one's door

Chapter 1032 Binding

Chapter 1032 Binding
Zhang Yan once thought that he had successfully got rid of his identity as a pawn, and even this point was almost a fait accompli in the tens of thousands of years after he rescued Ao Xun from the chaos.Because all the "coincidences" in the past have disappeared, he can finally practice like a Daluo Jinxian under the normal inheritance of the Great Desolate World.

But now when the hurdle of sanctification was placed in front of Zhang Yan, he was shocked and realized that the result of "jumping out of the chessboard and not becoming a pawn" was just his wishful thinking.Even though he has tried his best to change his living state after several twists and turns, he is still the same person from the beginning.

Everything has changed, yet nothing seems to have changed.

Huang Tianyu is an odd number, and Zhang Yan is also an odd number.But I thought that even if they were all different numbers, they should take care of themselves and walk their own "different paths".But now I realize that we really have to rely on each other.It even dawned on me that those "transactions" in the past were actually all within some calculations, but at that time I was always staring at the outside, not at each other, so I ignored them.

Looking at his own situation with the eyes of being terrified and awakened now, Zhang Yan realized that not only he was a chess piece, but also Huang Tianyu.

"Do you feel that your evolution is predetermined by someone, and you are just being led by a rope?" Zhang Yan didn't hold back the doubts in his heart, and he could easily enter the state of pseudo harmony with Huang Tianyu , If you have any questions, just ask them directly.

"Presupposition? I have never felt this way. There is no such thing in inheritance. Life in our world has its own evolutionary context from the beginning. Although I have taken another path, I have also explored it myself. There are a lot of bumps and bumps, these sayings are too far-fetched by default. It doesn't make sense."

Huang Tianyu is very concerned about his own affairs, but he never cares about other people's affairs.It understood what Zhang Yan's allusion meant, but it didn't care at all.Only creatures are so sensitive whether their own destiny is in their own hands.Life like Huang Tianyu would not like life or death, let alone the so-called fate, there is no concept at all.

Huang Tianyu doesn't need to care, but Zhang Yan can't.

So Zhang Yan continued to ask: "Then have you ever thought about how many key nodes in your evolution along the way have turned around under my influence? All of this is not your own thinking, but this is the only one in the dark. The road left for you seems to be the one you choose, but in fact it has nothing to do with you."

"What does it matter?"

Huang Tianyu felt that although he was an anomaly, he survived very well and has evolved very strong now.It only needs to think, none of the scattered world life in the void world is its opponent.It's just that the engulfment doesn't seem to be progressing as much as before, and Zhang Yan doesn't want it to destroy the power structure of the void world, so it's relatively quiet.

So Huangtianyu seems to be important in the result, not the process.

Zhang Yan was a little annoyed by Huang Tianyu's "indifferent".But if you think about it again, in fact, if you all want Huang Tianyu's idea, then there is no difference between being a chess piece or a chess player.Your eyes are blindfolded, and you still care about the wind and rain outside?
This is other than the instinctive evolutionary needs, there are no other real desires or desires.Even though half of Zhang Yan's life and half of life have tended to the life of the world at this time, he still can't understand it, let alone adapt to it.

"Then the overlapping space that you are evolving now is over?" Zhang Yan thought for a while and finally changed the topic.I feel that my idea of ​​using the "independence of fate" to open up Huangtianyu just now is completely playing the piano against the cow.So try another angle.

Although I didn't know what Zhang Yan was going to say, but the other party mentioned the evolution process, and I became interested after that.Although it doesn't care who has influenced its own evolution, it does care whether the evolution process can continue, or where the direction is.This is its instinct.And just as Zhang Yan said just now, Huang Tianyu's evolution all the way to the present Zhang Yan has had a lot of influence on it, so he is naturally willing to discuss this aspect with Zhang Yan.

"You're right. The current overlapping space of evolution can't evolve until the 31st floor. I thought it was due to the lack of the world's original power, but later I gradually discovered that it doesn't seem to be the case. The 31st floor is currently the only place I can The limit state of evolution."

"Does that mean it's over?"

Huang Tianyu replied: "No. My instinct tells me that the overlapping space up to the 31st floor is by no means the end. It's just my current limit. There should be two to three floors away from the real limit. Now Getting stuck here should be the key reason. It's as if I needed to devour the entire big world to continue evolving, but now I've reached some kind of bottleneck.

It's just that this time is different from the last time, I don't know how to find new ways to get new incentives. "

This is actually the reason why Huang Tianyu never talked to Zhang Yan about this matter.It itself was completely ignorant, and couldn't even come up with a specific direction, and it didn't make any sense to find Zhang Yan consciously.

It's like negotiating a deal. How can you talk to others if you don't even know what the target of the deal is?

It's just that this time Zhang Yan took the initiative to ask, Huangtianyu wanted to hear Zhang Yan's opinion, although it didn't have any hope for it.

Zhang Yan secretly said "Sure enough".Huang Tianyu's current situation is exactly as he expected.This once again confirms the invisible and pervasive connection between him and Huang Tianyu.

"The special thing about you is that you can devour it, instead of slowly evolving like other worlds. Just like when you evolved Tianwaitian before, didn't you get the opportunity after devouring several complete big worlds? This time it is Don't we still have to follow this path?" Zhang Yan has actually thought of a possibility.It's just that he can't say it directly, and has to wait for Huang Tianyu's confirmation.

"It's easy to say. Now that I am the most powerful and most evolved world life in the void world, how can I open up new paths through devouring? Now the benefits of devouring are limited to benefiting all aspects of evolution , and buffing creatures. The overlapping space can only find another way out, and the old way will not work."


"Huh?!" Huang Tianyu didn't have much hope at first, but when he heard Zhang Yan's words, he immediately understood that there must be Zhang Yan's purpose for what he said today. words", the latter is the main content of the formal.

"Do you know that there is a world stronger than me?"

"There is a world that is stronger than you, but I can't find it. But I know that there is a separate existence in multiple dimensions similar to yours. You can regard it as a piece of meat that fell from a super big world"

(End of this chapter)

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