one's door

Chapter 1037 Destiny

Chapter 1037 Destiny
Zhang Yan had never thought about what kind of state a saint is, nor could he imagine it.The only thing that can be inferred is that the saint should be based on the realm of the Dao.

When the three primordial purple qi generated in his body were completely mature, Zhang Yan began to explore ways to rely on them to seek a breakthrough.But soon he discovered that the solution was in front of him, so simple that he hardly needed any thought.

The three primordial purple qi are like three pipes, which penetrate deeply into the bottom of Zhang Yan's life at a very mysterious level, and then the other end penetrates into what Zhang Yan has been enlightening day and night, which is even more mysterious In the mysterious avenue.

Dao is on the top, Zhang Yan is on the bottom.In the middle are three self-generated primordial purple qi as connections.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Yan has a consciousness that he has actually become one with Dao at this time, or that he now belongs to a piece of dust attached to Dao?
Now looking back at those means and cultivation in the past, it is boring.It's just like looking back at the achievements of his monk stage when Zhang Yan became a fairy back then.The gap between the two is so large that they can almost distinguish the essence.

Even the biggest change is that Zhang Yan can overlook all living beings from the perspective of the avenue, including those Da Luo Jinxian who are known as the powerhouses of the void world.These sentient beings are all equal in Zhang Yan's vision.The reason for equality is that he can clearly see the flickering veins that are involved in all living beings.Each vein represents the direction the creature chooses at a certain moment, and if you go down one by one, you can reach a certain stage or a certain larger result
"This is fate?" Zhang Yan was shocked.

I often hear people say "my fate is up to me", and now it seems that it is indeed true.A person's fate is never predetermined.Where I will go in the end, what kind of consequences I will taste, whether it is bitter or sweet are all determined by my choices again and again. No one said that I was doomed to a certain result from the beginning.

However, the words "my fate is up to me" may not be effective if placed in front of a saint like Zhang Yan.Because the veins of fate are right under the eyes of the saints, you can indeed "my fate is up to me" when you don't intervene, but when the saints intervene and snuff out or cover up the veins of fate for you, what do you do? The choice you make seems to be your own choice, but in fact it has become a marionette.Destiny has also become the rein in the hands of the saints. Wherever it tells you to go, you have to go there.

Sad or not?Sad, but not so sad.Because ninety-nine percent of the creatures would not know it even if they were drawn into marionettes by saints.I don't even know, where is the sadness coming from?

"Where is my destiny? Is this hidden?" Zhang Yan couldn't see the veins of his own destiny, but he could feel them hidden in the texture of the avenue.If you want to spy, you have to pry open those textures. At least Zhang Yan claims that he can't do this kind of thing.So I really felt at ease.I understand that what I used to think of as "jumping out of the chessboard" was probably a joke, but now I can truly hold my own destiny in my own hands.

After that, Zhang Yan suddenly seemed to lose most of his goals and motivation.Although he has long been used to the boring practice, he is not used to the hope and vision of the road ahead turning into nothingness.

Without a goal, how can the existing value of the meaning of life be reflected?It can't be reduced to a machine of blind practice, right?Even if the way to explore is unknown, Zhang Yan doesn't think it is too difficult now.

The only thing that can still be unresolved in Zhang Yan's heart is to follow the footsteps of the Great Desolate World back then, and break through some kind of obstacle in the Void World to go to other places.He guessed that the place where the prehistoric world went to was probably the world where the earth where he lived before he crossed over.

"But where are the traces of the Great Desolate World breaking through the void?"

Over the years, Zhang Yan explored all kinds of methods he could use after becoming a saint while practicing, and at the same time, he never gave up looking for clues that the Great Desolate World left the Void World back then.

The only thing that is certain is that when the Great Desolate World left, it must not have passed from the shallow surface of the void to the deep layer like the chaotic domain.It should be crossing directly, going from one side of the void world to the other.

After making this judgment, Zhang Yan actually tried to pierce through the void world, but the result is that even though he is sanctified now, he still cannot break through the deep barrier of the void world.He wasn't even sure if he had reached the bottom of the void world, or was he still far away?

Or is the method wrong?

Even if you find the communication in Huangtianyu, you still can't understand what the threshold is and where it is.According to Huang Tianyu, the reaction is that it does not know what is under or above the void world, and it has no inheritance about this at all.

Is it necessary to fully unite with Huang Tianyu?Is it possible to find a way to leave the void like Hongzu did?

Zhang Yan didn't want to take the path of true harmony.Because he was not in the same state as Hongzu back then.Hong Zu joined the Great Desolate World as a god and demon. After joining the Dao, he became a dual life form of creatures and worlds. It should have changed from "attaching to the Dao" to "integrating into the Dao".Zhang Yan is no longer a mere creature now, the nebula evolved in his own body is a sign of the life of the world, he should be the same as the Hongzu after he joined the Dao in terms of life level.

In addition, Zhang Yan felt that breaking open the void should not be a threshold of brute force, but more likely a trick of means.So there is no need to seek the way of the ancestors to join the Tao.

Such doubts haunted Zhang Yan for a long time, but in the end he still couldn't find a way out, so Zhang Yan had only one way left: go to Ao Island in Chaotic Region and ask him face to face.Presumably Tong Tian, ​​who is a saint, must have known the whole story about such a big incident.

But before going there, Zhang Yan still made a series of preparations.The most important thing is to leave the six-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-soul banner in the desolate sky domain, and carry out the strictest seal according to his current Dao cultivation base.After all, he might be the strongest saint in the Great Desolate World, so Zhang Yan couldn't be too cautious.

This time, Zhang Yan didn't bother to find any channel for the collapse of the void. He just tore open the shallow surface of the void, and then detected the abrupt and incomplete space under the shallow surface, and finally moved there.

The chaotic domain has long since lost its vastness before.Tattered like leftovers.

If it wasn't for Zhang Yan's stop, the 33 days of this Great Desolate World would have been swallowed up by the Desolate Heaven Territory.Now a corner is left, as the last stable thing, wrapping the same incomplete sea area of ​​Ao Island.

(End of this chapter)

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