one's door

Chapter 214 Returning to God

Chapter 214 Returning to God
Zhang Yan spent five days adjusting his state in all aspects, and then took a leave of absence from the Academy of Martial Arts, saying that he would miss a class.There is also six days before and after that you can arrange yourself.

After returning home, he also greeted his mother and younger sister, saying that he needs to meditate in the past few days and ponder some intellectual things, so he asked Mei Jie to make a stack of durable dry biscuits and burn another large one. A pot of water is considered dry food.Although the family members were still a little worried, they knew that Zhang Yan's knowledge was important, so they didn't dare to ask more questions.

After dealing with everything, Zhang Yan set up a cover and defense array in his room, and began to prepare to receive meritorious aura.

The difference between this time and last time is that Zhang Yan did not continue to use "Returning Qi Method" as his basic practice method, but chose the same nature as "Returning Qi Method", but the threshold is higher and more difficult. A new method of efficiency: "Three Turns of Profound Qi".

Sometimes it is easy to be distracted by too many exercises in hand, not to mention that they are all extraordinary exercises that can be gathered in the Wanxiang Pearl.

Choosing "Three Turns of Profound Qi" means that this technique is largely derived from "Returning Qi Method". Zhang Yan will not have the embarrassment and jerkyness of "starting all over again" when he changes later. It is safe enough, and the risk of going crazy is comparable to that of "Returning Qi Method".It is very suitable for a lone wolf like Zhang Yan who is groping and practicing on his own.

Secondly, "Three Turns of Profound Qi" is not an independent exercise, but similar to a preparatory exercise in the middle and early stages. In the future, Zhang Yan's cultivation level can be replaced according to the situation, and it is relatively smooth.

Why not choose the kind of practice that can be used to the end to avoid trouble?It is also because Zhang Yan has no one to guide him, and often there will be many key turning points throughout a practice from the beginning to the end. Once a mistake is made, it will be very troublesome and may even waste all previous efforts or go crazy.So even if that kind of technique saves trouble and is relatively more powerful, Zhang Yan still values ​​safety more.

Together with the exercises, the familiar feeling came again, and the golden spiritual energy swarmed in from Zhang Yan's mouth, nose and even the pores all over his body, rushing into Zhang Yan's body.


Zhang Yanchang took a deep breath and quickly gathered his mind. Although he had thought that this time the virtuous aura would be far more than any other time before, he was still taken aback by the amount of golden aura pouring in from the outside world.

It was as if there was no trace of the normal aura breathing, and every time the aura was breathed out, it seemed that all the aura was replaced with the golden merit aura.

Almost from the very beginning, Zhang Yan felt that his meridians were stretched to the maximum, just like the water pipes that reached the upper limit, quickly pouring the continuously flowing spiritual energy into the pool.

As a "pool", the cyclone in the lower dantian is also rotating at an unusually fast speed. Each revolution can inject a large amount of spiritual energy into the spiral generated by its own rotation, and then gradually compact it into a liquid and finally become a Particles converge and harden on the Dao Dan in the center of the spiral.

I don't know how long it took, but Zhang Yan didn't have the heart to care about these things at all. Anyway, in his perception, the influx of merit and spiritual energy still maintained a super high speed, and he already felt an increasingly obvious sense of tightness on the Dao Dan.

The small realm barrier has arrived!
With the previous experience, Zhang Yan didn't panic at all after encountering the boundary barrier, and he didn't even slow down the speed of breathing meritorious aura, and continued to maintain an unhurried appearance.He is waiting for Huang Tianyu to help him cheat again.

As the tightness became stronger and stronger, it soon turned into a dull pain. Just when Zhang Yan was also starting to worry, a bright enlightenment came as if invited, and instantly pulled him into the mysterious understanding.Strands of truth appeared out of thin air and imprinted into his consciousness, making him obsessed with it and unable to extricate himself from it.

When Zhang Yan broke away from the mysterious experience, he slowly came back to his senses, and then quickly looked inwardly, and then the corners of his mouth subconsciously turned up slightly.

Just as Zhang Yan expected, Huang Tianyu's way of heaven is as kind as before, and he doesn't spare any effort to help cheat, as if he was in a daze. At this time, his dantian no longer has the feeling of tightness before. What comes out is a kind of smoothness with an open road ahead, and Dao Dan, which is visible to the naked eye, has grown a bit bigger.

In this way, Zhang Yan has successfully entered the late stage of Dao Dan realm!

Of course, an increase in the late stage of the Dao Dan realm is not enough to consume all the merit and aura that Zhang Yan wants to obtain this time. After all, it is the massive merit of three ghost kings and a dozen ghost generals.

Continue to breathe, although you can feel that the inflow of virtuous aura has begun to decrease, but it is still in a very high state compared to the previous few times.Continue to gather in the lower dantian.

With the passage of time, Zhang Yan's attention has also become preoccupied, and he knows in his heart that a more important moment is coming.Because he once again felt the feeling of tightness from the Dao Dan, which means that in the late stage of the Dao Dan realm, the last bottleneck of the Dao Dan realm, and the bottleneck for entering the next big realm has begun to appear.

At this moment, Zhang Yan managed to suppress the excitement in his heart.

Introduce Qi to the profound veins, and then to the Dao Dan.In just a few years, Zhang Yan realized the transformation from "ordinary" to "transcendence" mentioned in Taoism.The next thing he has to do is to let himself continue to climb on the new life path.

After Dao Dan, it is Guishen.

People have three souls and seven souls, which govern life and death.

There is a saying that the body is the boat, and the soul is the boat.The two sailed into the bitter sea of ​​fate, either overturned and silent, or reached the other shore, beyond the fate.

It is also based on this statement that there are surgery, body and Shinto practice.Even in Zhang Yan's view, warriors in the Desolate Heaven Territory couldn't get rid of this thread.

Zhang Yan has always practiced Shinto at the same time as both technique and practice. The focus of the two practices is on the soul, while the physical body is a secondary practice that relies on the growth of the soul to feed back.

According to the Taoist scriptures, the Dao Dan Realm is to build a "nest" to pave the way for the "God" in the Returning to God Realm.

God is the beginning of a new life produced by the aggregation of one's own three souls and seven souls: Yuanshen.

And [-]% of Yuanshen is definitely a big change for Zhang Yan, far greater than the change that occurred when he achieved the Dao Dan state!

As time passed day by day, Zhang Yan, who was sitting cross-legged on the futon and had forgotten himself, also ushered in his final breakthrough moment in the increasingly anxious state of mind of the Zhang family.

"God! Don't be polite to me this time, I will definitely help you get rid of the insects after I enter the realm of returning to the gods!" Zhang Yan also prayed in his heart.Then he launched a final sprint, and seemed to be cooperating with him, the remaining merit and aura began to flow in at a sudden speed, and finally at the moment when Zhang Yan felt that his Dao Dan was about to explode, the mysterious epiphany state appearing again.
(End of this chapter)

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