one's door

Chapter 202 Approaching

Chapter 202 Approaching
Yang Jie was still eating breakfast early in the morning when he heard the adjutant below come to report that Mr. Shen from the Nanyuan Special Case Department was already waiting in the lobby of the yamen.

"Let him wait." Yang Jie was taken aback for a moment, then continued to drink the porridge in his hand, and deliberately slowed down his eating speed.It took a long time to eat a stick of incense before finishing a bowl of porridge and a small dish of pickles.After that, he walked slowly from the back of the yamen to the front.

To be honest, Yang Jie was indifferent to Shen Wujiu and other people in the special case department before.Because there is no intersection, and the other party deliberately downplays his presence in the yamen of the sheriff's mansion, Yang Jie can't say anything about him.But this time it felt quite intrusive.A kind of aggrieved feeling that one's own affairs were taken away by outsiders.And a kind of shame of "spreading family ugliness".

If it weren't for his responsibility, Yang Jie would never have come out to see the other party.Look annoying.

Arriving at the living room next to the lobby, with the old furnishings inside, Shen Wujiu sat on a chair like a halberd, even if he sat there without saying a word, there was a sturdy aura that could not be ignored.

"Master Yang!" Seeing Yang Jie coming in, Shen Wujiu also stood up and said hello.After that, the two of them went directly to the topic without any formality.

Yang Jie glanced at the untouched teacup in front of Shen Wujiu, and then asked, "Master Shen is not busy investigating cases in the Wu Manor, so what's the point of coming to me?"

Shen Wujiu has long been used to the sarcastic remarks from local officials.Anyway, the Nanyuan Special Case Division has a special license, and the other party dare not make things difficult or neglect, as long as it does not affect the handling of the case, it doesn't matter whether the attitude is hot or cold.

"Master Yang is also busy. If it is really impossible to get around, he will not bother Mr. Yang." Shen Wujiu said while taking out a rubbing of the dossier, put it on the coffee table and pushed it in front of Yang Jie.Then he said: "This person's information is extremely detailed, and he obviously intends to follow up. Can Master Yang tell you what you think about this person?"

Yang Jie opened the file, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said inwardly.He didn't expect that in less than a day, the people from the special case department would have found this far?

"Zhang Yan? Master Shen thinks there is something wrong with this person?" Yang Jie didn't plan to hide it either.When investigating a case, you can't bring your personal emotions into it.He still has this integrity and bearing.

"Not bad! It seems that Mr. Yang has already felt that this person is special before? What's the point?"

Yang Jie organized his words a little, and then said: "After Wu Yuan's only son died, he asked the housekeeper to secretly send someone to follow and collect Zhang Yan's information. Then, Wu Yuan's suicide note clearly stated that he suspected His son was killed by Zhang Yan, not by accident. And he was sure that he would be killed by the other party. It's a pity that the suicide note was only written in the first half, otherwise there should be more news.

In addition, almost all the murder cases involving Wu Yuan can be said to be dead without evidence. Even if there are some testimonies from officials in the local yamen of Langyuan City, they cannot hold the key evidence.There is only one case where there is still a survivor, and that is Zhang Yan.And it was also after Zhang Yan came back from the army that he was cleared of his crimes, within half a year, the father and son of the Wu family died violently one after another."

There is no concealment or misleading.Yang Jie told Shen Wujiu all the points that he and his adjutant had been suspicious of, and contacted many of the confessions of the convicted officials in the yamen that he obtained later as a reference. The people who survived the hands of the Wu family father and son looked weird all over.

After Yang Jie finished talking about the case, he began to talk about things outside the case, and continued: "This Zhang Yan was ordinary before he was convicted and exiled into the army, but after he arrived in the army, he immediately acted like a different person. With this ability, not only was he cleared of his crimes, but he also became a scholar of miscellaneous studies. Now, somehow, he entered the Academy of Martial Arts and became a guest teacher. This person is hard to see through."

Can't see through!This is Yang Jie's heartfelt words, a little aggrieved.If he had changed someone else or if he had moved his mind earlier, he would have brought him back long ago. Even if he didn't go to prison, he could still be interrogated, and no matter how bad he was, he could let go of his hands and feet and have a verbal confrontation.It's a pity that he discovered it too late, and the identity of a guest teacher in the martial arts academy is not something he can do casually.

Shen Wujiu didn't interject a word in the middle, but listened carefully.I knew in my heart that I was right this time.For some things that cannot be directly recorded in the file, there is no taboo in Yang Jie's dictation.For example, Zhang Yan must have received some kind of preferential treatment in the army, otherwise Zhou Cang, the city guard of Langyuan City before returning home, would not have protected his family.Later, he joined the guest education of the martial arts academy, which is also the context of the army. Although I don’t know who recommended it, but someone witnessed the adjutant of the Eastern Army Commander Shi Xuan to Langyuan City, and participated in Zhang Yan’s elder brother Zhang Shun’s big wedding. Therefore, it can be speculated that Zhang Yan's guest teacher status came from Shi Xuan's recommendation.

Shen Wujiu thought to himself: This Zhang is a bit difficult to deal with!Identity, connections, and reliance are all there.To be able to manage his surroundings so tightly for more than half a year is indeed not a small skill.But why?

Come back from Yang Jie's side.Shen Wujiu repeatedly analyzed with his subordinates in the study.The more he analyzed, the more certain that this person named Zhang Yan must have something to do with Wu Yuan's death, as well as those bugs that obviously existed in Wu's mansion but disappeared inexplicably.

"My lord, Wu Yuan frequently went to the doctor before his death, complaining of chest pains. And Wu Yuan's son, Wu Qingling, has always been a corrupt person, and he also took medicine to strengthen his vitality. It seems a coincidence that he died of catharsis, but it doesn't make sense at all. If the two The person was really killed by that Zhang Yan, could this method also have something to do with those bedbugs?"

"You mean that Zhang Yan is also a "saint"? Then it was a saint-to-saint fight? In the end, Wu Yuan and his son lost?"

"Yes, that's what this subordinate guessed. And this can also explain why Wu Yuan couldn't use his saints and those bugs behind him to protect peace and revenge. Because his reliance is not as strong as this Zhang Yan's reliance."

Shen Wujiu leaned back in his chair.I have to say that this guess is really possible.And according to this statement, many doubts make sense.

However, Shen Wujiu also had a guess, saying: "There is another possibility. That is, this Zhang Yan not only has the ability to kill the Wu family father and son, but also has the ability to kill those bedbugs who went to help the Wu family father and son vent their anger."

"But my lord, it is certain that there have been bedbugs at the level of holy kings in the dry well of Wu's mansion recently. That Zhang Yan has such a great ability? Destroying the holy king is the ability only of those old monsters in the demon species." !?"

The people under him were taken aback by Shen Wujiu's guess, and they didn't believe it in their hearts.But he dared not say it to his face.

Shen Wujiu didn't care about the doubts of his subordinates, and he also knew that his guess was a bit outrageous.But this possibility does not exist.

"You check Zhang Yan's whereabouts, and let our people go and feel his bottom carefully first."

(End of this chapter)

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