one's door

Chapter 184 Doubt

Chapter 184 Doubt
That is to say, during the nearly half a month since Zhang Yan left Langyuan City, there was a huge wave in the official face of Langyuan City.At first I thought Wu Yuan's death was the main theme, but who knew it was just an episode, and those who lost their heads after that were the real drama.

The Lord Yang who came from the county guard's mansion was like a butcher in the village. From the first day he arrived in Langyuan City, he was like a cloud over the local yamen of Langyuan City, and made the officials who were originally superior Like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Just four days ago, after a large number of people from the Sheriff's Mansion arrived in Langyuan City, they immediately took over most of the duties here.Immediately afterwards, as many as six officials of Langyuan City were directly taken away and sent to prison that day.Another person tried to resist on the way and was dragged to the dungeon after being cut off by a knife.

This is more of an after-dinner discussion than Wu Yuan's death before.After all, Wu Yuan said that he died of illness, and these officials were afraid that they would end up like this only if they were convicted.

Ordinary people don't know exactly what happened, and what crimes those officials who were taken away committed.The so-called upper class in Langyuan City knew that it was Mr. Yang from the county guard's mansion who was overturning the old case.After the "cover" of Wu Yuan is gone in Langyuan City, it will not be so easy to hide the dirty things in those jars.

Since it's an old case, it's not just the officials in the local yamen who are following the panic.

Wu Fu.Now it is used as another yamen of Langyuan City.And Yang Jie, who was regarded as a thorn in the side of many people in Langyuan City, was here.

"How? How many people have been recruited?"

"Back to your lord's words. All six of them were recruited. But one of them died as soon as he was recruited."

"Very good. It doesn't matter if you die. Get the confession and compare it with the file in the document library. As long as you can match it, you can make evidence to reverse the case, and then start a detailed investigation. You have done a good job. Continue to dig deeper, Ninety-nine out of ten people here in Langyuan City will die without guilt, so there is no need to leave any leeway."

"It's my lord. Langyuan City is basically rotten. In the confessions they reported, they all seem to be frank and begging for forgiveness, but in fact, which one is not avoiding the important and taking the light? Hehe, my lord, these people who are subordinate to you It's effortless. They all vomited up one by one in the end!

But my lord, many of the places mentioned in those confessions are a bit weird.For example, the confession involving Yao Hua, the former school examiner of the Sheriff's Mansion.At that time, Wu Yuan got a middle and lower level, and wanted to follow Yao Hua's path and change the official evaluation, but Yao Hua refused several times.Then Yao Hua fell into the latrine and drowned because of a slip.

There was no explanation for this incident at the time, and it was all handled as an accident.But this time the confession said that Yao Hua's death was not an accident, but Wu Yuan's means to remove Yao Hua's obstacle and replace him with another person. After that, Wu Yuan got a high-quality official evaluation as he wished.

My lord, do you want to investigate this matter or not? "

Yang Jie was silent for a long time upon hearing this.He read the statement and knew what his adjutant said.But this matter is not limited to Langyuan City.It may even involve the former sheriff of Beijiang County.

To check or not to check?
Seeing that Yang Jie was silent, the adjutant added after hesitating for a moment: "My lord, if this kind of thing is true, it can't be just one time, and there must be others. As long as we check later this time, we will definitely meet again." Arrived. I’m afraid it will still be unavoidable.”

The implication is to remind my adults that this matter is not something that can be perfunctory.It's better to prepare early than to rush later.And to ventilate to the Sheriff's Mansion earlier can avoid many possible censures.

Yang Jie trusted his adjutant's judgment on the case.Since it is said that similar clues will inevitably appear later, then it really can't be perfunctory as if you didn't see it.But this matter has too much to do with it.Even one of them made Yang Jie feel a little uncertain. If it really happened one after another, it would be an unexpected big event.

I sighed in my heart.It's a pity, if Wu Yuan didn't die, Yang Jie would not hesitate about this matter, because Wu Yuan would come to memorize everything anyway.But now that Wu Yuan is dead, the relationship has no place to go, and he, the "pioneer" who breaks through these acne, feels a lot of pressure.

The adjutant stood quietly by the side and did not speak again.He said all he had to say.The rest is up to the adults to decide.

After a while, Yang Jie stood up from the chair.He patted the table case vigorously, and then said in a deep voice: "Then check it out. Separately list the type of confession you just said. Then attach the corresponding fait accompli facts. But remember , Don’t bring our thoughts, just write the confession as it is, it’s best not to change a single word. Do you understand what I mean?”

"My subordinate understands!"

"Have you found Xiao Chongwen and the other three?" Yang Jie rubbed his brows, put aside the previous conversation for the time being, and started another topic.

"Not yet. The arrest papers have been issued. If the three people are still alive, there should be news."

"Then you think they are dead or alive?"

"The subordinates feel that [-]% of them may have been silenced."

"Who killed it? Wu Yuan?"

"Yes. This subordinate thinks so."

"So now the only person involved in the case directly related to Wu Yuan and the person involved is still alive is Zhang Yan, right?" Yang Jie smiled.He found this Zhang Yan more and more interesting.

"Yes, my lord. Among the files we have gathered so far, only Zhang Yan is still alive in the case directly involving Wu Yuan and his son. However, Zhang Yan didn't give any useful clues. And it seems that he himself has no idea about the case of overturning the case." Not interested. In addition, he now somehow has the status of a guest teacher in the martial arts school, so it is basically impossible to handle it."

Yang Jie shook his head and laughed: "Are you sure? No need. There must be something special about being a guest teacher of the martial arts academy. No wonder Wu Yuan and his son have never left anyone alive after all their evil deeds, but Zhang Yan can live until now. And come back Afterwards, Langyuan City was clearly under the watchful eyes of Wu Yuan and his son, but they were safe and sound. In turn, Wu Yuan and his son were boiled to death. There must be another article in this!

Moreover, if it were you, if you avenged yourself and both of your enemies were dead, would you still care about such a dispensable thing as reversing the case?

Don't worry about that Zhang Yan for now.Let's put his case aside.After finishing other cases, we will look back, maybe we will have to go to him to find the answer in the end. "

"My lord, are you saying that Zhang Yan knows Wu Yuan's method of murder?" The adjutant's reaction was quick, and he immediately thought of the clues in the previous confession.

"Well. If Wu Yuan can really kill a high-ranking and powerful person like Yao Hua silently, why can't he just kill Zhang Yan? In the end, Wu Yuan even wrote Zhang Yan's name on the suicide note before he died. ? These problems are probably on Zhang Yan."

(End of this chapter)

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