one's door

Chapter 169 Door Wall

Chapter 169 Door Wall
If one says the quietest place in Langyuan City, it must be the white high wall located in a large area in the northeast corner of the city.

There is also a large circle of green trees inside the high wall, tall and strong enough to exceed the high wall by about two feet.With their cover, even if you stand on the tallest tower in the city, you can't see much of what's going on inside the wall.

The entrance is a porch decorated with white jade, and three vigorous characters are engraved on the stone above it: Jiangwu Academy.

From the day Zhang Yan came to Huangtianyu, he had heard of the name of Jiangwu Academy.The reason is that Huagou told him that six out of ten warrior masters cruising on the wall were from the Academy of Martial Arts.Since then, Zhang Yan has had a lot of assumptions about the Academy of Martial Arts.

Because there is no such concept as Zongmen in Huangtianyu.More than half of the martial artists in the world come from the martial arts schools in various countries.The remaining [-]% to [-]% were cultivated by the family of martial arts or the way of learning martial arts.Therefore, the School of Martial Arts has a unique weight and status in the Huangtian Territory.

Looking at Nanyuan Kingdom alone, in the 300 to 400 years since its founding, all five emperors had the experience of studying at the Martial Arts Academy.Even the two emperors who were both warriors and had reached the state of Tongqiao once held false titles in the martial arts academy.

In addition, if you really want to count, the Martial Arts Academy of Nanyuan Kingdom was not established after the founding of the country.It was inherited directly from the previous dynasty.Also inherited is a series of systems and rules of the Jiangwu Academy.Therefore, the Martial Arts Academy of Nanyuan Country actually existed for a long time longer than Nanyuan Country itself.

After Zhang Yan agreed with Li He's suggestion and was willing to accept Shi Xuan's recommendation to enter the Jiangwu Academy as a "guest teacher", he curiously searched for a lot of books to learn about the Jiangwu Academy.In addition to those mentioned above, he also found a very interesting thing.That is, as the largest gathering and birthplace of warriors in Nanyuan Kingdom, it can be said to be the core of Nanyuan Kingdom, right?However, the position of the head of the Martial Academy is not determined by the emperor of Nanyuan Kingdom.Instead, the previous dean appointed the successor.However, the emperor can only assign a court judge to the Jiangwu Academy to be responsible for daily affairs, and the principal will decide on major matters with one word.

That's where it gets interesting.Such an important core place, but the emperor of Nanyuan Kingdom didn't really hold it in his hands?
"I'm afraid the water in the martial arts academy is unusually deep." Zhang Yan thought in his heart.

Today, Li He came to the gate of the martial arts academy in Langyuan City together with Zhang Yan.Since it was a recommendation, Li He, as the adjutant of the recommender Shi Xuan, naturally had to come with him.It is not only to give face to the Martial Arts Institute, but also to help Zhang Yan's face.

"Mr. Zhang, shall we go in?" After checking his identity with the guard at the door, Li He turned around and called out to Zhang Yan who was looking up at the big characters on the porch.

"Alright Mr. Li."

Not long after entering the door, I saw an old man in a black robe with a long beard coming up quickly.Before approaching, Li He calmly reminded Zhang Yan: "That person is the judge of the Martial Arts Academy in Langyuan City, Xiao Shu. He is a member of the Xiao family."

Just two simple sentences are enough to make Zhang Yan smile and deal with it carefully.

Judgment.That means that they are people arranged by the emperor here, and at the same time, they come from a military family, or a big family "Xiao family".So it seems that he should be regarded as half of the army?No wonder you will come out in person.

"Hahaha, Mr. Li, I haven't seen you for many years, don't you come here all right?"

"Thank you, senior Xiao, for your concern. Li He is just fooling around with the commander in chief. I heard that senior has been improving recently, so it's not far from a breakthrough, right?"

"It's very early! I don't know how many years it will be until we can break through. By the way, this is the Mr. Zhang mentioned in the letter from the commander-in-chief?" Zhang Yan handed over his hands, not intending to neglect Zhang Yan at all.You can tell at a glance that he must be a good communicator.

Li He heard the introduction and said: "Yes, Senior Xiao, this is Zhang Yan, Mr. Zhang. You are a scholar who is also full of praise from the military commander!"

"Well! Shi Junshuai made it very clear in the letter. Mr. Xiao Shu is really ashamed to have such an achievement at such a young age! Sir, Xiao Shu is being polite!" Xiao Shu said to Zhang Yan saluted again, the etiquette was very formal, it was the first big gift for peers.

"The court judge doesn't have to be like this. Zhang Yan's underachiever was promoted by Shi Junshuai to have a little reputation, but he is really ashamed to mention it in front of the court judge. The court judge has broken Zhang Yan!"

Zhang Yan also quickly returned the gift.He was a little confused.Because the Xiao Yuan Judgment in front of him seemed a little too formal and polite, which made him not used to it.

Only Li He next to him smiled and didn't speak, but he understood what Xiao Shu was talking about in his heart.

Everyone who is knowledgeable in the field of miscellaneous studies!Moreover, several useful things have been produced, and they are being gradually emulated and promoted in the military.There are no such people in the martial arts academy in the whole Nanyuan country.Now because of Shi Xuan's relationship, Langyuan City's Martial Arts Institute can set a precedent. As the judge and the actual contact person, Xiao Shu naturally takes care of all aspects.When you first meet, you can be as polite as you can, and it's not surprising that there are many people who are polite.After finding out Zhang Yan's temper, he will naturally know how to get along with him.

"Recently the dean happened to be in retreat, so I can't see Mr. Zhang for the time being. However, I am in charge of the daily affairs, which will not affect Mr. Zhang's entry. I will take him to go through the formalities first, and then take him to the residence to see Look, if you have any dissatisfaction, please speak up, sir, our Langyuan City Lecture Academy will definitely allow you to study comfortably here without being disturbed by trivial matters."

With that said, it was obvious that Xiao Shu was implying something.It also meant to reassure Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan is naturally a follower of kindness.After going through the formalities, I received four sets of robes that were similar in style to Xiao Shu's black robe, with only some slight differences.This is what he wears in the lecture hall, counted as "work clothes".In addition, I also received a lot of things, such as waist badges, standard private seals, keys to the private courtyard, and so on.And a blank copper bar for teaching plan reporting.

Those things in the front are easy to talk about, but the blank copper bar in the back is very particular.

"Mr. Zhang can go back and think about it first, and draw up a rough outline of the things that are going to be taught in the courtyard. Then explain the practical and theoretical uses of these things, and finally write down the methods of assessment. When the time comes The dean will consider this when he goes out of customs, and if it is feasible, then Mr. Zhang can start classes in the courtyard."

"What if you can't pass?" Zhang Yan asked curiously.

"Can't pass? Hehe, Mr. Zhang is a master of miscellaneous studies, and he can pass the test by teaching whatever he wants. However, if he really can't pass the test of the dean, then he doesn't have to start the class. After all, Mr. Zhang is a guest teacher. .It is not included in the main subject. But in that case, you need to share some of your knowledge or research with the Kobu Academy, sir."

"Understood." Zhang Yan already knew it in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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