one's door

Chapter 164 Conclusion

Chapter 164 Conclusion
Yang Jie didn't plan to go around the corner, and said directly: "Master Zhou, let's briefly talk about the relationship with Zhang Yan, such as how to know each other, and how to get along with him. Hehe, Master Zhou, don't blame me for talking too much, the matter of the suicide note must be There must be an explanation. And as your lord, I am really curious about how your lord made friends with Zhang Yan."

"Your Majesty Yang will investigate the case impartially, and the officials should cooperate fully. Speaking of Zhang Yan, I actually only got to know him through a friend's introduction. Zhang Yan committed a murder in Langyuan City before, and he should have made a public announcement, but it just so happened He met the requirements of a criminal soldier, was spared his life, and was sent to the west of Chonglan County Yubeishan Fortress to serve as an army."

There is nothing to hide about the previous relationship between Zhou Cang and Zhang Yan.Immediately, he briefly explained how he met Zhang Yan, why he kept taking care of Zhang's family, Zhang Yan's identity and their personal relationship.Including Zhang Yan's identity as a "miscellaneous study" is not shy, after all, these can be found from other places.

"Oh? Zhang Yan is the miscellaneous master who took out the Bagua array and Kongming lantern?"

"That's right. Why? You knew Zhang Yan's name before you saw Master Yang?"

"Hehe, no, I just know about the Eight Diagrams Formation and the Kongming Lantern. In this way, Zhang Yan has a good relationship with the army, and because of this, he became friends with Master Zhou?"

Zhou Cang nodded and said: "Yes. Although it was entrusted by others at the beginning, Zhang Yan found out that he was a very talented person after contacting the corridor source city. For friends."

"According to Mr. Zhou, Zhang Yan should have had no relationship with Wu Yuan. Why did Wu Yuan write his name in the suicide note? He also said that Zhang Yan first killed his only son Wu Qingling, and now he is going to kill him again. Really, he really died. Does Mr. Zhou think this is a coincidence?"

"Master Yang, although I have heard Zhang Yan say a little about some things, it is more of a guess. It can only be used as a reference for Master Yang. The specifics may have to be considered by Master Yang." After a pause, Zhou Cang saw Yang Jie nodded before continuing: "There shouldn't be any intersection between Zhang Yan and Wu Yuan. But after Zhang Yan was convicted of death, two high-end shops were confiscated as criminal property, and then the criminal property was sold. , was acquired by Wu Yuan's only son Wu Qingling."

Zhou Cang stopped at this point.It can be said to be "click to stop".It is not appropriate to go deep into Yang Jie's details about his identity, not to mention that it is all "speculation" without actual evidence, and Yang Jie has to distinguish the truth by himself.He just pointed out a direction for Yang Jie.

"Master Zhou only said half of what he said!"

"Hehe, please forgive me, Mr. Yang. There are some things that I don't want to say too much when I'm an official. I believe that Mr. Yang has his own judgment, and there is no need to talk too much about the following words."

Yang Jie nodded slightly again, and then stopped talking about Zhang Yan, but followed the normal rules, allowing Zhou Cang to open the city gate first.After all, except for Wu Yuan's suicide note, all the information in his hand now points to the death conclusion given by Wu Zuo, that is, Wu Yuan died of a sudden heart disease and hemorrhage, not homicide.In this way, closing the city gate is redundant and can be lifted immediately.

Zhou Cang stood up immediately after receiving Yang Jie's confirmation. He had waited in the Wu Mansion until now, besides helping Zhang Yan stand up, he also had to wait for the local government's conclusion.If the local yamen felt that the matter was still unclear, that Wu Yuan's death was a homicide and that the murderer was still in the city, they would not be able to open the city gate so quickly.Now that Yang Jie directly asks Zhou Cang to lift the blockade, that means Wu Yuan's death. From Yang Jie's point of view, there is a conclusion: he died of illness.

"Then please don't leave, sir. If Master Yang needs anything, please send someone over to give orders. I will leave!"

"Master Zhou is polite, let's go slowly."

The two bid farewell.Zhou Cang hurriedly went to camp to sit in town.And Yang Jie returned after sending him to the gate, the smiles on his face all subsided.

Back in the study of Wu Yuan's house, Yang Jie looked at the suicide note that was still on the table after being leveled, with cold eyes.

Wu Yuan's death was too unexpected for Yang Jie.Even disrupted all the plans when he came.

"My lord, the left and right officials of Langyuan City have been waiting outside the Wu Mansion for more than half an hour. Do you think you have seen them now?"

Yang Jie's personal entourage was also his adjutant, and he walked into the study at this time to bow and report.

"Hmph, I'm afraid it's not just the two of them?" Yang Jie looked away from the suicide note, looked at the adjutant standing in front of him, and taunted him.

"Yes, my lord. According to my subordinates, when I went out to greet them just now, I saw a group of officials and officials in Langyuan City who were also waiting in the distance. Almost all of them came, but because of their identity and the martial law of the garrison, they couldn't get close. It was very lively. .”

"Lively? Your habit of playing lip service has not changed. But with Wu Yuan's sudden death, Langyuan City will indeed become very lively." Yang Jie smiled and eased the tense emotions in his heart. After a moment of silence, he said: "You let them in. At the same time, let our people take my warrant to detour to the Langyuan City Yamen first, and let me seize the file library. Anyone who dares to stop him will be arrested directly."

"Yes, my lord!"

The adjutant led the order, and the sneer on his face was hidden after he walked out of the study.This time they came to Langyuan City with more than 13 people, [-] of them were experts in the guards of the county guard's mansion, it would be no surprise to take down Langyuan City's archives while others were not prepared.

The adjutant led the two back not long after they left.One tall and one short, they are the right and left officials of Langyuan City, and they belong to the second and third positions in the regular three-person chief executive establishment of the local yamen.In other words, after Wu Yuan's death at this time, among the people who are normally in charge of Langyuan City's affairs, these two are the most important officials.

After saying hello, Yang Jie didn't talk nonsense, and took out a copper bar from his arms and handed it to the other party, letting the other party unfold it.He said at the same time: "This is the decree written and signed by Mr. Xiao, the governor of the county. From now on, I will temporarily assume all the duties and powers related to the post of Langyuan city official. Let the two of you verify the authenticity of this copper bar. "

"What are you talking about, my lord? Can this thing be fake?" So to speak, the two seriously checked the content on the copper bar and the signature of the signature.In the end, he returned the copper bar to Yang Jie in a proper manner.

Yang Jie put away the copper bar and continued: "Since the two of you have checked, please choose one of you to stay and tell me about the recent situation of Langyuan City. Then send one person to notify all the officials in the yamen People, let's meet in the hall of the Wu Mansion after a stick of incense."

"My lord, why don't you go to the yamen? It doesn't seem suitable here."

"Nothing out of place. All the people I just mentioned must be there after the stick of incense. I hope you move quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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