one's door

Chapter 121

Chapter 121
Zhang Yan said that he would pick out some chapters in "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" and write them into a book by hand, as a communication with Luo Changshan at that time.The content about the Pythagorean law mentioned earlier is also included in it. Luo Changshan can handle it by himself, and it is okay to pass it on.

As the other party of the exchange, Luo Changshan will sort out the "Miscellaneous Scrolls of Spiritual Affairs" that Zhang Yan is interested in, and bring it to Zhang Yan when he comes over later.By the way, some excerpts of "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" handwritten by Zhang Yan should also be completed, and the two sides just swapped.But during this period, Luo Changshan wanted his apprentice to follow Zhang Yan to increase his knowledge, and asked Zhang Yan to give a lot of admonition, don't be polite.

For Zhang Yan, he had another unexpected joy this time.And for Luo Changshan, it was even more rewarding.Even his old face was a little bit unbearable, and he felt that he had taken too much advantage this time.I'm afraid it won't sound good if it spreads out, and it means bullying honest people.

I wanted to ask Zhang Yan to choose some other knowledge to exchange and find supplies for Zhang Yan, but Zhang Yan refused very straightforwardly, and said, "You can't chew as much as you want." I can't take advantage of myself like this.But this matter can't be dragged on all the time, otherwise it won't look good.So even though Luo Changshan didn't mention it again, he had other plans in his heart.

For example, helping Zhang Yan gain a foothold.In addition to the miraculous bone strengthening pill, Luo Changshan is also ready to contribute, and even plans to invite a few friends to contribute together.Even if it is cheaper this time.

For dinner, Wang Lanping cooked a large table of dishes, nothing fancy, enough meat and vegetables, enough wine, this is the greatest sincerity of the Zhang family.

Of course, Zhang Yan's drinking capacity became a laughing stock again, and Luo Changshan, who was happy to drink, laughed for a while, and compared him with his apprentice Zeng Hao, saying that they were about the same age, and their drinking capacity was also the same.Then Zeng Hao, who was about to come, immediately moved to Zhang Yan's side and called out the word "senior brother".Before Zhang Yan could react for a while, he answered confusedly, and Zeng Hao started to say the word "senior brother" with a smile on his lips.

When he came to his senses, it seemed that Zeng Hao couldn't change his words.

"It is said that scholars have a lot of thoughts, but now it seems that they are right. Why do you half-grown children have so many thoughts? It is hard to guard against!"

But these are just self-deprecating laughs, and they won't make Zhang Yan feel uncomfortable.If he really wanted to say it, he had a good impression of Zeng Hao, a half-grown child.If this kid hadn't mentioned it at a critical moment, Luo Changshan probably would never have thought of taking out "Miscellaneous Scrolls of Spiritual Affairs".

To use a sentence that is often put up as a scene in Taoism is: You and I are destined.

So although Zhang Yan realized that Zeng Hao was planning to call him "senior brother" by his side, he didn't mind.Don't you just want to follow along with some knowledge, it's a trivial matter.The nine-year compulsory education is enough for Zeng Hao to learn for a lifetime.

At the end of the meal, it became a scene of fighting for wine. Zhang Shun, the eldest brother who was given high hopes by Zhang Yan, was no match for the old man Luo Changshan.In the end, Zhang Yan had no choice but to go to the opposite side and knock on Liu Carpenter's door, and it happened that their son was also there, so they called them together.

In the end, Luo Changshan had one against two, and it was almost a draw.Seeing Zhang Yan's scum like wine, he almost couldn't close his jaw.Secretly thought that this old man in his seventies has a weight of nearly three catties, so what would his weight be when the other party was young?drink all the time?

Forget it, drinking is not a skill.While drinking the sweet fruit wine, Zhang Yan comforted each other in this way.

The next day, Luo Changshan left Langyuan City without even calling Zhang Yan to say hello, and went home to find the three volumes of "Miscellaneous Spiritual Affairs" under the bookshelf, and visited some old friends on the way , or perhaps another way of saying it.Zeng Hao was left behind and asked him to run errands with his "senior brother".

It can be seen that Luo Changshan still attaches great importance to other contents of "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic".In addition, Zhang Yan also learned from Zeng Hao that Luo Changshan left Langyuan City through the post station of the army, and traveled smoothly all the way on a fast horse and express train.Anyway, Zhang Yan knows that Zhou Cang's level of military positions are not capable of giving this convenience.I think it can only be the Shi Junshuai in the Eastern Army camp.

"Clean up, let's go give gifts." Yawning, Zhang Yan told Zeng Hao where he was going today.

After leaving Langyuan City, the two walked side by side, Zhang Yan put his hands behind his back, and Zeng Hao held the things.Zeng Hao didn't have any trouble holding a five-jin jar of wine, and it didn't even affect his chattering to Zhang Yan at all.

"Brother, what are we going to do?"

"Brother, do you think there is any space in "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" that can explain the principle of driftwood?"

"Brother, if you go to formally set up an academic platform, you can guarantee that you can compare those so-called up-and-coming talents to the mud. Let me tell you, those old men have apprentices under their sect, and they always like to look at them with their nostrils." people."

Zhang Yan was very curious about how this kind of chatterbox grew up beside Luo Changshan, and it was a miracle that he was not beaten to death by Luo Changshan.Or maybe Luo Changshan is also this kind of steamed stuffed bun in private?
"Stop, stop, stop! Can you be quiet? I'm going to give a probe gift later. You will make the other party think that my family has a brain damage. If my elder brother's marriage is ruined, you see, I won't let your master break your leg. !" Zhang Yan regretted bringing Zeng Hao all the way in order to find a laborer.

"Brainless? Senior brother, is that a disease? Could it be that senior brother, you also dabble in curing diseases and saving lives? That's right! Senior brother's unique skill is alchemy, and he must be an expert in medicine."

Zhang Yan: " won."

Go all the way to Wangjiazhuangzi.The two young men entered the village and attracted the idea of ​​the village owner. They didn't go far before they were stopped by a tall and thick man, who said he was the security chief of Zhuangzi. They went to the gate of the small courtyard of the family named Wang Shi.

The security chief was still smiling at the door and shouted: "Old Shitou, someone brought wine to your house, come out!"

"What are you shouting for? Who brought me wine?"

As soon as the words fell, a stout man in his fifties came out of the yard.He has dark skin, bunts, thick limbs, and short hair.Followed by two strong guys in their twenties and a six or seven-year-old boy.

Bao Chang pointed at Zhang Yan and Zeng Hao.He stopped talking and stood on the sidelines to watch the excitement.If Wang Shi took the wine, he probably would have to beg for a lunch.

"Uncle Wang, I am the second child of Wang Lanping's family in Zhuzui Lane in the city. This is a good wine for you." Zhang Yan has no experience in things like probe ceremony, so he followed his mother's order and kept his mouth shut. It's just a gift, it depends on the other party's attitude whether to accept it or not.But Zeng Hao, who was sensible at this time, shut his mouth obediently.

However, Zhang Yan took a look at the few people who came out of Wang Shi's house during the words.When Zhang Yan saw the six or seven-year-old youngest son of Wang Shi's family, Zhang Yan was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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