one's door

Chapter 105

Chapter 105
The croupier is an old man from Tongqian Workshop. He seldom makes mistakes, and he is very confident in his own methods. He is even a serious early-stage body tempering warrior, and he is still in the thousands of disciplines.Generally speaking, if he is busy in a day, he can make two or three mistakes at worst, and zero mistakes in a day is the requirement of Qianmen.

But today, the croupier has already made five mistakes!So the reason for the sweat on his forehead was not that he lost too much on the stage, but that his hands seemed to be wrong today.

"Wow! It's an all-in bet with interest again! Is this person out of his mind? If he loses a game like this, he will lose everything?"

"Tsk, you know how to play? You know how to play but didn't see you win money? Are you annoying? Are you going to follow me? Don't follow me!"

"Fuck you! He has won so many times in a row, how could he still win? I bet the other way!"

After two more, the person who bought it after Zhang Yan cracked his mouth with a smile, and the person who bought it against him had ugly faces, with expressions of disbelief.

"Win again?! Is this the ninth or tenth win in a row? This person's luck is simply against the sky!"

"Hey, look at the face of the croupier. Hehe, he's betting all-in with profit again. If he wins this hand again, then this table will start to lose money today."

"Wow! Another win!?"

"Fat! I went all-in and followed him, and I actually won! Hahaha"

To be precise, this is Zhang Yan's No.11 win in a row, but no one noticed him in the first few games.At this moment, the eyes of most people in the entire lobby were on him.

Curiosity, envy, vigilance, jealousy... On the contrary, Zhang Yan himself has always looked calm and breezy.Even though he already had a thick stack of money in front of him, it didn't seem to make him feel the slightest disturbance.

"Brother, just take it when you see it. Opening the door to do business with Tongqianfang doesn't mean it's just for a day or two. How about staying lucky and coming back tomorrow?"

A fierce-faced one-eyed man with five seniors and three men approached Zhang Yan, his words were like knives, and the aura exuding from his body was by no means an ordinary person, but a warrior.According to Zhang Yan's perception, this person should be a warrior in the late stage of Body Tempering Realm, and he is generally regarded as a rare master in the market.

Looking at the gamblers who were carefully scattered around, Zhang Yan knew that the strong man beside him should not be messed with, and with the other party's good cultivation, he probably took care of the place on a daily basis.

"Oh? Young Master Wu asked me to come here to look for him, so I'm not welcome after only playing a few games? Isn't that appropriate?" Zhang Yan smiled and didn't panic at all.Don't say he's just here to find fault, how can you be afraid?What's more, it's just a martial artist in the quenching state, and now I'm afraid he can't even break through his five-element qi shield, so what are you afraid of?
Hearing Zhang Yan mentioned "Young Master Wu" as soon as he opened his mouth, the ferocious expression on the man's face visibly froze, he looked Zhang Yan up and down again, and asked hesitantly: "Young Master Wu told you to come to him? Can I leave a name?"

"Zhang Yan." After replying, Zhang Yan bet all the money in his hand again, and this time it was still the simplest guess of odd or even.

It's just that the croupier, who doubted his life because of successive mistakes, was trembling, and he didn't dare to shake the cup for a while.I was already crying in my heart: what happened today?How can it always go wrong!This is killing me!

"You go down."

A greeting from behind saved the croupier, who was already mentally broken. He needed to go down and re-sharpen his skills and build up his confidence, otherwise the shadow of inexplicable continuous mistakes would be difficult.

"Swapped? It's okay. Let's drive." Zhang Yan knew that the replacement was a master this time.But he doesn't care.The luck-stealing talisman steals a person's luck, and it has nothing to do with skill level.As long as you are still a living person, a living person will make mistakes and have bad luck, so you cannot escape the influence of the luck-stealing talisman.

All-in, this game wins or loses in an instant.If you lose once, all previous wins will be in vain.Now that the croupier has changed, the fierce and strong man didn't say any more, he signaled his subordinates to go out to report, while watching the win or lose of this hand.

In fact, if you insist, the money Qian Fang has lost on this table so far is not a huge amount.But this trend of following the trend needs to be suppressed.Otherwise, those desperate gamblers would all choose to go all-in, and that would be the big trouble in the money shop.

So at this time, except for Zhang Yan who was still playing on this table, the rest of the people were cleared away by the thugs who pulled out their sticks from their waists.You can watch the excitement, but you can't participate in it.

"Wow! Another win!"

"Wow, I won a lot this time! If we continue to win like this, I'm afraid He Tongqianfang won't be able to handle it, right?"

"For sure! Didn't you see someone ran out just now? This person reported Wu Shao's name, and the venue didn't dare to take him for a while. It's a good show."

The newly replaced croupier was also dumbfounded. He had obviously used tricks when he opened the dice cup just now, but a mistake happened in what was originally a sure thing!It shouldn't be!One must know that he is the team leader of the croupiers in Tongqianfang, and he doesn't necessarily make mistakes once a year, so today is such a coincidence?

"Roll the dice, let's continue." Zhang Yan raised his chin, signaling the croupier to continue.He wasn't going to stop before Wu Qingling came.

After a long time, I still opened it.No surprises.Zhang Yan won again, and the croupier made an inexplicable mistake again.He won't know that the reason for his error is determined by where he stands.No matter who it is, unless they know how to get rid of the effect of the luck-stealing talisman, or forcefully suppress it with their own tyrannical soul and blood, they can only leave the range of effect of the luck-stealing talisman if they want to be unaffected.

Unfortunately, the croupier has never left the banker's seat.This also caused Zhang Yan to steal so much that he couldn't lose even if he wanted to.

When Zhang Yan won No.17 in a row, the money in front of him was a little scary.

"Go on, this little money won't make the huge Hetong Qianfang overwhelmed, right?"

The croupier dared not respond to these words.Even if he is the head of the croupier team in Tongqianfang, he dare not continue to open a cup with the other party.Winning seventeen games in a row is definitely not bullshit luck.It was obvious that he met such an expert today.Therefore, knowing that he will lose, but still bumping up, isn't this telling others that he is a fool?If you dare to do this, you will be hard-pressed to live afterwards.

In fact, up to now, many people watching the excitement are not envious of Zhang Yan.Because according to their thinking, although this large sum of money is greedy, it is still a question whether Zhang Yan can take it away.Don't look at how no one in Hetongqianfang is going to take him now, I'm afraid we will know whether he is dead or alive after a while.

Just when Zhang Yan was about to continue to speak aggressively, several people came in from outside the door.The first person is the owner of Hetong Qianfang, Wu Qingling, the young master of the Wu family.

"Zhang Yan, are you planning to mess with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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