one's door

Chapter 1007 Closing

Calculating the time, it is less than a hundred years before the Sword Tomb ruins are opened again.

After leaving the seclusion, Zhang Yan summoned three brothers and sisters Wang Nian in the small courtyard where he had been secluded for thousands of years.She was clearly in one world, yet she hadn't seen each other for thousands of years.Even when the three of them crossed the forty-nine catastrophes, Zhang Yan just waited and watched with his spiritual thoughts, and didn't choose to go out with his real body to help hold the battle.

At first, Zhang Yan felt that even though he was retreating, the three of Wang Nian crossing the tribulation were not in the void like him, so it was not difficult.Moreover, in the state of false harmony, he can do all the things that the Dharma protector should do even if he doesn't show up.

Secondly, Zhang Yan also hoped to see how the three apprentices reacted at the critical moment by retreating behind the scenes.After all, every apprentice Du Jie invited the big shots in the Void World to watch the ceremony.Feng Yuhe, and Elder Jinxian from Shizong and Heiyuan have all been invited.It is to promote the strength of the cliff mountain, and it is also to express the close business relationship.

After three times of forty-nine robbery, Zhang Yan was very relieved by the response of the three brothers and sister Wang Nian.

Nowadays, the number of foreign visitors in the cliff mountain is almost every day.Ordinary Jinxians and the like may not be able to contact Lao Wang Nian, and sometimes Liu Rui or Yang Rui can deal with it directly.And Tianxian and his ilk were not even qualified to meet Wang Nian and his three senior brothers and sisters, so they were directly received by the head of the Foreign Affairs Hall.

This is absolutely taboo elsewhere.Even if there is no equivalent in cultivation, it is necessary to send the highest status to receive guests whose cultivation is higher than their own.To put it simply, Wang Nian has to go to the reception belt for everyone who comes to a fairyland, so that the etiquette is equal, and it is also the humility and respect for the strong.

This rule is not oppression, but convention.This is true in Chaos and Pastoral.

But this practice has never been measured by anyone in Cliff Mountain from the very beginning.

The Jinxians sent by Mingyuegu and others were naturally received by second-generation disciples like Wang Nian, brother and sister.It's the highest etiquette.After all, Zhang Yan went to retreat.As for those ordinary golden immortals, even heavenly immortals, they couldn't hold their heads up in the cliff mountain.Because everyone knows that there is Zhang Yan in this world.Want treatment and etiquette from a power that can stand in command of a Da Luo Jinxian with one enemy four?Isn't this just making yourself unhappy?
The most important point is that the outsiders who are still coming to the cliff mountain are not here to show off their might, they almost all come here for a request.As the saying goes, if you want someone to be soft, there is no need to break the etiquette of the cliff mountain.

Over time, the special status of Cliff Mountain has gradually evolved to the point where even the customary rules in the void world do not need to be followed.

"You have worked hard for thousands of years." Zhang Yan still looked the same, almost unchanged.If you have to study it carefully, it is that he looks more like a back-to-basics feeling now.

Even in the eyes of Wang Nian, the three brothers and sisters, Zhang Yan looked like an ordinary passerby in the wild world.So much so that they had to open up their divine sense, otherwise they would unconsciously ignore Zhang Yan's sense of existence.It was as if Zhang Yan had melted into the plants and trees in the small courtyard, it was so weird that they felt uncomfortable all over.

"What is the master talking about? Duanya Mountain is the foundation. The three of us have superficial cultivation and can't help the master. We can only barely maintain the chores in the mountain and try to make the master less worried. How can we call it a Hard work?" Wang Nian bowed and stood beside him in an orderly manner.Behind him stood Liu Rui and Yang Rui.

"Hehe, not to mention the huge mountain gate, there is also the overall planning of the entire Huangtian Territory, as well as the various businesses in the void world, and the mutual pull with various forces to maintain the special position of the Huangtian Territory. This is not easy. You have worked hard I can see.

