one's door

Chapter 167

Chapter 167
Although Nanyuan Kingdom has always been relatively loose in the control of various localities, there is also a set of top-down evaluation rules, and there are special offices for unannounced visits and handling of officials. For example, the "Official Secretary" is the biggest Special yamen, what they do is to investigate cases related to officials from various places.

But just like worms grow in the woods no matter what, the corruption and perversion of the law at the lower levels have not been eliminated.Even torture such as skinning and stuffing grass can't achieve the fundamental effect.

Some innocuous people take advantage of the public, or those who pick and search for private benefits, or create some convenience for the family, these are actually nothing in Nanyuan Kingdom, even those who specialize in investigating and handling officials. Not too difficult.At most, it will write you down in the annual official evaluation. If you want to be promoted, it will affect you, but it will never be a crime.

But even with such lenient measures and the vigilance of torture, there are still many people secretly doing evil things like digging up walls.Not just "taking some", but using one's own rights as a sickle, trampling the law under one's feet, and wantonly harvesting the people under the rule.It is not uncommon to even form cliques for selfish purposes.And often this kind of big bug hides far deeper than those small bugs floating on the surface, and it is also more difficult to find.

Langyuan City is located in Beijiang County, so it is sensitive to all aspects because of Beijiang County's special geographical location.But Langyuan City has a very high official reputation every year, and it is thriving from top to bottom.But on the contrary, there are often some secret letters entering places such as the "Office of Justice" through various channels.

One or two pieces is not enough to attract attention.After all, the official reputation of Langyuan City is excellent, and its city officials have been evaluated as top-notch for more than ten years.It is not impossible that such a place is subject to some envy and slander.What's more, it's an anonymous secret letter.

But for several consecutive years, there are as many as ten secret letters every year, and the contents range from "corruption" to "breach of the law" and the matters involved can be described as lawless.No matter how big-hearted people are, they dare not say with certainty that everything is slander and false accusation.What if?What if one of these things is true?That's the big deal!
The people in the court department chose a roundabout way.Did not go directly to Chalangyuan City.It avoids affecting the feelings of officials and officials in Langyuan City once it is verified to be false.The choice is to check the source of these secret letters.Finally found it out.

After confirming the origin of the incident in the secret letter, the people from the Department of Justice really paid attention to it.Because the senders of these secret letters are not the actual writers of the secret letters.The actual writer had already died a long time ago, and it was a fire that directly wiped out the family.These secret letters were written and handed over to close friends before the family was destroyed, saying that in case of accidents, they would be delivered to the Secretary of Justice bit by bit.

That close friend didn't break his promise, he really split up those secret letters and delivered them year after year, and some even delivered them repeatedly.In order to fulfill their promises.Even when this person was found by the Department of Justice, he was not panicked at all, but rather emotional, and said, "You are finally here." Regardless of whether it was a "misfortune" or not, this person seemed very calm.

However, as a yamen in Nanyuan Kingdom that specializes in transferring officials, the Secretary of Justice still did not disappoint.At least the city magistrate in one county has not been able to handle the people in the court department.

Therefore, the "Special Project of Corruption and Abuse of Wu Yuan, City Official of Langyuan City, Beijiang County" was subsequently included in the top-secret plan of the Department of Justice, and has been silently advancing.

Later, the transfer of Xiao Wangcheng to Beijiang County as the county guard was also fueled by the people from the Department of Justice.Before taking office, the Chief of the Department of Justice had a long talk with Xiao Wangcheng for a full day.

But the difficulty lies in the fact that when you discover the problem and want to peel off that glamorous false skin, you realize that there is no grasp at all.

It's about to compare you to smell the stench, and know that there must be shit in that stuffy can, but you have to have a handle to open the stuffy can.Even though the words of those secret letters are convincing, all the witnesses mentioned above are dead, missing, and the only thing left is an unclear mystery, which seems to confirm that the things in the secret letters are not groundless.

Or just transfer Wu Yuan away and reveal the Langyuan City that was covered by him?
It doesn't work either.In that case, Wu Yuan will definitely realize the danger, and all the remaining clues will be cleaned up by him.Things will not get better, it will just completely rot all the clues in your hands.

This is also the reason why Xiao Wangcheng has been in Beijiang County for more than two years, but he still hasn't touched every plant and tree in Langyuan City.It was Xiao Wangcheng who was waiting, waiting for the best opportunity.

Before that, Wu Yuan suddenly got sick and wanted to go back to his hometown.There was no news about this before.But it made Xiao Wangcheng keenly aware of a once-in-a-lifetime loophole.He directly dismissed Wu Yuan's leave note, and immediately asked Yang Jie to go to Langyuan City to sit in town, and began to try to get into the stuffy pot of Langyuan City.As long as a small breakthrough is found, the rest of the matter will be easy to handle.

But who would have thought that Yang Jie, who was about to arrive in Langyuan City, would receive the news of Wu Yuan's sudden death.

Plans were disrupted.But it also means that the lid of the stuffy jar is gone.It is not so easy to hide the dirty things inside.So Yang Jie directly stated the chariots and horses, and asked all the officials under Langyuan City, no matter how big or small, to be in danger and start chaos first.

And compared to what kind of drama will the following people perform for Yang Jie in the end, farce or comedy?There is still a trump card in Yang Jie's hand, that is, he insists on not leaving at this time, that is, he wants to cover Wu Yuan's mansion and the people in this mansion tightly.

Yang Jie believed that as long as his people checked all corners of the Wu Mansion, the gains here would definitely be enough to set off a bloody storm in Langyuan City.Those bedbugs hiding under Wu Yuan's wings and committing crimes will also die without a place to bury them!

It's a pity that the main criminal, Wu Yuan, died, as did Wu Yuan's only son, Wu Qingling, who was mentioned many times in the secret letter.In Yang Jie's view, the two died too easily, and only Ling Chi could be worthy of the evil deeds of the father and son.

But Yang Jie couldn't help but look at the crumpled suicide note on the table again when he thought of this place.This may be the second thing that surprised Yang Jie besides Wu Yuan's sudden death.

"Zhang Yan." Yang Jie was not like he told Zhou Cang before that he had never heard of this name.On the contrary, he had heard of Zhang Yan more than a year ago.I heard it from Xiao Wangcheng, the sheriff who had only been in Beijiang County for less than a year at that time.

Yang Jie's memory is very good. He clearly remembered that Master Xiao had received a letter from his friend General Song Qinghe, and mentioned Zhang Yan's name in his heart. It seemed that General Song wanted Master Xiao to do a favor to protect this Zhang Yan, and Wu Yuan, the city administrator of Langyuan City, was also mentioned.Yang Jie doesn't know much about the inside story.I just remember these, and what Mr. Xiao said at that time, "It's not the time yet".

Now when I saw this name again, it actually appeared on Wu Yuan's suicide note, and I could see that Wu Yuan was full of fear when he wrote this name
(End of this chapter)

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