the yin and yang of the world.

The tree didn't help at all.

At this point, I had to accept this result.

Without Adam, the yin and yang of this planet...that is, the land and sea of ​​this planet...are completely out of balance!

Under the sea, huge Neptunes are still able to thrive, and there is no limit to their size. The size of the largest Neptune in the known world is even more than [-] meters long, which is about [-] kilometers in length!

On the ground, the limit is the limit for organisms that can grow to hundreds of meters high.

Since 5000, there have been no more huge land animals like elephants in the world.

In my opinion, the harm caused by this imbalance of yin and yang will last for a long time until the future ocean completely engulfs and engulfs the whole world.

Therefore, even if Joeyboy can't accept it, I still decided to lead all the tribesmen I can summon to continue to suppress the fish-men tribe.

When the power of the sea becomes fully stronger, whether we on the earth or the aborigines in this world, we will one day walk into nothingness.

From this, the war began again, a war between the entire human race, the fishmen and the sea kings!

Since Ouranos was nearly damaged, it was difficult to use it again even if it was repaired.

Therefore, I commandeer their Hades from Joyboy.

I used Pluto to smash the countless root systems of the Yin Tree Eve, just hoping to curb the continuous spread of the sea.

We tried our best to attract and kill the sea kings at sea. In order to suppress the mermaid clan, I not only failed to curb slavery, but even promoted that system.

This kind of massacre lasted for more than 3000 years, until about 500 years ago, people finally... couldn't stand me anymore.

Or maybe they can't face themselves with bloody hands. They are so cowardly.

One thousand, six hundred years ago, a new generation of D rebuilt the huge kingdom.

Although this huge kingdom still worships Joyboy as its god and leader, this time their citizens are no longer the giants of the previous era.

The human alliance was completely divided. D made his voice known, spread his middle name, and told the world his will.

He hopes the world is full of happiness, laughter, harmony and equality.

Especially...it should be full of freedom!
As for me, I could only watch everything happen, because as one of the ancestors of mankind, at that time, I still put the survival of mankind first and did not care about the internal conflicts of mankind.

With the efforts of the Kingdom of D, which is the new huge kingdom, the Alliance of Nations and the Kingdom of D have reached an agreement. We will maintain harmony, barely maintain the common needs of both parties, and jointly develop the new world with an attitude of seeking common ground while reserving differences.

At that time, we once again signed a contract in Mariegioa. We thought that such a contract would last longer than before.But...in the end, I still tore up that contract.

As for the reason, the sea is expanding too fast!

Even if I use the repaired Ouranos to create large areas of desert terrain in many big countries around the world, I can't stop the expansion of the sea at all.

In just a few hundred years of recuperation, the Murloc Kingdom has once again grown to a level that frightens me, and the Murloc's ultimate weapon, Poseidon, also leaves me with a chill in my throat.

During those few hundred years, every island in the world shrunk by at least two-thirds due to rising sea levels. The global population dropped sharply again, productivity declined again, and conflicts between people intensified again.

But even so, D is still optimistic. He can see people's birth, old age, illness and death, but he thinks that it is normal. As long as people are still free and happy, even if human beings will one day be extinct, as long as the last human being can still survive. Just be happy.

I will never allow this kind of attitude, and I will never allow that kind of future to happen to mankind.

Therefore, I struggled with the past 21 moon royal families and planned to change everything with cotton!
Of course, in the end there were only twenty royal families, because D was already standing opposite me.

We have maintained peace before, but this time, the reason why I gathered the royal family is to completely separate from them!

In order to ensure the survival of mankind, after gathering all the royal families, I proposed for the first time a plan to completely rule all mankind.

Only by achieving complete and comprehensive rule over humanity around the world can I prevent things like D from happening again.

At the same time, we will unilaterally tear up the agreement signed 500 years ago.

Meanwhile, I took out the costumes we had been using.

That's right, it's the bubble hood costume that every Draco is wearing now that you see now.

Those clothes were originally our original space suits, which can protect us whether underwater or in the environment.

And the reason why I did that was because in addition to establishing the big goal of unifying all mankind, suppressing and eradicating other races around the world.

