I, the dragon man!

Chapter 635 Veterans Don't Die

Huo Minggu's destruction put too much pressure on the people present, so much so that the Xuanniao camp, which clearly had a slight advantage, was still unable to break the deadlock and win the final victory.

To this day, although Garp is scarred, his steps are still a bit wobbly.

But Garp was still able to maintain a confrontation with Huo Minggu.

At the same time, the war between Mihawk and Kajuro was in full swing. The two top swordsmen were never interrupted by others. They always maintained the highest level of competition and could fight as passionately as before.

Looking at Mihawk and Gejuro in the distance, Garp grinned enviously.

“It’s really eye-catching, it’s great to meet an opponent like that.

It's a pity that Satan is old and even injured, and you, Huo Minggu... "

Garp glared at Huo Minggu, then spat.

"Although you are strong enough, your despicability really sets my lower limit.

I originally thought that after seeing the Five Old Stars, the Knights of God, and those previous Five Old Stars.

I will have some admiration for the damn race of Draco.

Although most of the Celestial Dragons are stupid trash, the elite among them are also the strongest people in the entire sea.

but now…….

Even the most powerful mouse can't change its habit of stealing!
Even the most powerful mosquito cannot change its blood-sucking habit!
As strong as you, you actually interrupted the wars of countless passionate young people with despicable sneak attacks.

Even... Redfield.

I actually feel some sympathy for this old rival.

He might as well have died in my hands back then. In that case, he would have avoided being humiliated by you today!

Rubbish! "

After the words fell, Garp's body ignited with arrogance again. Domination is the power of the heart, and it is also the power of will. Therefore, even if a person's physical strength is exhausted, as long as he is not convinced that he has truly reached the realm of failure, he will definitely Still have the power to fight!
Just like the moment when Whitebeard was fighting, it didn't matter if his left rib was pierced by his son, or if his chest was pierced by Akainu, even if he lost half of his head, he could still hold down Akainu and fight.

But when he decided to trade his life for his sons to break through.

When he found out that the one who finally wanted to end him was actually his former unfilial son Tiqi.

It was only then that Whitebeard stopped his movements and died completely in the battle at the top.

It's like Kaido, so what if his opponent did sit-ups countless times, and he hit the enemy in the head with a spiked mace in one of his thunderous gossips, but what if the enemy only stood up after wrapping two circles of bandages?
Even when facing an opponent no matter how troublesome he is, he can still maintain absolute suppression, until he is caught by the enemy and used as a skipping rope to wash away, until he seems to believe that the opponent standing opposite is the prophesied Joey Boy, and he, Kaido, There will also be times of predicted failure.

Kaido was finally defeated.

This is the power of will, the power of dominance, and the power of the heart.

And Cap….

Today, when Ace has not yet been lost, today, when Garp has not yet lost his spirit of invincibility.

As long as he stands here, Garp is destined to be the most determined and invincible person in the world!
He was only seen clenching his fists, and the overbearing arrogance burning on his body even evaporated the blood that was constantly dripping from him.

As the bloody steam continued to rise, Garp raised his hand and touched his head.

"What a pity, I lost my dog-skin hat in the previous battle.

Otherwise, I really want to block my eyes.

Even if you stand in front of me and threaten me, the fact that I see you makes me feel sick!
Use your disgusting measure to deal with me. Is this how shameless you are, Huo Minggu! "

"Hmph, sharp-tongued, sharp-tongued, ignorant and shameless!"

Facing Garp's curse, Huo Minggu tried his best to hold on with his hands on the hilt of his sword.

He pushed his body up and tried to stand upright towards Garp.


The sword blade was pulled out from the ground by him, and the moon sword shimmered with silver light in the sunlight.

While posing as if he was holding his sword, Huo Minggu said disdainfully.

"Winners just enjoy winning, only losers keep looking for reasons.

It's your honor to stand across from me, don't use that as an excuse for your arrogance!

I am Huo Minggu, the glory among the supreme Tianlong people, and the last glory of the Fegaland family!

And you, what are you?
You are just a crawler who crawled out of the mud, an ignorant but arrogant low-class person, and a veteran who has been treating us as a dog!

