one's door

Chapter 177 Disagreement

Chapter 177 Disagreement
The "Nine Elders" sitting in the middle just raised a topic, and then let the people behind discuss it.They don't need to participate yet, just listen to it.It's time for them to speak when everyone's opinions have been expressed.

In fact, it is different from "Gu Lao".Tomorrow's "Qianbei-South Tea Party" not everyone present today is eligible to participate.So today's small gathering of miscellaneous studies with Nanyuan Kingdom closed can actually be regarded as an opportunity for those who are not qualified to participate in tomorrow's tea party to express their opinions.And hear what coping strategies most people hope tomorrow's tea will have at the end.

Just when Zhang Yan felt drowsy but had to cheer up, the "Nine Elders" in the innermost circle began to speak.

"Although the school of miscellaneous studies has methods that can be used, in the final analysis, knowledge comes from heaven and earth. There is no immediate ability, let alone the ability to turn a tree overnight. So no matter what the result is tomorrow, this is the north and south of the school of miscellaneous studies. It’s just disputes between schools, it’s not necessary and it’s not up to the level of countries. So don’t be so tense, relax, relax.”

As soon as these words came out, even some of the previously inexplicable remarks were directly covered up.It also cheered up the drowsy Zhang Yan, secretly thinking that this is the way to talk about things seriously.Know yourself and the enemy, instead of talking nonsense.

"The fundamental problem is that Beiwu handed over the means of miscellaneous learning, which is not only their own knowledge, but also what we have communicated before. So they need to stop them from going their own way!"

"That's the truth. But how can we stop it? What can we do to stop it? By saying it? Or by those barbarians in Beiwu who wake up and correct themselves? If you want me to say, either set the rules. Anything that involves our Nanyuan Kingdom's knowledge, Beiwu Wu's people have no power to dispose of it, let alone release it. Or they can simply break it apart, and if they are already divided, then they should be divided more completely, so as not to hate each other."

"Divide? Hmph! Miscellaneous studies are already weak, and you still want to divide? The seeds left by the predecessors, it is no pity to throw them away here, and it is thanks to you that you can say it!"

Although the "Nine Elders" are not so exaggerated, there are also disagreements without saying a few words.

At this time, Luo Changshan, who had been silent until now, spoke.His tone was much lighter than that of the elders who spoke before.

"Actually, although the ideas put forward by the people in Beiwu are not suitable, it cannot be said that they are all fallacies. I think there are merits. After all, many rules are now in the field of miscellaneous learning. It was decided when the suppression had to hide from XZ. It is very different from today's external environment. We can't always look forward and backward and ignore the essence of miscellaneous learning, right?"

The person who seemed to want to refute Luo Changshan swallowed it back when he heard his last sentence.

What is the essence of miscellaneous studies?Isn't it just to let knowledge fight for the nature of the world, and use manpower to fight for a place in the world?Even Zhang Yan present here has heard of this essence.It is the long-cherished wish of the oldest ancestors from the lineage of miscellaneous studies.

Luo Changshan continued: "I met a very interesting and capable young man before. I originally wanted to persuade him not to be so showy, worried that he would be used by others, and also worried that he would break the rules of miscellaneous studies. But After getting in touch with him a lot, he disturbed me as an old man. I can't help thinking, should those old rules really be changed?"

"After all, this old man Luo Changshan is planning to imitate Beiwu and integrate into the world? Why are you talking about others?"

Luo Changshan laughed, shook his head, and smiled at the person who slapped him: "It's not a bullshit, but the truth. The young man's words of "applying what you have learned" are enough to make people think deeply. Even the old man felt ashamed Ask yourself what is the meaning of what you have learned in your life? Is it really for writing a few books? Or teaching a few apprentices?"

After this sentence, Luo Changshan picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip.To him, this kind of liqueur is just to join in the fun and moisten his throat.It has been a long time since I wanted to say these things in my heart.

"However, the methods of those barbarians in Beiwu are not advisable. They are too impatient and too desperate. Once there is any disturbance, they will not be able to handle it at all.

So, ask me to say.Tomorrow's tea party can no longer break the old rules with them like before, but discuss with them how to integrate the surrounding forces more reasonably, instead of rushing forward blindly.We even have to think about how we should deal with changes in Beiwu.”

Luo Changshan obviously came prepared, every sentence is based on his own views and ideas, and it is not vague, but has specific rules and regulations, which can be moved to the group of people in Beiwu at tomorrow's tea party use.

"No! It's not easy for miscellaneous studies to survive so far. How can you let your guard down easily? Luo Changshan, you flirt with Shi Xuan of the Eastern Army and think others don't know? They all regard the rules set by the ancestors as child's play just like you? You are harboring evil intentions!"

The dispute arose again.The fundamental reason is that the old rules about miscellaneous studies are really deep-rooted and it is true that this school has been able to survive from the predicament to this day.To overthrow such a rule, there is naturally great resistance.

Zhang Yan listened, and drank the whole pot of fruit wine on the table.Even though the wine weighed less than half a catty and was a very low-alcohol sweet wine, it still made him feel a little tipsy.Shaking his head, he was really indifferent to these arguments within the school of miscellaneous studies.Otherwise, I wouldn't drink to pass the time.Now his eyelids are sinking and he wants to squint while he is a little bit drunk.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang!"

It didn't know how long Zhang Yan kept sitting upright, and the standard classroom sleeping method with his head down was also awakened by someone.Opening his eyes in a daze, he found that all the eyes that should be staring at the innermost boss in the table were all on him.

Why are you looking at me?

If another person encountered such a thing, he would definitely panic and tighten his hook.But because of Zhang Yan's rich experience in school, he didn't appear flustered at all. He smiled and wiped the corner of his mouth subconsciously, and found that it was dry, so he became calmer.

"I'm sorry, this wine is smooth to the throat. I forgot my own amount of dregs when I drank it, and I was a little confused. I made everyone laugh." As he said, Zhang Yan made a circle around him.

This attitude immediately confused the old men who were going to say a few words about him.Now it's a feast, and he's a little bit drunk, can't you blame him?

"Mr. Zhang, just now Luo Changshan talked a lot about Mr.'s idea of ​​"applying what you have learned", and thinks that this can promote the strategy of integrating miscellaneous learning into the world. So I would like to ask Mr. what's your opinion on this?"

"Me? I have no opinion."

(End of this chapter)

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