I, the dragon man!

Chapter 94 Choice

Chapter 94 Choice
While Gao Wen was speaking, Jinbei and Gion came to Gao Wen's side with two boxes of treasures in their hands.

Gion pouted at Rob Lucci and his party, Jinbe immediately understood, and then handed the treasure in his arms to Lu Qi's direction very simply.

"Haha, I'm really not good at doing these things, my lord needs you by my side!

Miscellaneous things like treasures can be handed over to you after you have them! "

While greeting with a smile, Jinbe sent the treasure box in his hand to Lu Qi.

Seeing this, Lu Qi's falcon-like eyebrows and eyes became confused for the first time. He instinctively took the treasure box, and then silently sent the box to Kaku next to him.

At the same time, the pupils under Kalifa's glasses suddenly lit up, she took the initiative to take the things in Gion's arms, and freed Gion's hands.

After he no longer needed to take the treasure, Gion held the knife with his left hand and patted Kalifa on the shoulder with his right hand.


"No...you're welcome, it's what we should do!"

When Khalifa replied, she trembled a bit abruptly. Lord Gawain and his subordinates had such a familiar attitude towards him and others. Could it be that he and others have already been accepted?
Is Mr. Gao Wen so arrogant that he just accepted us as followers?

Are we suddenly the followers of the great Draco? ! !

Just when Khalifa couldn't help thinking wildly, Gawain looked around and then went to the edge of the water platform.

"Bai Xing, are you there?"

Gawain stood beside the platform, calling softly to the water.

Behind him, Lu Qi hurriedly followed, and when he came to the shore, Lu Qi saw a huge face emerging from the sea water beside the platform.

"Of course I'm here~."

Shirahoshi clasped his hands on the platform, excitedly feeling the water rushing past his body.

"Lord Gao Wen, I really like this city, there are waterways everywhere!

The house is built together with the sea water, which is really convenient for me! "

"Even if it's convenient, don't run around. Be careful not to get lost. I'll arrange someone to take you to visit the capital of seven waters later."

Gao Wen rubbed the little girl's hair, then looked at Lu Qi again.

Noticing Gao Wen's eyes, Lu Qi bowed his head respectfully, showing that he was listening.

So Gao Wen said softly.

"From now on, you are my people, can you understand?"


Rob Lucci nodded heavily.

"Okay, get busy. I'm not someone who does nothing. Get used to it as soon as possible."

"No matter when, no matter what order, we will never let adults down!"

Lu Qi responded righteously.

Seeing this, Gao Wen nodded with a smile, and casually pointed to the iceberg not far away.

Seeing Gao Wen's movements, the group of CP9 who woke up from a dream not far away moved instantly.

Except for Kalifa and Shanfeng Kaku who were holding the treasure chest, Gabra and his team quickly rushed behind the iceberg and directly controlled the kneeling iceberg!

The assistant team behind Bingshan was in an uproar, but before they could speak, the sharp hair of the lion Kuma aimed at their necks respectively.

"My lord, the iceberg is under control, shall we interrogate it next?" Lu Qi asked softly.

"Don't make trouble."

Looking at the CPs who seem to be taking everything as a big deal, Gao Wen smiled and waved his hands lightly.

"I'm different from them, you can obey me, but don't guess me."

Speaking of this, Gao Wen took leisurely steps and came to the kneeling iceberg.

"For example, let go of Mr. Mayor now, it's not polite!"

"As ordered!"

Gabra and his party quickly let go of the iceberg, and Kumatori also removed his dangerous hair. They knelt beside the iceberg, bowing their heads, waiting for Gao Wen's instructions.

And Gawain.

He raised his hand.

"Get up, Iceberg."


Bingshan stood up tremblingly with a sullen face. After he stood up, Gawain turned to Kalifa.

"what time is it now?"

"My lord, it is one forty-two in the morning."

"It's too late, let me take a look. In the capital of seven waters, except for the iceberg, everyone else has dispersed."

