one's door

Chapter 147 Appearance

Chapter 147 Appearance
Zhang Yan was also prepared, but when he saw the appearance of the other party, he still couldn't help taking a breath.

Perhaps just looking at its appearance, there is no essential difference from the two generals Zhang Yan has seen before, dressed as Ghost Xiu.It's just that the ghost king in front of him is more solid, even so solid that it can be regarded as an entity.

But these are not enough to horrify Zhang Yan.What surprised him was that in the field of vision of his yin and yang pupil technique, the scarlet spots representing hostility and evil spirits in the other party's soul were densely connected and almost connected together, making the whole soul body appear a strange and vicious scarlet.

Zhang Yan doesn't believe that ghosts in this world can produce so much hostility and evil spirit out of thin air.Because that is not in line with the laws of heaven and earth.No matter how great the resentment was enough to soar to the sky before death, it is impossible to turn into so much hostility and evil spirit after transforming into a ghost.

There is only one possibility, and that is to inherit the hostility and evil spirit in other soul bodies when swallowing other soul bodies, and after years of continuous accumulation, it has gradually become what Zhang Yan sees in the field of vision of the Yin Yang Pupil Technique. It is a scarlet terrifying soul body.

"If there is really evil in the world, it must be like this!" Zhang Yan had such a thought in his heart.

After the girl appeared, she giggled, and with a flick of her fingers, four balls of scarlet flew out, submerging into the bodies of the four evil blood shadows.In an instant Qiqi roared, his body shape changed, he was stretched very long like noodles, and no longer biting like before, but spun around Zhang Yan methodically, connecting his elongated body like a wall, After a few breaths, Zhang Yan was surrounded inside.

This was the first time Zhang Yan was surrounded tonight.

"Hee hee, my little brother is such a good player! He restrains our saints everywhere. I am also curious. Although I seldom go out and walk around in the world for thousands of years, I have a lot of eyes and ears. Why have I never heard of you?" What about such people?"

Not only the method Zhang Yan used to kill the four warriors in front of him, but also the method he used to resist the blood mist and the evil blood shadow, as well as those bean soldiers, and the beads in his hand that could transform into magical weapons.Even Zhang Yan's daily behavior and temperament, which she has secretly watched these days, made the girl very curious.She always felt that this person was different from all the people she had met before.

Very strange!
Even a thought hidden in the girl's heart, she would have an inexplicable fear of the human race named Zhang Yan in front of her.Although it is very faint, it is real.This made her extremely puzzled.It was also the reason why she observed secretly for so many days.Later, I reluctantly thought of a possibility: restraint.

It's like cats and mice.A kind of restraint that is not clear, but is determined by the rules of heaven and earth.

Therefore, the heart will appear very annoyed.

The girl doesn't know about obsession or magic barrier, but she knows very well that the more she is afraid of something, the more she will destroy it.Although she didn't know why she felt afraid of a human kid, if she couldn't figure it out, then don't think about it, just kill him.

And not only to kill this kid surnamed Zhang, but also his family members, as well as the possible teachers behind him.Not one can be let go.

So from the moment Wu Yuan informed that Zhang Yan had left Zhuzui Lane and planned to send four warriors to find out the truth, the girl planned to follow her tonight.He didn't even hesitate to let four pieces of fat-like warriors eat their souls alive, and smashed them into evil methods, just to make a cage to ensure that the kid surnamed Zhang couldn't escape.

But maybe she didn't know that the Zhang Yan opposite her happened to be similar to her plan.

"Huh, the filth in the world is you and other spirits. According to me, you also deserve a word for "spirit"? Should it be called ghosts. They are aliens that are rejected by the world and excluded by all things. They are bedbugs. The fate of bugs is to be trampled pulpy."

While Zhang Yan was stimulating the other party with words, his figure suddenly disappeared.It was like sinking into the ground suddenly.

"Want to escape!? Hmph! Even if you have wings, it's hard to fly today!"

When the incident happened suddenly, the girl was stunned for a moment, and she was also a little surprised. She didn't notice the breath and movement of the boy surnamed Zhang just now, and she didn't expect that the other party could escape the siege of the evil blood shadow in this way.But the next moment she sneered.Because Zhang Yan disappeared for a moment and then reappeared. Although he left his previous position, the distance he moved was very limited, and he could only run less than three feet away.Just about to jump into the small courtyard behind.

That might be some kind of escape method that the kid surnamed Zhang knew.The girl thinks so.There are also strains.With a stomp of the foot, a part of the evil spirit in the soul spread invisible and substanceless to the ground, like a dense cobweb, blocking the entire Zhang family's new house below the ground.She didn't believe that the kid surnamed Zhang could do the same trick again.

That is actually the Five Elements Dungeon, Earth Dungeon, which Zhang Yan started to dabble in.

Now the distance of three feet in an instant is Zhang Yan's limit.There is even an obvious pause between the two escapes, about one to two breaths.

So after escaping from the siege of the Yin evil blood shadow for the first time, Zhang Yan did not continue to use the evasion technique, but unfolded his movements and jumped out of the window, heading towards the backyard.You can't just wait for the two breaths, just run away after the recovery is over.That's what he intended.

But the opponent's response speed was faster than Zhang Yan expected, and the methods were more powerful.The cobweb-like evil spirits spread all over the ground, and after he regained his composure, the escape technique was no longer needed.There is a layer of netting Yin Sha in the air of adopting the five elements of earth, which will lead to confusion in the adoption. If you dare to use it forcibly in this situation, you may never be able to come out after escaping, and even the chaotic five elements of earth It is not impossible for the air to twist the body into twists.

However, although there was no way to continue to perform the second escape technique, Zhang Yan's goal had been achieved.He didn't want to escape, but simply wanted to leave the main room and come to the small courtyard behind.

This side is relatively spacious, and there is no shelter, and some methods that are easy to cause damage to the house can be used here with confidence.

However, the thoughts had to be concealed a bit, and the ghost king who was chasing after him couldn't just let the flaws be seen.So Zhang Yan didn't stop immediately after arriving in the backyard, but chose to continue running towards the courtyard wall, as if he wanted to escape.

The ghost king behind him also unfolded his means as Zhang Yan expected, and actually reversed the evil spirit rising in the house before, like an invisible wall bumping upside down, forcing Zhang Yan to stop moving forward, choose step back.

At this moment, Zhang Yan saw that the ghost king's body also chased into the yard.

So Zhang Yan raised his hand and sprinkled a full ten talismans into the air, pinching the seal with both hands, the aura shot into the talisman paper, and at the same time, the five-coin sword spread out into an array
He began to recite the "Golden Light Mantra".

Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of ten thousand qi. Ten thousand gods pay homage to the gods, and control the thunder. There is a thunderbolt inside, and the god of thunder is invisible.
(End of this chapter)

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