one's door

Chapter 246 bite the hook

Chapter 246 bite the hook
The rules of the auction house are very straightforward, don't mention your realm here, you will have more money than anyone else.

Warriors are actually the wealthiest group of people in Huang Tianyu.But also look at both sides of the comparison.For example, compared with the Academy of Martial Arts, no one has as much money as them.However, fighters from stragglers or warriors from aristocratic families are far behind the wealthy firms in Nanyuan Kingdom that control huge profiteering businesses.

At the beginning, the people who called for the price were those wandering warriors and warrior families, and they were the first to react.The purpose is also very simple, that is, to fight hard and hope to get a big weapon on the stage.

It was a powerful weapon that even a warrior at the Hundred Refining Realm had seen for the first time.Looking at the knife test scene of the waiter in the auction house just now, the sharp weapon has at least [-]% retention of vitality!Maybe even [-]%!

What is this concept?This means that as long as there is that weapon, the power of vitality can be increased by [-] to [-]% or even more when performing many combat skills that rely on the weapon!

Changing over is to at least increase your overall strength by [-] to [-]%!

If it weren't for the fact that the scene is really crowded and there are too many worries around, many people in the field have already become violent and want to grab it.Even if Zhang Yan showed his hand and calmed down many people just now, so what?Zhang Yan was alone, and there were hundreds of people in the field. I ran away after snatching it. What can you, Zhang Yan, do?

But when the big shopkeepers of the major companies who were shocked by Zhang Yan's sudden strange tricks came back to their senses, the scene became more and more disturbing for those warrior families and wandering warriors who did not have too deep roots and background. His face was ugly.

expensive?That was before.Now these weapons can be regarded as "treasures", and they are treasures with extremely high practical value.Can you buy it with money?That money is no longer money.

What?Already [-]% higher than the bidding price?Not much!How about doubling it again?
It has doubled and is there anyone following?and also?Then double it again, okay?

Using money to solve one thing is not a martial artist's forte, but a merchant's.

What's more, there has been a tacit understanding between the major firms for many years.Everyone knows who has the most cash and spare money.Although as a glove, you have to complete the tasks given by the master behind you, but if you can't fight for the money, or if you force it to harm the company's financial security, then you need to make an independent decision.

In other words, whoever has the most spare and cash money, everyone will give it up tacitly.Then the rest of the second echelon fight for the remaining two.Either fight it out, or make exchanges with each other in other places, and finally the winner will be drawn.

Do you think it's bidding?In fact, a limited number of companies are playing the exchange game.The threshold of their game directly keeps most people out.Even if some individual breaks into the circle, they can squeeze each other out by huddling together.

This kind of play is very common in the business world.But it made the warriors present feel extremely aggrieved and angry.

It's not that they don't have money, it's just that they have no way to have more money than these big companies that count in Nanyuan Kingdom.Just now the bids were vigorously bid, but now one by one is dumbfounded.But the anger in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

"Professor Zhang!"

Suddenly, a muffled sound filled with vitality sounded from the rear left of the venue.The voice was like thunder, obviously not loud, but it was like a hammer hitting the heart, instantly making people feel out of breath.

This is not the method of a warrior at the Hundred Refining Realm.The special vibration with vitality in the voice achieves an effect similar to that of a sound attack.Maybe this is still a special combat skill.

But this is not unusual in Zhang Yan's eyes.It's not even the first time he's seen it.The howling of ghosts is actually the same.Even the ghost king's ghost howl is much more powerful than what this person used at this time.

The progress of the auction was interrupted.This should have been resisted by everyone in the field, but at this moment, no one stood up and stopped it strangely.

Warriors want to see what to say after the interruption.They also didn't want the auction to continue as normal.It's better to have variables than to be a spectator all the time because they have little money.

The big shopkeepers of the major companies are not saying anything because they are afraid of warriors in the hundred refinement realm.The forces behind each of them are not afraid of warriors of this realm.Duanshan is almost the same.

But compared to the pure thoughts of warriors, the big shopkeepers of these big companies have more thoughts.What they want is not just a few weapons, but Zhang Yan, or a long-term interest relationship with Zhang Yan.They all want big tools, bone-strengthening pills, and medicine to refine skin and flesh.

Before, I thought that Zhang Yan would join the Jiangwu Academy.But now I saw President Liu Renchuan of the Academy of Martial Arts and the court judge Xiao Shu both came. It seemed to help Zhang Yan to suppress the situation, but Zhang Yan still had the badge of a guest teacher on his waist.This means that these two bigwigs, like the people in their companies, failed to invite Zhang Yan.

In that case, everyone was wondering why Zhang Yan was so stubborn.

The blade as thin as a cicada's wing that is still hovering in the mouth of a Tongqiao Realm warrior shocked everyone.But that doesn't mean that everyone on the field can be calmed down.It's like the warrior at the Hundred Refinement Realm standing up at this moment.

Everyone was silent, not because they really wanted to see Zhang Yan being stumped by these warriors, but because they wanted to see where Zhang Yan had the confidence to be so tough all this time.

Including the court judge of the martial arts academy, even Zhou Cang was curious.

"Presumptuous! The auction house has its rules. If you don't want to abide by the rules, get out! What's the point of interrupting everyone's bidding here?"

Not everyone is waiting for Zhang Yan to speak.A crisp female voice sounded angrily.It was Princess Qingling who had been sitting in the first row watching the show and worried.

Princess Qingling came here purely to make things happen for her teacher.Otherwise, she wouldn't rush back day and night.

Seeing someone interrupting the auction bidding now, Princess Qingling naturally wouldn't pretend she didn't see it.In her opinion, her teacher needs help today.

"Your Highness, what you said is wrong. Although this place is an auction house, it has nothing to do with the auction house. It is Zhang Jiaoxi's private sale. Therefore, it is not appropriate to apply the rules of the auction house. In addition, the reason why I interrupted everyone I also found some unfairness in the bidding, I hope that Zhang Jiaoxi will explain it first, so as not to make it unclear if something happens again later, and everyone's time will not be wasted."

Princess Qingling was about to speak, but Zhang Yan stopped her with a wave of her hand.Zhang Yan took it.But Zhang Yan had been waiting for this scene for a long time, so how could Princess Qingling scare people away?
Let Princess Qingling sit down again.Zhang Yan smiled and looked at the martial artist who stood up at the Hundred Refining Realm, and said, "Although it's not an auction house, there is a saying that "the highest bidder wins". What's so unfair about that?"

"It's not fair to us warriors, and it's not good for Zhang Jiaoxi."

"Oh? I'd like to hear about it."

"Warriors are the users of these powerful weapons. But compared to many people present, we warriors lack financial resources. It seems that we will miss it. Warriors have no right to participate in the competition. This is the biggest injustice .This one.

Second, Zhang Jiaoxi is so different from what the warriors want, and he will definitely hate the warriors in the world in the future.I'm afraid everything will not be peaceful in the future, so it's not appropriate, right? "

After the man finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Yan with a half-smile, to see how Zhang Yan would answer.

(End of this chapter)

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