I, the dragon man!

Chapter 631 Battle of the Moon

“The world has always been extremely cruel to life.

A strong group of rats will be intoxicated at its peak, and then embark on a path of self-destruction.

In a large herd of deer, the elders of the group will consciously end their lives.

What drives animals to make decisions is instinct.

But what prompts human beings to always fight against instinct is called desire!

Desire has made human beings. It is desire that makes human beings not satisfied with eating hair and drinking blood, and then opens the door to wisdom and civilization.

But desire is a double-edged sword.

When we're down, desire drives us up.

And when we are at our peak, our desires keep us from descending!

Human beings use their desires to defeat biological instincts. Such a result will certainly improve the progress of human civilization, but it will also make humans selectively ignore the devastating crises that the entire race is constantly facing!
Although animals whose intelligence is far from enough to overcome instinct are only called animals by humans, they will not survive unless they encounter a disaster such as the destruction of the entire planet, or a huge change that is irresistible to the environment.

As long as the above-mentioned type of unavoidable disaster does not occur, it is difficult for animals to embark on the path of complete destruction driven by instinct.

Because while instinct makes animals ignorant, it also opens the door to continuous development for them.

But humans, who think they are superior to animals, have embarked on a different path from animals a long time ago.

Every road is destined to have an end.

But the end point may not be the same end point.

What is gained is what is lost.

If we gain the past, we are doomed to lose the future.

After all, since ancient times, no matter which ethnic group occupies the climax of the times, the only result left for them is destruction.

The path of human inheritance seems to be decorated with flowers and brocade, but in fact it is just a smoke and mirrors.

No matter how glorious we are now, when the years turn around for millions of years, all we have created will be nothing more than words carved on stone.

However, the only difference between humans and animals is not that humans have so-called intelligence.

Having wisdom, being able to invent, and using creation to challenge nature is indeed some kind of achievement, but in any case, from the perspective of the human race as a whole, what is the difference between our so-called inventions and animals learning to use sticks to smash stones? ?
After all, compared with the continuation of ourselves.

No matter how great tools we create, those tools are just tools.

Are we ennobled because they are our tools?
I just no longer feel humble.

And the real difference between us and animals.

Haha, the real difference between us is that animals are destroyed by natural disasters, while humans are destroyed by their own creations.

We are far better than animals at destroying ourselves.

So when I saw that, I knew.

I can no longer promise enough freedom to mankind! "

Im said eloquently, and Gawain had to admit that what Im said was particularly reasonable.

I have to admit that as a person who has survived for more than 5 years.

Im's understanding of the world has already transcended one-sidedness and reached the essence.

Even if a pig lives for 5 years, I'm afraid he will soon become Zhu Bajie.

Not to mention old guys like Im who have ruled mankind from ancient times until now.

Philosophy has always been an undefinable subject. Wise men are always studying things, but fools never understand them.

But whether Im a wise man or a fool.

When the lines of life are measured in ten thousand years, the traces left by time have evolved into the most advanced philosophy.

After all, the essence of philosophy is to think about it, understand it, and see it.

You see, philosophy is not even right or wrong.

Therefore, Gawain will never refute Im's words, because such words are never right or wrong.

That is just the understanding of the world by a 5-year-old man. How can anyone with only a few decades of experience be qualified to discuss right and wrong with a [-]-year-old monster?
However, there is no right or wrong, which does not mean that Gawain will not put forward his own opinions.

The world seen in 5 years is still the world, and the world seen in an instant... is still the world.

I saw him nodded slightly first, and then shook his head.

“It’s so extreme, it’s so extreme.

In your opinion, it seems that everything in life is considered for the consequences of the entire human race.

But wisdom is such an inconvenient thing.

The life of an earthworm is also a life, and humans do not have to live too long.

Animals are more willing to choose sacrifice when they are in trouble, but selfishness is the best choice for the creature itself.

There is no need for human beings to become a whole. Maintaining the existence of human beings as a whole is not of extremely important significance to the people already living in the world.

We do not lose the opportunity to master ourselves just because we are human first.

As for instinct, the instinct you call is not so much individual instinct as it is group instinct in your mind.

But groups….

What is it that determines that we must rely on the group to exist? What stipulates that we must pay and sacrifice for the group.

Regarding the successors of D's will, I do find them troublesome, with their inner values ​​and pursuit of freedom and happiness, as well as their doomed lazy character.

How could I sincerely appreciate that type of person?
I particularly dislike their happy-go-lucky personalities, but I admire their optimism very much!

Constant happiness is not necessary for human beings, and the pursuit of adventure as usual will only make it easier for people without talent to die in corners they may not be pursuing.

But, Im, don’t ignore the significance of optimism in any case.

Even if human civilization is indeed heading towards decline and self-destruction, we must admit that we have created our own wonderful things in the process of heading towards destruction. "

Having said this, Gawain squatted down and gently rubbed the dust on the ground.

It was his first time to visit the moon. Even if there were more important things ahead, he was still a little curious.

While feeling the texture of the moon's soil, Gawain continued.

"This is my first time to come to the moon. It has given me many surprises. Meeting my ancestors from ancient times also makes me feel very meaningful. Even though they have lost you, they are still surviving tenaciously, even today. , even if they have completely lost the inheritance of civilization because of your departure, they are still developing their own unique civilization.

And in this, they on the moon must not have you to guide and help them behind the scenes.

You, who are only focused on the huge world, have no time to communicate with the abandoned people on the moon.

It can be seen that, Im, even if you think more, your importance to human civilization is far less important than you think.

Now you, I admit that you are indeed considering the whole of mankind.

Even if it makes me feel that you are becoming more and more dangerous, your starting point is indeed for mankind.

