one's door

Chapter 132 Arrival

Chapter 132 Arrival
The old butler looked at the study room which was still lit at night, and wanted to remind him, but finally held back.Recently, the master is in a bad mood, even the most trusted people don't dare to approach easily, those eyes are like a sharp blade without a scabbard, and it always feels terrified when it falls on his body.

"Oh." The old housekeeper sighed.In just half a month, this family has been turned upside down, and they almost didn't know each other overnight.

First, the young master died in the small courtyard inexplicably.Then the old lady was overly worried and went with the young master.In the huge Wu Mansion, there is only the old man left alone.

Just now the old housekeeper went to report the whereabouts of Zhang Yan today, and found that it seemed that only when he heard about this matter would the master feel the anger he used to.

Why does the master pay so much attention to that Zhang?

The old butler knew many things about the Wu family.Both bright and dark.But he never imagined that the Wu family was on the verge of life and death at this moment, and the key to it was the seemingly insignificant young man surnamed Zhang that made him wonder.

In the study room, Wu Yuan was holding a note of official documents from the yamen in his hand, but his eyes didn't fall on it, he floated outside the window, looking at the silent night outside the window, he seemed to be waiting for something.

"Three days. Something happened to them too?"

The two spiritual generals said two days ago that they were going out to investigate clues about Chu Hongyi and Tang Niu's disappearance.Once gone, never came back.

This is never normal.

Without even thinking about it, Wu Yuan could guess that the disappearance of the two spirit generals is also likely to be related to Zhang Yan.

Because Wu Yuan knew very well that if Tang Niu didn't mention it, Chu Hongyi was definitely made to disappear by that surname Zhang.This matter was kept a secret from him.When the two spirit generals went out to investigate, they would not think of guarding against Zhang Yan, but would be wary of demons and thieves who could threaten the existence of "spirits" in general.Once they searched around and couldn't find any clues, based on Wu Yuan's understanding of those spirit generals, they would definitely take the opportunity to destroy Zhang Yan's family.In doing so, you can avoid the blame in the "king" rule.

It's a pity that Zhang Yan is alive and well, as is the Zhang family, but the two spirit generals are missing.

Wu Yuan had thought in advance what would happen if "the general can't deal with Zhang Yan".But when this situation appeared in front of him, it was impossible not to panic.Not just the fear of the unknown, but also the fear of death.Because since the other party could kill his son quietly, why couldn't he kill him in the same way?
The anxiety became more and more serious from the second day after the two spirit generals did not return.

How many years?Wu Yuan couldn't remember the last time he was forced to such a state of bewilderment.In the past, whenever you encountered a hurdle that you couldn't get over, you only needed to use the "spiritual" means to solve the problem easily, and there was almost no disadvantage.

But this time.
"Wu Yuan, you seem to be haggard a lot."

Suddenly, a slightly crisp child's voice rang in Wu Yuan's ears, causing him to quickly look away from the window, and saw that there was a ponytail wearing a white skirt on the chair diagonally across from him. girl on feet.

The girl is very beautiful, she looks sixteen or seventeen years old, and she is looking at Wu Yuan with a smile.

Wu Yuan almost jumped up, like a cat whose tail was stepped on.He hurriedly bowed to the end without daring to lift his head, and respectfully said: "Holy servant Wu Yuan pays homage to my king! I don't know if my king has come to welcome me, but I ask my king to punish me."

"Okay, okay! You were so talkative when you were not as tall as my waist, but now that your beard is so much grayer, why hasn't it changed?"

"My king taught me the lesson. Wu Yuan's mundane air has polluted my king's eyes."

"Okay. Wu Yuan, stop talking nonsense. Where are my two spirit generals? They sent a message with a soul worm, saying that there is a possibility that there are demons and thieves in Langyuan City, resulting in the disappearance of a spirit boy and a spirit animal. I have come all the way, but I can't feel their aura at all. It seems that something must have happened to them.

Wu Yuan, tell me, what do you know here? "

The girl's smile remained the same, her big watery eyes blinked at Wu Yuan, waiting for Wu Yuan's answer.But Wu Yuan felt a sharp pain under the gaze of these beautiful eyes, and the inexplicable pressure pushed him to his knees on the ground with a plop.

"My king, calm down! My king, calm down! This matter is very strange, and it is really not something that the servant can see through."

Wu Yuan's attitude is humble, and he always puts himself in the position of "servant" when he speaks.At least in name, he is now the servant of the other party.But even if he wanted to tell the inside story of the matter now, he didn't dare to say it.If he let the other party know that everything was caused by him asking Chu Hongyi to help kill people for his own benefit, then he might end up wishing for death.

After carefully listening to Wu Yuan's "causes and consequences" and "the context of the matter", the smile on the corner of the girl's mouth gradually subsided.

"Wu Yuan, I haven't asked about your affairs for decades, do you think you can use your little cleverness to fool me like a fool?"

"My king, I have been wronged! My servant has always been loyal to my king and has never been half-hearted. How dare you hide it? Whether it is the soul boy or the missing soul boy or general, I really don't know the reason. We can only wait for my king's arrival tremblingly." No matter how terrified he was, the expressions on Wu Yuan's face and the words in his mouth were impeccable, and he never even hesitated in his words.As if he had really been greatly misunderstood, he seemed very wronged.She even shed tears when she said the last sentence.

However, the girl didn't seem to retract her preface because of Wu Yuan's crying, but continued: "Chu Hongyi is a soul feeder. After the soul boy disappeared, she was supposed to hide and wait for help, but in the end she left the sanctuary without permission. This is Why?

Chu Hongyi made it clear in the last soul worm before the accident, that you let her do things for you under the guise of investigating.

Wu Yuan, do you still want to deny it? "

The last word exploded in the girl's mouth, as if it directly rang in Wu Yuan's mind, the buzzing sound made him dizzy, bleeding from his mouth and nose.A humble feeling of insignificance surged in my heart, as if the other party had seen everything and felt depressed.In an instant, Wu Yuanzhen almost confessed everything.But in the end, he bit the tip of his tongue hard, and woke up a little bit.Three words flashed in my heart: hold your breath!

"My servant is wronged! This servant never said anything selfish to Chu Hongyi, and she didn't even know when she left. Why did she slander this servant? My king! You have to trust this servant!" , while kowtowing loudly.

It's been a while.Seeing the girl kowtowing continuously, Wu Yuan, who looked miserable, suddenly laughed.

"Hee hee, Wu Yuan, give it a try, are you really so scared?"

(End of this chapter)

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