one's door

Chapter 1027 Changes

Chapter 1027 Changes
In the past ten thousand years, the new order in the Void World has been completely stabilized. Most of the forces have shuffled their cards during this period, either disappearing or merging and reorganizing. There are also new divisions in the territory.The huge void world never lacks opportunities, and there will always be ups and downs in power.

But the changes in the void world are not as good as those in the barren sky.

For example, if you want to do business in the Desolate Heaven Territory now, the Immortals can no longer connect directly. You need to send monks whose cultivation level is lower than the Immortals to achieve the docking, and the Immortals can only reach the new place designated as "Immortal Realm" in the Desolate Heaven Territory.

I am amazed at the unreasonable "fairy spirit" overflowing in the fairy world, and also amazed that there is such a huge overlapping spatial structure in the wild sky.

In addition to being amazed, the strength of Huang Tianyu can already be expected.Even now, not counting the extremely powerful Master Zhang Yan in the Huangtianyu, the strength of the forces in the Huangtianyu can already be regarded as a second-rate power, and the potential is unlimited.

Rob?No one dared.

Leave?Can not do without.

The only good news is that Huangtianyu is really like the Great Desolate World that once suppressed the Void World. Although it is strong, it will not seek to expand its power.Even Devouring the World has stopped for a long time, not going anywhere except Huang Tianyu's own hunting ground.

So no matter whether you are envious or jealous, Huang Tianyu's detached position is still stable and no one can shake it.And this will become more and more apparent over time.Even without Zhang Yan's action, the immortals who grew up in the barren sky could become a force that outshone all heroes in the void world.And this time will be surprisingly fast in the void world.

Xie Wei of Mingyue Valley often said with emotion that the current Huangtian Territory can already see the shadow of the Great Desolate World back then.

But the person that everyone didn't mention, but they are all thinking about in their hearts is actually the key to everything.What that person likes most is to disappear suddenly, and every time he disappears and reappears, his strength will skyrocket.Since the last Sword Tomb ruins, the ruins have been abandoned, and Zhang Yan has never shown his face in the void world again.Everyone can guess that the abandonment of the Jianzhong ruins must be caused by Zhang Yan, but how can it be done?How much does that person get out of it?

Contrary to what everyone thinks, Zhang Yan, the strongest in Huangtian Territory, did not leave the human world with the establishment of the fairy world, nor did he go to the higher level of Tianwaitian to build his own residence.For nearly 1 years, he still stayed in the small courtyard behind the cliff mountain.

Firstly, I am used to living here.Secondly, it is also because it is the same to Zhang Yan whether it is the human world or the outer world.With his current state of being in harmony with Huang Tianyu, those fairy spirits are no longer what he needs.

Regarding Zhuxian Sword Formation, Zhang Yan could already say "It's ready for actual combat".It can also be guaranteed to last for at least three days under the full force.The reason why he is still limited is not that Zhang Yan's swordsmanship or Yizhi Dao's means are not enough, nor is it that his formation-related skills are poor, but that he still lacks understanding of the Dao, and there is a gap in cultivation.

Daluo Jinxian is not the point, at least there is still a realm of saints ahead.But so far Zhang Yan has not felt any sign that he has stepped into the realm of a saint.

The avenue is as vast as the sea, and he is like a small fish that flows into it from a river. Although he has successfully adapted to the sea water here, he still has no chance of finding a dragon in the sea.

The only good news is that Zhang Yan understands that if he wants to become a saint, he must take the path of proving the Tao with the strength of Pan Gu, or the path of becoming a saint through merit, and finally the path of becoming a saint through practice.Zhang Yan didn't choose the first two roads, but he was already walking on the latter one, and he saw some hope, but he didn't know if this hope was right.

Anyway, the seedlings of the three primordial purple auras have already emerged. Although they are still very small, they are enough for Zhang Yan to be sure of the identities of the three primordial purple auras, as well as the clearness about the Dao that comes from himself on them. context.

Zhang Yan's guess is: the reason why all the majestic purple energy he has now can't make him directly sanctify is because it lacks the veins of the great way and only the principle of heaven and earth?Once the primordial purple energy of the three self-generated and nebula matures, does it mean that the time is ripe?

Legend has it that Hongzu bestowed the primordial purple energy to make several sages, and only one was given to each of them.But now there are three in Zhang Yan's body, will there be new variables?
Of course, although the strength has not yet reached the critical point, the growth is acceptable to Zhang Yan himself.He can't compare with other big Luo Jinxians, because killing each other nearly ten thousand years ago is like slaughtering a dog.Now he can only compare himself with himself.

As far as Zhang Yan's own feeling is concerned, he believes that after nearly ten thousand years of hidden cultivation, his current strength should be nearly double that of when he returned from the Jianzhong ruins.This is based on the amount of things he has gained from his comprehension of the Dao.At the same time, the progress of the means must also be counted.

For example, the Immortal Execution Sword Formation.

Zhang Yan boasted that it was no problem to use the sword array.But it's still the same old problem, that is, those remnants that were gathered by Zhang Yan along with the sword array, and now linger in his soul and consciousness.

Over the years, Zhang Yan tried many methods to get rid of these remnants but failed in the end.The only thing that is certain is that these remnants are not pure energy, but a weird thing between energy and the path of will.At least so far Zhang Yan can't clearly structure the opponent.But these remnants can't really pose a real threat to the trinity of Zhang Yan.

So it is not so much that Zhang Yan has cultivated for nearly ten thousand years, but actually it is better to say that he has been stalemate with these remnants for nearly ten thousand years.

But things are not always stuck without progress.

Although I haven't been able to fully understand how the remnants are formed, at least it is certain that there must be energy mixed in these remnants.

Since there is no way to get rid of the remnant thoughts, why not take the next best thing and destroy the remnants so that they can no longer exist effectively?
But how to destroy it?Things at this level have already invaded Zhang Yan's soul and consciousness, even if Zhang Yan wants to touch it, let alone destroy it.

If you can't do it yourself, you can only ask for help.But Zhang Yan can't ask for much help.Huang Tianyu looked for Huang Tianyu first, but Huang Tianyu directly shook his head and said that although it is not afraid of swallowing everything, but it is all gobbled up, but it can't do the delicate work Zhang Yan requires.Let him find another place to go.

What else can I find?
Zhang Yan finally set his sights on the "round ball" who stayed in the forbidden area behind the cliff mountain like him, and "idle around and slept like sleep" all day long.

(End of this chapter)

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