one's door

Chapter 1016

Chapter 1016
The Jianzhong ruins are still the same, it is like an eternal flat boat, sometimes hidden in the waves, sometimes emerging from the waves.

And the short time when this boat emerged was the only gap that was scrambling to enter.

Leaving Liu Rui in the shallow layer of the ruins, Zhang Yan himself turned around and entered the middle layer.Although Zhang Yan didn't turn around every corner the last time Qianqian came, he has already got the most important information and items in Qianqian.The superficial meaning naturally became a decoration for him.It would be good to keep Liu Rui as an experience.

The middle layer is one of Zhang Yan's goals this time.

The person traveling with him was Xie Wei, and Xie Wei said that he had come and gone many times in the Jianzhong ruins before stepping into Da Luo Jinxian.Not only superficial familiarity, but also the middle layer is thoroughly familiar.He also said that he was still a golden fairy when the middle layer was opened up, and he participated in the whole process of land reclamation, so he was the most suitable guide to lead Zhang Yan in the middle layer.

Along the way, the raging sword intent in the middle layer opened Zhang Yan's eyes.It is indeed several times stronger than those cruising sword intents on the superficial level.

What's more important is that these sword intents are not only strong but also extremely pure.Zhang Yan, who has already made achievements in "One Way of Meaning", couldn't help but marvel.After carefully comprehending the reason why these sword intents are so pure, it is found that it seems to come from the purity of killing intent, and then the killing intent is transformed into sword intent to form such an effect.

Who could have such a surging and boundless killing intent?
Saint?Zhang Yan shook his head, it is impossible for a saint to have such a pure killing intent.

Immediately after thinking about it, Zhang Yan figured out the joints: the source of the killing intent was not a living body at all, but the four killing swords.It is not difficult to understand the killing intent overflowing from the first killing weapon as the cornerstone, and then use the "one way of intent" to carve out the form of the sword intent in front of you.

But although the sword intent is strong, it is impossible to threaten immortals like Zhang Yan and Xie Wei.Even with a thought in Zhang Yan's mind, the sword intent around him took the initiative to go around in Xie Wei's horrified eyes.

"Master Zhang, look, there is the edge mountain in the middle layer. Like the superficial steles, there are many edge mountains here, and they are all protected by inexplicable forces. If you use brute force, you can get close , but there is no way to get any useful information." Xie Wei led Zhang Yan forward on the middle floor, and pointed to a high mountain that suddenly appeared in the front to introduce Zhang Yan.

Although Renshan Zhang Yan just nodded and did not answer, he knew in his heart that the Renshan that Xie Wei was referring to would be his new target in the Sword Tomb Ruins this time.

When you get closer, you can see that the blade mountain is more than a hundred feet high. Its name comes from the shape and shape of the mountain like a blade. The smooth rocks on both sides are as neat as forging. No matter how you look at the beach, it doesn't look like a naturally formed mountain, but it was deliberately made into this appearance by external forces.

About a mile away from the mountain, an invisible barrier blocked the front.

Zhang Yan didn't find it strange either, the same thing happened to him when he found those steles superficially before.

Zhang Yan directly showed the Slaying Immortal Sword, and the sword soul in the sword was attached to it, roaring anxiously as if feeling some kind of call.As soon as Zhang Yan's control was loosened, he sprinted forward in the Killing Immortal Sword, directly opening a one-person passage for himself to keep up with him.

"Master Xie, please wait here, I'll come back as soon as I go." Before leaving, Zhang Yan interrupted Xie Wei's move to force his way.Zhang Yan didn't know what would happen when he got close to Renshan later, so Zhang Yan naturally didn't want anyone else around him.Even after he entered the barrier, he immediately raised a magic circle, making the space inside thick and smooth, as a warning and defense.

