I, the dragon man!

Chapter 84 Don't Come Next Time

Chapter 84 Don't Come Next Time

"Well, you Gao Wen, you really are staring at our money!"

As soon as Gao Wen finished speaking, the economical old man took the words with a smile.

"Although we won't provide you with excess wealth, don't worry about the annuity, we won't detain you.

All the heavenly gold we receive, we always divide it into four fixed parts, one part is used for the armed forces, one part is used for summing up culture, education and intelligence, one part is used for carrying out various large-scale projects and providing jobs, and the other part is your annuities.

For the collected money, we must find a way to circulate it back to the countries of the world. If we cannot collect it, no matter how much wealth there is in this world, it will come to an end sooner or later.

But if we only carry out various projects, those projects can only provide basic jobs and salaries for ordinary people, and they are far from enough to drive the consumption propensity of the nobles in the world's major alliance countries.

Therefore, 90.00% of the Celestial Dragons living in Maryjoa, although they are not as transparent as you and me, their stupidity and extravagance are also valuable for us to use.

Gao Wen, I don't know if you have noticed that under our deliberate induction, every Tianlong person living in Mary Joyary has never had the habit of collecting and accumulating wealth!

They are not like giant dragons, piling Bailey into the treasure room non-stop.

On the contrary, every time they accumulate an annuity for a few months, they will start round after round of comparative consumption waves.

It is also their comparative spending that has lasted for many years that has driven the consumption enthusiasm of most franchised royal families and nobles around the world.

In this way, year after year, until the shopping tendency of our Tianlong people has become a popular trend in the minds of the nobles of most of the joined countries in the world, we can corrupt them while maintaining the basic benign operation of the world economy .

Use the small commodity market to create an economic cycle among ordinary people, and then use the extravagance and lust of our Tianlong people as a basis to build a luxury market among the rich.

Only in this way can the world be safely plundered by us for 800 years!

Of course, everything will not be as simple as I said. If we want to explain it in detail, we may have to talk about it for hundreds of days.

We don't need to talk that much just yet. "

When the old man said this, he nodded slightly to Gao Wen.

Hearing the old man's words, Gao Wen smiled clearly, he could understand what the old man said.

Just like Gao Wen's luxury goods market before time travel, he is not the only one who thinks that many things appearing in those markets are just to fool fools, right?
But if luxury goods are not sold so expensive, if luxury goods are not given a sufficiently high-end positioning.

Where should the rich in the world spend their money?
Let them buy high-quality and cheap goods to live like ordinary people?
Then their money may not be spent in dozens of lifetimes.

If they can't spend it all, do you think they will contribute the money to the public?
Don't think about it, that's outrageous, everyone knows it.

Let them spend money on luxury goods, at least they can collect high luxury goods transaction taxes to supplement culture, education, political work and social welfare.

As for letting all the rich invest in projects, thereby providing jobs for the society?

Not every rich person likes to struggle, especially the rich who get rich quickly. If they don’t have the matching high-end market and expensive goods, then they will become like landlords and rich people, burying silver and small yellow croakers in the cellar Hundreds of years!

The same is true in the world of pirates. Of course Gao Wen knows who the exploiters in the world of pirates are.

Tianlong people like himself are naturally the exploiters standing on the top level.

But under them, every aristocrat in the countries joined by the world government also has the status of exploiters and a large amount of wealth derived from exploitation.

Then there are big pirates, gangsters and large enterprises from all over the world, and those chiefs of the Four Seas Navy who colluded with black and white.

There are so many exploiting classes in this world, if the Tianlong people take all these people to study Grandet together and hide all the money for watching.

One Piece's economic system is long overdue for collapse.

Thinking in another way, although Pirate World is not a unified world, even the backward regime of slavery is still maintained here.

But their economic system is more perfect than the earth before crossing.

Here, the whole world has only one currency, Pele!

In some respects, One Piece World has at least completely unified weights and measures.

As for the text of the book, at present, there are only two languages ​​left in Pirate World.

