one's door

Chapter 1014 Quiet

Chapter 1014 Quiet
First Linglong Immortal Territory, then Fengfeng Mutian, and finally Sanwen Sect, the three top forces that had spanned more than a dozen members of the Chaos Sect for several years disappeared in thin air.

It also made the Chaos faction stop talking about chaos and chaos, even the slightest noise was suppressed, and it was terribly quiet.

All were terrified.

There are three from Linglong Immortal Realm, two each from Feng Mutian and two from Sanwenzong, and there are a total of seven Daluo Jinxians with their heads turned into several shocking stories in the void.It directly subverted the perception of power.

In the past, Daluo Jinxian was an immortal existence in the eyes of everyone. It was the end of practice and symbolized invincibility.But now invincibility is just a joke after all, and it is not the end of some practice.

With a more general mind, I discovered the key point: they are all Da Luo Jinxians, so why is Zhang Yan so much stronger than other Da Luo Jinxians?

When this question was raised, each of them already had almost the same answer in their hearts: because Zhang Yan was inherited from the Great Desolate World, and he cultivated the way of the Great Desolate World.And those big Luoxiu who died belonged to the ways of the void world.

So the root of the problem lies in the different ways of inheritance?
Especially those monks or immortals scattered in the void who have no or shallow roots, once they react, they don't have any worries, and they will take action directly.

I dare not go to Zhang Yan directly.But I still have the courage to go to Huangtianyu to find a way to worship under the cliff gate of Huangtianyu.Even if you start as a low-level disciple and mix slowly, you will definitely be able to get in touch with the inheritance of the Great Desolate World. Maybe this is the beginning of truly rewriting your own destiny?
It's a pity that now it's not a matter of daring to go, but of not being able to go.

After Zhang Yan wiped out the three top forces intermittently, leaving behind a bunch of terrified wretches in the Chaos faction, he "disappeared" along with Huang Tianyu.

Only well-informed forces know where to go.For example, Bright Moon Valley.

The fact is that Zhang Yan and Huang Tianyu didn't "disappear" or hide like before.Instead, they left the scope of the Chaos faction and went to the territory of the Pastoral faction.

What are you going to do?Of course, to do the same thing that he did in the Chaos faction before: to settle the grudge.

Xie Wei, the owner of Mingyue Valley, had predicted this point before, and now it seems that he guessed it right.

By the time Zhang Yan returned to the Chaos faction's area again, two more than three years had passed.And this time the area where the Desolate Sky Territory showed up is very subtle.Although it is also in the territory of the Chaos faction, it is not all, but just straddles the dividing line between the Chaos faction and the pastoral forces.

Afterwards, Zhang Yan returned to the Cliff Mountain to stay behind closed doors, but the world barrier in the Huangtian Territory was restarted, and the world trade in and out made this void area between the two factions the busiest in the void world. The star node.

Of course, not all people come here for business.A considerable number of people entered the Huangtian Territory just for the Cliff Mountain.

So at the foot of the cliff mountain, you can often see strong people who have already achieved high cultivation and even become immortals, kneeling in front of the mountain gate and not leaving, just like impressing Zhang Yan in the cliff mountain, making an exception to accept them to enter.

It's a pity that the rules of Duanya Mountain are extremely strict when it comes to accepting disciples.If you want to get started, you must get started from the beginning instead of becoming a monk halfway.This is to focus on the cultivation of loyalty and character, not just to increase the strength of the sect.Now that there is Zhang Yan in Duanya Mountain, and he is well-known, there is no need to fill in the weak strength, and there is no shortage of time to develop slowly.

Therefore, outsiders who are not allowed to enter their sect want to seek refuge in those lesser small sects outside the cliff mountain, but also in the barren sky domain.What I want is to rely on the big trees to enjoy the shade first.

It's just that even if it's the second best, it won't work.Because it is the same as the cliff mountain, no matter the big or small sects in Huangtian Territory, they all have the same caliber for those who come from outside the territory: Thank you for your kindness.

Small sects have the way of survival and wisdom of small sects.They may not be able to resist those big monks and immortals who came from outside the territory and shouted to become elders or even guest lords, but they were backed by the cliff mountain and were in the wild world. .So there is a lot of confidence to refuse.

Furthermore, who can figure out what kind of thinking the strong outside the territory are fighting?Whether they are threatened by foreign enemies or not, there is no need to take risks to blindly fill up their own strength.If your own vision is not wide enough, then just follow the people with lofty vision.Cliff Mountain doesn't want these outsiders. The small sect doesn't need to worry too much, just follow up, and there will be no mistakes.

After more than ten years of such turmoil, those in the void world who wanted to take refuge in the gate of the cliff mountain also gave up their hearts.At the same time, the big forces of the void who have been paying close attention to this matter all heaved a sigh of relief.

Refusing to tame the forces of the void, this shows that Huang Tianyu has no idea of ​​expanding the sphere of influence.It is still the way of "special status" before.This reassured everyone who had already been frightened by Zhang Yan's ruthless methods and killing record.At the same time understand that the new void order is here.

A void world that has been washed with blood like wind and clouds, and a new big world that is ruled by the inheritors of the Great Desolate World.This scene once again confirmed Xie Wei's original guess. The Void World seems to be re-evolving towards the power structure before the disappearance of the Great Desolate World long, long ago in a "backtracking" way.

Could it be that the Great Transformation of the Void is a round wheel like this, turning around and returning to the past?

No one can tell whether they have returned to the past or not, but both the Chaos faction and the Pastoral faction are methodically building the power structure under the new order in this rare silence.Or to put it more bluntly, it is to re-divide the resources in the void.

The Chaos faction's formation has taken shape, led by the three major forces.Mingyue Valley, First Sect, and Heiyuan.Among them, there is a limited pattern of opposition, that is, Mingyue Valley and Yishizong are united to form an opposition to Heiyuan.It's just that this confrontation didn't turn into another killing situation.

The structure of the pastoral school is much simpler, and it has even been divided, and the wounds left by the previous reforms are healed in an orderly manner.The only thing that has become history is the entire lineage of forces related to Qingshan Wonderland.Including Feng Leitian who later stood on the side of Qingshan Wonderland and wanted to take advantage of opportunistic ideas.

In the eyes of many people, the reason why this cleansing was so clean reflected Wanxiang Daluo's ruthless and vengeful character.But any grievances and grievances in the past must be wiped out.Even the logic of "my enemy's friend is also my enemy" has been implemented.This is also one of the reasons why everyone in the void world was terrified by this bloodbath.

(End of this chapter)

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