I also came up with a plan that was horrifying but had to be approved.

Adam of the Sun Tree has disappeared, and Eve of the Yin Tree cannot be destroyed for the time being. The sea is destined to occupy every corner of the world. The only space where we can survive in the future, except for the largest red earth continent, is the world under the sea.

Since this kind of future is destined to happen, why should I lead mankind to linger on the road of fighting nature?

Why can't I speed up the future?
As long as I lead the royal family to be the first to prepare for the future, our enemies will naturally disappear when the sea completely submerges the whole world.

By then, those of us who have prepared in advance will naturally become the final masters of this world... "

Having said this, Im pursed her lips, and a dangerous light flashed in her eyes.

"Yes, this is my ultimate plan. Instead of eager to occupy the world, it is better to completely destroy the world. When the world falls into ignorance again, we will naturally become the masters.

Although some royal families disagreed with this plan, in the end, more royal families chose to accept my plan.

Thus, I truly started our great era!

While I was looking for solutions, people like Joey Boy were not idle either.

They are also constantly looking for ways to save the world.

Shortly after I presented my proposal, surprisingly, Joey Boy presented his idea.

Before we could all agree on our plans, Joyboy took the lead in inviting us to Loughdrew.

As a Nika, he better understands the significance of Ravdru. That island is the island where we humans first landed when we landed from the moon.

Since we arrived in the world 5 years ago, we have reunited on Ravdru every once in a while, and used the blood of each of our royal families to open our aircraft on Ravdru.

That aircraft is not only our spaceship, but also part of the Devil Fruit Tree and one of the activation keys to Ouranos.

Only the continuous activation of the 21 royal bloodlines can keep the Devil Fruit Tree and Ouranos running.

Therefore, Gawain, even if you want to kill me, try to leave a seed in every family.

Of course, I don't care if you kill all the Draconians in Marijoari, because our aircraft in Ravdru already has royal genes, and we just need to clone a copy using Ouranos.

Just like your Gawain family, the tradition of a single line has been broken countless times. Do you know how many of your ancestors were cloned by me?
Even you, you are my cloned child.

Because the previous generation of your family all died in a stupid shipwreck, and they didn't even leave any descendants before they died.

It was I who went to Ravdru six years ago and created you in our spaceship!
It was I who placed your family’s genes in my eggs and conceived them in my belly!
It was I who brought you back to Mariejoia, and it is precisely because you are my next-generation relative that you have the kind of strength you have now. You can challenge me with just over three years of training... which even surprises me. !
Now that I think about it, when I first brought you back to Mariejoia, you must have been in a weak stage of rapid growth.

So, now do you understand why you are the special one? In the eyes of the younger generations of Wulaoxing, you are my child, the child who was personally conceived and born in my belly.

If you had not inherited Joyboy's will and wanted to bring the so-called freedom and equality to the sea, then you would have been a good candidate for the Five Old Stars, and in my eyes, the best choice to inherit the future.

After all, now, I am almost successful.

On Ravdru 900 years ago, Joyboy proposed to break up the Red Earth Continent.

He is like a child who wants to use himself as the spring of a slingshot, use Eve as a slingshot, and use Fish-Man Island as a projectile to shatter the Red Earth Continent in one fell swoop and restore the world's ocean currents to the conditions they had 3 years ago.

Immediately afterwards, he also wanted to liberate the Elephant Master and let the Elephant Master and the Sea Kings drag countless islands together to create a so-called huge continent again.

I despise this stupid idea. No matter how despicable and painful the future is, we should not reverse the course of history.

I killed Nika again, but I'm used to it, haha.

After that, I started to unify mankind. Obviously, I was only half successful. People's hearts are too complex and the world is too vast, which makes unification an unimaginable achievement.

But my purpose is not just to rule them, what I am really doing is actually only two things.

One thing, indulge and push the sea to rise, while suppressing the fish-men clan until the whole world is submerged.

On the other hand, if the fishman really can't lose his tail.

Then I will kill Eve and see if the world can restore balance without Eve! "(End of chapter)

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