one's door

Chapter 256 Exchange

Chapter 256 Exchange
In fact, there are some things that Xiao Shu is not suitable to discuss with Zhang Yan.But because the turmoil caused by Zhang Yan was too big and too fast, and Xiao Shu was the closest and high enough person, it was a trade-off to be delegated these things.

Xiao Shu thought that Zhang Yan's attitude towards the Martial Arts Academy should not be too rigid, but he never thought that Zhang Yan would not mention anything about the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom.Is this pretending not to know the connection between Xiao Shu's identity and the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom?There is this possibility.After all, in Xiao Shu's eyes, Zhang Yan is a ferocious beast that is good at hiding. He often looks harmless, but he has various plans in his heart.

If you speak first, you will lose the wind when you talk about it.Just like when asking for help, the person who asks speaks first.As for orders, Nanyuan Kingdom really dare not manipulate Zhang Yan like this now, it's not respectful enough, and it's not suitable for a strong man like Zhang Yan.

But Zhou Cang's words of "magic soldier" disrupted Xiao Shu's plan again.

God soldiers are too rare.However, Xiao Shu, as the judge of the Martial Arts Institute in Langyuan City, cultivated at the early stage of Duanshan Realm, and was a trusted martial artist sent by the emperor himself, naturally saw a lot of things in the world.I have also seen and used a weapon of the magic weapon level.It was the weapon judged by the old martial arts academy in the imperial city of Yuanding. Xiao Shu studied with him at that time, so he was lucky to see it.Even the Xiao family where Xiao Shu is located has a magical weapon in its background.It's just that no one is qualified to take it now, and it has been hidden in the treasure house.

So far, Xiao Shu can still remember the magic of the magic weapon.The most important thing is about the degree of loss of vitality when it is conducted on the weapon.This is directly related to the power of the combat skill after it is displayed.And the higher the realm, the higher the demand for weapons.For warriors of the same realm, or even of the same strength, if the height of their weapons is distinct, there will be a significant difference in combat power.

External force is also crucial sometimes.

Otherwise, how could the masters of military casting in this world be so sought after by people, and some of them were even regarded as national scholars.

Previously, I thought that Zhang Yan's many abilities were just adding the status of a master of military casting. Although large weapons are rare, they are not unobtainable for many high-level warriors.Even this ability is nothing compared to Zhang Yan's miraculous refining "Bone Strengthening Pill".

But Xiao Shu was once again horrified by the ability to cast soldiers that he thought was obvious at a glance.

God soldiers!The long knife that Zhang Yan gave Zhou Cang as a congratulatory gift turned out to be a magical weapon! ?And according to Xiao Shu's feeling, this long knife is much better than the one owned by his teacher.Not only is the loss of vitality almost only [-]%, but there are also some special gains that Xiao Shu can't explain clearly but can obviously feel.For example, the very subtle sound of piercing through the air, and the inexplicable smoothness and acceleration when waving.

Even Xiao Shu could feel a special power from this long knife.Surprised him again and again.

This is undoubtedly a divine weapon, and it is an existence that can be called "extreme" even if it is placed in the category of divine weapons.Therefore, looking at Zhang Yan from this point of view, his title is not a master caster who can forge "big weapons", but a master craftsman!

Reluctantly returning the long knife to the ecstatic Zhou Cang, Xiao Shu really didn't want to return it.Even if it wasn't a congratulatory gift from Zhang Yan, he would have tried to get it out of hand on the spot.

"My lord Zhou is very lucky. The combat power of this magical weapon will definitely increase by ten percent on the birthday. But you should also know that the treasure is greedy, and you need to think about it more." Still couldn't help but have something in the words, and at the same time, he said After taking a look at Zhang Yan, seeing that Zhang Yan didn't say anything, he felt relieved.

Zhou Cang's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, how could he not know what the other party meant?Stuff is indeed a good thing, but it is not so easy to say if it is not a blessing.After all, as Xiao Shu reminded, treasures touch people's hearts!Can Zhou Cang hold on?

The city guard is indeed a big shot.But looking at Nanyuan Country, it is not a "big" word.In addition, Zhou Cang's strength is still in the middle stage of Tongqiao state, and with a magic weapon, it looks almost the same as a child holding a gold nugget in his hand.

Zhang Yan saw Zhou Cang's entanglement, smiled, and said: "Master Zhou, why should you suddenly be in trouble? Of course, it is up to you to dispose of things. If someone steals by chance, I will stand on your side, and I will not let you. Life is hard with just a weapon. Don't worry."

In the past, it would have been too arrogant for Zhang Yan to say these words.But now what he said really has its weight in it.At least it can deter those forces who want to have a good relationship with him, as well as warriors whose realm is below Duanshan.Even if you are not afraid, you have to weigh it carefully.

In addition, Zhang Yan also made it very clear, "It's all up to Zhou Cang to deal with it", meaning that as long as he is not under coercion, Zhou Cang can take out this magic weapon in exchange for other benefits.

So that upon hearing this, Xiao Shu's heart immediately became alive.Zhou Cang's official career is in the army. Although his family is aristocratic, it is not prominent. Now Zhou Cang has to rely on Shi Xuan's recommendation to climb up.But Xiao Shu's Xiao family is different. As long as he is willing to help, Zhou Cang is no worse than following Shi Xuan. Even a limited exchange is enough to satisfy Zhou Cang.

However, Zhou Cang's next sentence made Xiao Shu have a different view on this mere city guard who didn't look very much at first.

Hearing that Zhou Cang seemed to have woken up from the previous confusion and entanglement, he seemed to have figured it out.He smiled and said: "Mr. Zhang is looking down on me, Zhou Cang? How can Zhou Cang, a magic weapon, give it to others in fear?

Besides, this thing belongs to me from Mr. Zhang, how can the friendship in it be contemptuous?Zhou Cang will not be easily taken away even if he is desperate. "

Courtesy is light and affection is heavy, not to mention it is a treasure.Zhou Cang categorically stated that he would not hand over this long knife to anyone else no matter what.The word "death" is also used to show his determination.

Zhou Cang's heart is very clear.The gift from Zhang Yan, he just took it out in exchange for other benefits, which is not good-looking both emotionally and rationally.And wouldn't it be better to keep friends with Zhang Yan for a long time?Why ignore this period of human friendship that others can't even ask for for some immediate benefits?
He said two more sentences.Zhou Cang put away the long knife and went out to greet the guests with a confession.Leave this wing room to Xiao Shu and Zhang Yan who obviously still have something to say.

As soon as Zhou Cang left and closed the door, Xiao Shu picked up his teacup and took a sip, then said with a smile: "Zhou Cang is a sensible and humane person. He is indeed worth making friends with Professor Zhang.

In fact, like Zhou Cang's, Nanyuan Kingdom also thought that Zhang taught well.Princess Qingling's favor has not yet thanked Professor Zhang, and I hope that Professor can continue to take care of Princess Qingling, and the royal family will definitely repay Professor Zhang with friendship."

(End of this chapter)

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