one's door

Chapter 244 Gathering

Chapter 244 Gathering
Langyuan City is not considered a major hub city, it is only considered a middle-lower division in the entire Beijiang County.So compared to Xiangkou, the auction here is not that big.The business in Langyuan City has not been so good, there are very few items that are eligible for auction, and there is only one auction in a month or two.

After receiving Yang Jie's notice, the treasurer of Langyuan City Auction House was overjoyed.He is well aware of the storm that has been raging in Langyuan City recently, and he understands that if the storm is moved to his auction house, no matter what the result is, it will definitely be an impossible chance to make a name for himself.Moreover, it is famous throughout the whole country of Nanyuan Country.I don't know how the owner will reward him after he finds out.

Following that, the only auction house in Langyuan City began to make arrangements in full swing.

The venue was naturally the largest venue, and after careful cleaning, it was carefully decorated.And also prepared a lot of refreshments for the participants to enjoy.And all the attendants put on new robes, and were strictly ordered not to make any mistakes.

Four days later, the day that the treasurer of the auction house had been looking forward to finally arrived.

More than just the treasurer of the auction house?I don't know how many people in the whole Langyuan city are waiting for this day.Even during this period of time, the major restaurants, flower houses, and inns in Langyuan City are rarely full of business.There were more high rollers than we had seen all year long.

A heroic rich businessman, a heroic warrior.Most of them are foreigners, and some of them can't even understand their accents and need to be explained.

Especially those brave fighters.Much more than before.And it was only two or three days ago that a large number of them flooded into Langyuan City.If there is no inn, they will rob houses at high prices, and even many places almost start fighting.If it weren't for the local yamen and garrison soldiers who had strengthened their manpower during this period, Langyuan City might be in chaos now.

Besides Yang Jie, Zhou Cang was the most nervous.He had already moved to live in the watchtower on the city wall five days ago, so that he could enter the city at any time.

Zhou Cang, the son of those big forces making trouble, is not worried at all.There is a measure of that kind of chaos, and all forces have their own feet. Who can they run away when the trouble becomes big?
What was really troublesome and made Zhou Cang nervous were those warriors who came to Langyuan City after receiving news one after another in the next few days.

These warriors who got the news later are obviously not from the hands of the major forces, and they are not even people who went out of the martial arts academy.Most of them are wandering warriors scattered all over the place, or potential warriors from some warrior families.

Because this kind of martial artist has a floating foundation, or has no foundation at all, he acts and does everything according to his own preferences.It is difficult to use external forces to restrain them.Many of these people even have a case on their backs.In the past three days, people from the garrison and the local yamen have arrested six people, all of whom were registered on the sea arrest documents.He thought that he could pass the test by pretending to be a disguise, but in the end he ended up with his head on the ground.

But are these six people the only ones who got in?Zhou Cang didn't believe it.Because many cases do not necessarily have witnesses, pending, only known to be the warriors, who knows if there are outlaw lunatics hiding among these warriors who have entered the city?If these people want to make trouble, that is the most unpredictable and most troublesome thing.

Zhou Cang only had a battalion of men and horses in his hands. Apart from the necessary defensive forces on the four walls, he could mobilize about [-] manpower to maneuver.It looks like a lot, but Zhou Cang still doesn't have much confidence in his heart.

On the one hand, there is the auction venue, and Zhou Cang needs to be heavily guarded.On the other hand, Zhang's family also needed care, and even 30 people were assigned to go there, calling Zhang Huiyuan, the younger sister of the Zhang family, from the store to stay at home and not allowed to go anywhere.The same goes for Zhang Shun and his wife who were far away in Xiangkou, they were protected by the guards at Xiangkou, and they were related by Shi Xuan.

Although Zhou Cang has raised his vigilance to the highest level, he still feels that the suspension is not solid.

I went to see Mr. Zhang before, and Zhou Cang's idea was to persuade him, and he didn't want Mr. Zhang to suffer a lot because of his temper.He also didn't want to lose Zhang Yan, a good friend he had met so hard.There is a profit-seeking mentality, and there is also a sincere concern.But Zhang Yan told him not to worry, and said, "Just watch the show."Immediately, he blocked the words from his mouth.

After carefully distinguishing that Zhang Yan was not talking nonsense, Zhou Cang shut up hesitantly.Curious and apprehensive, I waited to see what the good show Zhang Yan was talking about.

Early in the morning, Zhou Cang stood at the door of the auction house like a door god.His face was expressionless and his eyes were even sharper, sweeping across the people who walked into the venue.Regardless of the identities of these people and the forces behind them, and regardless of whether their cultivation base is higher than Zhou Cang's, his eyes conveyed a meaning: Don't make it difficult for me, otherwise no one will be comfortable today.

There are real big shots too.For example, the adjutant of the Eastern Army Commander, Li He who came to Langyuan City once.

And Princess Qingling, the first princess of Nanyuan Kingdom, who had just rushed back to Langyuan City from Yuanding Imperial City, it is said that it was to show Zhang Yan the scene.

There are also Liu Renchuan, the dean of the martial arts academy in Langyuan City, and Xiao Shu, the court judge.

Except for these few people, even people like Yang Jie, Shen Wujiu of the special case department, and big shopkeepers sent by some forces, these are not big figures in Zhou Cang's eyes.They are just mouthpieces or eyes and ears, and they are not qualified enough to really be able to directly act and use means.

The other is among those warriors who obtained the auction house access card through coercion or lure.Anyway, Zhou Cang didn't see anyone under Tongqiao state.There are even several in the Hundred Refinement Realm.Some of them, Zhou Cang, have heard their names before. These people are famous not only because of their high level and powerful methods, but also because these people are ruthless, and there are many bloody rumors about them.It also belongs to Zhou Cang's key "concern".

"My lord, Mr. Zhang has already gone in."

"Huh? It's here? You look at this side, and the door will be closed when the time comes. Come according to the plan, and don't let anyone who is late. And patrol around, but all the warriors who gather are dispersed."

"Yes, my lord."

Of course, today's protagonist Zhang Yan will not enter through the main entrance of the venue, but will choose to enter through the back door of the venue.Zhou Cang also turned to the back, checked the defenses at the back, and finally saw Zhang Yan sitting on a chair drinking tea in a small hall inside the venue.

"Sir, is everything going well?"

"Of course. I would also like to thank Mr. Zhou for arranging manpower for my family. Otherwise, I would be a little worried." Zhang Yan said this sincerely.Although he has already made magic weapon pendants for his family members, including his eldest brother and sister-in-law.But it's not foolproof.With the guarantee of Zhou Cang and Shi Xuan, it would be better.

"Are these the powerful weapons that were released this time?" Zhou Cang looked curiously at the three two-foot-long iron boxes placed on the coffee table in front of Zhang Yan, and his eyes were also very curious.He is also a warrior, and he must be greedy for big weapons.At the same time, I am also curious about how much Zhang Yan can bid for these three powerful weapons today.

(End of this chapter)

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