one's door

Chapter 189 Relationships

Chapter 189 Relationships
It's not that Zhang Yan has never seen female warriors. On the contrary, the number of female warriors is about the same as that of male warriors.Even in this martial arts academy, there are male and female warriors on one side and half on the other.

Perhaps warriors are one of the few groups in Nanyuan Kingdom who can talk about equality in the threshold.

However, there are many differences between female warriors and male warriors in terms of practice.This is also determined by the natural physiological gap between men and women.Even though the physique of the human race in Huangtianyu is far stronger than that of the earthlings, there are also differences between men and women.

Generally speaking, female warriors do not have as many choices on the road of martial arts as male warriors.The paths they can choose are generally limited to "dexterity" and "surprise attack".For female warriors, the path of frontal and pure confrontation can only be practiced by a very few talented people, and the rest will not work.

The woman who followed Xiao Shu in front of me was known by Zhang Yan to take the "dexterous" route, because her features were obvious.She has a slender figure, her limbs look flexible when she swings, and her long hair stands up straight without shaking.

Xiao Shu stopped Zhang Yan, waved his hand and said that there was no need to be polite, and then walked with Zhang Yan in the forest and said: "I heard that Professor Zhang has opened courses today, and the dean has approved two places for you, and will also give you two places. I also pulled over to be the school supervisor. It seems that the subject taught by Zhang is very unusual."

"Where, the court judge was joking. It's just a supplementary course. What can be unusual? And the dean is also worried about problems, so he bothered the court judge. The younger generation is sincere and fearful." Zhang Yan said the scene, While wondering why Xiao Shu came to him.You must know that unlike the dean, there are many matters that are judged by the court.It is not an exaggeration to say that he is too busy to touch the ground.Where is the time to chat?

After chatting for a while, Xiao Shu recommended: "This is Princess Qingling, she has been in the martial arts academy for the third year, and it is the early stage of Kaiyuan Realm. Teacher Zhang can get to know her first."

"Hello, Professor Zhang." The girl who had been following all the way bowed slightly as a greeting.The arrogance in her eyes is still the same, even the status of a teacher is not enough for her to value it.After all, the identity of the princess is not a joke.

"Ah? Zhang Yan has met Her Royal Highness the Princess!" Zhang Yan wanted to return the gift.I was even more surprised in my heart, I never expected that I would meet the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom in Langyuan City, and she was also a direct princess.

Thinking fast.During this period of time, Zhang Yan read a lot of unofficial histories about the royal families of Beiwu and Nanyuan.Although some of the stories in it cannot be fully believed, some rules related to the royal family can still be recorded as knowledge.For example, the title of the royal family has a lot of talk.

He vaguely remembered that the title given to the Palace Master by the Nanyuan Kingdom's royal family did not have the title "Qing Ling".But Xiao Shu would not make a mistake, there is only one possibility, the palace lord won not the established title in the royal genealogy, but the "loose title" randomly chosen by the emperor later.The biggest difference is the status in the royal family.The status of loose-enclosed palace masters is generally not high, and they are often even marginalized.

After such a thought, Zhang Yan also understood why the other party's majestic princess would come to such a remote place as Langyuan City.It is estimated that there is also a reason.

After seeing the two greet each other, Xiao Shu smiled and said: "Princess Qingling's cultivation has reached a bottleneck. If you want to seek a breakthrough in the short term, you need some external stimulation, preferably physical stimulation.

I read the note you put forward at the dean yesterday about refining skin and meat. The content on it is novel and it is a new direction.Coupled with your status as a master of miscellaneous studies, I am as confident as the dean.

It just so happens that Princess Qingling's situation fits well with the subject you have now, so I recommend it to help you make up a "

No matter how true or false Xiao Shu's statement is, as far as Zhang Yan is concerned, neither Xiao Shu nor this cold-faced Princess Qingling is someone he can refuse.And it happens that there is still one quota left in hand, so it's just going along with the flow.But some things have to be clarified first.

So Zhang Yan said with a smile: "Mr. Judgment is for the sake of the younger generation. I am worried that the younger generation will not be able to recruit enough people with these trivial tricks. How dare the younger generation refuse? But there are some things that must be told to Mr. Judgment and His Royal Highness first."

Xiao Shu nodded, motioning for Zhang Yan to continue.Princess Qingling beside him also showed a somewhat curious expression.

"It's like this. This junior's "Method of Refining Skin and Flesh" requires medicinal baths to stimulate the body, and some external beatings are required later. The process is painful and uncomfortable. There are also some behaviors like bathing. Your Royal Highness Wan The body of gold does not dare to offend. Therefore, His Highness, please have a mental preparation in advance, and find a maid with stronger strength to accompany you to study, otherwise it may be difficult to carry out."

To put it bluntly, there are two things: one is to suffer; the other is to find someone to help and not be hypocritical.

Xiao Shu didn't say anything about this matter, leaving the choice to Princess Qingling to answer.In fact, his trip today was also entrusted by the Xiao family. It seems that Princess Qingling's mother and concubine in the palace begged to come to the Xiao family, just like the previous transfer of Princess Qingling from Yuanding Imperial City to Langyuan City. .The Xiao family couldn't shirk it either.

"Teacher Zhang don't worry. Since Qingling has chosen to be a warrior, she is psychologically prepared to deal with any hardships. As for the auxiliary manpower, it is easy to solve. The guards that accompany me meet the requirements of the teacher and can be there whenever you call."

Hearing this, Zhang Yan stopped talking nonsense, and directly accepted Princess Qingling as the second student of his subject.So far, his course has been fully recruited.

"Then if the princess is fine, follow me to the Zangfeng Tower to start the first lesson. It will take about an hour and a half."

Princess Qingling pondered for a while and nodded, but didn't see any movement. A middle-aged woman walked by, who was the guard that Princess Qingling had mentioned.After bidding farewell to Xiao Shu, the party walked towards Zangfeng Tower.

Xiao Shu watched the three walk away with a smile, instead of taking a walk in the forest, he turned his head and went back to the hall building.When passing by the public house of Dean Liu Renchuan, he thought for a while and knocked on the door and walked in.

"Huh? Why do you have time to come by me today?"

"Principal, I just recommended Princess Qingling to Zhang Yan's class." Although Xiao Shu is taking care of some things, in the end, he still needs to communicate with Liu Renchuan.

Liu Renchuan put down a book on pharmacology in his hand, turned his head to look at Xiao Shu, and said with a little surprise: "I remember when Princess Qingling came to Langyuan City, you said that you should focus on stability to avoid mistakes. Why do you think of going on an adventure this time? Although Zhang Yan's subject seems to be fine, but in the end, no one has seen it, so you are not afraid of accidents?"

"Hehe, I'm not afraid that you will make fun of me, Dean. I can't help myself. I have to do everything possible for my family's entrustment. There are still three months before the deadline for Princess Qingling. If she can't win, all the previous efforts will be in vain. Don't worry." It's dangerous to say that, no matter how big the risk is, it probably won't be able to stop her."

(End of this chapter)

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