After the words were finished, Gao Wen glanced at the assistant team behind Bingshan. With just one glance, all those people knelt down like madmen and fled desperately into the distance.

While they were running away, Gao Wen looked around at the groups of black suits.

At this moment, the men in black suits who woke up from a dream immediately began to carry the carriage with great energy!

Boxes of treasures were transported out of the carriage, and Kalifa quickly calculated them with a pen and paper.

Taking advantage of their calculations, Gao Wen walked towards the outside of the station on his own, Gion and the two accompanied Gao Wen, separating Lu Qi and Bingshan further behind Gao Wen.

Gao Wen ignored their positions, but talked without looking back.

"Just now, don't think that I gave you a blow, it's just the exaggerated style of the CP department.

This is actually quite bad, Lu Qi, please remember, what I need is not an exaggerated work style, but your pragmatic work attitude. "

"Of order." Lu Qi nodded quickly.

"Okay, after talking about you, let's talk about Bingshan, Espagu, do you hate me?"


Bingshan was barely walking a second ago, but when he heard Gao Wen's words, the soles of his feet softened by three points in an instant, and he almost staggered and fell there!
Gao Wen ignored Bingshan's panic, but continued to speak naturally.

"You should respect and love your master Murloc Tom, but he died in the hands of the world government. Will you hate me when you see me?"

Facing Gao Wen's words, Bingshan was sweating more and more, and he didn't dare to speak at all.

So Gao Wen glanced at the silent iceberg and said with a smile.

"It's okay, just chatting, if I want you to die, how can you live until now?

You don't think Pluto's drawings can save your life in front of me, do you?
Who had it, Frankie, or... Carter Fram?

Lu Qi, your lurking for the past two years has failed. You haven't even been able to investigate such important news! "

Lu Qi half-knelt directly behind Gao Wen.

This was the sound of Bingshan kneeling behind Gao Wen.

At this point, Gao Wen stopped appropriately, turned around, faced the platform, and even faced Bingshan and Lu Qi, and continued.

"Are you nervous, that's right, the previous one wasn't a slap in the face, but now it is.

But don't worry, since I'm still chatting with you, you still have a place in my heart. I just hope you know that since I arrived in this city, some things have changed!

I hope you can realize its changes, and then make a positive response, instead of holding back and letting hatred tear your life that should have been more fulfilling! "

Having said that, Gao Wen squatted down with a smile, and he patted Bingshan's shoulder lightly.

"Esbagu, your teacher did build the boat for Roger to sail the sea, and his crime was indeed granted a special pardon by the World Government, right?
So who was responsible for his death, do you think? "

At this time, the iceberg had already been crushed by Gao Wen. First, there was a CP lurking beside him, and then even the whereabouts of Hades' drawings were revealed.

Bingshan only felt that he was completely seen through by Gao Wen, so he seemed to be relieved, and replied to Gao Wen in a low voice.

"It's Spandam... Gao Wensheng!"

Hearing Bingshan's words, Gawain nodded, and then looked at Lu Qi who was kneeling there.

"Rob Lucci, the strongest rookie member since CP9 was founded 800 years ago!

You should not stay at CP9, but should have entered the sequence of CP0 long ago, right?
So, why were you sent on a sleeper mission, and who sent it? "

"It's Spandam!"

Lu Qi replied meticulously.

After getting the answer, Gawain looked at Bingshan with a smile.

"Look, Espagu, I have never been your enemy, Spandam is more dangerous to you than I am to you, isn't it.

Not long ago, when I arrived on Judiciary Island, that guy presented me with clues to Pluto's blueprint, begging to join me.

So I am now facing a choice. On one side is Spandam. Although he is stupid, has no strength, and even less ability, he is loyal enough to me. Such a person will always be useful.

On the other side is you, Espagu.

Spandam's character you should know, if he has my support, he will not let you live.

And you, just imagine, if you get my support, what might you get?
what do you want? "

 There are still [-] hours, and it will be on the shelves at [-] noon tomorrow, so I am so nervous~~~.

(End of this chapter)

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