One is the common language of the world, and people all over the world can understand the news on the World Economic News.

The other is engraved on the stone slabs of the main text of history, the characters used by the giant kingdom and the Guangyue clan.

But until now, there are too few people who can understand that kind of writing. After the scholars who are proficient in that kind of writing are completely broken, the world government will complete the achievement of the same text.

Thinking of this, Gao Wen leisurely laughed.

In this world, there are very few foundations that can be left to him.

Both the same text of the book and the unified weights and measures have been made by the world government.

Then his future goals are naturally left to the same track, abolishing slavery, and promoting the overall progress of the world!

So Gao Wen cheered up, and said to the old man with a smile on his face.

"It turns out that the extravagance of my fellow clansmen still has this kind of effect. It's interesting. The seniors really did a lot."

"Hehe, don't be so mean, little Gawain.

Even if you don't know the details of those things, you should at least think about the general idea, otherwise your goal will not be so clear, so don't put on an air in front of us old men.

Closer to home, have you finished your three requirements? Are you sure you have no other ideas? "

"Not for the time being, even if there is, I don't need to say it in one breath, right?"

Gao Wen grinned at Wu Laoxing.

"Look, you always call yourself the old man, so how can I have the nerve to cause more trouble to you old man?"

"Haha, brat, your character is really bad enough.

Now that it's all right, let's go, we will have a headache when we see you. "

"Well, I'm leaving now, excuse me."

"Don't bother me, I might as well come here often in the future, chatting with you is much more interesting than wrangling with other people, whether it is in the Warring States Period or in the sky, it will only make a lot of noise and make people upset.

The three generals in this term also have personality problems, and it's really not as good as the previous term.

It's a pity that Karp is unwilling to serve as a general, and Kong has made countless requests for Karp to succeed him as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

That guy is still very interesting, and he certainly has the qualifications, but unfortunately, he will not come to see us at all. "

The old military man waved at Gao Wen while exchanging greetings.

"I don't know how long it will take before I can have a good chat with you again. Before you leave, let me nag you a few more words.

Stability, the most important thing is stability, even if we know that many things are wrong, we can only try our best to continue to maintain it when that thing has been maintained for hundreds of years.

Many of us want to make a difference in the world, even when we were young.

But every time it changes, it may not be just a rule, if it changes more, it may not be us Tianlong who sit in this seat!

Forget it, it's useless to talk to you so much. Although your personality is similar to ours, you seem to be more determined than us.

In short...you can handle it yourself. "

"I see!"

This time, Gao Wen's answer was much more solemn.

After replying, Gao Wen saw that the five old stars were all looking at him with a smile, so he nodded, then turned and left.

But just as Gao Wen walked to the door of the power room, the old diplomat suddenly spoke again.

"Wait, I suddenly remembered something!"

Hearing this, Gao Wen turned his head and looked back, while the old diplomat showed him a narrow smile.

"Your fiancée, I was really shocked when I heard about it!
I also understand you, after all, that is the mermaid princess, who is most likely to become an important tool of the ancient weapon Poseidon.

But you don't have to sacrifice so much, do you? "

Speaking of this, the eyes of the old diplomat gradually revealed a touch of kindness.

"You're still young, so there's no need to take your goals and ambitions too seriously, we're still supporting you, so you really don't have to be so anxious.

I would rather you spend more time on the sea, gaining knowledge and experience, but at the same time...be nicer to yourself.

Love is like a bowl of fine wine, it tastes best when you sip it in small sips, but if you drink it like this, and your partner is a mermaid, even if she is really one of the ancient weapons, she is by no means more important than your youth.

You're young only once, brat. "


Gawain was really a little surprised by the old diplomat's words. Is this something we should talk about?

He looked at the old diplomat with a wry smile.

"This... may not be a sacrifice, I even feel that I have made a lot of money."

"Uh? Cough cough! Your kid's sexual fetish...?!!
Well, hahahaha, we are really old!

Brat, next time you come back, bring that little mermaid to meet us.

Otherwise you don't use it! "

(End of this chapter)

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