one's door

Chapter 226

Chapter 226
It is not enough to have gold essence, at least one main material is needed to start refining.

These days, Zhang Yan is consolidating his current cultivation base, while sorting out the newly added principles in his consciousness and endowing them with magical means.At the same time, he is also actively looking for materials that can be used as refining equipment in Huangtianyu, as well as other medicinal materials that will be used to refine Peiyuan Dan soon.

Just like collecting gold nuggets before, Zhang Yan is looking for shops related to metal materials or stone materials to inquire. If the money is in place, someone will naturally work hard to help you find it.Moreover, Zhang Yan has no way to set a target to go out, he can only give the other party a general direction, such as "unique" or "somewhat magical appearance" and other broad guidance.

Who knows what to expect?
Although such a method saves trouble, it will naturally cost money like water.Counting some of the expenses for buying gold before, the money tickets in Zhang Yan's hand will soon be insufficient.

So after thinking about it, Zhang Yan went to the two remaining big money workshops in Langyuan City.When they left, the croupiers of the two money workshops were all crying. The shopkeeper and the shopkeeper stood at the door with itching teeth, but they had nothing to do with Zhang Yan. They just hugged Zhang Yan's leg with snot and tears when they left the door and begged for Zhang Yan. Yan don't come next time, saying that the whole family still counts on this Qianfang for food, and so on.

On the contrary, it made Zhang Yan a little uncomfortable and continued to withdraw money.Otherwise, the next time he comes, they will close down immediately, which is not a problem.

But at least for a short period of time, Zhang Yan has enough money for his expenses.

Regarding money, Zhang Yan also had a new understanding after this time.Especially when he has a bigger plan and vision for his own practice, the word "Qian" really lives up to the first place in the saying "wealth couple law place" in the book of Taoism.

Without money, practice is indeed too difficult.

It is not a long-term solution to rely on going to the money shop to make money.Relying on elder brother Zhang Shun's woodware shop is not enough, not to mention that the elder brother is married now, it is impossible for all the money in the woodware shop to always be counted in the Zhang family's accounts, and the rules inside cannot be vague.

So Zhang Yan needed a more profitable, stable business that wasn't too troublesome.

After thinking about it, he didn't have many choices, but they did.For example, a elixir shop, such as a shop for refining equipment.The money coming from these two shops is absolutely terrifying. You must know that most of the money in Huangtianyu is inseparable from warriors. Warriors are the richest and most willing to spend money in this world.Moreover, it also perfected and did not waste Zhang Yan's later tempering skills.Those hands-on things that you don't want to use after you get them out can be sold in shops.

But if you go this way, the elixir shop is actually not suitable.Because the elixirs add hard power and are consumables, not to mention the price drop when opening a store, it will cause trouble.

The Dharma Artifact Shop is different.It is a foreign object, and one piece can be used for a long time. Although there will be many buyers, it will never be as prone to problems as Qiudan.What's more, Zhang Yan's current cultivation base is not what it used to be, and he no longer has many worries.

These plans have been wandering in Zhang Yan's mind these days.But even if it is finally decided to set up a small magic weapon shop, it is not easy to get it up.He had to get his hands on the threshold first, and at the same time, he had to figure out what materials were available in Huangtianyu that he could use for refining weapons.Just like he used to ponder over the medicinal materials here, it takes time.

"Professor Zhang, are you here?"

"Well. Are the medicinal materials I want ready?"

"It's all ready, just wait a moment, I'll ask the guy to load it into the car for you right away."

"Well, count the money and send it home for me directly. It's the same as before."


Zhang Yan would go to Yuan Pharmacy every few days.Purchase the medicinal materials used in the medicated bath of the Jiangwu Academy, as well as some medicinal materials used to refine Peiyuan Pill.

Although Zhang Yan knew that the power of the demon species was behind Yuan Pharmacy, he did not choose to shy away from the other party.One is not to worry that the other party will see through the method of using the medicinal materials he wants. After all, whether it is alchemy or medicinal bath, medicinal materials are only part of the result, and the important thing is the way to combine these medicinal materials.But in Huang Tianyu, a desert of Taoism, there is no possibility of seeing through these methods.

Secondly, the demon species is not an enemy to Zhang Yan, at most they have some calculations against him, just like those big men in the army.Therefore, there is no need for Zhang Yan to draw a clear line or create conflicts with the other party.Besides, it's really not easy to find another medicinal material channel with abundant and convenient supplies like Yuan Pharmacy, so why bother yourself?
In fact, just like Zhang Yan who came in and out of Yuan Pharmacy casually without any special behavior, everything was puzzling to the shopkeeper of Yuan Pharmacy in Langyuan City.

Ghosts can find psychics to help them take care of their affairs, so it is easier for ghosts to manage things on the surface than ghosts.It's not too easy to find an ordinary person to be your helper.This is the case for the shopkeeper of every family pharmacy.It was also because of this that Zhang Yan's calm daily communication made the shopkeeper even more confused.

Originally, the shopkeeper was waiting for Zhang Yan to hand over the tooth token of swallowing beast to ask them for help.But until today, the smile on Zhang Yan's face remained the same, except that the medicinal materials needed would change from time to time, there was no difficulty at all.

What's the situation?
As the director of the demon species, the shopkeeper also knows a lot of things, including those spirit race bugs, and the so-called sanctuary of the bugs.I also know how powerful and terrifying those bugs are.Two spirit generals and one holy king disappeared like this, and a large breeding ground in Langyuan City was abandoned. It is impossible that there is no response to such a thing.But why Zhang Yan can deal with it calmly?Why don't those bugs from the sanctuary come?What are they waiting for?
In fact, the shopkeeper also knows that the forces behind him are not malicious towards Zhang Yan, but have an attitude of "what will you do if you don't come to us?" If I can't bear it anymore, I will take the initiative to find it.When the time comes, the demon will reach out and pull, and there will be a stronger link between the two sides, and it will not be as empty as an invitation.

But now, I froze myself a little bit.I was very confident in what I said before, but now that there is nothing wrong with them, I may feel that the monster is making alarmist remarks, which is very embarrassing.

Coming out of the Yuan Pharmacy, the medicinal materials were sent home. Zhang Yan continued to visit several blacksmith shops and jewelry shops that he had visited before, and asked himself if there was any reward for the offer.

I went to a few blacksmith shops first, and the shopkeepers inside were very enthusiastic when they saw Zhang Yan coming in, and they were well prepared. They brought out two large boxes, which contained more than a dozen kinds of very "special" ores, and gave them to Zhang Yan one by one. Yan introduction.

(End of this chapter)

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