Veterans don't die?

Ha ha!

What kind of joke is that?

Today will be your death! ! ! "

"Ha ha!"

Garp was directly amused by Huo Minggu's words. He laughed and patted his steel-hard belly.

"Of course I will die one day, and as a veteran, I really hope to die on the battlefield instead of rotting in a boring bed!
There's nothing terrible about death. Don't think that you bastards who live for hundreds or thousands of years with pure gold are any more noble than these guys like me waiting to die now!
Facing death bravely is the true romance of a man, haha.

How could a cowardly bastard like you understand? "

As he spoke, Garp's arrogance became more and more evaporating. Invisibly, a huge figure appeared behind Garp.

Although Ren Yong has no specific image, people always feel that he is laughing.

Even...a belly laugh.

At the same time as the figure laughed heartily, Garp suddenly took a step forward with his fists in hand.

The ground shook violently, and Huo Minggu on the opposite side immediately showed an extremely wary expression.

Facing the alert Huo Minggu, Garp raised his right fist and performed a simple power-charging movement.

"If possible, even if I long to die on the battlefield, I don't want to die today.

If I die because of a despicable piece of trash like you, I probably won’t even be able to close my eyes!
However, veterans will die one day.

If necessary, no matter how much you hate it, that day can be today!
What are you expecting, bastard, even if the veteran dies, he will take his enemies to hell with him!
Until then, ah ha ha ha!

You will be tortured mercilessly in the flames of hell.

And veterans.

Even if the veteran suffers the same ruthless roasting, he will still stare at your embarrassed appearance, and because of your wailing, he will make super hilarious laughter that far outweighs the pain, hahahahaha! "

Amidst the laughter, Garp's figure disappeared instantly.

At the same time, Huo Minggu's eyes widened, and he quickly placed the sword across his chest.

After a moment.

Buzz! ! !
A huge spherical gas with a diameter of more than 20 meters appeared in front of Huo Minggu's long sword. It was the competition between Huo Minggu's Overlord Color and Garp's Overlord Color.

At this moment, Garp had already forgotten everything in the past.

My grandson is still alive and well, and he has given up on his stupid dream of becoming a pirate.Ace is about to become Gawain's godson. Even without himself, a naval hero, to take care of him, he should be able to live a smooth life.

As long as he can completely defeat Huo Minggu, no matter how heavy the Black Bird's casualties are, at least half of today's war will be won!
By then, if I still have some energy left, I can wait for Mihawk and Geshuro to decide the winner!

If Mihawk wins, he will laugh and enjoy the victory, and then loudly laugh at all the old things who fell tonight at the future banquet.

Rayleigh, Zefa, Sengoku, Sora!

There are also those next-generation admirals who are terrible even when you think about it, Porusalino, Sakaski and Kuzan.

You little Karamies, there are usually five or six of you each, but at the critical moment, hahahaha, you are not even as good as me!

And if I die today, haha!

Then I can only hope that Mihawk and Gawain can win in the end, and then go to hell to fight with Whitebeard and Roger for hundreds or thousands of years! ! !

Roger, you bastard, I really wish you didn't die like that. I really hope I can fight you for the rest of my life.

If I could die in your hands.

That feeling must be more satisfying than dying in the hands of trash like Huo Minggu!
Whether life or death, that is one of the possibilities he is about to face.

And Huo Minggu! ! !

Garp's eyes were ignited with blazing fire. He kept tightening his muscles like a bow and arrow, and forcefully pressed the overlord-colored air ball in the direction of Huo Minggu!
As for the future, I will have different endings. Tonight may not be my private death.

But Huo Minggu!

No matter whether the old server is alive or dead, Huo Minggu must die! ! !

This punch will never leave any way for Huo Minggu to survive! ! !
For a moment, Garp's domineering spirit completely exploded.

The next moment, the overlord-colored air ball between him and Huo Minggu completely exploded!
Huo Minggu was pushed back a few steps by the exploding air mass. He swallowed a mouthful of blood while retreating, and then he desperately raised his sword and stabbed in the direction of Garp.

