one's door

Chapter 112

Chapter 112
The Wu family, for the people of Langyuan City, it is not too much to describe it as thunderous.People who live here, from wealthy merchants to porters, who dares to disrespect the Wu family?On the one hand, this comes from Wu Yuan's majesty as the political official of Langyuan City, and on the other hand, it is the prestige of Wu Qingling, the "Second Political Official".

Therefore, whenever there is any news from the Wu family, whether it is from the market or the so-called upper class in Langyuan City, it will be spread with great relish, and everyone will talk about it with interest.

But no matter how it was spread in the past, it is not as scary as the big event of the Wu family this time.

Wu Qingling, the young master of the Wu family and the only son of the Wu family's generation, died.And on the third day after Wu Qingling's death, the old man of the Wu family also passed away due to heartbreak.

As long as you walk around the Wu Mansion, you can hear the endless crying and mourning inside.

It's not easy for everyone to talk about it. After all, someone died in the family, so it's inconvenient to gossip.But don't say it outside, there are many people who say it in private.

When a character like Wu Qingling died, how many people jumped to celebrate?Since then, the Wu family's blood has been cut off. How many people can be woken up by this incident?

At the same time, some people were wondering how Wu Qingling died.The Wu family said that he died of illness, but even if Wu Qingling was sick at a young age, she wouldn't die so soon, would she?There must be a process, right?But there is no news at all.

But two days later, gossip came out that Wu Qingling died on a woman's belly.
But gossip is gossip, not everyone will believe it, and not everyone will take the recent funeral of the Wu family too seriously.Just spread the word and spread the word, most people should do whatever they want.It is important to earn money to live at home.

In the back street of Dongmen Bazaar, the hottest store now is "Zhangji Wooden Ware Shop".Not only the local people of Langyuan City, but now the neighboring Zhuangzi or the merchants of the big city have come here.Even if there is no stock at all, it still can't stop the fiery demand.Even many merchants were willing to pay more, just to get the goods earlier, but they were still declined by Zhang Shun.What he wants to do is long-term business, so as not to destroy the signboard of "Zhang Ji" for the sake of small profits in front of him.

"Don't worry, uncle, the warranty of the wheelchair, if there is any problem within one year, you can push it to us to help fix it, no money will be charged"

Zhang Shun's mouth has been tempered, and he is completely different from the beginning.He no longer has that low self-esteem or timid look because of his incompleteness, and he is no different from ordinary people when talking and laughing, and even his confident temperament is impressive.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Zhang Shun is the person who interacts with the most customers in the store every day.Who made him the best example of a wheelchair?When people buy things, they naturally believe what he says, not what the shop assistants say.

Another wheelchair was successfully sold, and after receiving the deposit, Zhang Shun had time to take a break and drink some water.

"Brother, did you hear what they said just now? The young master of the Wu family is dead! He even bought it in our store with Xiao Chongwen and the others before."

Zhang Huiyuan came over and wanted to talk to her eldest brother about the gossip she heard just now, and she didn't like that playful young man either.One is because the other party has a bad reputation, and the other is because the other party and Xiao Chongwen came together, so they are definitely not good people.But this person is actually dead!I applaud secretly in my heart and at the same time I want to be happy with my elder brother.

But who would have thought Zhang Huiyuan's words were interrupted by Zhang Shun waving his hand only halfway through, and even gave her a glare.

"Why is your mouth so broken? Does it have something to do with you? Don't you know that the trouble comes from your mouth?"

"Brother! Why do you always talk about others!" Zhang Huiyuan was not very happy after being reprimanded, she pouted, turned her head and left.She still felt that her second brother treated her better.Unlike big brother, he always likes to teach people.I don't know when my mother will tell my eldest brother a daughter-in-law to take care of him.

Seeing his sister walking away with a pout, Zhang Shun secretly smiled a few times.But immediately I couldn't help feeling a little worried.

It was because of Wu Qingling's death.

Zhang Shun has been watching Zhang Yan's behavior after his return, knowing that his second brother has ideas for revenge.At first I thought it was Xiao Chongwen and the others, but later I realized that there were people behind them, and Xiao Chongwen and the others were just pawns rushing ahead.

But regarding the unjust case, the second brother didn't want to say more, so Zhang Shun could only bear with it, thinking secretly.Later, when they saw Xiao Chongwen and the others leading Wu Qingling to the shop, Zhang Shun paid attention to that posture.He was even wondering whether the black hand behind Xiao Chongwen and the others was this Young Master Wu?
Now that First Young Master Wu died, no matter how he died, Zhang Shun breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly said, "It's a good death."But he knew that Wu Qingling's death did not mean that the Wu family's power in Langyuan City would be affected. As long as Wu Yuan, the city official, remained in his position for a day, the "heaven" of Langyuan City would not change.So I trained my younger sister a few words, so as not to be distracted by people outside.What's more, the "Zhang Ji Wooden Ware Shop" is unavoidably enviable now. God knows if someone will do something wrong in the dark?Just be careful.

After resting for a while, Zhang Shun saw an old man and a young man coming in from the door.The old man looks to be in his 70s, but he has good legs and feet, and although his beard and hair are white, his face is ruddy, his eyes are bright, and his clothes are clean and decent, like a scribe.Coupled with that gentle demeanor, one can tell at a glance that he is not an ordinary person.

The business in the store was good, but the clerks were already too busy, so the old and the young came in a bit confused, and no one greeted them.So Zhang Shun quickly put down the teacup in his hand, rolled the wheelchair out from behind the counter, and went up to meet him.

"This old man, welcome to the shop." The opening remark was taught by Zhang Er. Zhang Shun found it awkward at first, but now it is easy to say.And although the word is strange, the meaning is still very polite.After listening to it too much, it seems to be better than "Please come from the guest officer" and the like.

"Oh? Come here? Hehe, this word is new. Your Excellency. Are you the manager of this store? Or the owner?"

"Hehe, my humble Zhang Shun relies on this shop to make a living."

"It turned out to be Boss Zhang. Sorry!"

The old man cupped his hands and smiled even more kindly. After looking at Zhang Shun for a while, he chatted with Zhang Shun about the wheelchair that Zhang Shun was sitting in at this time.I even sat on the sample and tried the specific use of the wheelchair for myself.In the end, he nodded again and again, praising that the wheelchair is indeed a seemingly simple, but extremely useful good thing.

"The old man will see if there is a need. If so, we can pay a deposit first and pick up the goods in order." Business, although you need to greet warmly, you still have to ask when it's time to sell the goods.If the other party doesn't buy it, then Zhang Shun might as well greet other customers.

However, the old man's answer was somewhat beyond Zhang Shun's expectation, he neither said to buy nor said not to buy.

"The old man's surname is Luo, and his first name is Changshan. I'm an old man in miscellaneous studies. I heard that some fellow practitioners showed off their skills in Langyuan, so I came to have a look, and I knew it was really extraordinary. I wonder if I can meet your second brother. I have something to say, and I want to meet you face to face. Talk to him."

ps: ten more (6/10)

(End of this chapter)

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