one's door

Chapter 123 Spirit General

Chapter 123 Spirit General
"My lord, that man went out of the city today. He was accompanied by the young man from the old school who looked for him the day before yesterday. He went to the Wang Family Village outside the north gate, and he brought a large jar of wine with him when he went. Afterwards, we went to investigate, and he went to Wangjiazhuangzi to find a family named Wang Shi, and he should be there to give a probe gift."

"Probe ceremony? Is he going to get married?"

"It should be his eldest brother Zhang Shun's marriage. A matchmaker is already picking up the job. It's his mother Wang Lanping who is doing the work, and he's doing the errands."

"The identities of the old and the young have been found out?"

"Yes, sir, we found out. The old one is called Luo Changshan, and the young one is called Zeng Hao. The two are master-student relationships. Luo Changshan is a master of miscellaneous studies, one of the "Nine Elders" rumored outside. Shi Xuan, commander of the Eastern Army, is a close friend."

"Oh? Luo Changshan?! Then... So, can he be identified as a miscellaneous scholar?"

"Yes master, the old slave thinks so too."

"Okay, keep watching him closely, and don't let him out of your sight."

"Yes, the old slave stepped down first."


The old housekeeper withdrew his head and retreated from the study room, leaving only Wu Yuan who was a little thinner inside.

He lost his only son in a few days, and even sent away his old man. Under the double blow, even Wu Yuan, who is extremely deep-hearted and tough in the city, is by no means as calm as he appears on the surface.The pain and tyranny deep in his heart are only clear to him.

Different from others, Wu Yuan was inexplicably certain in his heart that his son's death could not have been caused by Ma Feng, but that someone had murdered him in some obscure way and then pretended to be Ma Feng, trying to deceive everyone.Even Wu Yuan had a direct candidate for the murderer in his mind.It was Zhang Yan, who was known as a branch of miscellaneous studies, but had extremely weird methods.That's why he keeps people staring at him.

But there are always surprises.Luo Changshan's name, Wu Yuan, has been heard before. This person is very unusual, let alone Shi Xuan's friend, and his ability is definitely not the slightest bit.It's hard to say why this kind of person came to Zhang Yan in person, but it's definitely not good news for him.

As a result, it became more and more impossible to use normal means to target Zhang Yan.And have to move faster.

After thinking about this, Wu Yuan felt a little dizzy, supported his forehead to relax, and didn't dare to stay in the study anymore, and was about to get up and go back to rest.He has never slept soundly these days, and always wakes up in the middle of the night, otherwise he would not have lost weight so quickly.

But when Wu Yuan raised his head again and was about to turn off the lights and go back to his room to rest, he stopped again.Because at some point in his study, there were three "figures" floating in mid-air looking at him.

"My lord, the two spirit generals are here, and I'll bring them here for you." It was the girl ghost who was speaking, standing in front, while introducing two people on the left and the right who were covered in black mist, fully armored, and behind her. A burly ghost in a black feather cloak.

In an instant, Wu Yuan understood what he was facing, but he felt a little pity that it was not the "king" himself who came, but the two generals under his command.

The Wu family has been working with "Wang" since a long time ago, and they have seen some things around "Wang".For example, the female ghost before and the two spirit generals in front of him all belonged to very important positions under the command of the "King".And the boy ghosts and girl ghosts before that, they are called "spiritual children" are the targets of training, and they often change.

As for the status, after the boy Li Gui disappeared, there was no spirit to arrive.And after the female ghost disappeared, there will be a spirit coming to investigate thoroughly.It is clear at a glance which of the two is more important.

But the Wu family doesn't know why those soul boys are always changing.For example, this girl only came to the Wu family more than three years ago, and before that, there were two other soul boys.Only the female ghost is always there.

"Wu Yuan has seen the two spirit generals, please forgive me for not welcoming them." Wu Yuan stood up with a smile, and cupped his hands towards the two burly and huge spirit generals floating in the room as a courtesy.

"Master Wu, you don't need to be so polite. We are ordered to come to Langyuan City for a while, and we need to rely on Master Wu's cooperation." One of the spirit generals replied, and the other bowed his hands in return.It can be seen that Wu Yuan is still someone who needs to be taken seriously in front of these two spirit generals.

Because the other party was wearing a visor, only a pair of scarlet eyes protruded from the gap in the anti-arrow slot in a ferocious appearance.Don't even know what it looks like.But a strong sense of oppression will still come from the words.Not to mention Wu Yuan, the girl next to him, Li Gui, had already shrunk his neck and stood in the corner, as if he was still trembling.

"What are the two spirit generals talking about? Such a big event happened here in Langyuan City, and Wu is also worried, wondering if there is another demon attacking. Now that the two of you can come, I am relieved."

Wu Yuan was not polite to the other party, and he knew that the other party didn't have the time to chat with him.So after a few simple greetings, he consciously entered the topic.He told in detail about the disappearance of Tang Niu, the boy Li Gui, and the female ghost Chu Hongyi.

Of course, the so-called "detailed" is only the set of procedures that Wu Yuan thinks is appropriate.The part about Tang Niu was okay, but the part about Chu Hongyi was almost entirely composed by him.There was no mention of Chu Hongyi's assassination of Zhang Yan.

After some introductions, the spirit general who spoke earlier continued to ask: "Master Wu, according to what you said, before Tang Niu's accident, Chu Hongyi didn't notice any danger, and your yamen didn't receive any Unusual news. Right?"


"After Tang Niu disappeared, Chu Hongyi had already reported the news to the "Wang", so why did she go out to investigate without authorization? Did she have anything to say before going out?"

Wu Yuan pretended to be thinking, thought for a while, then shook his head: "I didn't leave anything behind."

The two spirit generals looked at each other and didn't ask any more questions.For them, just like Chu Hongyi before, they had never encountered anyone else who could threaten them other than those beast-following monsters.So I didn't think much about it elsewhere.And Wu Yuan is also a member of them, and he has been conscientious for many years, and he never thought of the need for any murder or intentional concealment.So I'm going to check it out myself first.

But at the end, I still asked another question: "When I came here, I saw that there was a funeral in the house. Is there something wrong with Mr. Wu's family?"

Wu Yuan sighed, and after a moment of silence, he said: "The evil son of the family got into a catastrophe and was plotted against and lost his life. The old mother was also worried about dying. It made the two spirit generals laugh." Wu Yuan, who hadn't shed it, actually squeezed out a few tears at this time, and his appearance was described as desolate.

(End of this chapter)

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