At the same time, Garp rushed through the exploding overlord-colored air mass with his upper body naked. While the force took away a lot of his flesh and blood, he rushed forward against Huo Minggu's stabbing sword!

The doctor muttered.

The moon pierced Garp's chest deeply!

As for Garp, he let the moon continue to pass through his chest, while he himself held Huo Minggu's head tightly before his chest hit the hilt of the moon sword!

"Got you, bastard!"

Even though blood was pouring from his mouth and nose, Garp still laughed with great excitement.

"You guys are like a fish that never catches up with you. If I don't throw a flaw in front of you that may actually allow you to kill me, then you will never bite the hook!

Whether it was the Warring States Period or Xiaohe, they all said that I, a veteran, was as stubborn as a bastard on land.

Haha, that’s right, I am as stubborn as an Internet cafe!

Because I just need to bite the food in my mouth.

It is absolutely impossible for me to let go of my hand!

Hahahahaha! ! ! "

Amidst the roaring laughter, Garp's hands holding Huo Minggu's head suddenly tightened.

In an instant, Huo Minggu was shocked to realize that he was about to die!

I saw him holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, and suddenly spread the last of his domineering energy to the blade.

next moment.

boom! ! !
The long sword that pierced Garp exploded with a stream of air. The air stream first shook Garp's internal organs, and then spread out from Garp's back, shattering a lot of ground in the distance along the way.

As for Garp, even though many parts of his internal organs were severely damaged, he still held Huo Minggu's head with a happy smile and exerted all his strength.


Click! ! !

Finally, just when the small wound pierced by the moon on Garp's chest had completely spread into a bloody hole.

Huo Minggu's head was also forcefully pulled off his neck by Garp.

Holding his bloody head, Garp stood silently. Seeing the headless Huo Minggu's last muscle strength, he pressed the moon and pressed himself to the ground together with the sword blade.


The moon pierced the ground easily, and the hilt of the moon sword was firmly pressed against his chest.

Garp tried to get up, but it was obvious that he had no chance of moving anymore.

Although he is not dead yet, Garp knows that his death is not far away.

Because in addition to being able to see Mihawk and Kajuro in the distance, Garp actually saw the ghost Roger...

Veterans never die, but just wither away?

But how can veterans tolerate the gradual withering of their lives?
Life is as brilliant as summer flowers, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves?
No, no!
If a veteran wants to die, he must die vigorously!
"Ah ha ha ha ha, I have reached the limit of what I can do!
The rest is up to you, eagle-eyed brat!
I can no longer...can't help you deal with Qie Shou Lang anymore.

But I think you won’t need help from others, right?
So, today, become the real... strongest swordsman in the world!
With Gawain's need and the desire of people all over the world, and with the word justice rising behind you, become the last bastard standing!

You will win, you will win.

Although there are so many people who don't believe it, I know it deeply.

As long as there are still people aware of the evil before their eyes.

Justice will always appear behind evil and give the evil the final blow!
Justice...must win! ! ! "

With the reliable shouting, Mihawk's heart tightened in the distance.

Watching comrades fall one after another, watching helplessly, even Garp lost his ability to fight and stood on the edge of life and death.

Now, I and Qie Shoulang are really the last hope for both of them!
No matter who wins the final war, the remaining one is destined to have an impact on Gawain and Im who have not yet returned.

It would be fine if the two of them can really decide the victory, but if they are both completely defeated, the one who stands at the end between Mihawk and Qishu Lang may very well be the straw that breaks the camel's back!
Even for this reason, Mihawk would not allow himself to lose!
What's more, since he was born, he has been pursuing the strongest swordsmanship in the world!
Even if the enemy is the user of the first generation Kitetsu.

Even if the enemy is a mythical swordsman who has been fighting since ancient times.

Even if there are so many, even if...

Mihawk didn't allow himself to lose today!
Never allow it!


Just when Mihawk became more and more determined...

Kejuro also had the same idea as him!

Are you determined not to lose?

Mihawk has this determination.

And Keshou Lang is not lacking at all! ! ! (End of chapter)

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