one's door

Chapter 118

Chapter 118
Luo Changshan saw it very accurately, Zhang Yan was indeed not a cunning person, but he was not a pure and honest person either.Not to mention not doing things without asking for rewards, but trying to make every decision you make profitable.

"Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" is nothing to Zhang Yan, but just like the Bagua array, Kongming lanterns and pulleys before, it is definitely a remarkable thing in Huangtianyu.Calling it a "great book" is fully qualified.

The "Pythagorean Law" picked out by Zhang Yan and told to Luo Changshan is also a very important content.According to Zhang Yan's character, would he take it out so easily?Of course not, the purpose is to put a long line to catch big fish, and at the same time show "true talents and practical learning" to let Luo Changshan become his "evidence".From then on, when others questioned his identity as a miscellaneous scholar, Luo Changshan would be able to refute him.

When the false is true, the true is also false, and vice versa, when the true is false, the false is also true.There is a reason.

What's more, the knowledge that Zhang Yan brought out is the real thing, but it's not owned by Huang Tianyu, but from the sages on the earth.Strictly speaking, this is true.It's just that Zhang Yan's identity is a little false.

Of course, Zhang Yan, Luo Changshan's famous head, had never heard of it before.But after yesterday's lecture, he knew it in his heart.Because knowledge can't be deceived, nor can it be stolen or snatched, not to mention that miscellaneous studies belong to non-mainstream knowledge in Huangtianyu. Accumulation and inheritance are more troublesome and less popular than mainstream knowledge.A simple question of chicken and rabbit in the same cage can test the true and false clearly.

As for other things, the future will be long, as long as Luo Changshan goes out, Zhang Yan's reputation in the miscellaneous school will soon be there.

"However, Mr. Zhang is not worried about being coveted and causing trouble by showing his skills?" Luo Changshan didn't believe that Zhang Yan didn't have a teacher's school, and he didn't believe that Zhang Yan didn't know the rules of "hidden in the market" of the miscellaneous school, otherwise before his accident happened Why doesn't Zhang Yan reveal his landscape at all?The strange thing is that after the accident, Zhang Yan seemed to be out of control, as if he had no idea of ​​hiding again.This is contrary to the usual practice in the miscellaneous circles.

Zhang Yan had already prepared his speech for this.He didn't want to be a hermit in the mountains like those people from the Miscellaneous School.What's so bad about watching fireworks all over the world?
"Senior, Zhang Yan used to be content with the market and never showed any signs of it. But later he discovered that applying what he has learned is the foundation of what he has learned. Otherwise, the torrent of things in the world will inevitably be unsatisfactory. Once a catastrophe is imminent, it will be impossible to just watch, or stare and wait for death? So now Only then can you use what you have learned to save yourself and save others.”

These words sound like a big deal, a little self-proclaimed.It can be discerned carefully that Zhang Yan's words are true, and he is really saving both himself and others.

Not to mention how many soldiers on Yubei Mountain could be saved by the Eight Diagrams Formation and the Kongming Lantern, but how many disabled people would have to regain their confidence in life in the wheelchair shop opened by the Zhang family in Langyuan City?And once this thing comes out, it won't be useful for a year or two, but people will remember it for a hundred years or a thousand years.Although no one may remember who was the first person to create a wheelchair by then, the wheelchair itself will never disappear due to time.

In this way, Zhang Yan's words of "applying what you have learned" are not empty words.

Without waiting for Luo Changshan to answer, Zhang Yan continued: "It is true that the Miscellaneous School encountered a lot of difficulties and dangers in the early years. It is not surprising that people are bitten by snakes for ten years and are afraid of well ropes. But people have to look forward. Useful things are always useful, and when more people use them, it’s really hard to say whether it’s mainstream or not.”

Zhang Yan wanted to take advantage of the miscellaneous studies, so he did a lot of homework, at least the historical origins of the miscellaneous studies were recorded in the basic history books that he took great pains to find.

But then was before, and now is now.Zhang Yan didn't expect to change the style of other people's miscellaneous learning circles just by relying on his few words.He just found a rhetoric for himself that "he didn't show his talents before, but now he shows his prominence".Get this thing round.

Luo Changshan wanted to persuade him again. After all, the person who came here is also a senior. Although he called Zhang Yan "Sir", it was only out of respect for the other party's knowledge, and it didn't mean that he also agreed with the other party's big fanfare.Even if these rhetoric sound reasonable.Because in the past, there were countless blood to learn lessons from miscellaneous studies.

But when the words came to his lips, Luo Changshan paused again, and his heart was rippling instead.In an instant, he realized that the person in front of him was different from the miscellaneous people he had been in contact with all along.It's really hard to say that you can practice what he said, "apply what you have learned", without worrying about being coveted and causing trouble.

So Luo Changshan swallowed back the words, but another sentence came out: "Mr. Zhang is so confident in your alchemy technique?"

That's right, it's the means of alchemy.This is also the biggest difference between the Zhang Yan that Luo Changshan knows and the miscellaneous studies he knows.As far as the bone-strengthening pill he saw with his own eyes from Shi Xuan, Zhang Yan's method is absolutely attractive to warriors, especially those with high cultivation.It can even be said to be a means that can change the pattern of martial artist practice.

There are too many doorways here.With great risks, there are also great opportunities.It all depends on Zhang Yan's ability to grasp the uncertainty.If one advances and retreats correctly, one really has a chance to stand upright and gain a firm foothold.At that time, "applying what you have learned" will really be implemented without any constraints.

Of course, this is just a possibility.Luo Changshan did not dare to draw conclusions about the final result.

Once Luo Changshan's words came out, it was Zhang Yan's turn to be a little dumbfounded this time.

What's the meaning?Hearing Luo Changshan's words, he also knows a lot about alchemy!He originally thought that Luo Changshan didn't know what "alchemy" was, even if he heard his mother Wang Lanping talk a lot yesterday, he would only guess in his heart and not know the root cause.But now listening to the other party, not only do they know what "Alchemy" is, but also other things?And based on this, Zhang Yan's confidence in "applying what he has learned" came?

Not to mention, Luo Changshan's guess was partly correct.The elixir is really the stepping stone that Zhang Yan intends to use to stand up.But not all, and not the highlight.The foundation of standing still depends on fists, Zhang Yan is very clear about this.He was curious about where Luo Changshan got the information about alchemy.

"Senior seems to know a lot about the art of alchemy? Could it be that you have seen it elsewhere?"

"Hahaha, Mr. Zhang's words are ridiculous. I have lived for more than seventy years, and I have never seen the same kind of rare treasure except for the bone strengthening pill. Presumably this must be the secret of the master's family?"

(End of this chapter)

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