one's door

Chapter 102 2 Sides

Chapter 102 Two sides
Wu Yuan never felt that he was born to be so-and-so's servant.How can there be such absurd things in this world?Do you want to humiliate yourself just because of your unusual physique?There is no such reason.

Not only Wu Yuan, but all the senior members of the Wu family also had the same idea as Wu Yuan, and they all hid it well.On the surface, he bowed his head, but secretly he had his own calculations.

It is precisely by relying on the ability of these two faces that the Wu family changed the family's destiny little by little from the bottom of the ordinary people, and after five generations, they have the majesty and prestige of sitting in a big city.

The reason is also very simple.Relying on the "king", using the other party's means to overcome some difficult hurdles in the official career, so that the future will become smoother, and naturally you will slowly find a path for promotion and gradually go straight up.

In return, the Wu family has always acted as a cover for the "spirits" under the "king" and provided these "spirits" with sufficient growth.There are too many twists and turns here.And it didn't happen overnight, it was gradually raised according to the Wu family's status and ability.

The reason is basically the special physique of the Wu family.The "king" called it "holy body" and called himself "holy king", with the same word first, but the Wu family who owned "holy body" was not equal enough and could only be a servant.Similar to a vassal relationship.Of course, the Wu family did not approve of this vassal relationship in their hearts.

Wu Yuan originally planned to tell his son these words after he officially entered the official career, because at that time his son's mind would be more mature and his vision would be wider, and he would dilute the so-called "" The ridiculous impression of "Holy Eucharist", and adjusted the relationship with the "king" and distinguished family interests in the city.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, Tang Niu and Chu Hongyi had accidents one after another, so Wu Yuan had to advance his son's lesson, because if his son still kept his eyes on the "king" at this time, it would be a big problem for Wu Yuan. home in great trouble.At this time, the interests of the Wu family should come first.

Wu Qingling's brain is not stupid, on the contrary, he is a very smart person, otherwise he would not have done evil for so many years but never left anything for others to catch.And for his father, he is very convinced in his heart.So even though what he heard just now was shocking enough, he could still think of the key point, which was the words "Wu family's interests".In addition, since she was a child, although the idea of ​​"Holy Body" has been deeply rooted in Wu Qingling's heart, it can't be said to be deeply rooted because of the family's intentional or unintentional downplaying, and the subversion is not particularly difficult to accept now.

However, Wu Qingling still put forward her own thoughts and said, "Father, if you don't acknowledge the matter of Zhang Yan, how should you explain Chu Hongyi's going out?"

"In this world, one thing descends from another. Those "spirits" rely on devouring living souls or their own kind to feed on. Naturally, some people prey on them. You will not forget the white-faced scholar 15 years ago, right?"

White-faced scholar? 15 years ago?
After these two words were connected together, a past event deep in Wu Qingling's memory was pulled out.At that time, he was still young, and his cognition of "spirit" and his own "Holy Body" was still in the stage of consolidation.At that time, he felt that he was very special, and he was proud of the power of the "spirit" and the ability to communicate with the "spirit".Until the white-faced scholar appeared.

Wu Qingling still can't forget the scene of the white-faced scholar looking for the powerful "spirit" as a snack to feed the monster on his shoulder. He can only hide it deep in his heart and don't want to think about it.Now being mentioned by his father, he swallowed subconsciously, his legs trembling slightly.

"Father, do you think that Zhang Yan is the same as that white-faced scholar?" Wu Qingling felt terrified at the mention of his father, and the fear deep in his memory was instantly awakened, and even brought the peculiarity of Zhang Yan's body together. I contacted the white-faced scholar everywhere.

But Wu Yuan shook his head and said: "The white-faced scholar can control monsters. Apart from being fair and clean, it is no different from a human race, so it should be a rare monster. Zhang Yan has been in the army for more than two years, and if it were a monster, there would be no bones left.

Therefore, we don't need to specifically say what Chu Hongyi did, we just need to tell the story of "Tang Niu disappeared first, and then Chu Hongyi went out to look for it".We don't know anything about it. "

"What about Zhang Yan?" Wu Qingling understood everything now.Isn't it just to pretend to be stupid, anyway, something happened to Chu Hongyi, and as for how it happened, they just don't know at all.But in this way, how to solve Zhang Yan's increasingly troublesome problem?

Wu Yuan shook his head, somewhat disappointed with his son's ability to adapt.But what should be taught still needs to be taught.So he went on to say: "Things are the same. The disappearance of Chu Hongyi and Tang Niu is one thing; our trouble with Zhang Yan is another. From now on, you need to look at them completely separately, otherwise it will be easy to reveal the truth." Flaws. You must keep this in mind.”

After a pause, Wu Yuan continued: "Zhang Yan is very weird. The news in the army said that he is a person of miscellaneous learning. The methods he showed in the army are indeed very similar. But for "Ling" But there have been changes, at least I have never heard of the miscellaneous studies and the means to target "spirit". So whether he is a person of the miscellaneous studies, now I can no longer draw the same conclusion as before.

But when the "king" came in person, or when the "spiritual general" was dispatched, Zhang Yan's problem would no longer be a problem.Thinking that my Wu family has paid for the "king" over the years, if I ask for a favor, I will not refuse it, right?Naturally, it would be best to deal with Zhang Yan smoothly at that time.If it still can't be dealt with, shouldn't the matter be directly related to "Wang"?At that time, Zhang Yan was not just a problem of our Wu family, and the "Wang" was there to deal with it. "

Wu Yuan spoke these words very slowly, deliberately leaving time for the son on the other side to think carefully.

Although it was a bit convoluted, Wu Qingling thought it over and over again, even afterward, she still figured it out.His eyes gradually widened, and the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably.

"Wonderful father! This way, not only did Chu Hongyi's matter get completely wiped out, but it also brought Zhang Yan's problem to "Wang" by the way. No matter what hidden methods Zhang Yan has, we don't need it." Worry! The bastard surnamed Zhang will definitely die this time!"

Seeing that his son understood, Wu Yuan also smiled, but he still reminded: "Zhang Yan's methods are weird, and I don't know if he will get involved with us. So what should be guarded against is not to be taken lightly. So you'd better Move back until the problem is resolved, just in case."

(End of this chapter)

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