one's door

Chapter 195 Consecration

Chapter 195 Consecration

Come back from the lecture hall.As soon as Zhang Yan got home, he saw a two-foot-square wooden box at the door of the main room, but it was not locked.

"Mother, what's in it?" Zhang Yan asked Wang Lanping who was walking in front while talking.

"Your things. At noon, the old man Li from the grocery store in the East Market sent them over. Put them here and leave. Yan'er, what are those sticks inside? Look at those sticks. There are a lot of red candles, you must have been tricked by old man Li, right?"

"Fuck? No. I asked old man Li to make this thing. It took shape after repeated adjustments many times. This time, I asked him to send more, and I will buy from him in the future." Zhang Yan smiled. Squatting down to the big box and opening the lid, there are bundles of red incense and red candles that are as thick as a foot-long chopstick.

Red candles are very common in Huangtianyu, so Wang Lanping knows them.There is no Hongxianghuang Tianyu, this time it was Zhang Yan who found someone to vacate it, so Wang Lanping didn't know it, and said it was a "little stick".

"Is it useful?"

"Of course. Mother, don't worry, old man Li can still trick me?" Zhang Yan chatted and laughed with mother for a while, then Wang Lanping went to work in the back kitchen.

"Mother, isn't Sister Mei here? You should rest more."

Sister Mei is the servant Zhang Yan sought out a few days ago.It fully meets the conditions of the miserable life experience he was looking for before.The husband in the family died, dragging a 20-year-old son who was kicked into a fool by a cow, and the family was extremely poor.I used to work as a cook in a small restaurant, and she is very good at cooking.After arriving at Zhang's house, she knelt on the ground and cried for a while, which completely aroused Wang Lanping's compassion, so she agreed to stay at home to help.

However, Wang Lanping is also a person who came out of hard times, and she is diligent. It is unrealistic for her to jump into the life of an "old lady". She always wants to help the leader, and she cannot be refused by others.But anyway, it's a lot easier than before.

Zhang Yan moved the wooden box to a room that had been empty all along.Then he smoked a stick of incense and lit it to try the effect, which was exactly the same as the sample he had tried with old man Li from the grocery store.It is also no different from the common red incense on the earth in his memory.

When Zhang Yan returned to the main room, the younger sister Zhang Huiyuan had already returned from the shop.

"Second brother!"

"Well. How is it? Is the business in the store okay?"

"It's very good. I received a batch of wood today, and some custom-made iron buttons were also delivered, and the account has been paid."

Zhang Yan asked about the situation in the store as usual.Now Zhang Huiyuan is the accountant of the old store in Langyuan City.The former accountant followed Zhang Shun to Xiangkou's semicolon to sit in charge.And the shopkeeper in the store is a buddy trained by Zhang Shun, who already looks like a shopkeeper in his forties.During the period when Zhang Shun left, the store's business did not drop at all.

Zhang Yan was very satisfied with this.People should be put outside to practice, so that they can grow up quickly.If this state continues, Zhang Huiyuan will be able to be a shopkeeper on his own after at most one more year of experience.At that time, it was estimated that the new shop of "Zhangjia Woodware Shop" should be opened elsewhere.

On the contrary, Wang Lanping often nagged Zhang Huiyuan and Zhang Yan.After saying that the daughter's family is so outstanding, I'm afraid it won't be easy to talk about the in-law's family.In the end, Zhang Yan was relieved for a while, that there are so many good girls that people are rushing to marry, and he, the second brother, has to choose carefully.

After eating, Zhang Yan took a bath carefully, changed into a clean robe, and combed his hair in a bun.Under the curious eyes of the family members, he returned to the vacant hut again.According to Feng Shui, this room belongs to the Zhengyang side, and it is also a relatively quiet place, and it is far away from the corridor, so it is secluded.

The house is cleaned by Zhang Yan himself every day.No false hand to others.Today the walls and floors are spotless.

There was a small cabinet in front of the wall facing the door inside, and it was close to the wall.A futon was placed in front of the cabinet, more than three feet away.

After confirming that everything was clean, Zhang Yan took out the three small copper stoves he had brought from the East Market.This thing was also custom-made by Zhang Yan.It is the style of a regular incense burner.Put it on a small cabinet against the wall, and put half of the rice grains in the incense burner as filling.

Burn incense and light candles.Then Zhang Yan hung the three Sanqing portraits that had been drawn earlier on the wall according to the rules.Kneeling on the futon amidst the smog, with the Dharma seal on his hands, he chanted: Tao is learned from the heart, and the heart fakes the fragrance.Incense burning jade stove, the heart is kept in front of the emperor.The true spirit is looking forward to it, and the fairy is in Linxuan.The ministers closed the report, and it lasted nine days.
Chant the mantra over and over again.

Taoism pays attention to self-cultivation and self-cultivation, and pays attention to a sense of context involving oneself.There is a saying of "induction between heaven and man".

Now Zhang Yan puts up the shrine not to show off, but to achieve the effect of being in harmony with the gods, that is, to "consecrate" as the saying goes.

The previous "God's Descending Technique", the "Five Emperors Phantom" of the Wuqian Sword, and the various magic spells that Zhang Yan has been using handy all show that although the Huangtian Territory is not the earth, it is separated by an unknown amount of time and space. , the world, but the power and power of the gods on the earth can still cross these barriers and fall to Zhang Yan's side.Zhang Yan didn't understand and couldn't figure out the reason behind it, but he knew that these were his own reliance.Not too much.

Otherwise, how could Zhang Yan think of asking Sanqing to condescend to come here?

From evening to late night, finally to sunrise, and then to sunset, this was repeated for two full days and nights.In the middle, both Wang Lanping and Zhang Huiyuan wanted to ask curiously several times, but were stopped by Zhang Yan's stern eyes.When the two saw the three portraits hanging in the room, they guessed in their hearts that it was just the strict rules of Zhang Yan's school?It's just that the past two days without sleep or even motionless is too much, right?

An invisible coercion fell into this small room without warning.

Feeling this, Zhang Yan hurriedly chanted a mantra loudly, and bowed down at the same time.

"Disciple Longhushan Zhang Yan, here to welcome the three masters to read the Dharma!" Although Zhang Yan was prepared in his heart, it was inevitable that his voice trembled.It was not caused by that coercion, but by his own nervousness.

Sanqing!Even if it's just spiritual thoughts, it's a great thing.He thought he wouldn't be able to come.Didn't expect it to actually come true.It's no wonder Zhang Yan isn't nervous.

I was also quite excited.With such a place.The safety of family members will be guaranteed in the future.The Sanqing spiritual thoughts are here, and the demons and ghosts dare to show their heads?

"Yan'er, this, is this ready?"

The changes in the room naturally spread to the entire Zhang Mansion in an instant.Wang Lanping reacted the most, and she was so shocked that she thought that since the blessings of the three "teachers" had already been hung up, would she pay respects like the second son?
(End of this chapter)

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