What is even more commendable is that although you are busy with affairs, your respective cultivation bases have not fallen behind.One has reached the late stage of the earth fairyland, and is not far from the heavenly fairy.The other two are also cultivation bases that are about to advance in the mid-term of the Earth Immortal.It's not easy! "

Zhang Yan's praise made the three brothers and sisters Wang Nian bend down even lower for a while, and they dared not shirk and say no.At the same time, the energy that was simmering in my heart was relieved at this time.Master really sees his own achievements.

"Let's talk about the current situation. The status of the people who have been turbulent in the Huangtian Territory over the years should have changed a lot. What about the outside world? Is it still so chaotic?"

Although Zhang Yan's divine sense covered the desolate world when he was retreating, it didn't mean that he had to concentrate on observing everything, big and small.When there is no danger, his energy is still shrunk on his own enlightenment and practice.Therefore, although Zhang Yan had a general understanding of the daily operation of Duanya Mountain, he didn't know many of the details.He also only knows a rough idea of ​​the situation outside the Huangtian Territory.

"Master, the second junior brother of the Muge faction has been dealing with it all the time, he knows best." Wang Nian looked at Yang Rui, he didn't say directly, but gave up the opportunity.

Yang Rui took half a step forward after Zhang Yan nodded and agreed, and cupped his hands and said, "Master, the Pastoral School has basically set the main theme now. Lin Xiao, the leader of the Qingshan Fairyland School, was seriously injured several times. Now Even the land of the mountain gate can no longer be defended. It needs to be protected by Feng Leitian in order not to be broken. So in fact, Qingshan Wonderland has already existed in name only, and it can be said that it is a certainty to be merged into Fengleitian.

However, Feng Leitian was not having a good time, and the power under his command had been eroded a lot, even with the legacy of Qingshan Wonderland as a supplement, it did not take advantage.There is not much difference from the distribution of their forces thousands of years ago, but the world under their command has changed a lot.

In addition, Qingxitian, Guishicheng, and Yunlanyu have basically digested most of the Qingshan Wonderland sites over the past few thousand years, and there are also some Fengleitian sites.At the same time, there were disputes over the territory among the three families, and a killing war broke out.But it's basically cleared up now.

According to Xie Wei's news channel, Feng Leitian has already contacted the three Guishicheng families on his own initiative to seek peace, and it is estimated that this time it should really calm down. "

"That is to say, the pastoral faction has finished fighting, the bottom forces have changed several times, and at the same time, Qingshan Wonderland is also finished, right?"

"Yes, Master."

Zhang Yan nodded.This is basically in line with his expectations.It's just that it's too useless to return to the three families of Shicheng?Or is Lin Xiao in Qingshan Wonderland too powerful?Haven't cleaned up Lin Xiao yet?He might have to take the time to go to the Pastoral School in person to put an end to Liang Zi back then.

"Where's the Chaos faction?" Zhang Yan looked directly at Liu Rui this time.

Hearing this, Liu Rui stepped forward quickly, bowed and said, "Return to Master. The situation on the Chaos faction is more complicated. And it has not yet reached the final stage, and the situation is still chaotic, and there are signs of switching between high and low offense and defense. Now Mingyue Valley and Yishizong are on the decline, and Heiyuan is the most powerful. Sanwenzong, Feng Mutian and Linglong Immortal Realm are slowly turning the situation around after their respective strongmen recover from their injuries.

Last month, Mingyue Valley and Yishizong completely lost all the advantages they had previously occupied.It can be said that it has officially entered the stage of passive defense.According to Feng Yuhe, Xie Wei, the owner of Moon Valley Valley, was also injured in that battle.

Now Mingyue Valley and Yishizong urgently want us to make a direct move from Duanya Mountain.Or in fact, I want to invite you, Master, to come out of the mountain, otherwise their fate will only get worse and worse."

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