one's door

Chapter 108 Competition

Chapter 108 Competition
Compare size, not guess size.This is not a game that can be played with a dice cup.Zhang Yan and the dealer need a dice cup for comparison.

Zhang Yan was about to refuse, when the martial artist at the Kaiyuan Realm suddenly said: "Bi Xiao, whoever rolls the three dice with the smallest number will win, otherwise it will be considered a loss. How about it?"

Whose points are smaller?It sounds like there is no difference in the number of points compared to anyone, but in fact the difference is not small.

There are three dice in total, each with six sides, the maximum point is six points, and the maximum point of three dice is eighteen points.This is the upper limit, and it is the only upper limit.Limited by the maximum number of points on the dice itself.

And smaller than the number of points is not the same.It stands to reason that the minimum is that three dice overlap together, and the top dice shows a point, which adds up to one point.Of course, this is the theoretical minimum number of points.But in fact, there is still room for manipulation.Because points cannot be fabricated out of thin air, but they can be artificially disappeared.For example, let three dice collide with each other in the dice cup, and each of them is crushed into powder, that is "zero point".

From this, we can see the opponent's plan.It's definitely not to compare Zhang Yan's thousand skills or dice skills, but to compare his "power".

To compare or not to compare?
Zhang Yan turned his head and looked at Wu Qingling who had already sat down at the table with a cup of hot tea in front of him.He then looked at the Yuan Kai-level martial artist on the dealer's seat opposite him.After being silent for a while, a smile appeared on his face again, and he somewhat guessed the other party's plan.

That's okay, let's touch it, so as not to make some small moves later to be annoying.And Zhang Yan is just pretending to leave.Now the Wu Mansion is defenseless, the longer he stays here, the more time he will have to do more things there.

"Okay, let's try it." As he said, he took a dice cup from the side and put it in front of him.And with a push, the stacked money was pushed to the middle of the table again.Meaning keep going all-in.

This is even more interesting than before!The eyeballs of the gamblers watching the excitement were so excited that they all thought that this time it might be a competition of dice skills.This kind of scene used to only happen when you were drunk and bragging, but now it happens right before your eyes.From now on, I am afraid that those who witnessed this scene will be able to brag repeatedly to others for several years without getting tired.

Wu Qingling had confidence in the people on her side, but she was not careful about Zhang Yan's situation, so she watched Zhang Yan's movements carefully with a cup of tea.

"Let's start." Wu Qingling announced the start of the competition without hesitation.

As Wu Qingling's voice rose and fell, Zhang Yan and the martial artist on the banker's seat picked up the dice cup in front of them and shook them almost at the same time.The jerky moves of the two not only embarrassed the croupiers, but even the gamblers blinked their eyes and thought it was strange.

Are you sure that these two are masters in this way?This method of shaking the dice cup is probably not the action of a layman, right? !
Or do experts now like to pretend to be laymen?

"Whoa Whoah"

Others were watching, thinking it was a game of dice.The expert was looking at the doorway, knowing that the competition had already started from the moment the two picked up the dice cup, and the competition was about strength.

Just because the martial artist doesn't know how to dice, he doesn't have absolute certainty in such delicate things as relying on vitality to manipulate the size of the three dice.The majestic croupier who specializes in this has lost more than a dozen hands in a row in front of Zhang Yan, and he will probably lose if he goes up.It's better to push away all the skills, whichever is stronger.

Of course, it is simpler and more crude than "strength".With a stomp of the foot, the vitality is like an arrow that leaves the string, crosses a distance of several feet from the blue bricks on the ground, and then hits Zhang Yan from the bottom of the foot upwards.With this move alone, the martial artist on the banker's seat is very capable, and the general late Kaiyuan stage does not have this kind of "discreet" surprise attack ability.

Even this is a combat technique called "trampling".It is also the reason why the martial artist in the banker's seat has the confidence to come over and test Zhang Yan.

For an ordinary person, this blow would damage both legs, and he would have to sit in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.Even warriors in the Body Tempering Realm will definitely suffer a lot.

How can you be qualified if you don't have any strength?

If Zhang Yan was really crippled this time, Wu Qingling might laugh until her stomach hurts.Because this proves that Zhang Yan is really a paper tiger. Maybe he has some means of restraining the "spirit", but he is no different from ordinary people in front of direct power.The threat is naturally greatly reduced.And as long as there are no dead people, and it's the disciples and not Wu Qingling who do it, even if there is trouble in the end, it won't be too much trouble.The big deal is to withstand Zhou Cang's pressure.

If Zhang Yan resists, but it is also likely to be greatly affected, then the dice cup in his hand will also be affected, and he will lose the game. In that case, at least some of the losses in the money workshop will be recovered.

Taking [-] steps back, Zhang Yan not only withstood but was not affected, it was just a draw. "Zero" to "Zero".It's just that Wu Qingling's face is not very good-looking, and she will reluctantly be taken away by Zhang Yan for such a large sum of money.What I gained was a little more understanding of Zhang Yan's background.

In this way, Wu Qingling's response can be regarded as a measure of advance and retreat, and minimized his own losses.

It's a pity that they would never have thought of Zhang Yan's details anyway.The means of Taoism are not something they can imagine.

The vitality used by warriors at the Kaiyuan state is no stranger to Zhang Yan.When he was a criminal soldier in You Tan Banner on Yubei Mountain, the gang leader Qin Hao was a warrior in the middle of the Kaiyuan stage.Followed the other side to fight with the Yaozu for no less than [-] or [-] games, and I can see it clearly.

A five-element qi shield has long been protecting Zhang Yan's body, which is invisible and invisible, and cannot be seen with the naked eye.When the opponent launched the combat technique "trampling", Zhang Yan directly blocked the force formed by the vitality, and took advantage of his familiarity with vitality and the flexibility of his five-element qi shield to pull that force one by one After the leader was deflected, he bumped into the leg of the table next to him.

In an instant, the table legs and a part of the table top couldn't withstand the force of the combat technique and exploded. The wooden structure scattered like rags, and some sharp parts were like blades.


Wu Qingling was sitting in front of the table, and the table leg that exploded happened to be the one closest to him. This was what Zhang Yan deliberately led to him, and this was what he wanted.

So in an instant, Wu Qingling was cut by the blasted wood chips.But fortunately, there was always an expert arch guard who was also in the late Kaiyuan stage standing behind him, and he reacted quickly. Wu Qingling didn't suffer much damage, but only cut two not deep cuts on his palm.There was some blood left.

"." Wu Qingling's face was ashen. Although he didn't know what happened, he knew that Zhang Yan must have caused his injury.But he couldn't lift the lid, because he had too many worries.

So Wu Qingling waved his hand, and didn't let others bandage him, it was just a few small cuts, and he wasn't too coquettish for this.Standing up, he pointed to the dice cup in front of Zhang Yan and the dealer, and said, "Open them all!"

PS: ten more (2/10)

(End of this chapter)

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