one's door

Chapter 228

Chapter 228
In the era of earth legends, various magical methods and characters emerge in endlessly.There are also countless treasures that are written down and regarded as legends by later generations.

One of the things that can never be avoided must be the spirit stone.

First of all, Lingshi is extinct on the earth.According to Taoist scriptures, spirit stones come from the precipitation of heaven and earth spirit energy.And once the aura of heaven and earth dissipates, or becomes inert, then no more spirit stones will be produced, and even the spirit stones that have been generated will quickly turn into decay when the surrounding aura is exhausted.

There is a lot of aura here in Huangtianyu, Zhang Yan had guessed that there must be a spirit stone here.But I never had the chance to search for it. I didn't expect to find the spirit stone in the process of searching for refining materials this time.

It was a crystal strip three inches long and one inch wide.In the barren world, it is called the Longevity Stone.

According to the shopkeeper of the jewelry shop.Although the longevity stone is not as colorful as other gemstones, it is often only crystal clear but the color is light, and it is not stylish enough to be used as an embellishment for jewelry.And it is not easy to cut, because once cut, the luster will no longer quickly become a dull ordinary stone.So what the Longevity Stone looks like once it is unearthed, that is what it looks like, and the adaptability is very poor.And its special feature is that wearing it next to the body for a long time will give people a feeling of refreshment. Although it sounds inexplicable, it has been confirmed by many people, and it has gradually become a consensus legend so far.

It is also the special feature of Longevity Stone.

Nowadays, the longevity stone is mostly used as a congratulatory object for sending a baby, implying a healthy and long life.There are also some old people who like to wear jewelry inlaid with longevity stones.

The longevity stone and iron crystal are in different conditions in the barren sky.Tie Jing is wearing a "waste" hat, while Longevity Stone is the opposite. Although it is not the most expensive gemstone, it is also expensive because of its special effects, legends and meanings, even higher than the gold that Zhang Yan collected before. a lot.

After buying eight spirit stones in one go, Zhang Yan left with a smile on his face.At the same time, it also left a hole for the other party to continue searching for "unusual" stones.He felt that the money was well spent.

Spiritual stones can only be sold as decorations on jewelry in the wild world, and the spiritual energy in them cannot be absorbed, and they can only gain a little bit of benefit by wearing them next to the body for many years.Utilization rates are surprisingly low.But it's not difficult to explain, because the mainstream of Huang Tianyu is the vitality of the warriors, which has nothing to do with spiritual energy.It is natural to do things that seem a bit reckless, but this is just caused by the difference in the cognitive system.

It is different from the warriors in the wild world.Zhang Yan came from the Taoist sect, and understood that it was not a longevity stone at all, but a spirit stone.The reason why cutting will lose its luster is because the shell of its precipitation is broken and the aura is lost.So the correct way to use it is to hold the spirit stone in your hand, use the practice method to resonate with the spirit energy in the spirit stone, and then guide it out and flow into your body.

Compared with the aura that spreads nowhere between the heaven and the earth, the aura in the spirit stone is purer and thicker.Its effect has a lot in common with the Peiyuan Pill that Zhang Yan is about to start refining.

But unlike Peiyuan Pill, which can only be used to eat, Lingshi can also be used as a major source of power for magic weapons in addition to being used for cultivation.Many Magical Artifacts can exert power without the aura provided by the monk. The reason is that the monk's aura is replaced by the spirit stone, and sometimes it will be more stable later.

It's like the skylark shuttle that Zhang Yan used to change the Wanxiangzhu.There is actually an empty groove at the bottom, which is where the spirit stone is placed.

However, although spirit stones are good, they are also expensive.In the final analysis, there is still a lack of money.

Walking around and walking back, when I arrived at the door, I saw a soldier wearing a guard's military robe standing at the door of the house waiting.Zhang Yan was curious and guessed that this person was sent by Zhou Cang, but what happened?So put away the folding fan that was shaking in his hand, and walked over quickly.

"Meet Mr. Zhang!"

"Is this sergeant looking for something?"

"So that Mister knows, it was Mr. Zhou who asked me to invite Mr. to the camp for a talk, saying that an old friend of Mr. Zhou came over."

"Huh? Now?"

"Yes sir, it is now."

Zhang Yan nodded, returned home and told his old mother, then followed her into a carriage parked at the door, and left the city all the way towards the camp guarded outside the city.

On the carriage, Zhang Yan was guessing who could make Zhou Cang call him to catch up on the old days, instead of a certain restaurant in Langyuan City.Even who is this "old friend"?
After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Yan felt that there was only one possibility: Lin Zedong.

Lin Zedong and Zhou Cangben were friends at the same time.Zhang Yan used to rely on Lin Zedong's help to set up the way to Zhoucang and keep his family safe.And he and Lin Zedong can be regarded as old friends.After all, Zhang Yan and Lin Zedong also made many handovers during the more than two years in Yubei Mountain.And there is a gossip array between them as implicated.

Why can't it be Song Qinghe, the general of Yubeishan Fortress?It's also very simple, Song Qinghe's status is too high, it is impossible to leave the Yubei Mountain Fortress easily, and it is not something that people of Zhou Cang's level can receive.Not to mention the word "old friend" with Zhang Yan.

After entering the garrison camp, Zhang Yan saw Lin Zedong in Zhou Cang's private camp.I haven't seen him in the past three years. Lin Zedong hasn't changed much, and his toughness remains the same.

"Hahaha! Crazy! I saw you!"

"Master Lin! Zhang Yan has missed you for a long time too!"

The two looked at each other and smiled.Lin Zedong laughed wantonly, while Zhang Yan smiled reservedly.But at the same time, there was nostalgia flashing in his eyes.It seems that the word "old friend" will not appear jerky at this time.

Zhou Cang also laughed at the joke, and said that now Lin Zedong is no longer the general, but a general, and he has been promoted repeatedly.And Zhang Yan is no longer a mere criminal soldier and a pawn, he is already a guest teacher of the martial arts academy, and a master of miscellaneous learning.I asked whether the two were filled with emotion when they met again?

emotion?Maybe Lin Zedong will.He should have thought that Zhang Yan would become famous based on his ability, but he never expected it to be so fast and so exaggerated.

As for Zhang Yan, he really didn't have much emotion for Lin Zedong.

Generally, in this kind of scene, one person has to drink a jar of spirits first, and then take advantage of the strength of the wine to chat about the past together.However, Zhang Yan's drinking capacity has not improved with his cultivation base. Although he will not be as drunk as he was at the beginning, he will definitely not be able to swallow half a catty.It is completely incomparable with wine masters like Zhou Cang and Lin Zedong.

Therefore, the three of them sat around and talked about replacing wine with tea.When Zhang Yan saw this posture, did he want to talk about business?But now that he is in the martial arts school, it seems that he has nothing serious to talk about with Lin Zedong, a rising star in the army?

"Jiaoxi Zhang, Yubeishan Fortress is not the same now as it was last year. The application of the Eight Trigrams Formation is not only on the sentry post, but also on the gentle terrain in front of the ridge under the arrangement of General Song. I was also transferred from Yubei Mountain to Xiyuan County by the Yamen of the Ministry of Military Affairs. After all, it was thanks to the booklet about the Bagua Formation that Zhang Jiaoxi gave me before he left."

(End of this chapter)

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