one's door

Chapter 270 Teaching

Chapter 270 Teaching
Wang Nian has been very proud recently, and has gradually found the feeling of being a "big brother".

Yang Rui, who was never subdued even when he was beaten or cried before, would often follow Wang Nian in a desperate manner after Wang Nian showed the basic method of the Five Elements Fire Technique, calling "Brother Shitou" very fluently.Le Dewang almost cramped his face from laughing.

But no matter how curious Yang Rui is, he can't accomplish it overnight like Wang Nian. There is no way to rush the practice, and he can only take it step by step.He needs to lay a solid foundation first, and only after he has mastered the sense of qi and breathing techniques can he try to form a group of aura, and only then can he start to slowly seek the generation of a cyclone.The fastest and fastest will take several months.

Therefore, for the time being, Yang Rui can only watch Wang Nian learn fun tricks, but he can only memorize boring things such as acupuncture points and meridians over and over again, and he has to maintain the rhythm of breathing all the time.

Especially the "Yin-Yang Pupil Art" that Wang Nian is learning recently, just by the name, it seems very powerful, and Yang Rui is very envious of it.

However, Wang Nian, the subject of the "Yin Yang Pupil Art", has something to say.But he won't talk to Yang Rui, but to talk to Zhang Yan after school.

"Brother, what's the use of learning the "Yin-Yang Pupil Art"? Why don't you continue to teach me the method of fire? Even Yang Rui is tired of watching that little flame, so I can't keep performing it for him." Candles?"

Xiao Shitou, who has only been a "big brother" for a short time, is very concerned about his own experience. He doesn't want to lose his image in front of Yang Rui, and is eager for new and fun ways to show off.Originally thought that the name "Yin-Yang Pupil Technique" was confusing at first, but Wang Nian was very interested in the seemingly powerful method.But after he learned it for a period of time, he found that it was far less interesting than the method of fire, and he couldn't even feel the difference between when he practiced it and when he didn't.

"Five elements can't be rushed, especially the fire method. You have to pay more attention to your frizzy character. If you make a small flame to light a candle, doesn't it make you feel embarrassed in front of Yang Rui? Do you still want to Why? With your current ability to control fire, you can burn yourself to death with a slightly larger fire. Learn how to control fire honestly, and the temper that is familiar with fire is what you should do now." Zhang Yan Ban directly cut off Wang Nian's lofty thoughts with a straight face.

And for Zhang Yan, he is not as relaxed as it looks on his face.It is the first time for him to be a teacher, even if he now has the comprehension of the principle of matching realm instilled by Huang Tianyu's cheating, teaching apprentices and understanding himself are completely two concepts.

It is the first apprentice again, so it is like walking on eggshells.

Furthermore, Zhang Yan didn't really dabble in the Five Elements technique.He mainly came into contact with Leifa of the Five Elements Wood genus.He only came into contact with the fire technique after refining the weapon, and later because of his unique black and white flames, he didn't even practice the fire control technique much.Now that Wang Nian fits the fire method again, he can only be more careful, and dare not let Wang Nian jump around.

Seeing that Wang Nian was pouted and his little face was sullen, Zhang Yan also smiled, patted the other person on the head, and said, "I told you before. There are actually many interesting things in cultivating Taoism. Paper figurines are, The fire method is, and so is the "Yin Yang Pupil Art."

"No! "Yin Yang Pupil Technique" is not fun at all. Although it is not difficult to practice, it is useless at all. The eyes are hot, but it is boring to look around and see what it should be."

Although Wang Nian has long been subdued by Zhang Yan, but this baby's character is like this, and he won't be obedient when he is convinced, he will say what he thinks in his heart, rarely like Yang Rui who always likes to secretly pondering the situation.This may have something to do with the environment in which they grew up.

Zhang Yan raised the ghost-absorbing bell in his hand, and said, "I didn't lie to you. Don't you like listening to ghost stories? Look, this ghost-absorbing bell is full of ghosts!"

Wang Nian blinked his eyes, smiled, turned his head and wanted to run, but Zhang Yan directly fixed him in place with a "speech technique".I was about to cry.He doesn't like ghost stories!Every time I was so scared that I couldn't sleep, I ran to find Wang Lanping before I dared to fall asleep.It's just that I'm not afraid to say it bluntly.Even his resistance to the "Yin Yang Pupil Art" cannot be separated from this reason.

"There is a saying "walking the way for the sky". Cleaning up ghosts is our duty in cultivating the Tao. Your boy has such a strong physique, and he clamors every day to be a "big brother", but he is afraid of ghosts. You say you Funny or not? What’s the difference between this and cats being afraid of mice?”

As soon as he picked up Wang Nian, Zhang Yan walked into his room.There is a magic circle arranged all year round, which can be used for teaching tonight.

Wang Nian wanted to cry very much, but he was restrained and couldn't cry at all.One after another, what popped up in my mind were all the plots in those scary horror ghost stories, as well as the hideous appearance of ghosts.

Zhang Yan understood Wang Nian's feelings very well, it's normal for a baby to be afraid of ghosts.This is also the reason why he used ghost stories to pave the way for Wang Nian's psychology from the very beginning.Otherwise, if a hideous ghost is suddenly placed in front of the child, it is hard to say whether it will scare the child out of the psychological shadow.

In fact, ghosts are not as scary as in the story.The reason why the story is scary is that you will take the initiative to bring in the appearance you are most afraid of, and then create and guide according to some atmosphere of the story to create an imaginary image that you dare not face.

First use ghost stories as a foreshadowing, and then let the wild ghosts learn more, so that the fear of the unknown can be minimized once they come and go.

"Okay, I will stay by your side to protect you. You will soon see how weak ghosts are in front of Taoist monks like us. It is not much different from ants."

Zhang Yan put Wang Nian in a position with a good view to ensure that the other party could see it.Then he picked up the Ghost Suppressing Bell and shook it, opened the trapped formation with spiritual energy, and released one of the twenty or so wild ghosts trapped inside.

The appearance of the wild ghost is indeed gloomy and ferocious.But when Zhang Yan pinched the soul body, just Dao Gang on his body made him scream in pain and there was no way to break free.Like a chick with its neck pinched.

"How? Is this ghost scary?"

Wang Nian who was pinned down was still very scared, but after he saw the appearance of the ghost clearly, he was not as scared as he thought.He even felt that the other party was a bit pitiful from the wild ghost howling and struggling.

Zhang Yan continued to say: "I have taught you several Taoist mantras and rituals of supersalting before. Now I will give you a demonstration to let you see how the supersalting method is. I will release another wild ghost later. Come out, let go of the speech skills on your body, and try to see if you can save one of them."

(End of this chapter)

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