one's door

Chapter 212

Chapter 212
Nothing to say all night.At dawn, the Zhang family was as usual yesterday, Wang Lanping woke up early, and made breakfast with Sister Mei.Zhang Huiyuan also got up early, and according to Zhang Yan's request, she raised her legs and twisted her waist in the small courtyard. After doing some activities, her little face was flushed with sweat.

Zhang Yan also got up early, or he didn't sleep at all all night.

Although the situation last night did not reach Zhang Yan's bottom line, it was still very critical.Even if the surprise attack succeeded, no one in the Huangtian Territory had the slightest understanding of the methods of the Taoist sect, so it was a surprise.Coupled with the factors of geographical location, Zhang Yan borrowed the light of Sanqing when casting the spell, otherwise it would not have such a good effect.

In addition to letting go of the biggest ghost king due to a fly in the ointment, there is also the fact that he was too tired afterwards.

Monks rarely talk about physical fatigue when they are tired, because physical fatigue can be quickly relieved with spiritual energy, and it will not be as troublesome as ordinary people.Therefore, the fatigue of monks is generally caused by the consumption of aura in the body.Because aura is accumulated slowly, it is not a problem that can be solved by sleeping.

Of course, this situation can also be quickly recovered with the help of pills.But the elixir that restores aura is also an elixir that assists in cultivation, and Zhang Yan hasn't practiced it yet.For example, the "Peiyuan Pill" he was about to start refining was one of them.It's just a pity that there is no dried Yuzhilan, so there is no way to do it for the time being.

So Zhang Yan could only rely on breathing techniques to recover bit by bit, and at the same time, he didn't go out, so he sat in the hut where the Sanqing Shrine was located to meditate.According to the current situation, I am afraid it will take several days to recover.

The Zhang family lived as usual, but Langyuan City was completely overwhelmed.

Except for the residents in the house near Zhang's courtyard who didn't know anything about the noise last night, if other places in Langyuan City were full of suffocation, it could be regarded as waiting until dawn to find someone to chat with.

There was such a big battle in the second half of the night, and the crackling thunder and lightning scared me to death!Many people were woken up by fright and couldn't fall asleep in the second half of the night. People in their seventies and eighties had never heard such dense thunder and lightning.The most important thing is thunder and lightning, but there is no wind or rain. Who has seen such a strange thing?
Only the residents near Zhang's house and Zhang Yan's family members who were smoked by the special case department and blocked by Zhang Yan's blindfold, and the whole Langyuan City were talking about this.

And these gossips reached a climax near noon.Because traces of being struck by lightning have been found in many places.Some are curbs, others are walls.There were no less than [-] or [-] places, and many places were obviously struck by lightning more than once or twice. The stone slabs on the ground were broken and sunk half a foot deep.It was shocking to see, I don't know how horrified the lightning strike was at that time.

The common people are just putting on a show.Take a look, blow a few words, who will think about it later?Who can tell clearly about God's affairs?Maybe God was drunk last night?
But the Langyuan City garrison who was in charge of the city defense was not so easy, and they didn't dare to expose it so lightly.God, they don't know if they drink or not, but this kind of thing is absolutely unusual, that's for sure.Because no one has heard of thunder and this waterfall-like style of play.Everything happened for a reason.If you don't check clearly, Wei Shu can't sit still.

As a result, after checking, Zhou Cang, the chief officer of the garrison, frowned directly.Because according to the distribution of traces of lightning strikes along the road, the center should be the densest, but the fact is the opposite, there is no trace of lightning strikes in the center.Moreover, the residents around the central point didn't even know about the lightning strike last night until they woke up the next day. They all "slept deeply" and knew nothing about it.

This is very suspicious.It sounded like someone deliberately used means to trap some residents in their sleep, and then did something, including those weird thunder and lightning last night.

The reason why Zhou Cang frowned was that the center of those lightning strikes would be Zhang Yan's house.Thinking of Zhang Yan's unpredictable ability, many possibilities flashed through Zhou Cang's mind.But the biggest doubt is what happened to those thunders?What is the means?Is there really a way in the world to control the power of heaven and earth?

If someone else said "yes", there is a way to restrain the thunder, Zhou Cang would probably sneer and think that this person is crazy.But if this matter had something to do with Zhang Yan, he would have to make a few more detours in his heart.

How to do this?
Zhou Cang paced back and forth in the tent for a long time, and finally felt that he was watching while walking.

The purpose of leaving is to continue to follow the normal process to make sure that the lightning strike last night will not affect the city defense.But the reason for the lightning strike is not to be found out in a while. What if it is really a once-in-a-thousand-year spectacle?No one can tell a fault.

Look, it depends on the reaction of those special case officers who are staying in Langyuan City at this time.Because the Special Cases Division is often the most sensitive to such matters, they will usually send people to investigate, and will actively communicate with the guards.Once the people from the special case department stared at him, Zhou Cang had to respond accordingly, at least on the surface.

If the people from the special case department didn't respond, then Zhou Cang would just put on a show, no matter whether the situation really had something to do with Zhang Yan, he wasn't going to put it in front of Zhang Yan.annoying.He even really hoped that Zhang Yan had provoked the thunder.If Zhang Yan has this ability, is it possible for his son Zhou Yun, who is a student of Zhang Yan, to also learn it?There must be such thoughts, right?
But when Zhou Cang was getting ready to deal with the people from the Special Cases Department, he didn't see anyone from the Special Cases Department all day long.Not even the next day.According to the general practice, the guards checked all the staff and returned to the camp, but there was still no one from the special case department.

Ok?Is this too busy?Zhou Cang thought so in his heart.At the same time, he was relieved.Let the people below press down on the matter of the lightning strike, and just send a report to the Yamen of the Ministry of War to rule out the threat of city defense. The rest is just two words: pending investigation.

So it seemed like a big battle, but in the end, there was a lot of thunder and rain in Langyuan City, and it quickly died down without any waves.At most, after dinner, we would occasionally chat about "what a big thunder that night!" Such gossip.

After two days of rest, Zhang Yan has recovered a lot. Although he is still a little short of a complete recovery, he has already recovered [-]% of his strength.He still didn't even go to receive those merits, and he was recovering by meditating and breathing, and he never entered the state of practice.

It's not that Zhang Yan is relaxing, on the contrary, he has been tensing himself and adjusting himself during this time.He needs to be at his best to prepare for his next breakthrough.

That's right, Zhang Yan is sure that once he receives the spiritual energy of virtue, he will directly break through the current state.Entering the later stages of Dao Dan Realm is a sure thing, and even the next big realm after stepping into Dao Dan Realm has great opportunities.

(End of this chapter)

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