one's door

Chapter 1035 Aggregation

Chapter 1035 Aggregation
Huang Tianyu's achievements still need to be digested slowly, and this process is "uncertain" in Huang Tianyu's words.Maybe 1000 years, or maybe 1 years or more.

However, although the digestion may take time, it does not affect the payment of the transaction between Huang Tianyu and Zhang Yan.

Huang Tianyu had already contacted Zhang Yan to honor the conditions he had promised after completing the construction of the third-floor framework of Tianwaitian No.30.That is to say, when he and Zhang Yan reached a state of pseudo harmony, he completely opened his core to the other party, so that the other party could observe clearly, and even agreed to Zhang Yan's extremely dangerous move of inserting his spiritual thoughts into his core .To be honest, Zhang Yan couldn't help being moved by this trust.

There is always suspicion between people.But when the beings of the world think you are credible, they are so unreserved.

Zhang Yan had no choice but to accept this friendship in his heart.

Afterwards, Zhang Yan also fell into silence like Huang Tianyu.He can be said to be the most focused long journey of practice in his history.

Zhang Yan could clearly feel the changes in Huangtianyu's core from the very beginning, but it was not easy to understand where this "difference" came from.Because it is densely packed with the evolutionary context of the Desolate Sky Territory, he has no way to copy it. He needs to understand it first to find the changes, and then incorporate it into his own practice to affect the three stuck self-generated primordial primordial purples in the deep area of ​​the nebula. gas.And the ultimate goal is to use these three self-generated primordial purple qi to step into the last realm in the practice inheritance of the prehistoric world: the saint.

But fortunately, Zhang Yan and Huang Tianyu's false union state and some of his life forms tend to be like the world life of Huang Tianyu, so although it is difficult to understand the core changes of Huang Tianyu, as long as there is enough time, he can still do it. Slowly find the entry point.

The final result made Zhang Yan quite surprised and in great contrast.Because he spent more than a thousand years in the core of Huangtianyu, but finally found that the essence of the change in Huangtianyu's core is not at the level of energy, nor at the level of rules, but at the level of "reason"!This is something he never thought of.Because the "truth" disappeared from the context of practice quickly after he stepped into the Golden Immortal.Because it is no longer appropriate.

Unexpectedly, today, everything has returned to the "old road".

Although Zhang Yan's first reaction was that he was surprised, but after thinking about it carefully and combining the path direction shown in the evolution process of Huang Tianyu before, leaving aside the specific appearances such as the sky outside the sky, and directly reaching the essence, he would feel that it is not so Surprised.There is even a feeling of taking it for granted.

"Truth" has actually covered a huge distance in Zhang Yan's practice.During that time, "enlightenment" refers to the "reason" between heaven and earth, that is, the way of heaven and earth.

Now the Huangtian Territory is evolving, and it is still following the same evolution path as the Great Desolate World, and even the evolution time has obviously been greatly compressed or accelerated.Then the "reason" will naturally change at the juncture of important changes in evolution.

When Zhang Yan finally comprehended the true face of this change, two words appeared in his mind: Dao? !
Most of the surprises and surprises also come from this.

After Zhang Yan stepped into the realm of the Da Luo Jinxian, his practice was to follow the main path and realize his enlightenment. In the end, he found that the things he enlightened were likely to be around him and formed under his nose.

Is it good or bad?

For the time being, Zhang Yan is very excited and excited.Because this means that his previous guess is completely correct. Once the Huangtianyu achieves a degree of evolution similar to that of the Great Desolate World, he can indeed learn from the changes and then feed them back to the nebula in his body.

So he calmed down, and his mind began to understand along the veins of the Dao.This kind of comprehension is very different from Zhang Yan's usual comprehension of Dao, it has a clearer and more direct feeling.

And all the comprehensions are organized into cognitions in the primordial spirit, and then enter the three nebulae through the influence of the majestic purple energy, and then silently change the environment in the three nebulae.It just doesn't seem to see any obvious changes.

Zhang Yan understands that this kind of thing can't be rushed, so he honestly followed Huang Tianyu to silence, little by little enlightenment, little by little change, little by little made up, and finally the three self-generated Hongmeng purples that had stagnated for a long time and hadn't seen any movement Qi finally began to move, and this movement was out of control, and the growth rate far exceeded such expectations.

Is it because Zhang Yan has accumulated enough and is strong enough in other aspects before the last level of comprehension, so he appears to be advancing by leaps and bounds after finally breaking through the obstacles.In other words, Zhang Yan's accumulation of tens of thousands of years finally had the most direct vent and display at this moment.

But the road has not been smooth.The three self-generated primordial purple qi in the three nebulae stagnated again when they had grown to the same strength as the Desolate Heaven Territory before its transformation.But this time it was slightly different from before.Zhang Yan could clearly feel that the three self-generated primordial purple qi had not reached their limit, but lacked room for them to continue to grow, as if they were bound by something.

"This is... the thickness of the nebula can't withstand the growth of the primordial purple air?" Zhang Yan was keenly aware of the crux of the problem.This is not stuck, but limited by the limit of Nebula.

How to do?
Xingyun Zhang Yan knew very little, and he couldn't find a clue to solve the problem of Xingyun's limit from the inside.There is only one simple and crude solution in front of him: one nebula cannot withstand the growth of the self-generated primordial purple energy, so stacking a few more nebulae can solve the problem?

At the beginning, the nebula split twice because it carried a large amount of the world's original power, and finally formed the three pieces it is today.This was perhaps a natural and necessary split at the time.But now, the nebula watered by so many avenues is no longer what it used to be, and the unbearable power in the past is no longer a problem.Moreover, the three nebulae have the same origin and root, and it is entirely possible to reunite.

Moreover, the reason why Zhang Yan decided to reunite the three nebulae was his Trinity state.Although he can't directly interfere with Nebula, he can completely control Yuanshen and Immortal Physique.By changing the two and then reuniting the three nebulae into one, this is Zhang Yan's plan.

The process is difficult, but guided by the Dao vein that runs through the Trinity, first the immortal body and then the primordial spirit, under the agitation, the trajectories of the nebula are continuously approaching, and finally tightly forced in the same narrow area, finally colliding and appearing, the three According to Zhang Yan's idea, the pieces of nebula are inevitably intertwined.
(End of this chapter)

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