It's just that you think too highly of yourself, and your perspective changes from a person to a god without knowing it.

But you have overlooked that you have never been omnipotent from beginning to end.

There are many problems that you cannot solve, and the first of them are the internal problems of human beings.

Because you couldn't solve those problems, you arbitrarily attributed them to bad nature, and then derived the idea of ​​​​completely destroying mankind.

Of course, you're not planning to destroy all of humanity.

But you sound like you want the whole world to be submerged in the sea, and then create a new order for the remaining humans.

How is this mentality different from God who released a great flood to punish mankind?
But have you ever thought that the reason why you are unable to solve the problem of internal friction of human beings may not only be caused by the bad nature of human beings, but also by your lack of ability?
You are indeed strong enough and sensible enough, but could it be that what humans actually lack is not a dragon like you who sees them as prey, but a shepherd dog who can suppress them and a shepherd who can guide them?
Look, are humans really as hopeless as you say?

In your eyes they are hopeless, but in my eyes they are controllable!
In the past, you did believe some people.

The ancestor of the 21st family, Nika, D, you once accepted their plan for mankind.

Sure, they failed, but because they failed, you're going to shut out my view of the world from your minions?

Isn't this just a little bit unfair to me?

Now, let me tell you clearly, I firmly believe that I am fully capable of doing things you can't do!
You can think of that as my boasting, just like although we have a happy chat, we always have to decide the winner.

Of course, it’s just to determine the winner, because now I don’t want to kill you less and less.

If you could see with your own eyes the changes I have made in this world, wouldn't you feel ashamed of yourself? After all, although you were not stupid in the past, you had no particularly outstanding abilities.

Or will you, like other mothers, be proud of everything I have created? "

"Ha ha!!!"

Listening to Gawain's words, Im laughed uncontrollably.

For her, such a smile was so rare that he was not used to it.

While laughing, Im raised his right hand and pointed at Gawain.

At the same time, Im took two steps forward and unceremoniously nailed his fingertips to Gawain's chest.

"As expected of my child, you are so shameless!

I never expected you to have any sentiments such as filial piety, but even so, do you think I should be happy with your statement that... is not intended to kill me?
It's really funny. Although you are not Nika, don't you become as arrogant and funny as you think as long as you are favored by the will of the world?
Don't forget, kid.

Even if you have made great achievements in recent years.

But in front of me, you are still just a humble one, just like those reformers in history... a challenger!

It's you who are challenging me! "

At this point, Im's expression changed from anger to laughter, and she pointed at Gawain's right hand and slammed it on Gawain's chest.

In an instant, Gawain held out his right hand, and their fists collided fiercely. The violent shock wave spread rapidly, completely leveling the huge animal crater in the blink of an eye...

While the moon was rapidly losing a famous scenic spot, Gawain and Im were fighting. Gao Wen, as a thunder giant, desperately tore Nidhogg's teeth and wings apart!

The movements of the two men frightened the lunar people to the extreme, but even so, many lunar people tried hard to look in the direction of Gawain and the two of them.

Because in their eyes, regardless of disaster or reward, it is evidence that the legendary god has reappeared!

In the genes of the Moon people, their need for and worship of Devil Fruit has become instinctive.

After losing a series of ancestors such as Im, they returned to ignorance. Although their development is slow, they know deeply that as long as gods with devil fruit abilities appear, they can still be saved!
However, Gawain and Im are not in the mood to take care of them now.

The battle between the two quickly entered a fierce stage, and Im, who was completely angered by Gawain, finally tore apart the packaging of reason!
That's right, don't forget, what is the core of Im?
Imko Nighold is the Dragon of Destruction who has always been against the World Tree and vowed to destroy the entire world!
Even if Im packed countless sweet sugar coatings for his destruction, Gawain could taste the pungency and bitterness hidden behind the taste just by licking Im.

That's right, Gawain has never believed Im's words!

Don't tell me how foolish it is to trust the enemy on the battlefield.

Let’s just talk about Im’s packaging of her reasonable goals.

For someone who wants to destroy the world, even if there are many reasons, it cannot change the fact that she just wants to bring destruction.

And Gawain clearly understood that in the countless previous conversations and stories, no matter how much Im said, he never explained Adam and Eve's attitude towards human beings!

Also, the attitude of the Devil Fruit Tree towards humans!

Don’t forget that in this era where everything can be heard, everything can make its own voice!

The devil fruit tree that is the main theme of the Moon Age.

There are also Adam and Eve who support land animals and marine animals in the huge world. They must have their own understanding and conception of the world.

Eve had talked a lot with Gawain. Although it was just Eve's one-sided nagging, the sincerity that her nagging gave Gawain was comparable to that of Im, who always only talked about his ideals with him and never talked about his old enemy. Mom is much better.

The feeling that not talking about the old enemy's ideas brings to me is that she is naturally afraid that she will be seduced by the old enemy's ideas in the blink of an eye.

It’s no wonder that Gawain has this idea. In fact, every smart person will see the truth from the false and empty stories of the big shots, right?

Gawain has even thought that if he lets Im continue to talk, Im will most likely talk about Gawain's future status.

Like... after I submerge the continent, I will become the enemy of the next generation, and you can rise up at this time and defeat me to become the hope of the future of mankind. This kind of plot is very subversive in daily life.

Or is it…….

In the future, you are the one most worthy of my training. When I complete my mission, the last land in the world, the Red Earth Continent, will eventually be handed over to your hands.

Im said a lot, but Gawain decisively eliminated the tendencies in Im's words.

Even the history told by Im, Gawain listened selectively.

There is no way, because Gawain is actually extremely ruthless at heart.

Although he doesn't mind smiling at the weak.

But he always only believes in himself! (End of chapter)

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