Xie Wei naturally wanted to follow in to see what was wrong.But after Zhang Yan's warning, he could only give up.He knew very well that based on Zhang Yan's handling of the surrounding sword intents when he came in just now, it was no different from returning to his own home, and the ruins of the sword tomb had a complete influence on the other party.So if you annoy the other party, you can easily kill him here.

Just when Xie Wei thought it was a pity, Zhang Yan had already gone all the way under the leadership of Killing Immortal Sword, and soon stood in front of Renshan.And it rises from the sky, tens of feet above the ground, and looking over from the ground, there seems to be a layer of deja vu brilliance lingering on the stone wall of the blade mountain.

call out!
The Immortal Killing Sword was shaken, and the Sword Soul voluntarily broke away and rushed into the stone wall of the edge mountain.Zhang Yan didn't stop him, he understood that he had to follow the preset rules here.When he was in the superficial ruins, he obtained the Sword Soul of the Immortal Slaying Sword by relying on the "One Way of Intent" in the inheritance of the Great Desolate World. The soul of the sword.

Zhang Yan didn't move, and Yukong was a dozen feet in front of the stone wall of Renshan Mountain.Witnessing the Slaughtering Immortal Sword and Sword Soul splashing a few ripples on the stone wall as if piercing through a wall of water and then disappearing.

After a while, the entire blade mountain began to overflow with a faint light, and then the light quickly converged, outlining lines of writing stroke by stroke.In the last less than ten breaths, a sentence of nearly a thousand words appeared on the stone wall.If you look at the handwriting, you can be sure that it is the same as the handwriting that Zhang Yan saw on the superficial stone tablet.If there is no accident, it should also come from the hand of Tongtian sage, the leader of Jiejiao.

Zhang Yan is looking forward to what messages the words on the stone wall can bring.So I took a closer look and saw the writing on the stone wall: You should feel my guidance if you can come here, and you can let go of your doubts. I will take you to the supreme peak with the knowledge of a saint. The blame for the failure of Jiejiao is only because my heart is soft and my hands are soft and I don’t understand the cruelty of the Dao. In the end, I fell into the sidelines of the Daoist system, and I was imprisoned to describe it as miserable.You should take this as a lesson, in the future, if you can kill, you can kill, if you can kill, you can never, remember it.
From Zhang Yan's point of view, the first half of the content is "heart-to-heart" and "comfort" with the latecomers, and he has already lamented the reason for his failure back then.But Zhang Yan doesn't seem to have anything special about these things, but the aura also hides a lot of things in these contents.

First of all, this stone wall is not the worst situation Zhang Yan envisioned, that is, he can communicate with the person on Ao Island in Chaos in real time.It is obviously the remaining news from the beginning of its establishment.And the words are constant and "guided" latecomers, rather than specifically targeting him, Zhang Yan.This shows that it is very likely that his appearance itself is a "coincidence" and is one of them.It's just that other "coincidences" like him have failed.

Secondly, in the words, he has set himself in the same camp as the latecomers, and made a promise, saying that as long as he follows the guidance, there will be benefits to enjoy later.

Finally, there is another point, it seems that I am taking myself as a lesson not to be soft-hearted and repeat the same mistakes.But in fact, he hinted at the reason for his "difficulty", because he was plotted against, and because he was soft-hearted. Isn't there an image of a sage in heaven that can be imagined along the preset image in such words?
Zhang Yan smiled, and continued to look down.

The text on the stone wall continues to show: I have worked so hard to collect spirit treasure casting materials to smelt into gold leaf scattered here, you should try your best to find it, and then use the sword soul in the previous stone tablet as a guide to recast the four swords of Zhu Xian. The first layer is the Sword Soul of Trapping Immortal, the bottom layer is Sword Soul of Absolute Immortal, and finally there is a core secret treasure in the bottom layer, which is Sword Soul of Executioner Immortal.After the four sword souls are gathered together, the secret technique of the Zhuxian sword formation diagram can be inherited.
(End of this chapter)

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